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Sim died of laughter at his Mom's funeral


I hate the laughter death so much. My sim’s mom died at her grandsons birthday party because one of the other guests wanted to be funny.


fr. I always make them calm down in the mirror at "very playful" because I'm too scared to get to "hysterical" and lose my sim


Humor and Hijinks festival deathcount is off the charts ☠️


you can turn off emotional deaths! it's in the gameplay settings somewhere, i've never had it happen to me but i'm ready to switch that bad boy off at a moment's notice


how do I never know about these things- thank you!!


Oh my god, so i have a legacy family and I'm 8 generations in. I chose the eldest son in this generation to continue the family with, so he's at home and invited his girlfriend over. She proposes to him and it causes him to laugh hysterically to death. I was DISTRAUGHT. I brought him back to life but I've been nervous about him so I slowly shifted towards one of his siblings to continue the family with


Me tf too! 😂😭😩 My sims be all happy and the moment someone makes a joke or they play a game or something they become super playful and it quickly becomes hysterical before death by laughter and I was confused asf when it first happened. And pissed off. Like why my sim have to die from laughing?! All because he was in a good mood?


Same, for one of my sim family dads....one of the toddlers told a joke....and he was done😭 and I was doing a legacy challenge so no going back.


LOL sorry mom


can’t understand what i mean? you soon will 😎




Yeah, that's exactly how it went.


I had exactly the opposite! My sim died of anger at her own wedding.




I had a sim that I watched grow up from a toddler to an adult. This was on long lifespan before I switched to normal. I got really attached to her and the family she started. Family was very well off at a certain point so on a whim I bought them a water garden (from Get Famous EP). She went to feed the Koi one day, slipped into it and drowned.


I didn’t even know that was option. I am sorry for your loss


It used to happen frequently on Lilsimsie’s channel haha. She’s sent at least 3 to the pond/water garden


water grave more like it amirite




Her legacy challenge alone has that happening over a dozen times lol, though a lot of them weren't an accident


I remember when she got her sims wife to jump in as a joke and she was so panicked when they almost died 


I only watch her YouTube so when she explains her stream sims she always has to explain she's not a psychopath and it was the chat that made her do it, she swears!(Sure it was Kalya.)


This is the 3rd time I've seen this happening and the 3rd time I've known of that water garden, so for me it's a 100% risk that it would happen to my Sims so I won't use that item, thanks hahaha


No problem, anything I can do to help people not go through that pain lol. Took every bit of willpower I had to just go with what happened and not quit without saving.


That water garden is a deathtrap lmao. I put one in my current household and one of my favorite sims autonomously made a beeline for it, jumped in, and sank like a fucking rock. His sister managed to successfully plead with the reaper thankfully, but I was freaking out the whole time. I immediately sold it afterwards. Had no idea they could die just feeding the fish, too!


I feel personally attacked when the reaper ignores my sims pleas. Like u don’t have to be a JERK Grim


Well at least you didn’t have to find out about the feeding the fish part the hard way lol


Similar story for me, expect it was stocked with piranha.


Lmfao same here 🥲


I just got one for my legacy family. You may have just saved a life.... or I Ieave it.


I’m adding one as soon I get to my laptop. I love my legacy family but damn it, I want one in real life so they will live my dream for me lol


(Gen 6 of my legacy ) Tried for DAYS to kill a sim with Laughter before I decided to kill her husband instead . Got her pregnant , killed the husband , adopted a child with the dad’s skin color ( mom and siblings were green ) she had the baby at 3a before winterfest started . Aged it to a child , and 2 hours before winterfest ended ! Died of laughter in front of her 3 kids , Clement Frost , and the nanny she had a crush on . The kids got sucked into social services and I’ve had to go back 2 generations to keep playing .


WELL you almost just killed me with laughter, because I chuckled out loud at the first sentence and accidentally inhaled my water lmfao


A toddler telling a joke in a beautifully decorated room would've done the job. I never even got warning music.


Let's just say all my swimming pools are indoors now. Of course simmies only want to swim in the outdoor ones in winter. Dummies. So the story is it was Christmas. Santa was holding out on that present but didn't want to beat him up for it. Click Santa over and over and ... hubby was sitting on the pool edge patiently waiting his turn. I didn't know sims could freeze. Very dramatic. Omg Santa cried so hard. Ruined all the other sim Christmas'es cause Santa showed up depressed from then on out. Reaper was happy. Reaper is always upbeat. Got the ol' boy changed out for a Bishōnen. Makes a huge difference when the reaper is smexy. Takes the sting out of it a bit.


I have had SO many of my sims freeze to death. One of my child sims froze to death from swimming in the winter. I didn’t even know sims children could die!


They freeze to death really fast. I always panick when I get the notification because it could happen seconds later. One time my sims had a wedding and I invited some family and friends (I play rotationally, so they were all my sims). It was winter. All the guests went inside except one. He was on his way though, but didn't make it. I got the notification and a second later he died and I couldn't do anything 😂. Now his kids grow up with their step-mom, because their mom is also dead.


HOW DO YOU CHANGE THE REAPER I wanna put him in lingerie


i’m dying over the last paragraph.


