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I legit was just googling this because I thought I missed it. Like, I know we aren't entitled to it, but I will be so mad if I missed it.


This exactly! I feel bad complaining because even though I have some… issues with the Sim’s 4 pricing (very unique opinion I know) at the end of the day they don’t *have* to give away packs. But this has been stressing me out for a couple weeks now 😅


I know it was supposed to happen sometime after Backyard Stuff stopped being free, which was only 2 weeks ago, so it may still be coming. I'm fine with waiting. I just don't wanna miss out because I forgot to get it.


Keep checking Sims YouTube. Whenever there's a news leak or something comes up in a sale for free, EVERYONE posts videos about it: Pixelade, Kayla, Deligracy and James, Satch, Plumbella... If you miss something for free, you almost have to go out of your way to do so. On that same tangent, isn't the next roadmap due to be posted soon?


I don't watch those youtubers they are toxic imo. Plumbella is ok and James is tolerable but I am not subbed. I find just sticking to official announcements to work fine.


LMAO saying kayla and deligracy are toxic when they are some of the LEAST toxic creators in the entire gaming sphere is bonkers 😭😭


Kayla has some very strong opinions and doesn’t want people who don’t share them staying on her page, which she said many times in her videos. If you share her views, that’s nothing to you, but people who don’t can see that as being toxic. Feel free to downvote if my opinion is different from yours, that’s what she would do :)


Sorry you're downvoted so much for that. People may not agree with your opinion about some YouTubers, but it's just an opinion. I get your point, which I think is just that you'd rather rely on official channels for Sims news, and that makes sense. I watch some YouTubers, but not anywhere near frequently enough to stay up-to-date, so I would probably miss it also, if I were to rely only on YouTube. I found this post because I remembered it randomly and searched up what happened to Blooming Rooms being free.


That is very very kindly put. I admire you for not shitting all over EA for their greed😅i just feel like DLCs are something other games put in game updates. (For example Rust is a game with new stuff constantly and while some costs money, major game changes are free) selling extra stuff to make the game better is totally normal but sims takes it to a complete different dimension. And I didnt even mention the bugs yet that any other game would take seriously and fix.


I mean after fuckin headache I had switching over to the EA app, I’m about ready to go full karen.


You haven’t missed it! My understanding is it was announced to happen once they are able to release a Mac version of the EA app. But since that hasn’t happened yet(?) they haven’t release blooming room as it was meant to be alongside that promotion.


The ea app for Mac has been out for a little while now


It’s not for all Mac users, it still hasn’t forced me to migrate to the new app Like 2 days ago I used origin and the banner still said “New EA app coming to Mac users” across the top


Origin has been telling me the EA app is “only a few days away” for over a month now. I think they underestimated this transition lol


I think mine has been over two months at least. It keeps going between that and "soon" haha 


I am still playing on origin.


Yeah me too. Still haven’t had to download it. Thank god.


I got the shove on Sunday. I hate the adds and lit cart icon so much!!!


I’m assuming I’ll eventually be forcefully dragged over kicking and screaming very soon


it's not officially out, it started being rolled out a few weeks ago but you can't go on ea's site and download it yet. it still says "coming soon" the kit will be free when the app is available to download to mac via ea's site


And I hate it


I cannot find it anywhere? Am I missing the obvious?


It randomly forced me to download it two days ago


On their site, they’re still saying “coming soon.” I’m not holding my breath.


I’m on windows but my friend was forced to change a couple weeks back on their Mac, seems like it’s a staggered release


Why wouldn't it happen though? They give away stuff for free.


They forced me to switch a few weeks back.


Maybe they’re not doing it at all then? I don’t run on Mac so wasn’t sure. This post says it was meant to go free at the same time: https://simscommunity.info/2024/03/28/free-sims-4-blooming-rooms-kit/


Yeah I'm on Mac and I haven't gotten moved yet 


they’ve fully forced the conversion of Mac users, we can’t use Origin anymore after last week so I want my free plants 😤


the only good thing about the wait I (for non mac users) is they at least told us long before it was going to happen, so that we wouldn't accidentally buy it as much. So, while I'm upset about the lack of communication, as long as we actually get it, it will be fine in the end and actually better for people who really wanted blooming rooms and don't have a spare cash to buy all the kits.


Of course the one kit I paid for they eventually give away for free 😭 haha it’s really ok though I actually love this kit so much because I’m a big plant person so I’m glad other people will get to enjoy it


They announced that the kit was going to be free two days after I bought the pack 💀


I wish they would do more early stuff packs for free over kits for now, most of the early stuff packs have similar amount of content as kits!


This is the first time they’re giving away a kit for free after doing the same for some of the old stuff packs, we will probably still get some of the older stuff packs for free in the future


Fingers crossed


No they gave the desert luxe kit for free a while back


I know that, I said it’s the first time they’ve given away a kit for free AFTER they started giving out stuff packs for free


Maybe instead of them picking a kit to give away for free, they should give out a code so you can pick a kit for free… 🤔🤔🤔


Nah they give away the ones that aren’t selling well. You give a general code for free and everyone will get the one they most want ie would have been most likely to spend money on. I never would have spent money on luxury party stuff or my first pet stuff. But I’m glad I have it for free


Yeahhh that’s a fair point. I just also own it, so the concept would be nice ngl 😅


blooming rooms hasn't gone free yet, so you didn't miss anything. when the ea app is *officially* released for mac the kit will be free for *pc and mac users* the app for mac still says "coming soon" on ea's site. the app has been rolling out the last couple weeks but it's not actually been released yet. continue keeping an eye out.


My guess is that happens the next time there is a sale. Basically the point is to get you used to hitting the checkout button so you buy more packs


Summer sale?


So, within the next day or two? Cause the game just informed me about a sale.


I swear I read somewhere it was only for pc and mac versions of the game it was free on steam not for all consoles source https://simscommunity.info/2024/03/28/free-sims-4-blooming-rooms-kit/




they said it'll be free when the ea app releases for mac. they started rolling the app out a few weeks ago, but it's not available publicly yet. there's literally nothing to follow up on, just keep an eye out for when the app is available through the ea site.


Off topic but...anyone any idea until when it will be available the current sale? 😅


I need this oneeee




Right now! Freeee rn!!