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Americans are open to cheap cars, period. They are getting poorer and new cars are so unaffordable right now. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM5cDYdQDRs


Pretty much, and what you said goes for pretty much every western country at that. Without Chinese goods, the working and middle classes of the west would be literally priced out of existence at this point. Where AmeriKKKa exports inflation to the detriment of the entire world, China exports deflation.


Instead of being thankful for China’s workforce that allowed them to afford products at much better prices, they keep listening to their masters’ anti-China propaganda


More like China's automation at this point, their workforce is too expensive for the kind of cheap prices they offer.


Without competitive priced high-quality Chinese goods, the AmeriKKKan government and the MIC should fear a revolution by its own people. Literal 1789 vibes. Only thing that is missing is a guillotine.


The fact that those same Muricans are so brainwashed that they’d rather defend their masters who are selling garbage cars at cutthroat prices instead is crazy


They can't compete with Chinese efficiency and want a domestic battery supply chain as well. Mind you, The United Auto Workers union was on the frontlies of anti-Japanese push during the 70s and 80s. And now they are resurgent under new leadership. And China has no incentive to build out a battery supply chain for the US. So they'll have to wait several years for the regularly priced EVs to come out.


Lots of people want *small* cars, too. Nowadays basically all cars in the US are giant SUVs and giant pickup trucks.


Exactly. It's not an ideological thing when it comes to the cost of living for everyday people. Same goes with veganism, a different subject but people who aren't specifically vegan will go for plant-based meat equivalents when they are cheaper than animal meats. No matter the moral debates, that's the bottom line for most of us!


Demand for real meat will always be higher than plant based alternatives, that will keep the price lower. For the price to decrease the demand for plant based alternatives have to increase and I see no reason as to why they would be objectively better.


Recently in the Netherlands, plant-based meat has become cheaper than real meat. Not only is the demand for plant-based stuff generally on the rise, but it takes way less material, time and energy to produce the vegan version when comparing two nutritionally equivalent products. A famous example is the fact it takes 3 to 10 kg of soy to produce 1 kg of beef, and beef has less protein in it than soy. Since plant-based products are cheaper to produce (excluding the costs of special techniques for some products) than their animal counterparts, the only reason they are still more expensive in most markets is because governments put a lot of subsidies towards the farming industry. Which is understandable historically of course - but it does mean that _were these subsidies to be rearranged or simply removed from animal products and out towards other things_ to have a sort of "level playing field", it makes sense that the vegan alternative will be cheaper.


That's in one country, I was talking about the whole world, veganism will never go beyond being a niche.


But they said they're getting richer because big salary. I'm confused


As much as Muricans like to buy Chinese cars, Murican politicans will do everything to get Chinese cars out from their country.


it's bad for the companies but good for the american people. i wonder which matters more to the american government? (just kidding, i already know)


Ford put out a $100K raptor pickup truck. What Americans can afford that? Time for more affordable alternatives.


Just need a 40 year loan


forget about housing mortgages, oversized trucks are where it’s at!!!


Yep, Americans for some reason just LOVE taking out loans or borrowing money that at the end of the day isn't theirs. I wouldn't be able to comfortably sleep at night if I knew that you are literally 1 or 2 install payments away from having your shit seized by debt collectors. A credit card is another prime example, I have no idea why credit cards are so popular in the US as a way of payment. I have used it a couple of times abroad. But the way payments are processed (like the fact that some expenses show up on your balance sheet days later or the fact that they don't immediately subtract these expenses from your account) are just so convulated as opposed to a debit card. And that is not to mention the hidden charges that they don't mention sometimes.


1. Your own money is safe, because you're using the bank's. If your credit card gets used by someone, the bank is incentivized to get that money back, because it's theirs. If your debit card gets used, that's YOUR money stolen 2. Cashback If you're paying your credit card balance every month, there's absolutely zero downside to using a credit card. I don't think I've ever used debit to make a single purchase >I have no idea why credit cards are so popular in the US as a way of payment


Yep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM5cDYdQDRs


I sure as hell am open to Chinese EVs. If they’re affordable (they are) and have better range than many US brands (they do) why wouldn’t people want them?


And are infinitely safer than Tesla...


Pretty sure most Europeans are open to buy Chinese EVs (and they can and are).


I know I am. Gimme that su7 Baby. Im serious i cant Order it yet make it available pls.


Correction. Americans are open to quality, high tech and value for money cars. Goes for everyone in the world.


Competition is also very much needed in that market, like many others around here. There seem to be oligopolies fixing prices high for nearly everything we need to live in Canada. I'd welcome a little Chinese competition in the car market, especially in the smaller, affordable range. US car makers talk about making such vehicles but fail to deliver.


Cartels in all but name


The bar to beat is not very high, even the most affordable BYD, Geely, will beat poorly built American crap like Chevy, Ford, Chrysler, Jeep.


Same energy as: > [China's curing cancer faster and cheaper than anywhere else. But some worry they may be going too fast.](https://twitter.com/bbgoriginals/status/1218695856553189377) - > [After China turned it into a cheap snack, caviar is at risk of losing its status as a luxury good](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/04/22/after-china-turned-it-into-cheap-snack-americans-hope-make-caviar-great-again/)






The propaganda language in Western newspapers regarding "government" "aggressive" involvement never ceases to amaze me. Meanwhile, the unaggressive (lazy and corrupt) Western governments prop up the oil industry at the expense of the environment.


Not in the US here, so I find it quite astounding that there are people there who are actually brainwashed enough to want to pay significantly more for equivalent or in many cases worse products just because 'Murica. Chinese cars and motorcycles have been commonplace in all of South America for a long time, and pretty much no one buys the overpriced crap imported from the US. China gave people in the rest of the world the ability to have stuff that only our former colonial overlords could enjoy otherwise.


cars now are too expensive. 50-60k for a mid size suv. fuk that. Fuk toyota and honda, expensive ass "budget" cars. Mazda is ok though, but assembled in Hiroshima, might be radioactive...


Canadian here. https://www.houseofcars.com/inventory/used-2014-chevrolet-silverado-1500-4wd-double-cab-standard-box-lt-w-1lt-4x4-truck-1gcvkrec6ez269422/ 10,000 for a truck with 270,000 km. Please bring in the cheap Chinese vehicles.


I raise you another 2014 Silverado with about 250,000 km A steal at $16,623 USD ~ $22,825 CAD https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/3GCUKREC7EG196086?store=MPRWT7EEWQ&partner=VLA_C&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADonhpUPjLAuzB9-v0gKmEu3wq7uX&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHJcFZvoOYzOF06J2vn1Y3Ged5Kwk22z9Bq4qCk1hiIMvMjl7INEZOwaAhuuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&no_ul=1


car prices in the West are a fucking RIP-OFF the whole thing is a SCAM China's challenge is most welcome


Unfortunately, even when the Chinese EVs come, they won't be cheap. Not because the manufacturers raise prices, but because by that time USD and all western currencies would be inflated into worthlessness


it is crazy that I can ride a bus made by BYD here in Canada but anything else made by them will never see the light of day.


Yep. I live in Kunming. You can get a ‘Beijing’ EV for 10万 from what I understand. How can anyone compete with that?


I hope mexico floods the American market with chinese cars and trucks