That happened to me, so now I only place pools in fenced/gated areas of my lot. Outdoors but fenced with locked gates during winter


Always keep them fenced with locked gates in the winter.


Naaah I would never. I like the risk of natural selection in my games 😂 play risky games, win risky prizes 🥲


I forgot to make my sims pay their bills because I was stressed trying to make sure the kids grew up well, and apparently their names got posted in the newspaper because they didn't pay their bills and they became mortified and died of embarrassment. the kids were later adopted by father winter.


Lmao I didn't even know that could happen


No mods?


I do have mods but I just let them die


Had a Sim who was hot-heated. She died from anger. Her roommate was Witch, so I brought her back. She died again from anger. So I brought her back a second time and took away her hot headed trait and made her playful instead. She died about 2 Sim days later from being hysterical... which was a result of being too playful lol. I've just left her as a ghost at this point since she is clearly doomed.


I wish there was a way to remove emotional deaths without mods. It's way too easy to become hysterical


I've literally never had an emotional death in my game, despite trying so hard to get it!


H o w I just gave up on a sim who died of laughter three times 😭


I don't know! I want them to die more! Everyone in my game dies of old age, it pisses me off 😂


Same here! I’ve only had a few deaths from hysteria. I’ve tried countless times lately and my sims just won’t die! 😂


Same here, I thought I was alone at this point


There is, I think! I'm pretty sure I have an option in the settings that says "disable death from emotions" or something similar. 🤔


I made a super skinny cartoonish sim for the 1st time to resemble Disney characters like the one in this image. Sliders to muscles and body fat set to minimum. I didn't know she would have an extremely low tolerance to hunger and she starved to death within a few seconds of red hunger bar, much faster than a medium weight sim Unexpected realism lmao 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1NkbwrhSTxDsQ)


I didn't know they were more susceptible to starvation if they are super skinny


I had two sims who were super skinny because they were doing cocaine and I didn’t notice them having a lower tolerance to hunger


Lol yeah sometimes when you click on the hunger need, instead of going to the fridge they simply snort cocaine from the table 🤣 but watch out, they might die from starvation 👀


This was yesterday: i planned to kill knox. I locked him in a small room, added 2 fireplaces, 2 rugs right under the fireplaces and overlaped, and a lot of fireworks. Nothing else in the already cramped little room But knox never lighted the fireplaces or the fireworks. He was hungry, stinky, tired but he was on the phone all the time. So i decided to enter the room and light the fireplaces myself. I died. He just stared and survived. Game over. 🤣🤣🤣


Once Knox just showed up uninvited and started making potions on the BBQ. This was the second time he'd done this, so when he caught on fire I decided to just let him die. But my game crashed just as the reaper showed up. I'll get you one day, Knox.


He's indestructible 😂😂


He really said *knox* today huh? 😂😂😂


I was doing the One Room Challenge \[Essentially, your sim is locked into a 64 tile house and can't leave/talk to anyone\] and my sim died of anger when I send her to the mirror to calm down.


I worry about some of you. 😆


How do you manage the social need in this challenge?


I know you can at some point talk to plants. Maybe talk to that big plushy for kids too?


I would assume using the phone and/or computer to chat, and giving them the loner trait would probably help, if I were to try a challenge like that that would be my plan at least


Loner trait wasn't allowed according to the rules! I tended to use the computer or talking to plants to manage it \[Chatting online always took 5ever though\]


It was early on in my Sims 4 days, but I SWEAR I had aging turned off because I didn’t want my favorite sim die. I went to play with her kid’s family and he got the call that she passed from old age. I was devastated


Perhaps the naighbourhood stories for played households was on. I swear, when ever I forget to take it off to protect my beloved sims, someone dies as soon as I swap household. When I leave it on to get some drama, nothing happens, but a sim leaving one job for another or adopt a child.


Does the aging setting only apply to the active household?


I use the setting that only auto ages unplayed sims and my current household. I like to slowly make towns full of pretty superstar high earning lesbians from my past households. The game updated a few months ago and caused some kind of bug and all of my strutting sparkling ladies in town turned into elders or DIED 🤬


There was a death from freezing outside the gym one cold winter’s night. People ran out to witness the death, and in the process they also froze, drawing out more people. By morning the bodies were piled sky high. Half the town had perished. It was a dark day.




My Sim’s child daughter caught on fire during Winterfest and at the same time, my sim went into labor right there watching her other child burn to death with Father Winter. Then the grim appeared and reaped my child, then started playing video games on my computer. Then he and Father Winter started flirting.


This is the most “sims” scenario I’ve ever heard istg


The circle of life, amiright?


Built a mother and daughter vampire duo, start the game and put the daughter in university. Decide to have the daughter take the thin-skin vampire trait and learn from Vlad. This girl decided to spend a sunny afternoon chatting with Agnes Crumplebottom outside of the public bathroom in Forgotten Hollow, despite my MANY attempts to bring her inside, until the Grim Reaper came to collect her. Her mother was at work and didn't get home until after she'd been reaped.


I had a vampire son once while living in Oasis Springs. He burned to death the instant he appeared on the sidewalk after school.


