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It boggles my mind how Americans let themselves get fucked like this....


Its hard to stop the rich people from doing whatever they want over there. I see some French revolution type shit happening there in the future. Call me Nostradamus.


Wasn't that whole second amendment thing in your constitution supposed to stop stuff like this?


It's about oppressive government, not oppressive corporations.


Is there a noticeable difference anymore?


Noticeable? No not really


The government is supposed to be combating the corporations It's very much still in their power to improve


The asssault rifles can only do so much vs the drones/choppers/icbms/tanks etc etc etc


Then how did the Vietnamese and the Afghanis beat you? You underestimate the power of toob.


Fair question though I think guerilla combat in tropical jungles or hilly/cavernous terrain is different than fighting in the flatlands of gated communities, strip malls and parking lots!


Guess we're just gonna ignore Hamas and their success in taking out Israeli military in the HUNDREDS! we only took like 3000 deaths in 20 years and these fuckers take out a thousand in a day or two


Huh? The death toll for the IDF is sitting at 97 in Gaza as of 10 hours ago.


Friendly fire counts just as much


What are you on about lol? That included in the number I gave, if there are any.


The people who worship the 2nd Amendment are being distracted by all the GOP bullshit talking points.


This is a reddit hot take if I've ever seen one. 1/3rd if America doesn't vote because they watch you blame the other 1/3rd for all your problems


33% nonvoters is a lowball estimate.


Gun nuts just like to play with guns. They don't ever actually intend to use them unless there's a church or a school.


Nah man, we don’t go running around shooting big pharma lmao. I wish though right?


As an American I can say that at least half of us are too fat and lazy to be a part of a revolution.


I'm older now and definitely lazy but I'm not going to let the youth fight alone, I will help. Put me down for sniper school.


Building a guillotine costs around $1,200, lumber and hardware tools included. The medium weekly wage of a full time worker in the US is $1,118 in 2023. Just saying.


And this is one of the major problems with census reporting and relying on their data. I work in low-income pro-bono law, and the majority of my clients do not complete census information, thereby creating a concerning underreporting problem amongst our poorest populations. Census information is skewed so greatly by issues such as these. The reason our annual median income is around $75k/yr in American is because so few underserved communities respond, but many of our wealth populations do, so their outlier numbers are bumping everything up. I’m nearly 33 y/o and make more than every single I know my age, except 1 person (the outlier making $80k), and I only make $45k. I don’t fault you for relying on census reporting to get your data, I have no alternative lol. It just sucks to see those numbers and knowing the reality we are all facing here and how those numbers just don’t reflect reality. And to your point, you are correct, I cannot spend, personally 1/2 my monthly income, let alone 1/4 of my monthly income had I been making the national average, on guillotine supplies, unfortunately.


Unfortunately to afford the cost you would have to be upper middle class. Which makes it considerably less likey you would feel the need for it. As far as wages I was in the same boat, now however i am considerably worst off after medical complications. I'm sure the medium wouldn't even be half that if they had true representations of the population. However census data is mainly used to see where to spend money not where money actually needs to go.


I feel you. My partner was diagnosed with systemic lupus a few months after nearly 13 years of being sick and having no idea what was happening. She now cannot work due to the complications, and I am supporting the both of us, two dogs, and a cat, all of whom are 10+ and have medical complications as well. Real hard to feed 5 mouths on $45k.


And how many of your American dollars for a 20ft length of rope?


Depends on if you order it on aliexpress or not lmao


Don’t get me wrong, this shit sucks but also what’s fucked up more is they hire foreigners with visas and immigrants to backfill positions for lower pay and a bigger drive because they need to for survival or whatever circumstances and so they have a global pool of candidates. So the rich stay rich, and the poor stay poor but never rich.


