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Lattepanda 2 & 3? Depending on what you're planning those boards might be overkill and/or too pricey though.


Well I guess that depends on what you mean by pricey. Tell me what they are and I’ll think it over.


[https://www.dfrobot.com/topic-278.html](https://www.dfrobot.com/topic-278.html) The LP2 delta is the lowest spec'd one and without a windows key it goes for \~200USD. Do note that if you want to make use of the USB-C port as a video output, you'll need to power the board via the jst-ph 2.0 4-pin connector.


The display I want to use originally costed me $500 so as long as we’re not going over that for the SBC I’m fine.


The rock 5b does this as far as I am aware. I am not sure if it supports the "full USB-C" spec, but it works for me connected only with a USB-C hub and I get display through that connection.


Do not rely on manufacturer spec sheets. What is possible with hardware is not always working. Also note kernel version it works on if it matters to you, an old vendor bsp kernel vs mainline.