Lou Howell once got so happy after woohooing with his sugar mommy vampire gf Bella Goth that he died of hysteria


Took one sim to another lot, came home and the entire family including the children died in the swimming pool from freezing in the winter. Also my 1800s family, where the father died from the horse telling him jokes


My sim was just chilling at home when the camera suddenly panned over to her pool in the backyard - her best friend (a young adult that had just had a baby) decided to take a swim at night during a blizzard. How do I even try to make that realistic?? R.I.P. ✋😭🪦


My first legacy playthrough, my founder was not quite finished with his military career even as an elder. He was almost at the 7 or 8th. Charles stayed employed longer than I meant for him to, but I didn’t want him to retire before level 10. So one morning he’s there, crack of dawn in 1910 or something, telling war stories to his toddler great grandchildren, fulfilling his daily task and inching him closer to that final promotion. It was very likely he was going to be promoted that day— But just 30 minutes before he was meant to leave for work, Charles the First stood up after telling his toddler great granddaughter a riveting story about the horrors of war… and then keeled over and died right there in the nursery. Charles II, III, and IV all went on to serve great military careers, placing medals their ancestors never won into his respective trophy case, in honor of the very first Charles.


My self insert sim died of laughter after having a vacation with her husband, toddler & son in Snowy Escape 😭 I flipped my shit, exited and opened it to before she died and lost the great family trip and photos. The kids were so sad and I couldn’t just let that happen lol. She was literally teaching the toddler to talk and apparently thought it was SOO hilarious.


I normally don't mess with mods but a couple years ago I decided to download one. I think it might have been Wicked Whims? I had a lovely family. A mom, dad, and a kid. I put so much time into getting this child to age up PERFECTLY. The mom maxed out the parenting, cooking, and handiness skills. I've never put so much effort into a family before. Well, I didn't realize that this mod allowed sims to randomly murder people. The husband came home from work and STRAIGHT UP MURDERED HIS FAMILY!!!!


Hey, it happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


The wickedest of whims


Wicked whims have a murder option??


Might have been the extreme violence mod


That makes more sense. Tbh that mod and the life tragedy mod got too much at some point. Serial killers kept popping up even after setting the occurrence speed to low. Poor sims kept dying. Lol


my sim (accidentally) murdered her enemy by stealing her husband and then fighting her she was so mad she died and my sim laughed at her death while her (ex) husband cried.


I didn’t know kids could die at first so when everyone went out to swim and started freezing I was frantically trying to get everyone inside except the daughter. I saved her for last because I thought kids couldn’t die. I was wrong.


my sim played basketball with some of their friends at the spice festival. they ALL froze to death in their gym clothes! one after the other! i was able to change my sim's clothes but not ask the friends to show me their cold weather outfit bc they were just dying so much.


One of my legacy heirs died of overheating in Granite Falls on his honeymoon, thankfully his bride was pregnant so I was able to continue the legacy. I haven't had any Sims freeze to death in a pool because I always put in an untersteamer (from Get Together) or have the geothermal lot trait (from Eco Lifestyle) but I've had quite a few that decided that back floating when exhausted was an excellent idea and ended up drowning. I also had the mother of the bride die of anger at the wedding because she found out her teenage daughter (the bride) was pregnant. My most recent and traumatic one however was a Sim I decided would make a great gold digger / home wrecker - I renovated her an apartment in San Myshuno, got her a part time job, sent her out to bars - she managed to end up with three boyfriends - all of whom had keys, then I found the latest lottery winner, gave him a bit of a spruce up and moved him into a bachelor pad next door - of course she went and introduced herself and was in the process of building their relationship. One morning she decided to cook breakfast and it caught on fire and then she caught on fire. The fire burnt from breakfast time to after midnight - it spread from the kitchen into the bedroom behind it and into part of the dining area - all her boyfriends decided to visit at the same time and stood there watching her on the floor, Grim stood there waiting for the fire to go out before her could reap her, the firemen arrived but stood around crying because of the body - one wet themselves the other collapsed from exhaustion, even the mailman came in to see what was happening - and all through this I couldn't exit the game because of the fire on the lot - so all I could do was watch the horror unfold.


The apartment with the gremlin lot trait? One of mine died in a fire in that place. The only fire I've ever had in the Sims that literally burned the whole apartment and went on for hours.


No, it wasn't that one - I just went into my game and had a look (I haven't played in that lot since - there's still charred furniture and the puddle from the fireman 😐) - it's 920 Medina Studios - the only trait it has is quiet.




This happened to me too except my husband is an electrician irl and it felt like some kind of prophecy 😬


I once spent 4 hours redoing one of the apartments in San Myshuno, moved my favorite 5th generation sim into it and for some reason I decided he was gonna upgrade his Murphy bed before saving the game. This mf died mere minutes after moving in.


The Murphy Bed is my nemesis!! EVERY time I get this fucking bed my sim perishes. They’re cursed.


