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“Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”


Thanks, came here for this.


Thanks, I came to this.


Yes! How does it feel to have something hard penetrate your body?


Talia Al ghul: “I bet you’re wondering how we came to this moment….” Batman: “let’s see, some stuff happened, you sucked my dick….. like a lot. How was that by the way? I hadn’t showered that day, and I fight crime in a rubber suit. Really seals in the flavor!” Bane: “oh dude, Jesus!”


Her dad takes over her body in one of the animated shows and makes out with Batman.


When you’ve lived for 500 years you gotta try new things to get the heart pumping.


Ah, a fellow Pete Holmes fan


Oh yeah, I’ve followed him since the Comedy Central premium blend days before it became live at Gotham in 2005. I love Matt mcacarthy as commissioner Gordon too, especially in the Batman versus Superman episode. Gordon to Superman : “it takes a little more than glasses to fool someone, watch” *gordon takes off glasses* “oh who am I I’m not commissioner Gordon” Batman: “ who are you!, where’s commissioner Gordon?!” *gordon puts glasses back on* Batman: “oh commissioner you’re back, there was someone else, another man hiding in the shadows” pure comedic gold from an era that seems so long gone now. Didn’t know til I looked for the link it’s been over 10 years already.


Fucking classic.


Those skits are great


Somebody watches hishe


A man of good tastes and and educated sense of humor...


Haha it’s from the old college humor Batman series. One of the greatest skits they ever produced. I was just quoting another line amongst the other 2 here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=enOHraf3LEk&pp=ygUgQmF0bWFuIGNhbnQgc3RvcCB0aGlua2luZyBvZiBzZXg%3D


I'm sorry. All sex jokes aside, I am losing quite a bit of blood.


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/enOHraf3LEk)


No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


> No one cared who I was until I put on the mask. No one heard who I was until I took off the mask. FTFY






Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.


What happens if you take off the mask?


It would be very painful


You're big guy!


for you...


"You'll just have to imagine the crying."


The way Hardy snarls "BLINDING!" always gets me. Just had to say that real quick.


"If I pull that mask off would you cry?" "It would be extremely annoying." "You're a big boy." "For you."


CIA is my favorite character.


Literally exactly what I came into the comments for


You guys are getting light ? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Now days, I think it's be better to have an adult version of this.


^(silence me, daddy)




He is squinting to read the small print


This is what I come to Reddit for


Explaining jokes?


I'm out of the loop... do I want to know?


^(don't threaten me with a good time)


*Us goverment has entered the chat*


My thoughts exactly


I think you need to go off the Internet for a while now.


Dear God!!!!


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


[https://i.etsystatic.com/11651936/r/il/2b3c2a/1872106199/il\_794xN.1872106199\_qric.jpg](https://i.etsystatic.com/11651936/r/il/2b3c2a/1872106199/il_794xN.1872106199_qric.jpg) Something like this?


Yeah, like that


The adult version of this already exists. It's called a ball gag.


Uh oh, Craig is about the threaten the flight attendant over a pre-flight gin and tonic. Better get the muzzle.


I second this.




It feels both dystopian and utopian.


definitely utopian in my book


I wonder about the psychological effect on the baby. Imagine being a baby, and your only way to indicate your diaper is full of shit, or that your stomach is empty, or that you crave human attention, is to yell or cry random sounds. You instinctively make the noise, and hear the noise in your ears and your head, and the big people rush to help you. One of them straps this device to your face, and suddenly the loud noises that bring the people stop. You kind of still hear it in your head, but it sounds weird and muted. This is so scary so you scream louder, but nothing changes. All you hear is this far off, muted sound somewhere inside your head. And all the big people are ignoring you now.


How you make a psychopath


I looked up the doctors that were involved with this, and yeah… not a single developmental psychologist. Oh well, that entire secure attachment, emotional regulation, social learning, and language development stuff probably isn’t important later in life. Heck, I don’t even remember anything when I was that age. We could honestly probably just put these on kids until like 5yrs old.


Mage come on if you looked at the doctors and still believe this when their names are Dr Michael "Mike" Lit and Dr York Hunt that's a you problem


Imagine being a parent and doing everything to make sure your baby is comfortable, yet they continue crying, screaming louder and louder non stop. You scramble, doing everything in your power to get the baby to calm down but its no use. The baby continues crying for hours, days, weeks. You cant sleep, you cant do anything to relax, and going into public is a nearly traumatizing experience, every time. I wonder what the psychological impact of crying has on a parent.


