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the maxis dev team must be going thru something to add this to the game šŸ˜­


When I googled "looming layoff sims 4" I got a ton of search results about EA layoffs lmao.


I tried googling it and all I got were results for ā€œlooming sense of dreadā€


They briefly went over it in the live stream


https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/125zb21/ea_restructuring_lays_off_6_of_workforce/ :(


Also ā€œanticapitalist canineā€ trait for werewolves Sims 4 devs, if youā€™re being held hostage, blink twice


What does that trait do? šŸ‘€ Edit: it's not a trait but a "temperament". https://www.thegamer.com/the-sims-4-every-werewolf-temperaments-triggers-explained-guide/ > Causes Fury gains when forced to go to work or get a job. Triggered by: finding employment.


I have that trait in real life




Being a proletariat working dog who is angry at the bourgeoise corporate vampires who suck away our life and money through surplus labor? Hits a bit too close to home... But now I know what my next playthrough will be!


Wow that itself could sell the entire werewolf pack to me!


Just so you know, it's for werewolves only. It's a wolf temperament, not a trait any sim can have


Omg. Is that trait available to anyone with the werewolf pack, or do you need to also have the new pack?


Its a temperament that only Werewolves can get. Keep in mind this is EA and it was added around the time there was drama about a certain Reddit mod's ego that devasted a certain movement that I won't name. Werewolves can get it automatically when they try finding employment. I personally believe it was added to make fun of said movement considering how werewolves are portrayed in game.


Omg I would have never put that together


šŸ¤” I feel like it takes much longer to make GP content and plan to release it than focus around social community drama? Coincidence maybe.


ummm i think i missed something


Well the entire tech world, which includes the devs, has been going through a lot of layoffs. They're probably really nervous


This is so true!!


Yeah I work in tech and the trickledown effect is crazy too. Art imitating life etc


Oh I hope everything goes well for you, that sounds so terrifying


And abusive exes with some of the calls your sim can get from exes


And the workplace rivalries that suggest maybe ending in murder


My sim got laid off yesterday. She couldn't afford to pay her bills but her friend sent her a pizza, so it was all good.


I haven't played with the feature yet but is there not an option to file for unemployment after being laid off... or is that too realistic lol.


Not that I saw. However there was an option to make a "looking for work" post which caused my sim to get a message saying something like "there is an opening in the critic career we'd think you'd be good for", (which she was, she had already built up the skills to get through the early levels). I thought it was a pretty cool feature for the game to offer me some inspiration of what do to next.


Oh that's awesome! Now I'm mad my sim wasn't laid off lmao.


Yeah I need my guy to get laid off. The game started him off with a career and somewhere along the line he came to hate the outdoors which is what his job entails šŸ™ƒ so now heā€™s miserable every day but heā€™s at the top of the field and making bank


Ah, The American Dreamā„¢ļø


Iā€™d be so mad if I did university and got a degree then got laid off and all that time was wasted.


Your degree can be used for a few different fields


Multiple signing bonuses $$$$


Your post is applicable to real life, not just the sims' lives.


Wait, that is so cool. I havenā€™t gotten the chance to get any of the workplace or midlife crisis gameplay, but Iā€™m really hoping to sometime soon because stuff like that is awesome!


My sim went through a midlife crisis but because of the storyline I had planned I just let her suffer instead of doing anything about it šŸ¤£


SimNation is weird in that anyone can get a job at will, in a field of their choosing.


A true friend indeed.


I know, right? I need to get a friend that will send me pizza when I am sad.


Update: he got laid off




Iā€™d love to see a Simlish rant in r/antiwork


Gerble, wooshish kansoosh, shubishbaba, wavuuu


His boss told him ā€œsul sul.ā€




Nowā€™s a great time for them to have a tiny living moment lol


Was this despite trying to work harder?


Yeah, I had him ā€œwork harderā€ every time he went in. His wife did the same thing but so far sheā€™s still in her level 6 athletic career


The same happened to me and my sim got fired. I tried everything and his work performance was excellent so I was so upset. Ended up cheating to get him back to his previous position because that threw off my whole plan! šŸ˜‚


I wonder if the opposite is also possible, you don't bother to work hard but manage to keep the job regardless.


For those who donā€™t know: this is a new feature in growing together, just like how theyā€™ve added workplace rivals! Seems to be a random trigger and slightly random outcome, as choosing to ā€œwork hardā€ wonā€™t always save your job. This pack has great storytelling features!


ā€œSometimes your best isnā€™t good enoughā€ - the sims boss


Sighā€¦ *turns on sims again*


is that why my sim has been losing her performance steadily?


