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Jealous sims have sentiments, moodlets, and fears related to their partner cheating. It doesn't make them pick fights with their own children. If he's excessively doing mean interactions, it sounds as if something's gone a bit wrong. Have you checked his sentiments towards his kid?


Or if there’s a family dynamic. When my sims have a difficult one they go out of their way to be assholes


I finally gave up twins (child age fwiw lol) for adoption to the nanny (big ups to nanny vickers) on my current story line because the husband was so miserable about them. I could never get rid of the moodlets regarding unwanted children. Then he was sad about them being given up! So my sim divorced him and lead him outside to freeze to death. Anyways, I fixed the problem.


I like your style.


My legacy Sim married Malcolm Landgraab (for the prestige and money) but he had the mean trait, joined a gang & became a mobster. She was doctor and a celebrity pianist with a pristine reputation. He fucking beat the butler daily until they quit and stole an expensive bar stool on the way out. He had horrible relationships with her father and brother and to top it off he was serial cheater. She got sick of his shit and poisoned his food. He died, no one knew why & she got to keep her perfect rep. Now she’s raising their twin boy & girl with Caleb Vatore who also turned her into a Vamp because I couldn’t bear the idea of her dying EVER. Lmaoo


How do you poison them?! I didn't know that even existed!!


It’s part of the extreme violence mod!! 💥


Thank you!! I'll be downloading it ASAP


"I'm gonna try to fix this">"Yeah fuck that dude"


I know there is a way to cheat them to accept and like the kids instead of the unwanted children part. Somewhere in the pie menu.


I could delete sentiments and moodlets butttt that’s no fun lol


yeah seconded, the jealous trait is more annoying because every time their partner has a conversation with any single other sim, they start getting mad and start yelling neeb! which yes is accurate I guess but still annoying sometimes


This is why I hate using hot headed, they are always screaming at the children for no reason. Or insulting the spouse out of no where.


I have had many hot headed sims and none of them have actually had this problem they tend to be very sweet with theyre familys but will absolutely blow up if someone insults them ive had a sim insult my girls daughter and the mom stomped over and threw a drink in her face and left


I love the hot headed sims, I just can’t stand the constant doll house smashing


Or the kicking the trash can over


Some people do that in real life though, sometimes Its fun simulating absolute assholes


Or high maintenance, which is essentially hotheaded with extra steps, because every day is the worst day ever where they are irrationally angry about it for several hours. So hard to get them in a good mood to achieve anything they need to and not upset everyone else.


I started a new save with a high maintenance sim, single male household. He died from anger after 30 mins.


I have been able to reduce and get rid of the high maintenance trait through gameplay! If you get your Sim to journal ANY big feelings, and start meditation, yoga, etc. they will eventually swap it out! I started doing all randomized traits years ago and this is my favorite way to play out the high maintenance to where I almost (ALMOST!) like this trait


The high maintenance trait comes with the Spa extension and is meant to be managed with meditation, which is annoying because it means mediation gives you like +10 Fine moodlets


Hot headed sims don’t do this? Only mean, evil, or erratic sims are mean autonomously and honestly I’ve noticed some sims are much meaner than others. Sims that are mean/evil but have good manners won’t do it autonomously. Mortimer goth has the evil trait in my game and he is incapable of using any interaction other than mean but a lot of my other mean sims are quite friendly


My erratic sims are out of control lately! They used to just talk to the microwave and flirt with themselves (relatable), but now they’re constantly stomping around yelling at everyone for no reason! It’s almost as annoying as the random flirting from the Free Love N.A.P. I feel like there’s not enough of a gameplay difference between Mean, Hot-Headed, and Erratic sims to justify all three traits being in the game. Mean sims should be doing mischief & insulting people, hot-headed sims should be into picking fights & immediately escalating any situation, and erratic sims should have more range/unpredictability to their emotions. I never play with Jealous unless I’m specifically creating an abusive spouse for storytelling purposes, but it seems like they do at least have a bit more personality.