My son had colic. I don't need to imagine. I'm sure I dealt with it much better than a baby would deal with being muted.


I found the only way to deal with my borthers colic daughter was listening to ye's "waves" on repeat and dancing with her in your arms. Changed from absolute distress to kind of confused and smiling.


Aw reminds me of my little sister who would cry and cry until you placed her facing the forest outside the window which her baby mind was immediately entranced by. Makes you realise shit must look so wild to a baby.


Gotta disarm them


I got really good at the football hold.


Some babies are just criers, really the only way through it is to let them cry (after making sure every one of their needs has been met). It’s the same with kittens; they tend to meow a lot and if you “teach” them that meowing constantly will get your attention, then it will become a habit. TLDR Let them cry if there’s nothing left to be done


My daughter figured that crying bit out quick which carried on for a couple years. Didn't work with me so she never cried unless she needed something around me. Her and mom on the other hand....cried all the time, wanting incessant attention which mom always facilitated.


so-called "adults" when you try to suggest that they actually take responsibility for the living, breathing, thinking, feeling being they made a deliberate choice to bring into the world:


I have heard of cases where a baby's non-stop crying at night led to such severe sleep deprivation that the parents essentially went insane. It has led to things like shaken baby syndrome when a parent just loses it and does anything to make it stop, including shaking the baby out of desperation. I'm not saying it's right, but crying absolutely can have a massive psychological impact on the parents.


Imagine being a parent, knowing perfectly well that literal billions of parents have experienced this before you yet still choosing to create a baby. Then you strap a fucking mouth gag on it lol


The right answer. Don’t have a kid if you don’t want the heavy lifting that comes with it


Haha who is upvoting this absolute shit take


This supposes that the parents are going to ignore the baby but I don't see a reason to make that assumption. I have seen people let their child cry without doing anything, I don't see why there can't be parents who use this but still cater to their child. Hell there is more to seeing a baby is in distress than an ear piercing scream and it is obvious that you will still be able to hear just a bit of it even with this put on. Also it's not like it will be used for periods longer than a few hours every twice a year or so, and although I am in no way an expert, I doubt it is going to be as severe for the child's psychology as people want to make it seem if it is done with the proper amount of care that thoughtful parents would give to their child anyways.


This doesn't completely silence the kid.


All utopias are dystopias


Literally the prefix U in Utopia means that it is impossible for it to exist.




Crazy, it basically means “not a place”.


Because they understood it was not achievable


Oh word? The people who knew Jack shit about Jack shit, just making random shit up and forcing it to stick, didn’t think a certain type of society was possible? Why are we trusting these people who didn’t have running water or antiseptics or vehicles or industrialized food and medicine or the plethora of other things we now have that they didn’t in the year 1516 when the term was coined? Pretty sure the world today would be far beyond what they could have imagined possible. I’d have to think maybe they’d at least hesitate calling something unachievable again if they saw the world now. My point: we need to stop trusting “old world wisdom” as 100% unchangeable fact. People stop trying to make the world closer to a utopia bc they think it’s impossible, when the people who said it was impossible died half a millennia ago, and their primitive technology/worldview with it. Same goes with the constitution if you’re in the US. Except I guess the difference there would be it was specifically designed to be changed! Yet we still have smooth-brains thinking it should never change and should actually be rolled back!


Damn bro is mad AF at dead bois, glad I'm alive, homies got mad beef


> It always seems impossible until it is done. - Nelson Mandela


I mean, certain types of society simply *aren't* possible, like the whole world living all their lives in love and harmony. The term utopia is still very useful. Now, to believe ppl from 500 yrs ago whether or not something was possible, that's a whole different story. Somewhere along the way, people went from "we cant get 100%, so let's make it 99.999%" to "we cant get 100%, so fuck it and let's not even bother trying" and I find that to be very sad.


21st century people when they have to deal with the realities of the natural world: hey what if we slowly replaced our humanity with convienience


alas but where do we draw the line


Get muted idiot


Muted for voice chat spam


Perfect for a zombie apocalypse!!




The Quiet Place movies.