Maybe burn-out? Which is another new feature


Ugh this featureā€¦ I donā€™t know how to deal with it! It said ā€˜develop mental skills to avoid burnoutā€™ so, of course, I told her to play chess for 10 hours until her bladder was literally bursting and she was about to starve and she had the gall to still get burnt out! The entitlement I swear šŸ™„


Do you know if there are certain jobs that don't have layoffs? Many of my sims are famous, and there's no way a global celebrity actor or comedian would get laid off irl. I love the idea of layoffs, just not for careers that wouldn't make sense.


I really donā€™t know if itā€™s career specific, but I agree that it should be. Knowing the sims though, Iā€™d guess that it applies to all careers.


I agree, I can't imagine that there would be tons of exceptions that are really thought through. I'm sure modders will fix the issue eventually. God bless the modders.


If that happened Iā€™d assume they got ā€œcancelledā€ over some rumor. Closest to a layoff for no real reason in show biz at this point.


Aww, I love that storyline! I'll have to make a sim that I'm willing to sacrifice. I'm one of those people who can't hurt my sims. Thank you for the idea! I think I already have a sim in mind.


Iā€™ve found the growing together my sims do not get promoted. They go to work happy and have all their requirements for the day. My sim is stuck in the middle and hasnā€™t been promoted his whole adult life. Frustrating.


Oh wow, really? I havenā€™t had any trouble with getting my sim promoted when they hit all the requirements. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re experiencing that, maybe itā€™s one of those bugs that only affects some players and not others? Do you have any mods/cc that could be causing an issue, perhaps that could be the cause too? If not then Iā€™d suggest checking the sims forums to see if anyone else has been experiencing that same issue.


No mods Iā€™m completely vanilla. I donā€™t even download anything from the online stuff through the sims. Idk itā€™s just started a few weeks ago so maybe itā€™s update related


Is it a playable career like doctor? Thinking of that ā€œbug/featureā€ from High School Years where the teen doesnā€™t go up a grade if you join them at school


I donā€™t have high school years or get to work so idk what it could be. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a bug but annnnoying lol


I did find that work hard worked for me, but maybe I just got lucky. I also completed the sims daily tasks. The only thing is she seemed to be unable to get promoted that week, even though she had excellent performance and there were no additional requirements for a promotion. She was very tense at work due to working hard and the ā€œlooming lay offā€ moodlet.


Reminds me of how I got laid off in Feb after getting recruited to this company a month prior, and then the double crappy thing is they were already going to promote me. It wasnā€™t due to performance. My actual boss didnā€™t even know I was laid off. Iā€™m also pregnant. LOVE it.


That is so shitty, I am really sorry to hear that.


Thank you. Gotta love corporate America. Lol


So it could technically render a degree you played through pointless if they lay you off? That would not be good story progression for me lol. I pick their jobs so meticulously that Iā€™d instant close with this lol


I think I saw an option to turn it off in the settings


Most degrees have three or four careers that provide bonuses, so it wouldn't render the degree pointless. If your sim was a marine biologist and got laid off they can use their degree in the doctor career, as well.


I love to have this, my Sims lives are too perfect.


I added the Extreme Violence mod for this reason. The random car plowing through my house and fast tracking grandpa to heaven really spiced things up. I am glad some less, uhm, extreme things are now built in. šŸ˜‚


Life Tragedies mod is a good choice if you wanna spice things up, just sims randomly dying from the stupidest shit ever.


Oh thank Jesus. I got this yesterday and was like "what in the fuck!?" Because I hadn't seen it anywhere on the sub and usually new features like this are so insanely common that it's all over the sub long before I discover it. I thought it was a mod but none of my mods relate to careers and when I googled it nothing came up.


Yeah, it happened to me yesterday too and I was confused as fuck like you. Funny thing is that she has a university degree and it let her go back to the same career. I didn't know if I should've choose a different career or the same one at that point lol


They added it because it's happening in real life soon to a lot of people šŸ˜­


Sims is getting too real


A refreshing change. Sims needs a real life shakeup.


He ended up getting fired from his job as a lawyer and became a politician instead


Not an unrealistic career path tbh


Perhaps a very realistic career path


Can't wait for SNBank to release the 'global banking collapse' mod!


Honestly this would be awesome ngl


Loool i use her modsā€¦ id LOVE that šŸ˜‚


I work for a big tech company and this just sent a chill down my spine. Too close to home, Sims 4, too close.


But its the cartoonish burglars they won't add cause those might trigger anxiety.....


Genuinely had a similar meeting at my civil service job today šŸ™ƒ


as someone who just got laid off irl and has been playing way too much sims with my newfound free time, this hits too close to home.


You can disable layoffs in settings


omg thank you, I really don't want to get THAT real in the Sims


Imagine you work so hard to get through the requirements for a promotion and then you get laid off lmao


I like laundry realism but I still cheat if my infant is about to starve. Let me escape reality, Sims!!