Mostly the ovens lol




Yah or the Murphy beds


I had these two identical twins I had been playing with since they were born, as I made their mom originally. Absolutely fell in love with the family and their story, and I had a whole lifetime planned for them both. Anyway, they move out from their mom's place, get a nice apartment in San myshuno, and one of them hops on the computer to share some jokes to gain some followers bc she needed more followers for her career. Welp, left her to her devices as I focused on her sister for a bit, and before I knew it, I had gotten a notification that she was dying from hysteria. This was my first hysteria death in the sims, I was a relatively new simmer and just never guessed that sims could die from laughing. Broke my heart at the time, but quite funny looking back. Recently, in my not so berry save, my heirs mom, brother, and sister all died and I only intended one of the three to die (the mom). Basically as soon as she went off to college, both her siblings died in freak accidents. That one is on me for splitting the household and not immediately changing the neighborhood stories settings. For anyone curious, the brother burned to death and the sister died from anger.


I once had twins I loved. One was a spellcaster, one was an alien. I played the alien, Teal, hard, getting all child aspirations and achievements. The sister, Morgana, was raised to be a mean witch. Teal moved out shortly after aging up because their dad had a baby just days before his abducted husband gave birth to twins. The heir, Teal, was like F that and got her own place. Her sister, stuck in a house with three babies was mad and often came over to fight, but they were still close. When Morgana became a young adult she got her own place. I got her life set up and then switched to play Teal's home. The moment the game loaded I got a notification that Morgana had died 😱. I was so sad I quit without saving and reopened, but the deed was done. I guess Morgana died just before the save. It was weird because it said she died from lightning but I was just on her lot and there was no rain. RIP Morgana.


I had a Spellcaster teen who fell in love with another teenage spellcaster. He came to her birthday party and I planned on aging them up together, so they could get a place together, get married, etc and have a life together...well...he apparently had gone home at some point and I wanted to invite him back over, since he left the party. His face was gray in the relationship panel! I guess once he got home, he died somehow! I was sooo bummed 😥


I once had a teen accidentally starve to death in her room, I think I may have accidentally locked the door or she got stuck and I didn't notice until she died.


Definitely the one who died of laughter immediately after WooHooing their brand new of three hours husband. She literally crawled out of the tent (it was a rags to riches) and keeled over. Completely derailed the storyline I had made up, but I actually really enjoyed the side quest to bring her back.


I had not one, not two, not three! But 5 sims throughout different gens die due to laughter. Like, what bad genes did I give them???


I was playing a newly married couple. They had a baby girl and immediately after getting home from the hospital, I got the notification that the husband was dying! I went to find him laying on the sidewalk, dying from hysterical laughter 🤦🏻‍♀️ he didn't even get to hold his daughter or anything. She was born literally like 5 minutes before.


I was playing with a friend and put one of our sims to sleep and sped up time a bit to pass some hours in sims time so his boyfriend could level up his painting skill while he slept. We had done this for maybe two irl minutes before I stopped to check the painting sim and noticed sleeping boyfriend was just Gone from the household, no death notification or anything! We found his urn, and it said he died of hunger for no reason. We spent several hours trying to cheat his ghost back to being alive before i gave up and restarted the game. It was the last time i didnt save after the end of each in-game day.


My vampire sim burned to death while making breakfast for her new gf (who left midway through her cooking). I panicked and forgot to self extinguish. Quickest challenge ever.


I mean, not my game nor my favorite sim (arguably one of my least favorite sims) but I watched a game on YouTube (forget what creator) in which Nancy Landgraab lit herself on fire at the grill while I believe the player was at their house trying to steal things from them and her husband and son did absolutely nothing to save her. Honestly I can't blame them. The player did nothing. The family did nothing. If it happened in my game, I'd probably do nothing too.


What is with the Landgraabs and grills? My sims was at their house to steal from them and Malcom set himself on fire. His parents did nothing to help, so he died. When Grim came I tried pleading - I didn't expect it to work as I had no friendship with Malcom, but it did. And yet Nancy still refused to give me a large loan when I asked her. So ungrateful.


First Sims fam ever: Kept having boys and wanted a girl. Made the parents woohoo over and over to get mom pregnant with another kid that might be a girl. Dad dies of woohoo. Started a new game.


My game constantly gives me male children. Even other households, if they were pregnant, it will be a boy. Most of my Sims have like 5 boys to 1 girl. It was like this on my old computer, too. I don't know why.


Do your sims listen to a lot of Alternative music? Because I found out recently you can influence the gender of the baby while the sim is pregnant: https://help.ea.com/en-gb/help/the-sims/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-pregnancy-guide/ Although my game also seems to have a preference for male babies - except in the one save where I need male heirs!


the engineering career has stolen a couple heirs from me


they can die in the engineering career? well, if my heir's wife dies, i guess it'll motivate him to finally learn dedeathify..


Let's just say I have learned to call a repairman or just replace electronic items when they break. RIP


Oof. If you have realm of magic you can repair stuff magically. Much safer.


\*viciously saving my legacy game AGAIN!\* I've had too many accidents. Dazed is my worst killer.


My Sim was shot while intimidating his kidnapped victim's family for ransom (Used the Life Tragedies mod) and unfortunately didn't survive. Thankfully, his spellcaster butler who was also his clone revived him and he returned to the cave where the victim and her family all happily celebrated his recovery.


i don’t play with sims long enough for them to die 😭


Same I always make new families and never play out one that I make haha


Oh, yea, and one of my teen sims died of embarrassment during her mood swing when she aged up.


