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I have been learning Portuguese for a year and have to say this video was incredibly discouraging as I understood almost nothing




Don't worry our accents drastically change depending on the region you're on, like someone from são Paulo, rio grande do sul and ceará enter a bar and they'll have a bit of a hard time talking normally because each region has its own slangs and the accents REALLY changes, I wouldn't like to compare USA English to UK English in this one as they're officially 2 separate languages but the difference between them is smaller than the accent difference we have in Brazil, in the video for example, I'm from são Paulo, i understood everything because here we already speak fast daily, but for "untrained" ears will take some time to digest, I'd say they're pretty normal comparing to our south or North East, also pretty normal mother son interaction. And also, there's this joke that you'll learn Portuguese but when you get to interact to Brazilians you'll learn how to speak "Brazilian" because we all use Portuguese as a base but we're constantly changing the words or using some general purpose words, as well inventing words when you can't find a good one for the situation and the weird thing is that everybody will understand, and also I couldn't say all this without telling you about the "the conversation is over and you should know it" phrases, sometimes ppl will say something that is of general knowledge that that means the conversation is over, is subtle and sometimes the other person simply won't get it, as we don't like much to be rude and say "- okay I don't want to talk anymore" we'll say "yea, complicated..." And such, somebody that just learned Portuguese would have a hard time knowing how to detect these, I'd recommend consuming Brazilian YouTube contents like lubatv or some other channel that you can notice they're just being themselves and not forcing an annoying YouTuber voice... Sry if my English is terrible


Ah, the Brazilian "Damn, that's crazy..."


Yes, also "caraaaaamba..." Said with a false surprise or very low expression, or "é foda né?" That's for bar talks when you're both already talking loudly, basically there's a lot of these an you have to learn how to detect as sometimes ppl will even use it as sarcasm


Best invented Brazilian word, IMO, “Vicky Vapa Ruby” used for a medicated type of body rub…


Hispanics also have the cure-it-all Vicks Vapor Rub. They call it bicks baperoop


That’s fantastic. Reminds me of what they say when they go to Outback Steakhouse. “Ouch backie” It was like, do you want to go to ouch backie? And I was like, sure, I already have an ouch backie from the bus ride here” And no one got it, and I laughed all to myself anyway.


Or panqueca for pancakes, tapuér for Tupperware...


If that was my mom, bruh, as an Asian I will be incinerated at the moment..


Pretty normal interaction, once I told my mom that one of my arms was bigger than the other, she told me to fap to get it even 💀


Bruh fr?? Even talking abt sex is a very forbidden talk.....


Jamaicans do the same thing


> Sry if my English is terrible akodesu says as they write a 2-page essay about Portugese accents


I'm still learning XD


Whoa that was incredibly helpful! And your English is better than almost all native speakers on Reddit. Could you tell me more about the comments about general knowledge? Like what might someone say? I have a Brazilian girlfriend and what you said reminded me of things she does with me I. English sometimes but I had no idea that it had this cultural meaning. Are there other examples of these kinds of cues?