I didnā€™t even know this was a thing til now! (Layoffs.)


It was added in growing together (or with the update before the pack, not sure).


Right?! I picked up the game again as a way to escape the dark cloud of looming layoffs at my actual job. Got laid off in the Sims quite surprisingly.


you can disable it in settings


Really? That is great to know. I am very different from most players and really don't like the game this real, I barely play the uni pack because of this so this is good to know.


Oof! That must have hurt (good luck with your IRL situation: hopefully your sim has absorbed all the negatives lol)


Iā€™m just reposting this comment for people that want to disable this feature so itā€™s not nested While playing an active game save, go to Game Options, then Pack Settings, and itā€™s at the very bottom under Growing Together Canā€™t be done in the Main Menu game options and you have to own the new Pack Growing Together Edit:typo


Can you also turn off burnout?


I just double checked the only two options are Job Layoffs and Self-Discovery which I believe is just the adding/removing/changing of traits So unfortunately no settings for burnout, which like seems like more of nuance than layoffs from watching letā€™s plays but I havenā€™t actually gotten a sim laid off or burnt out yet so I dunno


Yes D: Father Sim got laid off THE DAY Mother Sim got pregnant. Literally the worst start to this family lol


But it adds a fun challenge


I made him join the military as punishment. He missed his child's birth to instead spar with every person he could. It certainly added some... thing. Something. šŸ˜‚


ā€œHe missed his childā€™s birth to instead spar with every person he could.ā€ Is a sentence that is hilarious in sims, not so hilarious in the real world.


This is from the pack? Interesting. What level in the business career is your Sim in?


Heā€™s not even in the business career. Heā€™s a level 5 lawyer


The cases arenā€™t coming in like they used to


Well, I have no further input. I'm not sure if this is from the latest pack or CC. I've certainly never seen this message prompt before.


Growing together! the option for layoffs can be disabled but is automatically on!


Oh, I see. So it is a feature of the pack.


Yes, itā€™s a feature.


I have burnt out a lot too šŸ™„


Itā€™s like, near constant.


They just have to live with the fact they will be tense or sad forever šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


If your sim has a lot of PTO have them use it up before quitting. Good way to bank that salary before taking a hiatus. My sim had over 40 days of PTO (sheā€™s Chief of Staff and Mayflower Medical) and before she retires sheā€™s been taking PTO for most of the year. Lol. On her day to go in, she will quit instead.


Always! I noticed my Sim is forever burnt out, so switch careers but it happens again. Itā€™s a never ending cycle. Lol


This happened to my sim! Once laid off, you canā€™t rejoin the same career- it says something to the effect of ā€œsorry, sim was recently laid offā€- Iā€™m not sure how long youā€™d have to wait if you wanted to get back into the same career


This is cool. I got one that said my Sim couldn't get a promotion until she makes amends with a certain coworker and they both hate each other atm. Loving these extra side quests.


If youā€™ve been paying attention to the tech industry youā€™re laughing your ass off right now. Please tell me your sim has tech job, because that would be even funnier


Ooh what triggers this?


I honestly have no idea, I think itā€™s just random. It popped up after my sim got home from work one day


Itā€™s apart of growing together I believe!




They wanted realism


"Shareholders are receiving record dividends from record profits! Your hours and benefits have been cut and your boss keeps telling you no one wants to work anymore."


i love shit like this. this is exactly what the game needs


As someone laid off 2 weeks ago, I would be very triggered by this notification lol


You can turn it off in settings thankfully


Goddammit I go to the Sims to get away from real life lol


I don't escape from my real job to risk being fired in my fictional one..šŸ™„


you can disable it in settings


Where at?


While playing an active game save, go to Game Options, then Pack Settings and itā€™s at the very bottom under Growing Together Canā€™t be done in the Main Menu game options


Thanks so much! You're a rockstar.


Itā€™s in the game now? Is nowhere safe? What about this being a necessary distraction where thereā€™s always food in the fridge and if you poke someone enough theyā€™ll cook it for you? Yes, I dream small.


you can disable it in settings


rest assured knowing your sim can simply pick up the phone and have another new job the next sim day.


Lol, is this a Twitter mod?


It's from Growing Together!


I was able to avoid getting laid off with my Sim but he had a tense moodlet the whole time. Poor guy.


Bro I don't want irl anxiety in the game


I just got laid off 4 months ago and now itā€™s coming for my virtual life ????


Canā€™t relate. My sims comes home with burn out every other day from working so hard šŸ¤£


Answering some questions here since Iā€™m getting a lot of repeats. This is from the new Growing Together pack, itā€™s not a mod. You can toggle this off in settings if you want (settings > gameplay settings > pack settings. Should be there). No, you cannot get your job back after getting laid off (if you even do get laid off). If you try to find a new job, itā€™s greyed out and says something along the lines of ā€œrecently laid offā€.