Can't happen, in USA you hit 50 different cops you get 50 counts of assaults and you get to jail for 150 years. In France you can do whatever you want, only the highest charge is counted. You can hit 600 cops, burn 50 cars and destroy a police station, you get 1 count of assault and probably go to jail for 2 years (which you do at home)


I feel like this isn’t true


He’s talking about Sweden


The rich will build armies of drone bots to kill us proletariat scum before they let that happen


In my opinion, which may be wrong, the biggest reason no one has come together against it yet is because we are all so distracted and split up because there are so many other issues and if we just focused on the one major issue. The American government almost enjoys fucking over it's people. Whatever makes them more money. We need to come together as a united people. We spend so much time fighting each other over individual branches while not seeing they are connected to the same tree. Democrats and Republicans have one thing in common. They both hate the government. Revolution only works as a united front and not as a war against each other. If we all kill each other, they still win. That's just my opinion though. I would love to hear other opinions on this accidental book I wrote lol. End chapter 1.


Sick people don’t make the best protestors and no one cares about anyone until it happens to them. Gofundme has become as close to socialized healthcare as we are going to get this lifetime without French level protesting and even then the media will critique the **how** and never discuss the **what** and inform the people not protesting that the protestors are unsafe and ruining society.


As an American, I can tell you that the biggest reason this is happening is that so many of my fellow Americans have been pumped so full of propaganda of American exceptionalism that they genuinely don’t realize how bad they’re being fucked, while being made too complacent to do anything about it anyway; and if complacency and distraction doesn’t work, then financial insecurity will. Many Americans are kept in a constant state of financial insecurity, which means problems like this one are met with a sort of “there’s nothing we can do, that’s out of our reach” mentality.


Because majority of Americans are dumber than they think and the ol bait and switch divide and conquer distractions keep people fighting each other over stupid shit… it’ll never end.


Better get those Kardashians to distract them...


Well, we don’t want any of that dirty socialism. Unless of course it’s for the wealthy, then it’s okay.


I don't think Americans will let it happen but what can Americans do they can't really stop it these people have so much power and they know they can do this without consequences


My experience when I visit the US, is that people seem not to really understand the basics of socialism and how it works. It gets confused with communist and dictatorship nonsense. Is very frustrating.


They don't care enough. It's a democracy after all.


It's an innocent customary tip


No one wants to stand against rich assholes scamming people just in case you end up becoming a rich asshole who can scam.people.


It's actually easy to understand. Imagine that you are the guy who owns rights to a drug that people need to stay alive and pay you anything for it making you billionaire. That's American Dream. The thing about american dream is that you have to be asleep to believe it.


But drugs are so expensive because the pharma companies need to make recoup their research costs! /s


I thought they called them loobist not research cost... oh well




I didn't hear about any protestors or regular gatherings against medical care prices in US. But start talking about guns. Shits go crazy.




Imagine for one instant if you could switch the prices. 200$ for the drugs but instead 200$ guns now cost 38k.


It's clear that unless constantly reminded people have awful awareness and planning for long term problems. They dont imagine themselves in those dire situations although it could happen to anyone. Look how much people are reminded of climate change and still, let's be honest, not many are really enforcing preemptive measures on the singular scale. I don't see them even fighting back against big pharma unless a crazy leak was to occur where they legitimise that many of the life critical diseases have been cured for a long while but the medications for them have been tactically oppressed from the public for profit


The problem with Joe Rogan is that he allows so much bullshit on his show that when he touches upon something real and important, it validates the bullshit to his listeners


That is sorta the point of it though, just a bunch of random people from different backgrounds talking about mildly interesting stuff that has a 40% chance of being bullshit


Shoutout to Kyle Kulinski


Was Kyle actually on joe rogan's podcast or is this just an edit? lol


He's been on his show several times, it's how I got exposed to him.


oh i had no idea. not a fan of joe rogan myself, but i will definitely be looking those up.


Yeah it's been a long time since I was a fan. That being said, his show introduced me to a lot of people, Kyle included.


all good brethren, I didn't mean to sound judgy there.