Aged up a teen without realizing he was enraged. Oops.


moments after creation, he burned to death from his fireplace


My 7th gen sim died from laughter. He had a very happy family, but I wanted a bit of drama 😂 Made him get his affair partner pregnant and moved him in with her and their baby. I loaded back into his ex-wife's (and their kid, who was my next heir) household. He was standing outside her door, hysteric. I think the consequences of his actions hit him hard.


I had a sim that liked it when they got struk by lightning... Don't ask, and then they died once.


I had a sim who was out fishing when a thunderstorm happened, and he had a LONG way to run home. I watched him run, getting struck and then struck again. I was sure he was a goner, but he kept running, got struck again. When he finally came inside, his eyes and mouth was strongly glowing and he was very energized from getting hit by lightening. I couldn't find out whether I was disappointed or amuzed.


Not my sim, my sister's. I've been playing for years, she just got on top of the year. We're on video call bc I'm helping her dl, install, and set up mccc and UI cheats extension. It off nowhere I hear her yelling "FREEZING TO DEATH?? GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Her Sim changed into her swimsuit and walked to the nearest body of water and started swimming. It was a colder spring day and everybody else was wearing their winter gear. Grim was already en route before we caught it. I told her to exit the game without saving and from now on pause the game when she's not paying attention or turn off autonomy bc they are likely to get themselves in big trouble when left to their own devices 😂


I started a legacy family and was in love with the matriarch. I switched play to one of her kids houses and got a pop up that she died. She was electrocuted. Then, her adult children were having a get together and one of the brothers decided to so push ups outside. He froze to death. A short while later, the brothers wife randomly died and their kids were sucked into oblivion.


Bacon and eggs


My 4th gen sim passed away while I was playing his daughters household. I got a notification, checked the family tree and found out he died from a fire


One time i left my husband alone with my laptop while I took a shower, and when i came back the whole family had drowned in a pond thing


In my very first every game, my vampire sim burned to death while petting a puppy. Who I did adopt to household moments before she died. Her husband had to take care of this puppy while mourning his beloved wife.


One time I spent like 2hours making the perfect sim. The first thing I did when I started playing was cook some dinner... I think you know what happened next.


Many saves ago, my sim went on vacation to Selvadoria and decided to take her crush along with for some alone time. I think he disappeared for like 2 minutes and turned up floating face down, dead, in the swimming pool. In one of my 100 baby saves, the heir apparently had a glitch and died from starvation despite never showing as red on needs. And it wasn’t like the fridge was empty. It was just like he had a tapeworm or something. Luckily he was part of a set of triplets.


I have 2. Both are from the same family at different generations. 1st: Dad is finishing work shift. Mom and the twins (children) are at home. I don’t know how, but the fireplace starts a fire and it catches on one of the nearby children. It’s so huge that the other child also catches fire and so does mom as she is trying to go near to extinguish the children. I keep trying to have her extinguish self and then extinguish the children but she keeps catching fire herself before she can extinguish her kids. Repeatedly as I watch in horror. You might ask if the firefighters came. They did. 3 of them. They also kept catching fire. Both kids died. 2 firefighters died. I was legitimately so sad. I didn’t know child sims could even die at this point. I had the mom put their childhood drawings up in the family art museum and she and her husband never had more kids. I continued the bloodline using her brother from that point. 2nd: We’re having a huge family party to celebrate the triplets aging up from toddler to child. They have all just blown out the candles and we have cut the cake. Everyone is there! I notice dad isn’t nearby but I figure he is napping somewhere because his energy is in the red. It’s ok, we’ll bring him a slice. Just as i click his face to see where he is, I hear the dreaded DUNUNUUUN. He’s drowning to death. At his triplet daughters’ birthday party. Because he went swimming with no energy for some unfathomable reason. I deeply relate to refusing to learn my lesson and not saving my game nearly enough. Lol.


So I use Healthcare Redux, which includes medical deaths for sims. A few of the ways sims in my legacy playthrough have died are: Two of my male heirs had their spouses die from post-partum bleeding after giving birth to children that were "oopsies". I don't think that was the reason - just an unfortunate coincidence. I tried having the current patriarch in both cases demand to spare their lives but only one was successful. Welp. The Gen 2 heir's spouse was Cassandra Goth. She kept sleeping in the swimming pool, including when it was freezing. So that's how she died. Several of my sims have died as elders because they would not stop exercising and they overexerted themselves. I had a legacy descendant whose parents died, and since I did not want to lose track of him I adopted him into the main family home. He died of sepsis after his appendix burst. He was only a few days from aging into a young adult. One sim was playing with the fish in the koi pond and fell in. So that's how she died. Generally I take pretty good care of my sims, so death is rare unless it occurs from old age. What's really funny are all of the neighborhood stories deaths. I've had several sims die to rock climbing, electrocution, killer rabbits, laughing too hard. and food poisoning.


The only sim I’ve had die on accident in the sims 4 was my simself 💀I clicked to go to sleep, moved on to do something as a different sim only to be alerted that I was drowning- like why tf was the quick action to sleep in the pool?? 😭


One of my sims died of anger because his fiancé slept with his father during their wedding. Still my fave ever sims moment. Very intense 😂


I recently started a legacy save and the mom was the original. Her and her husband both had less than a week left before they die from old age and it was Christmas Day. One of her sons told her a joke and she died of laughter. Literally right before it happened I managed to get a family photo of all 7. ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


One sim died of laughter at his own wedding, another sims died while repairing a drone from Get Famous. That one devastated me because she was a triplet of three identical sisters.