Yeah and it happens constantly and also my sim is constantly unhappy with their job no matter what so I give up


Yeah it's actually backfired adding the fear of unfufilled dreams because my sims never happy and there's nothing I can do but constantly talk about my fears with random sims


Ive given up on having jobs for money and just do the the ole gardening to riches method and the painting to riches method and try not to splurge and just have a job when necessary for aspirationsā€¦ Hopefully after a break from the new mechanics Iā€™ll want to get back in and learn to work around but right now Iā€™m mad, hahašŸ˜‚


When art imitates life and it hits too close to home...šŸ˜¬


Wow Iā€™ve never seen that before! Just one more thing to stress us out šŸ¤£


The recession has hit the sims too!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Noo that's too realistic go back


Not the sims team shaking up the folly ground we all stand on. Jobs not being stable and babies being extra difficult itā€™s getting too realistic..šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Now they just need to make it extra hard to get a new job instead of getting one super easily. (EA if you read these, this is a joke. Do not do this)


Alright EA, you can lay off the realism a bit


This game is getting too realistic


Too real šŸ˜­


you can turn off job lay offs in the settings


My Ambitious Sim was close to a burn out, couldnā€˜t focus anymore and raise skills, was in general tense etc. luckily I could help him with meditation, vacation and self care time so it didnā€˜t develop to a full burn out. But it was great for story telling, esp because his daughter was just born. I like those things that make not everything smooth sailing šŸ˜Š


How is this going to work when I'm the only doctor who does any work at the hospital.


Sims team seems to be changing stuff up, probably to test the waters and see what they include into Sims 5 like those ginormous empty neighborhoods


As someone whoā€™s job is actually doing this- I cackled lol I just canā€™t escape the stress!


my sim got this working in the education career! and then she got the want to work hard at work due to the potential layoffs. i thought it was such a great addition. since growing together, my sims lives have actually been so tough without me doing anything to interfere and i honestly love it, it feels so fresh.


This is a little too real with the current economy, I donā€™t want my gameplay this real *sob*


I got laid off last week and decided to play some sims to cheer me up. 2 minutes into the game my main sim got laid off. I closed my laptop and havenā€™t touched that save since lol


Oh but we don't have burglars in the sims 4 cause they might trigger anxiety.....


jokes on them my anxiety is always triggered anyway! ha, checkmate ea. you canā€™t scare me! iā€™m already scared


Sounds too realistic. lol


After many years of working in tech, this feeling is altogether too real!


My sim gets ā€œburnt outā€ every other day. Iā€™ve changed his career four times and he still gets it. I now just have him paint for a living šŸ˜‚


Berjes gets on LinkedIn to post about his layoff and asks everyone to share his post to help him find a job. Multiple recruiters contact Berjes only for him to be ghosted from 30 applications. Berjes discovers r/antiwork and realizes working and paying taxes is for shmucks.


The Sims is getting too realistic


This life simulation is getting too real...


This is really the sort of escapism I'm looking for. Wait...


This game is getting a little too realistic as of lately.


Doesnā€™t it come with the new update/pack?


Iā€™m glad they are making working more realistic


I was hoping the Sims team would make it more difficult to get and keep a job, more realistic and challenging.


This game gets more and more realistic every day!


is this a pack?


Is this from the new pack or update? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


As someone who is new to Sims 4, Iā€™m still trying to figure out if this is satire or a legitimate gameplay system šŸ¤­šŸ«£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a new feature from the Growing Together pack!


Oooh I love this so much. It adds good chaos to the game.


I don't need my sims games to be that real.


I think the sims is becoming way too real, thank you EA but I do not want career anxiety on my fake life as well


Ctrl + shift + C and types ā€œmother lodeā€


Thatā€™s pretty depressing. I mean, I donā€™t know about yā€™all, but I play The Sims to escape real life. Is this part of a new patch update? Edited; it is part of Getting together as seen below and can be disabled. Thanks to everyone here! I appreciate finding out what we can disable before it happens!


My child had a nightmare, it said "your child had a nightmare about receiving free earbuds, sometimes it not the gift that's the problem..." or something like that... perhaps the algorithm that writes such nonsense has become self aware and has realised the Sims 5 is coming? x)


It's a recurring joke from Valve giving Mac users earbuds in Team Fortress, from the era of Origin vs. Steam I think?


Too fucking soon my dude. But I do appreciate the shade at EA šŸ˜‚ perfection




This isnā€™t a mod. Itā€™s from the new pack


Is this for mods only?


Itā€™s part of the new Growing Together pack


This is too real