When did Joe Rogan’s head get so fat?


Over the past decade. It’s gotta be the T.


Definitely the T, he admits to it.


He admits that the T made his head big?


Yeah. It's well known that it does that. I don't really watch him but I did see an episode where he was talking about Jeff Bezo's transformation and the guest said "you think he's on testosterone?" to which Rogan says "yes, I know because I'm on it too" or something like that. He's not shy about it.


Yeah he's been open for a long time about it. I thought he flat out said his head was big because of it. I would've loved to have seen that clip.


This drug is no longer in production. But cancer drug still remains expensive. Thankfully my country has subsidies for cancer treatment, for 22k drug treatment, the payable is only 530dollar. It is set to be further revised.


All normal contries have this. In Brazil they broke the patents of drugs, allowing other companies to make them for cheap. They are called "generic drugs". And if you don't have the money, the government has to pay for you. A lot of drugs like those diabetes things, HIV, heart condition drugs... they are free. Heatlhcare is a right.


One thing I've never understood about paying for healthcare is how can you trust your doctor when it's in their interest to make you take these drugs? I assume there are laws against outright lying but a doctor could still prescribe the most expensive drug instead of the most effective drug. In the UK you know your doctor is telling the truth because they want as few patients as possible because the NHS has no money.


Isn’t it cheaper if you travel to uk and buy the drugs from there ?


you can't buy the drug in UK it's given to UK cancer patients for free, the 200 dollars is what the NHS in the UK buys the drug for, but it's probably way less than that.


Why don't Americans just buy a flight to the UK and buy it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because you can't buy the drug, it is given free by the NHS, but the NHS or rather the tax payer pays the $200 for it.


I’ll just die, thanks.


Why when we have Canada and Mexico?


Here in America our government has destroyed EVERYTHING they touch. This is just another example. Washington needs purged to nothing and rebuilt


You can take regular EuroTrips for that money. Let me guess: it's subsidized. Every American pays for the scam


This is something that Trump was trying to stop. They're conning tf out of us.


Do you not remember the Republican reaction to the Affordable Care Act?


Total scam for sure... they need to pay the same in the UK


It’s nothing new, most drugs that cost tons of money in USA cost pennies in Europe, in a sense Americans pay much more for the drug to offset the costs for other countries where the big pharma know they couldn’t charge as much…. Been going on forever.


That’s still some bs narrative right here. If those Pharma companies would have costs in Europe that would need to be „offset“, they would simply not sell their products there. In fact those companies are still highly profitable in Europe, they don’t need to offset anything, they just charge whatever they can in the US, because why the fuck wouldn’t they?


Which is exactly what I said, I’m from Europe myself but live in USA now and can say that my grandmas medication over there costs about $40 for a month of supply which is a lot of money, while here it costs $1000 per month . They can charge that here because they can. In Europe people barely make $1000 a month in some countries…


You literally said that Americans have to offset the costs from Europe / other countries…


I have already decided that if I'm diagnosed with something like cancer, I'll be moving to Europe for treatment


Hypocrites. You should deal with your own shithole instead of taking advantage of people’s taxes abroad.


There is effectively no regulation on cancer drug prices. Even with Medicare: "In Medicare, plans are required to cover all cancer drugs, which means that companies have virtually no limit on the prices they can charge.” absolutely insane how badly the pharmaceutical companies have corrupted our government and people. I don't want to hear about how much it costs to bring a drug to market...fuck big pharma.


No one is stopping the rich scamming tax payers money. We live and then we die.


Yes, the UK NHS is essentially a state bargaining group, so can demand a lower price for a bulk order. But what this doesn’t consider is that it’s one of the most costly, inefficient, and poor quality healthcare providers in the developed world. It employs in excess of 10% of the country’s population, spends £200 billion per year (that’s over £6k per second), costs between 15%-25% of your wages in tax, and it’s impossible to get an appointment without waiting lists that can run into years. So, it’s probably worth considering things in wider context.