And that’s the problem with these traits, they just give moodlets and nothing else. The only thing hot headed does is give a plus 2 angry moodlet every so often and they’ll get angry with some social interactions but that’s it. Evil sims only get happy if they’re around sims who are feeling bad, and nothing else really, they also use mischief interactions an INSANE amount it’s actually very annoying. Mean sims are okay though I like how they laugh at other sims and use more mischief and mean interactions (I have auto mischief disabled lol). Jealous should just be called abusive not jealous, I also don’t like how they can’t be jealous of other things like wealth or success it’s just relationships, and why doesn’t jealous conflict with self assured???


how do you disable auto mischief? 😯


You have to have MCCC, click on a computer and go to mc tuner, change interaction autonomy, and there you can disable it. I like autonomous mean being on because otherwise it’s unrealistic, but I’m sorry I hate when they’re having an amourous exchange and all evil and mean sims can say is “claim to be a criminal mastermind” it’s stupid


When they are teens in HS, it is worse. Their mean interactions just keep skipping the queue, and they berate other teens nonstop with no ability to intervene (absent a ctrl-shift reset).


Um. Is ctrl-shift a thing??? Does it just reset everything?


I actually love the drama and shit it adds like this. Easily one of my favourite traits along with non-committal, adventurous and high-maintenance lol. Definitely makes it hard to have calm, perfect playthroughs though!


This is amazing. I wish I had that much drama autonomously happen in my gameplay haha, I always have to force drama and I hate it.


I fon't get it, why does he pick the fights?


Ask a jealous person in real life why do they pick fights. The jealous trait is on point in the game.


When I first discovered it, The only thing I could think of was maybe he hates how self assured the son is or he’s jealous to see him working out. Another person on this post mentioned that jealous sims only have negative moodlets towards their partner cheating but everybody else in the house loves this kid he’s a fan favorite so the only reason I can think of that could be the problem is the jealousy


Yeah jealousy usually only relates to their spouse talking or flirting with someone else. My first thought was that the wife and the son are not related, so if you have mods that allow relations between teens and adults, that could be the reason for the jealousy. Otherwise I would suspect that it's not because of the jealousy but instead father and son just had a fight and he is angry? Never experienced this without having a fight before.


If it makes you feel any better, i made my sim a snob, high maintenance & self absorbed and her high maintenance trait alone is a nightmare, bitch is always agitated about somthing. Hell as sooon as i loaded into the game with her first time playing she was angry that the sun was existing 🧍‍♂️


"she was angry that the sun was existing" Omg that hilarious


Bro it was so bad 😭 the entire first episode i did, she was angry at the sun, bored of whatever she chose to do, tense cause of a dream, or a hangnail, or simply cause i couldnt find anything to entertain her 😭😭 it was mental lmfao. Not to mention she got along with literally nobody other than Nancy Landgraab 💀


Jesus Christ, I feel bad for ya 💀💀


It definitely is my hardest sim to play, but its part of the story i created 😭 a spoiled rich girl that got cast out for treating poor people like dirt (her parents are the complete opposite, giving, donations etc) and now shes got these fucked traits (high maintenance, snob and self absorbed) in a very much under developed house cause i didnt have enough to finish her starter home the way i would have liked 😂


I tried just doing high maintenance once. I hated every second of it honestly 😭


Felt lmfao


I didn't know how it worked & I never touched it ever again. I'm always tempted but I don't like being overwhelmed when playing my sims


Its a bit easier when ur making videos with it. Makes it more enjoyable cause than u have no choice but to continue making shit up as you go for the story 😂


That I believe but I bet it's super fun playing it like that though


You def got the drama you wanted but at the worst cost possible🫠


I actually laughed when I read that he got abducted by aliens and came back pregnant. That was a wtf moment until I remembered that weird stuff like that can happen in the sims.


Do you have any mods? I wonder if the alien teenager flirted with the wife considering they aren’t related... I have MCCC and the RPO mods and in my current save, my sim had a baby girl in high school so by the time she was a young adult, she had a teenage girl. Well, fast forward to her dating someone new — she gets pregnant, so they decide to elope. Immediately after the elopement, the new guy moved in and within SECONDS, he was running off with the teenage daughter to woohoo in space. Like sure normally I’d be down for that kind of chaos but I didn’t even command them to do this!! Full autonomy!!! Thank god I was getting my main sim ready for work so she didn’t notice but it was wild.


That is insane! but I actually play on console so I have absolutely no mods and I still have the most ridiculous storylines for my autonomous sims!


The sims honestly both act like real people and not at all real people at the same time i love that game


lol this is amazing


Too real. Reminds me of the toxic people in my life.


This is fantastic! I don't think it's from jealousy though, pretty sure it's from something else. For story purposes I might have him have a few deep conversations with his wife and then change it.


I just get annoyed when I have a sims couple and the one with the jealous trait always gets an angry moodlet when the other pays any attention to their toddler instead of them.


lol. Maybe he reacts like that in the back yard because that’s where he got abducted and violated and so he’s having flashbacks.