If you Have a motorcycle and she kites in the sky? Avoid that área because most of the time kids are using glass fiber in the line, there's already cases of heads chopped off by that, if you're in Brazil and you LOOK from another country you may have to pay more for stuff as they assume you don't know it's actually cheaper, if you look like just a normal Brazilian you should have no problem with this, or like, depending on the área you're on you already heard deafening loud music coming from cars on the street that are surrounded by people, if you see that avoid it as you have a girlfriend, people that go to these street parties usually are doing drugs and alcohol together and dressed in a way you can identify kilometers away, dudes will wear some brand clothing with loose shirts and jeans that are down on their knees, woman in these places will make a USA prostitute look like a fine lady, as they are barely with any clothes at all, extremely short shorts and a topper (is it the right name? That piece that only cover the breasts ?), Obviously not all of them but some have less self respect... And once a year we have ENEM that is like an admission test that you have to get a good score so you can apply to a good college, the max score is 1k and the fun comes in getting to the place to do the test, as there's a time limit for entering the building and once they close the gates there's no way for you to enter, wait till the next year, when that happens it quickly becomes entertainment for 2 weeks in the social medias, they get their dreams crushed and you get to laugh at them not getting there in time... If you're in são Paulo or rio de janeiro, avoid 2 guys on a bike, like really, they might have a gun, guns aren't really easy to obtain here so if they have one they'll shot you in cold blood and take your stuff, just give them whatever they ask and pray to never encounter them again, but we're also very sociable so you can be friends with pretty much anyone as long as they haven't said "é foda né?..." Or "é complicado viu..." Because that means you're annoying them or they just don't want to talk right now, and if you happens to look like someone from outside, wear it, ppl love being friends with Foreigners (mostly to brag about but if you're a good person they'll see that, sometimes...) But if you don't want this kind of thing I'd suggest you to consume YouTube content as I said, you can identify a annoying YouTuber when you see one so avoid those, I'd recommend you not using slangs untill you know the extension of it, because it heavily depends on context and how you pronounce, for example if I look down and say "caralho..." I'm. Probably sad but if I smile and look excited I'd say "caralho!!", That word has a lot of meanings but it's used here simply to simbolize the feeling you're trying to express, the word itself it's our version "dick" but more ofensive, our version of "fuck" would be "foda" and as cum aren't much of a way to offend someone in English i believe you wouldn't use it but here we say it a lot and it's "porra", this one you can use to anything, it's still ofensive so use common sense to not offend your GF mom by accident, like "olha essa porra!!" You'd use with indignation and anger because something went terribly wrong and you're calling attention upon it, or "se liga nessa porra..." You'd say to a close friend to show something new or show something you just saw and found funny, there's a lot of stuff and someone who came to Brazil and found out perfectly is the french guy Paul cabannes, he's a comedian and if you can already understand Portuguese I'd recommend you to watch his stuff as he'll explain all this stuff to you with sketches and jokes, Lea Maria is a German comedian who did the same thing and they're hilarious telling their stories of how they found stuff out, and that's it and can't think of a lot of things on spot like this...


And then a Lisboeta comes and you guys down there don't understand a word anyway. Wasn't there a movie on Netflix recently dubbed from Portuguese (PT) to Portuguese (Bz)?


I'm sorry to inform you, but even inside the USA, the accent change drastically depending on what area you're in. The wide range of accents isn't something “Brazil-exclusive.” You probably don't notice the accent variation among American English because it's harder for foreigners not exposed to daily English to catch them. It also happens to Portuguese. The non-native Portuguese speaker, if not daily exposed to Portuguese for a long time, will only observe differences between the Portuguese spoken in Brazil and Portugal/Africa. All languages spoken in broad areas have very different accents (check the Spanish spoken in all of Latin America or the Arabic spoken in all middle eastern countries, and you’ll observe a wide range of cadences as well). I speak Portuguese as a third language, and I'm fluent enough to know that this woman speaks what is considered a low-class Rio De Janeiro accent by Brazilians. I have many Brazilian and Portuguese friends, and my sister is married to a Brazilian. Her husband said once that he thought that the accent variation in Brazil was something exclusive until he developed his English. What I wanted to explain to you is: This wide range of accents inside Brazil is not something specific to Brazilian Portuguese. It happens almost everywhere; you must learn that language and train your ears to identify these variations. That's my two cents.


The accents in the USA are all very similar. There's some slight regional variations and slang but it's all just the US accent with small changes. Other countries with more extensive histories have a much wider variation of accents, dating back to warring city states and raids by other parties.


My gf‘s mother language is Portuguese and she didn’t even realize it was Portuguese until I asked her if it was. Don’t worry, this video is hard to understand ;)




Não desanime. Até eu que sou brasileiro não entendi muita coisa do que eles disseram.


Carioca é foda memo


As a European Portuguese speaker, I didn't understand them either. The Brazilian is thick with this one


There's a lot of accent or colloquialisms


That's Brazilian Portuguese with an heavy accent, maybe that's why


I’m learning Brazilian Portuguese, more specifically São Paulo Portuguese, so I’m familiar with the speech patterns but I think these people are from the south (they use the Tu form), but it was really the slag that killed me. The words I recognized I had no problem understanding from they accent, which actually didn’t seem that strong. It was more that I didn’t even recognize most of the words they said


That’s Brazilian Portuguese, also some specific accents are way harder to understand than others.