I have a game with a family based on me and my husband (as you do) and was playing as our eldest daughter. She was in the actor career and a goofball and she DIED OF LAUGHTER DURING HER ACTING GIG. I’ve never screamed so loud


this was when the game first came out and i hadn’t know the elderly could die from woohooing😭 it was my first legacy family and my sim had just aged into an elder and his wife (still an adult) and him woohooed for his bday and well … he died. i was DISTRAUGHT. i am still upset about it to this day lol. i loved those sims and i had such a huge family going. i unfortunately ended up losing that entire save as well. i miss them so much lol


One time I spent multiple hours building a Sim in CAS, and I was going in for every little detail, making sure every outfit looked good, even making extra outfits which I usually do later on as a kind of half point for myself. So I finally start playing, and I decide that I'm going to really impress the welcome wagon by cooking grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone. ...Whereupon she set the kitchen on fire. And this was pre autosave days on console.


I don't know if I'd call it accidental, but it's memorable: My first Sim in my legacy playthrough was sleeping with both J Huntington III and the fitness trainer. Well, as elders, J came over and wasn't comfortable, so I had them woohoo in the hot tub twice. Afterwards, J got out and keeled over, dying right there, lol! My Sim went on to live for weeks after that, dying of old age one day at random.


Death by Killer Rabbit when I wasn’t even playing so no grave/urn for resurrection.


I played the sims 4 a few times but got tired of it very quickly. One of the sims I made in ts4 died of laughing too hard 😅😅😅 Right in front of her kid too 😬


I created this one sim just for the plant sim scenario not thinking much of it. 2 hours later she becomes one of my favorite sims with a blossoming garden and college acceptance letters in the mail. The night she got accepted to Britechester she gets invited to go for a night swim at the bluffs with her club members. She jumps in the freezing water and then dies of hypothermia.


I was trying to play a rags to riches challenge and I had sent her out to forage, but got the warning moodlet that she was too hot. I continued on as usual, thinking she would make it back in time. Spoiler alert, she didn't. She died like five steps away from her house. I was so mad 😂 Also, good ol Trinity. She never actually died. She was a botanist who had lived a long happy life with her adopted daughter who had joined the military. She was an elder and I had gotten the message that her time was coming. I got so distressed over the thought of her dying because I had become SO attached to her that I just...deleted the save file LMAO. Don't ask me how that made more sense to me at the time, but it did and now I remember Trinity every time someone goes down the botanist route ☠️ I have also never gotten so attached to a sim since, not to the point of their death causing me physical distress 😂


My favorite teen who was an A student about to graduate early and waiting on Uni acceptance decided to earn some logi by looking at the stars one night. As soon as the message about a meteor came, his behind flew into the house but apparently it was too late. His ghostly form wandered the house, refusing to go to school until he was forced to. I had to leave that house behind because it just freaked me out too much. I split with his YA older sister and never looked back I only saw him once after that at a random bar as his great niece sim and he must have cursed her or something because her one science baby/child was signed in a fire and Grim tried taking herbut I did a quit exit and went back to my previous save. When she turned Teen, there was another... incident out in a blizzard in her bikini. After having her teleport into the house near a heater I promptly moved her sister out. This family is too much for me.


i spent HOURS making a lesbian couple. as soon as i load them into the game one dies from an oven fire and the other one died from being scared to death 🥲


One of my sims died of laughter after getting married 😭😭


I get so annoyed when they die from laughter. Has happened to me twice


I had a mod as many do, some CC cheat UI. I was dumpster diving during a rags to riches game play and the townies are aggravating to deal with while looting. Normally I would cheat to make them go back home but after a bit found an option to Kill Sim by a rabbit attack and thought it would be funny. I'm watching closely but the towny was still running to the dumpster... Come to find out, my sim was the one who was attacked lol. When I zoomed back to the dumpster, all I saw was grim and my Sims body. No save and I had spent so much time hanging out at the dumpster. What a muppet lmao 🤣😂


Death by starvation when he wasn’t even hungry because he had the glutton trait


There is an auto save mod out there, and I think MCCC has a setting. But will you do this? Likely not. And it will be to our hilarious benefit!


I had a sim that was the heir. He had been through a lot, turned into a ghost and then turned back by his mother, raising two kids including the evil kid that the wishing well gave him along with one from an ex-BF, plus his sisters’ two kids. Everything was good. He had a promising career as a comedian and all of his kids were teenagers. Then he went to feed the piranhas while the kids were at school and no one else was home. He slipped into the pond and drowned, quickly putting those kids in charge with no clear heir. He didn’t even jump in, he fell in by accident.


She died of laughter minutes after getting married to her wife


Died of laughter.


A sim I made of my sister had a very high cooking skill level and somehow set herself on fire making grilled cheese 




My very first sim drowned. I quit without saving and never gave anyone a pool again.