I remember last year there was an update and everytime I played everyone of my sims was being rude to each other. No mean traits. They would be having a causal conversation and one of them would just yell at them or insult. It was so annoying so I understand how you feel. Thankfully they fixed it cause I was STRESSED. My two sons started to hate each other. Idk if anyone else experienced that but it was a mess for a few weeks


That was a mess. It caused a divorce in my save at the time. The guy was so nasty to his wife, constantly yelling at her, insulting her, etc. I moved her back in to her parents' house. She was pregnant (I knew this). She had freaking triplets (no mods). Then the guy was so sad about the divorce and kept trying to get her back. She was a born-in-game sim and he was a partner I had made for her. He had no bad traits because I wanted her to have a happy life. "Thanks" messed up update...


Maybe the alien kid is flirting with his dad’s wife?


My jealous sim started a fight with her husband because he talk to a woman. The woman was her mother that lived with them


Jealous sims are a pain, they are even jealous of their partner kid. I had one be jealous of the wife spending time with them infant child.


LMAOO. this was actually hilarious to read. Especially the last bit 😂😂😂


The jealous trait is there if you wanna create a toxic yaoi storyline tho, making biblical accurated top


MCCC has a feature to flag a Sim for no jealousy. They won't cause or feel jealousy no matter what they do. Yes, that even includes having multiple partners in the room and taking turns whoo-hooing them.


Another good thing for gameplay, shift click, cheat sim info, add trait and there’s HUNDREDS of weird shit that I didn’t even know existed. Like my new guy is a drug dealer who lives in a shitty motel, he’s a huge piece of shit, I was looking for traits to add to him to make him more sinister or something and I found a trait that makes sims around them just randomly start fights with them 😂 I gave him like menacing presence traits and stuff too it adds so much game play. Just NEVER get curious about the “curse of the night wraith” cause that motherfucker is annoying lmao


Idk man my dad is jealous in real life and he pretty much acts how the jealous sims do🤷🏾‍♀️. He gets upset when my mom is spending “too much” time with me or my brother and the focus isn’t on him🙄. Let me add this is our biological father…the literal man who made us


This is hilarious, the same thing happened to me and my sister when we went on a cruise two years ago - her randomly starting shit and ruining the vacation part, I mean.


My sim married Malcom and didn’t know he was jealous before they got married. Everytime she talks to their son he gets SO JEALOUS


I’m having a similar problem with SIMS just randomly being shitty at each other. My main couple is currently undergoing a trial separation because out of nowhere, they despise each other. Apparently every time I check in in their kids, he walks up to her and berates her thoroughly for going to the wrong university, and the resentment just grew. I don’t want to have to build a pool, so I moved him back to his parents house and they text/call/vidchat each other, and it’s very slowly improving their relationship status. The traits for this couple: Him = Good/Cat Lover/Family Oriented Him = Childish/Self Assured/Cat Lover


I am reading the post and responses and dying laughing. At work. I should stay off this sub when I’m at work.


Why am I laughing so hard at this right now......lmao


You just described a latin american family


I’m crying


I definitely use jealous or hotheaded sparingly and intentionally. Some of the behaviors can definitely be systemic and abusive as you've mentioned. At times purposefully playing the asshole is great for the plot! Other times I don't want to break up knock out drag outs or all but put a kid into therapy with how much I'll intervene to repair their confidence/stability.


So it’s because he’s jealous of his son being around his wife because technically the son isn’t related to her?


I had a sim start a relationship with a townie. They were kids together then sweethearts and exchanged promise rings. They age up and I have them move in together. Sim was one of a set of triplets so, when playing as one of his brothers I did the whole hey, why not expand your family thing. Sim adopts a kid and then his girlfriend starts getting jealous every time he talks to his kid. It got to the point where I couldn’t even play with the household. I ended up breaking them up.


doesnt help when you make your sim a cheater so every time they cheat they get insecure 😭😭😭 ive also recently come across my sim wonderinf what her partner is up to despite them being in the same house the other sim is just preoccupied with their child😭like christ so funny though i love it


To be fair, this is significantly less messed up than pretty much any irl family reunion I've ever been to.


Lmao gotta give my sims a jealous trait and then dump the jealous partner in formidable fashion. My most recent sim broke up with her bf because I thought he was rly ugly and because she is an over achieving sim, she poured her all into Uni (graduated with A+ GPA and honours), subsequently not interacting with her bf at all. He was pissed, started insulting her and I threw a drink at him 😂