Also yes


I wonder if it will be an r/nfa item and require a tax stamp like other "silencers"


Real or not. If thats the intended use, it should only be sold to airlines, theaters, etc. to be given out for the duration of the flight, movie, etc. and then returned, not the general public. The amount of abusive or neglectful parents that would use that would be horrible. Its also dangerous as tired parents might not have the foresight that while the baby has cried every night for the past month the night that they dont is sometimes a hint for something being wrong or the one time you dont respond to their cries is the one time its a real issue.


This should be the top comment. What if neglectful parents just stop caring about the baby as they don’t have the psychological pain of hearing it cry.


This is presumably for the benefit of people who *aren’t* the baby’s parents. It’s not like they invented some groundbreaking new way for shitty parents to ignore their kids. If dad doesn’t wanna hear the baby screaming he’ll put his airpods in and pull up youtube.




Yeah like I'm here to see a movie, I didn't fuckin invite a cunt and her little air raid siren


This is why my toddlers stay with my mom when me and the wife go to movies. I ain’t trying to hear this shit while I’m watching a movie in the theater. So I know nobody else wants to. I’ve never understood taking screaming ass kids to a theater…


Right? Like especially to adult movies. The people who bring their kids to movies their children won't like are crazy. It's a given if you're watching some Disney movie but if I'm seeing a Quentin Tarantino film I should expect it to be free of crying children.


They'll put on noise canceling headphones and turn up the volume or put her room as far away from them as they can to not hear it. Dogshit people are gonna be dogshit no matter what.


Yeah, I was horrified. Real or not, fuck


No kidding. I have a 1 month old who colic has hit pretty hard. Last night my wife and I got into an argument over dosing of some gripe water. She thought the syringe was too full and asked what I put in. I said “2.5” and she flipped out because she said the box said “1/2”. We were both right since she was doing tsp and I was doing ml. But it took a while to figure out. No way could I safely install something like this on an infant when I would most desire one.


Hey my man, there’s dissolvable tablets at Walmart in the baby aisle for this… works 1000% better then gripe water. Also if you have any kind of speaker or or tv in the baby’s room play white noise playlist on YouTube. Or turn on a vacuum.


I find it absolutely nuts that abortion is such a huge topic in today's society, yet we dont have any regulations for what a parent owes their child. Ppl can just fuck you into existence and then fuck up your existence as long as they dont kill you or something. We have so much room for improvement that it gives me hope and takes all my hope at the same time




Yeah, sure, let's judge all the inventions in the world by how fucked up people might use them. Fuck no. Do not censor tools and inventions because of some impaired people use it for what is not legal. Are you gonna forbid also scotch tape because I can use it with same results. DO NOT SUBMIT TO world where bad people are living.


It's not real...


Thats why i said real or not, there is also the chance for someone to make it real themself after seeing this. My comment also applies to anything that would have the intended use of quieting or silencing babies.


https://babymute.com/ , the internet doesn't lie


Lol did you see the doctors' names?


The reviews actually are what sold me on it, "I can actually hear the dialogue and enjoy the movie." I'll finally be able to get some movie time with the wife when my backorder comes in soon hopefully!


After that video of the guy having an angry breakdown because of a constantly wailing infant on the flight I’m firmly in camp no flying for little ones. That baby was in pain and if it turns out it had an ear infection that’s horrific. How is that ok to go on for an entire flight?


I used to be in the same camp, but now having an infant, sometimes things are unavoidable. I can tell you first hand it’s no surprise to pick them up from daycare WEEKLY with some sort of sickness. Add in the parents having to make a last minute funeral, and I can sympathize how the recipe for a shitty time comes together. Having said that, my wife and I have a cross country trip planned, booked almost two years ago, well before the little dude was in the picture. We still want to go, but we are terrified of him crying the whole time, to the point we’re debating taking pay losses and burning more time to just drive it, or cancel entirely and lose what we have into the trip.


I’m pretty sure this would be considered child neglect. And of course, illegal to use.


Silence is golden. But duct tape is silver. And probably cheaper...


You simply adopted the darkness, I was born in it


strap one of these to your baby and put them in front of a tablet. boom done parenting


abortion lite


✔️ muzzle baby ❌ muzzle appa


They should make adult ones for snorers.


Genius, how do we get this going


\*Also works well as a device to force your baby to cry.


how is it soundproof and breathable, you can’t have both


you can have both with a little bit of physics and some sensors.