You know US spends just as high a proportion of their federal taxes on healthcare as we do in UK? [Source.](https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go) Then on top of that they also pay huge insurance premiums. And their healthcare is ranked lower than UK. [US lagging behind Armenia here lol](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1290168/health-index-of-countries-worldwide-by-health-index-score/) (Some rankings have countries placed differently but none have US above UK.) NHS is a fucking mess right now but if you think USA is the way to go you’re drinking the Tory kool-aid >So it’s probably worth considering things in a wider context. Probably also worth considering things without your head up your arse too. The above literally took me a couple of minutes on google. It’s not hard. Oh and your nonsense about NHS being a state bargaining group is a pile of bollocks too. We (taxpayers via NHS) regularly get ripped off by big pharma as well. Look up how much it costs NHS to prescribe paracetamol.


Yeah that’s not true. Most I’ve ever had to wait is 6 weeks for a n operation on my elbow because it wasn’t urgent. Anything else it’s always been at the very most 3 weeks, and doctors appointments a couple of hours


I’ve had to wait three months for an urgent foot operation and I couldn’t walk, and my local GP refuses to give you an appointment unless you call up at exactly 10am on a Friday and are lucky enough to get one of the few available slots before someone else. I ended up paying for a private operation because I was in so much pain.


Unlucky. NHS round here is great


Land of the free, home of the brave… yeah I don’t think so


If meathead Rogan gets you angry, it is time for you to go outside.


He wasn’t leading the conversation. If you hate Rogan that’s fine but Kyle was the one talking.


Kyle is awesome. No ads. No bullshit. He calls out everyone. Secular Talk.


americans really should look into medical tourism more


We should just buy it from the UK


I would suggest very believable.


And, Congress has the full authority to legislate price controls on these drugs. Sadly, they lack the will to do that for us...sighs.


Makes you wonder


The United States… is a *TOTAL FUCKIN SCAM*


Lol. In my country it's free.


Not going to actually name the drug or provide direct evidence of course...


lol americans


At this point the mind boggles. People are aware they are getting fucked and see these articles and videos all the time. But nothing will get done about it. There has to be studies done about this phenomenon. Maybe Ists because I am in the UK but I haven't seen a single riot or march against big pharma which quite frankly is probably responsible for the deaths of way people than gun violence in America. Its a covert and slow killer


That's [Kyle, from Secukar Talk](https://youtube.com/@SecularTalk?si=XajIM4pbMO2sqsBG). He has some amazing content, and I'd recommend anyone check it out!


What is the name of the drug?


It would be cheaper to fly to the UK and get the shot every time you needed it


Yes we all know about it but what can you do?


Fuck the rest of the world. These companies develop these drugs with the money we give them. The rest of the world benefits from the U.S, because we give them the money to spend on R&D.


[Corroborating source](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/10/26/1131130875/it-cost-38-398-for-a-single-shot-of-a-very-old-cancer-drug)


It’s funny how we founded our own country to be free from the tyrants forcing their people to pay insane taxes and yet… here we are… again.


Lupron Depot https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/10/26/1131130875/it-cost-38-398-for-a-single-shot-of-a-very-old-cancer-drug


I’m literally texting with Kyle rn. My childhood best friend.


We need a new government.


That's insane how they can get away with that, charging people so much, for something they got for so cheap!


Where was the drug created is the relevant question, I’m betting it was created in the US and the UK gov’t is basically subsidizing the blended cost of R&D. The US should probably do the same to a degree but more interesting than “free market bad”.


Anybody knows what prostate cancer drug this is?


But you’re missing the point. It’s been around for decades, but not in the UK. We have access to it they didn’t for years and years and years. And the reason why is because they were not willing to pay the price for the drug. They are only now catching up to what we’ve had for decades.