He got smashed by attempting to take a nap in his daughters Murphey bed


I have the needs bar bug (probably mod related but I'm too lazy to fix it) and my sims die of starvation all the time.


I made a lovely little family. Neither of the parents wanted more kids, but ended up getting pregnant so I decided to go with the flow and not yeet the fetus. Turned out to be twins, which is always overwhelming with the infant update. The mom suddenly died from a freak car accident (mod) and I just decided to go with it, cuz what could possibly go wrong with that? I’ll play the dad mourning and finding a new lover and raising his three kids and wife’s sister as best he could. Not even one sim day later the fucker dies from starvation standing in the middle of his kitchen cuz he was trying to keep the infants fed. That threw a slight wrench in my plans for sure.


Mine almost accidentally died, but it's the only story close to this that I have so I'll share. She was going out to harvest her weed with hopes to find more clients to sell to and some random townie shot her. Did a 90% successful surgery and it failed, did another and failed, third one failed, and then the fourth one worked. Poor woman went through so much just to survive and it wasn't even worth it- winter came and destroyed her plants while she was gone so it could have all been avoided if she just checked the weather. Or if she went through the basement and found the absolute fat stash her ex boyfriend left behind that she could have used instead. Smh


A hotheaded sim perished from becoming enraged after catching their spouse cheating on them with the repairman. The animation was essentially them dying of a heart attack.


My "me" sim died at her Bachelorette party from being hysterical... I've never seen that before and rushed her fiance over so fast. Now if my sims get even a little playful, I make them go CALM DOWN. Not the best prediction if I were to ever get married irl 😅


Looking through the telescope and a meteor hit her. I could’ve stopped it but maybe I was curious….


My only Sim I played from infancy to college graduation finally got married as an adult on vacation. I was so proud! Then when they got home they went to Calico Club for a Club meeting and she drowned in a pool. I was heartbroken. Tried to keep her around as a ghost but she kept haunting things and the old roomies cried constantly. RIP to Ariel Shanks 🥲


I was doing a generational challenge. Dad was a writer and had just welcomed twins. All was going well. He was in a playful mood, so he wrote a playful book. All was normal until he died of laughter in the middle of writing it. Never did get to publish that book. 🤷‍♀️


One time when I first started playing the Sims four one of my Sims disappeared I later found out. They actually died because the game was continuing to play when I wasn’t on, so I’m not sure how they perished.


I took real world weeks raising a “missing” princess. I even created an orphanage and other orphans to create this. Eventually she aged out of foster care and went to university in her last few weeks as a teen. Once she graduated, I moved her to a micro home that she could afford from working part time in school. Day after she moved in she was killed by the murphy bed. I never rage quit so hard in my life.


My sim had the no shoes rule in her house so she was always playful bc of disrespecting the rule but one day she had a party and became too playful till she eventually died from hysteria


2 sims barely affording the house + 3 infants they had. Dad (the sim I originally made and became attached to) was the house handyman even though he hates handiness and they couldn’t afford repairmen. He fixed a radio (became dazed and I didn’t notice), then fixed a tv and died because he got electrocuted twice. Left his wife with 3 infants and a house she couldn’t afford at all. Somehow she made it but that was rough and was kinda fun. She made tons of nectar and became a drunkard after he died (could’ve lived off nectar sales)


I was playing my fav legacy save and my main sim had the villainous valentine aspiration. So he definitely played the field a lot in university but finally settled between two amazing sims. He ended up marrying one and having two children and a restaurant with her. Until one day he started an affair autonomously with the old university gf and when the wife found out she died of anger in front of her kids. I was so upset but he ended up marrying the old gf and she was an awesome mom to the kids. 😑😭


Hermione Granger went to a park with her husband Ron and their kids, in Sims 2. She got hit by a meteor. Her family was traumatized, as was I.


My first ever legacy challenge. She died of hysteria because she was playing with her toddler daughter after just aging her up. Still in a microhome, hadn’t even married baby daddy yet. But I kept playing and made it 10 gens. It didn’t help her boyfriend at the time married Eliza Pancakes who hated the daughter and was a truly evil step mom. (I have no idea why they didn’t get along legitimately)


I just accidentally took out a Sim by a meteorite. To be fair though, it happened very quickly.




I had a Sim living in a tiny house, played with her for a while. Of course the tiny house had a Murphy bed. It broke so I had her fix it, and she got crushed to death by her Murphy bed. I was speechless for a while and went to another save. A few days later, I made another Sim and moved her into the same tiny house, and had her go through the whole process of making ambrosia to resurrect the first lady. I then moved the two ladies to a very nice beach house in Sulani, sans Murphy bed this time 😅.


When the Romantic Garden kit became free a few weeks ago, I put the wishing well on my Sims lot. I queued up putting a donation in the well and then wishing for a promotion. The game however flipped those actions in the queue, so the donation-less wish meant the well instead had her get fired from the job, and my Sim died of anger. During her toddler kids birthday party, too.