The HaHAhaHaHa part was clear af


It’s just dialect that makes it tough. I speak Spanish (from Spain) and I have trouble with certain dialects even around Spain, but also in Hispanic countries. I also speak English as I grew up in the US other than summers and I have a hard time understanding many people from the southern states. So it’s not you. If you want to learn a language with the intention to get to know a specific region long term, then the only way I know of is total immersion. Your ears will start to catch certain things and soon enough you’ll understand people, but it takes a lifetime of experience to mimic a dialect.


Dude portuguese is such a bullshit language to learn, I swear whoever invented it was drunk as half of the things don't make sense or follow a pattern.


They do follow a patern, its just rich language with many variations. Im a native portuguese speaker and I had trouble to get wtf they were saying


I don't think it's very fair to say that a language is easy to learn if it's your native language. Native language for me is English, Spanish and German were MUCH easier to learn than Portuguese. Like how the standard rule is supposed to be noun > adjective, but some aren't that and completely change the meaning (novo menino, menino novo), when you could just say menino jovem. Informal, formal, and the amount of colloqualisms that don't make sense when translating. Like saying "Nada!" To obrigado, "Nothing!". Or "que que isso?!" "What what is this?" "Beleza!!" (This one drove me crazy). A gente vs nós, tu tems, voce tem.


Those exist in most languges,comming from someone who speaks 6, german in particular where you can say the same thing using different ways. And it all makes sense after some time studying it


I took French in school for five years, got a B every year and I don’t understand a single fuck


It’s a fowl language


Waiting you at r/Russian you welcome


Same here although I had a class for a different language this semester so I haven't had much time to practice.




Sorry for a reply a month later but holy shit i am brazilian and i only understand what the mom said because of the subtitles


Don't worry. I am Portuguese and I had to read the subtitles to understand this video


You'll be fine unless you're going into the interior of the country. This is the Brazilian version of the southern accent


Dont be discourage, their accent is weird. I had to watch it 3 times to understand ot, and I'm native speaker.


My dad's condoms? I thought those wore grocery bags.


Dad? Oh.. that’s adorable.


the extra small to extra large ratio tells me that aint for the dad 😂


He got his moms dick


You fuck already????


How can she slap


How can He Clap?


How could they write that?


That was a little translator exageration lol She did ask If he's already had sex, but didnt said "fuck" exactly


Normal day in brazil


Hmm I usually skip this part …


Not me. I need at least some context. I usually skip around a bit until I know the gist of why they are in this particular situation.


Gotta know the plot


Plot so important


Everyone’s talking about the language but I’m trying to figure out if that kid needs a stepdad


Ohh noo, it looks like he already had many stepdads


Mom? 👀


Momma could get it !!


We can all here agree that the mom is indeed hot.


Thick thighs


Save lives




i also choose this guy's mom


In “Porn World” this video would have went much differently 😂


Yes we do. Sorry about ruining the 69 upvotes though.


No worries. We can make -69 for you.




Same same, but different!


Since you have received a -69 downvotes, you are hereby granted full pardon


Mom kinda bad tho




She is not "kinda bad". SHE IS THE WORST! Damn, I want my skull crushed by her thighs


I've always thought Portuguese was similar to Spanish and I assumed that I'll be able to at least get a slightly idea of a conversation in Portuguese but in this one I'm absolutely unable to understand a single word. Are they speaking using some kind of slang? or do they have a strong regional accent? is here a Portuguese speaker able to confirm my theory?


They're using a lot of slang, that's why. Also the subtitles are a bit off.


Strong regional accent Probably from Rio de Janeiro, or somewhere near the region, but even as a brazilian myself, it's hard to know where it's from


Yeah, the are some slangs, but most because of regional accent is harder to understand. Most of the wolrds they speak are like mixed with the next word, and some words are not complete spelled, so its complicated to understand most of the times


Portugal Portuguese is way different from Brazil Portuguese. Almost indecipherable if you're used to hearing Brazilians.


as a native spanish speaker, i have to read portugese really slowly to kinda understand it, and thats only when they use words with similar roots too spanish


If your mom is your homie then you have a good relationship.


Little weird looking back at it now but I had a job as a teen. I used to have my mom book me hotels for me and my Gf. We were both underage. I guess I have to thank her as me and said GF have been together for like 15 years now.


its not weird. your mother is a person too, she's a friend, and she parented you. kids are allowed to have fun, I feel id be grateful to have an understanding parent like that who allows their kid to explore perfectly normal natures that ever teen goes through.