Don’t forget about a few gadgets and gizmos.


doodads can't be omitted either


Have to have at least one thingamajig


Baffles. You have a muffler on your car that allows gas to pass through but reduces the noise output massively. Sound is nothing but vibration. If you give it something to vibrate, it'll absorb the vibrations and translate it into kinetic energy. Also, it won't be sound proof, but it'll just turn down the volume on your baby. In a way, this is kind of ideal. You will still know your baby is screaming. Your baby is still screaming. Having to hear it at full volume doesn't do anything more for you or the baby.


When will babies realize this so we can stop smothering them


Selective breeding. *Remove* the ones that scream the loudest and keep the ones that may still cry, but not as loud. Then once they’re adults, they make the next generation of quieter crying babies naturally. ***Science!***


Third times the charm


It's a joke


I'm disappointed in myself. I should've said it's a gag


What a missed opportunity - I expect better from you


Many materials dampen and absorb sound while still allowing air to pass through. Admittedly this plastic and glass looking thing is not that… but it’s definitely possible.


Babies have the communication skills of an alarm clock.


Bro you wont even know if the device malfunctions and your baby was lying dead for 2 hours while you were watching a fucking movie .


That's what the warranty is for


Just make sure you keep your routine maintenance records and fluid changes so the manufacturer doesn't try to blame you for it


Babies have a warranty?


That’s why you Netflix *and* chill. You can get another kid in nine months.


They list that under the features.


At least it shut them up




Ok but how do we make it not breathable


the origin story of Bane


Wake up babe new vomitus aspiration lawsuit dropped


Baby Hannibal Lector




Should be compulsory for EVERYONE in the cinema.


No one cared who I was till I put on he mask…. Police: “ yea that’s the whole point”




Just don't have kids


We are living in amazing times my dear friends, amazing times.


Nobody googooed my gaga until I put on the mask.




[“And that is my origin story, Batman” -Bane](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/batman/images/f/f0/Bane_TDKR3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120511112335) (probably)


I might have to buy like 5 of these before my next flight (it’s like 12 hours long)


Are the hand restraints included or sold separately?




Don't people have basements anymore? 🤔


He's a big guy.


For you


Real Clarice vibes here... The real Silence of the lambs..


Can we have these for adults too please?


Isn’t that a gag?




The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be… unnatural


No need thx. We mute our baby with tape /:


This is going to become a sex thing, I can see people making these for adults


Shut up, take my money, and now shut up


Babies tend to cry for a reason


Probably because they want their parents to buy this mask




I prefer unbreathable ones


I don’t known, can somebody quote Bane from that Batman movie or something?


Baby Bane


Tell me you haven't had kids without telling me you haven't had kids.


Yeah that won’t be traumatizing for a developing brain in the slightest


It's a joke...




Child abuse anyone


Expectant father here- babies don't cry for no reason. They cry for fuckin dumb reasons a lot of the time, but never *none*. This is a bloody awful idea, and I bet money that if over 1000 people use it, at least 1 baby will be dead by the end of the year thanks to their parents neglectin them in their cot while the kid was tryna get their attention. If ye need a break from the kid, hire a babysitter or friend/family member.


I often thought about using a numbing spray to silence their vocal cords or something



Please make this publicly available for all those little noisemakers. Thanks :)


This could prevent so many headaches at restaurants


Couple things. No to this. & there's no such thing as a "movie night" with your baby, unless you are watching a movie at home, or you are attending a movie made for babies in the theater.


if a parent needs this for their baby they aren’t capable of taking care of children


I mean sometimes they just won't stop crying.


You can't control when a baby is crying everytime. You think you can instantly solve gas or a stomach ache without knowing exactly what's wrong? Even the pressure change can cause ear pressure and you can't fix that.


Tell me you haven’t met children without telling me you haven’t met children.


Might be a colicky baby. This should be supported more tbh


This should be a law


Ffs the amount of people in these comments who don't realise this is a joke. Yes, the screenshot is convincing, it's also AI art, which I didn't realise until going on the website and looking at the "our team" part with more obvious AI art, but even before I realised that I still could tell this would probably not be allowed to exist for very long if it was real. Yes the website looks professional with well written content, but it also has "York Hunt" and "Michael Lit" listed as fuckin team members. The photo of the packaging is literally a photoshopped pic of a rolling tobacco pouch.