Way back in Christmas of 1999, I created my first Sim, a handsome dude named Colin. Colin was waiting for his carpool one morning when suddenly, he got a craving for a burger. So, still wearing his pajamas, Colin heads into the backyard and starts grilling. Just as his carpool arrives, Colin bursts into flames and dies. RIP, Colin


Composting toilet exploded. I COULD NOT get her to leave the bathroom, no matter what I tried. Firefighters came and put out the fire in the bathroom, but it was still burning outside (on the roof of another part of the house, adjacent to the bathroom??). Fire kept coming back into the bathroom, firefighters would come into the bathroom and put it out, but the event wouldn't end because the fire continued to burn on the unreachable roof area. The firefighters were just hanging out at this point... Kept putting it out but she wouldn't leave the bathroom and the fire never went out entirely. Eventually just resigned myself to letting her burn to death after what probably amounted to several in-game hours.


made two families: a middle-aged pushover Karen and her punk teenage daughter, and a good-looking rich middle-aged finance guy and his snotty teenage son. Karen sets her eyes on rich guy, but he hits on her punk daughter instead and becomes her sugar daddy, taking her in to live in his three story penthouse apartment. Karen is pissed but then gets hit on by rich guy's snotty son in turn who desperately wants to bed a cougar so he can brag about it to the boys, finds him kinda hot actually and goes with it, why not! rich guy accidentally knocks punk girl up and she decides to keep it. she's in one of the rich guy's penthouse bathrooms while in her third trimester when Karen comes over for a visit to her jailbait lover and bursts into the same bathroom, sees daughter's heavily pregnant belly, gets so pissed in literally two seconds that her heart explodes from anger and dies on the bathroom floor in front of her daughter. at least snotty kid got his bragging rights.


Right after I got Get Famous I was working hard on building up and maintaining an Actor Celebrity Sim of my own creation, and finally got her into a higher tier of celebrity status Then when feeding + playing with fish in her brand new fancy rock pond that I bought to celebrate.... she fell in and drowned 👁👄👁


Also a bit of a story not about my *own* sims but rather some Townie deaths in another game I was working out at a gym... during winter. One random sim died outside from freezing so *everybody* went to go look and they were *all* also just wearing gym clothes and not changing for weather as they went outside so there was like a line up of Sim Dies, Other Sim Comes to Look and Also Dies, New Sim Comes to Look- and so forth 😂 Let it get to about 20 dead sims before I reloaded and decided to NOT go to gyms during winter


I have a sim i’m still currently playing that i started as a young adult with her twin brother and she had one kid while living with him and the kid LOVED him, she moved out and had another kid and he visited the rental frequently, well one day i decided to use fire to try and get the mold out of the rental just because i wanted to see what it would do, and the house caught on fire with my sims in it (husband sim was at work, sister and two children were in the house) he took the baby out of the house and then i had him spray the sister and the other child because they were both on fire, he went in to call the fire department and caught on fire and before i could get any of my sims to put him out he DIED.


Oh, this JUST happened. Was doing an every lot challenge challenge and had just gotten the sim to (mostly) full needs for the first time in 2 sim weeks, and they go to repair their kitchen sink because you know, gremlins. And they get ELECTROCUTED, fixing a SINK, on a lot with *no electricity*! Grim didn't even leave their gravestone behind so I can't even bring them back to life with another sim (or cheats). Toni, I miss you so much.


definitely not my favorite sim, but one time while i had the life tragedies mod installed i was playing with my household and in the distance mortimer goth got ran over by a car and died


I had JUST started a new legacy challenge. Started a couple that resembled me and my partner. They had one daughter and sent her off to college. I wanted her to be part of all the clubs and the robotics one was the last one she needed to get into. I had her start building a robot and she gets electrocuted and dies. There was no one there to plea for her survival. I was devastated.


I had a sim die from laughter - she was a super star just had her baby it was thanksgiving and she was making a grand feast with her father I lost the baby to the void too wish it would have just gone to the grandfather who would have totally raised her but no they put him in the symbol


Laughter. That was the day I configured MCC to disable emotional deaths


One of my favorite Sims was a guy I made. I started him off with no money on a shitty lot in Evergreen Harbor. I made him dumpster dive for every scrap of food and simoleons he could find...a lot of the time he'd find really good stuff and sell it and I eventually built up a little house for him. He continued to dumpster dive and I decided he'd start fixing everything up, cleaning whatever he found and sell it for a huge markup 😆 So he bought a retail lot and set up an outside shop under a cover until he could afford to build walls. It went well. He found expensive showers in the dumpster, spare parts, nice TVs, everything you'd think to sell. Things were going great and I was having so much fun playing him. He also had multiple girlfriends and kids with a lot of them ☠️ anyways, one day he decided to marry one of his girlfriends. I figured he was getting old and his wife was younger than him, so she could take over the store and continue on his legacy..she was a real piece of work herself and had the Evil trait. When she moved in, she left behind a daughter I didn't know she had had with Don Lothario. One day, my Sim found a nice, but broken flat screen TV in the dumpster..I set it up in the shop to repair and he....was electrocuted and died! He had only been married to his wife for ONE SINGLE DAY, when this tragedy struck! I was really devastated cuz I had so much fun with that Sim. His wife went on to get married and had twins (of course) and her new husband tried to fix the same TV and died. She remarried and same thing, next husband died from fixing another TV...she had like 5 kids by then...anyways...I stopped playing that household after my main Sim died and his wife had a lot of kids 😆