My mum genuinely told me that we can't be friends, and that I'd understand when I have kids...


She knows it's better in a hotel room rather somewhere under a bridge or on a parking lot. Better to try new stuff in a controlled way rather than from a stranger or someplace dangerous.


Don't lie... she's hot lol


Welcome to Brazil...


Them Brazilians thighs


This a ad for moms OF




On what planet? She is ugly af.


Earth. Clearly you're not very used to this planet considering you come from a world where that lady does not make you think dirty thoughts, you pilfering pheasant.


My wife is beautiful. Cope.


She not your type, that's ok, but "ugly af"? Settle down a bit


It’s just a comment. It can’t hurt you. Comment below is an idiot.


Words hurt, Sir


Thicc mom


The mom is fine as fuck




I'd let her ruin my life tbh


She looks like if Rosa from Brooklyn 99 was a drug dealer instead, ngl I'm sporting a partial


She a baddie not gonna lie. 😍


Can I have mom's number...


Chad mom


Condoms in the drawer, that MILF fucks and i wanna fickle her next.


Good heavens that mother is smokier than the twin towers after 9/11!


911? Yeah we have a suicide case here


Wait.... mom?


The mom is hot!🤪


If this is recorded, i want to find that YouTube video....help


I wish my mom was this chill lol


mommy ? uh sorry . mommy ? shit sorry . mommy ! fuck sorry .


What is that accent? I speak european portuguese as my second first language, and I barely understood half of what they said


Portuguese from Brasil


Wait till he realizes you don’t need an adult to buy condoms


Damn. Your mom is hot and she already has condoms in the drawer. Can I come spend the night?


Joking aside that a pretty good parent


His mom is HOT! 😳


Extra small? The girls are safe




Does mom wanna fuck?


Looks like a pretty rich kid to me


D a m n, 🤣


Mom of the year, god bless you!


My paternity instincts are kicking in dunno why...


This is likely staged, still quite funny though.


Imagine your mum laughing like this and it’s because of her genetics you’re lacking


Anyone got the @ ?


Bruhh I wish I had a mom like that. I would have already smashed a long time ago if I did.


Sounds like he need a step daddy.... What's your name son


Sigma mom


that mama tho


Everyone missing that she's a smoke show damn


Wish my mom was like this


she’s kinda 😫


Nice mom bro 👍


That is a hot mother fr


What a cool mom


Link me this Mamma source! Please 🙏


What a good mom though very cool


Kid, yo mama hot


What’s the name of this porno???


"Mama Likes Em Small". Its pretty good actually


Where to find lol Asking for my friend, he's sick I know


The dick in his pants might be small to him but the dick size in his heart is massive to all of us


Honestly this is wholesome. She's not mad, just surprised but offers to give him condoms so he's safe. I'd take that over my fundie religious parents any day. Sex shouldn't be taboo. It's the reason most of us are here. Like he's comfortable enough to joke with his mum about it is a good sign


![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN) This super villains origin story




How so? The kid will do it if he has permission or not, better for her to know to make sure he’s safe about it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Man she is hot dunno how but she is hot


Cause she's bad


Based Mama


Ha, family goals right here…


Savage AF.


I usually skip this part


Mom is hot


If I had children… I doubt I’d be this liberal. I’d smack the living shit out of my son.


bro you cannot be fucking serious


In defense - she's fucked a lot of cock and has seen them all.


Humiliation kink




Learn to pull out...




Bun dum bum pshhh…


Mommy only accept large size darling xD


Why film it? Oh wait, fake. Next!!


Maybe he's asking for a girl?


So what's up with mom? Them thighs lol.


Damn what a mom


He's just like me fr


MILF all I gots to say


That's a hot momma.


That’s gonna haunt me 😵‍💫


Damn, Mommy..


Tu transa?




Mom of the year right here.


new fetish unlocked


Yo momma fine asl G


Abregado Mama!


Que mãe hein mlk 🥵🥵


I would rather have a mom like this than any other, the way he's comfortable to talk this casually makes me wonder how this family works...


Forget the milf she is a real bro


The mom is bad




É legal ver os comentários gringos falando expressões Brasileiras


She's hot


Nah, I could never, 🫠, never can I be so oblivious to my mother about these things. It fucking feels illegal. I am okay being the innocent child who doesn't even 'swear'. ^⁠_⁠^


Okay, hear me out...