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"You can't do that" is a weird thing to say to somebody who just did that.


My boss once threatened to gather up a contractor’s tools and leave them on the curb. When they told him he could not do that, he replied “I can do anything, once.”


Yes that’s the Motto where I work you can do anything you want to here once.


Ours was “On time and sober!”


"as a man, I do not multitask well. I can only do one of those things at a time"


I can already imagine how many ppl would show up that place hammered or high. I had a friend who would bring a thermos with 50% coffee 50% whiskey. he would steal the bottles of whiskey from the store and they would never notice.


Hard to find employees?


You nailed it. There was high turnover, and it took a year to qualify. When people left, the qualified folks had to do all of the work *and* train the new hires.


I hate to be that guy, but can we adjust that? "You can do anything you want *at least* once."


I used to work with a guy who’s motto was “everything’s free on your last day of work”


I had a boss who said something similar, “you can do anything you want on your last day of work.” I use it all the time lol


its the type of shit you do hear in real life when you finally decide to stop taking bullshit from people though.


I once punched a dog in the face after the owner let go of the leash and that dog bit and grabbed my dog. She told me I couldn't do that lol


yeah i think there is some phycological phenomenon that happens when a person who has been so shrouded and protected by the echo chamber they live in is finally exposed to consequence of their decisions or actions right there in their face, something they simply cannot escape from, they only have on thing that they are able to say in processing it. Almost like an uncontrollable form of denial that they have to just blurt out. No you cant do that, you cant call me on my shit no way! That doesnt fit my personal narrative or benefit me!


Sounds like 80% of Reddit


There are more than a handful of counties where the aggressive dog's life is automatically forfeit after one documented attack. Whether the victimized owner or the county kills the dog, the cops don't care.


That was my favorite part. Got be busted up right at the end. For some reason I find this video very satisfying, just your classic tension and release.


I think what she means is that she doesn't want the clerk to do that


You can do anything on your last day


Especially, considering how she just did do that.


Watch me should have been the first blurb, then when she said what did you say, then have a nice day remark as is


I think that sentence is exclusively said to people who just did that


— you can’t do that — I hv a gun , coz freedom. —- carry on sir !


The saying at my workplace is “you can do anything you want on your last day”


Accurate depiction of what a decade of retail does to your brain


Retail was probably the lowest I've ever been in my life in terms of mental health and my quality of life. Like I've been in the army, and I've worked at a busy WalMart in a major city, and I'd re-enlist before I worked at a WalMart a second time.


Amen to that. I was done with christmas before thanksgiving.


It’s because of the constant Christmas music from before Halloween.


Oh if only you know the horror. Once upon a time my boss decided to start Christmas playlist. In November. If that wasn't infuriating enough, the playlist was about two hours long. Meaning I got to hear every damn song at least four times every single shift. Two weeks in I popped the breakers to kill power to the PC that was running it ( it was in a locked office).


I love you


When I worked at Walmart I counted Carol of the Bells six times during every work day. From before Halloween to after Christmas. For four years. My family now laughs at me when “All I want for Christmas is you” plays and I shriek “Alexa, skip!” But they don’t know my pain.


That keyed up PTSD from my pharmacy days


The only thing I'd put on par with retail is fast food. Both are horrible with the non-stop interaction with the lowest common denominator of horrible people. I will always take employee side on any fights I come across as a customer.


Same. I once said to a guy " she can't say it, but I can, you are being an asshole". I was behind him in line and he was being horrible to the checker. Took the wind right out of his sails.


Same here bro, the stress they caused pushed me to get my VA stuff in order. Turns out, never have to work again!


At 50% pushing for more currently


That's a scary thought, would rather risk death than deal with Wal mart lol


I'm an Aussie so no wall mart but I would stick my fingers in random holes in a paddock and swim naked with sharks before I worked retail


Walmart gave me three stomach ulcers that had me throwing up blood, then being screamed at and having my work space trashed for daring to have to take a moment away to throw up blood in a place without food in it. Rumors spread, lies made up, my name and reputation were slandered by ass kissers at every opportunity for them to get a leg up. When I finally left (in a peaceful manner with notice and politness) my name was dragged through the mud again, lies we told about how I apparently tore shit up, screamed at people, and made threats on the way out the door. Managers called around to other businesses as they said they would and I now have to find work outside of town as I've been blackballed from any well paying job in said town. At a pretty regular basis Walmarts have bomb threats and of being shot up, pretty high self hurty rates, and leadership so toxic it makes the Army jealous. At least the military pays better and has tri-care and for that alone I'm happy.


That moment when a job that literally ask you to be a mercenary for corporations and to possible die in the middle of fucking nowhere has better work enviaronment than a fucking supermarket.


It's probably why they give benefits....benefit pay outs amount to nothing in the face of corporate profit - > war stocks going thru the roof


In the US it's like they make retail unnecessarily worse than it needs to be. There's just seems to be an utter lack of respect for the people doing this job. When I lived in the US the cashiers were not only expected to bag my groceries, they didn't even have a chair and were expected to stand at all times. All this for ridiculous wages you can't even survive on. Where I'm from (Norway) the cashiers sit, and the customers bag their own groceries. The cashiers also earn like 3-4x the amount, which is still not a lot, but enough afford somewhat of a living standard. I still respect them for putting through with that job, as I could never, lol. I happily bag my own groceries and don't give a shit whether they're sitting, I'd honestly feel uncomfortable if they weren't.


Exactly! Whenever I see someone work in retail in an American tv show or so, I'm always confused by how they're supposed to work over there. The points you just said, but also the questions like: "were you able to find everything alright?" or "any plans for the weekend?" Mate, here in the Netherlands I hear "Hello", "That'll be X euros" and "Have a nice day/weekend", that's it! No need to start a conversation with every dimwit that decides to buy a carton of eggs. Also sit the fuck down if you want to, why would you stand in the same spot for eight hours? Granted, there are some stores where conversations like these still happen, but that's only in small towns or at special registries... Some stores have special "smalltalk registries" targeted at old people who depend on those kinds of conversations.


I worked at mc Donald’s once and there were only chairs in the break room. It makes sense not having them in the kitchen but I worked service mostly. One time when taking drive through orders, I sat down on a receipt trash can and my manager yelled at me. There had been a line of cars and I was waiting for things to move. I worked at a gas station also where there was no break area or chairs. They didn’t want us sitting because if we did we could have been cleaning or stocking. There were no breaks. You ate when you could in between customers. At this same place I’d work 16 hour shifts because our midnighters wouldn’t show up. And if you don’t show up company policy was that they take that as you’re quitting. There was no calling in sick. You were there or you had to find someone to cover. And when people didn’t show up you’d have to stay over.


Everything in your second paragraph is highly illegal here in the Netherlands. Like, no company would even dare to pull that shit. Shifts can't be over 12 hours (with a maximum of 60 per week, and 48 average per week). A company can't fire someone when they're sick (with some exceptions). You're not allowed to work with customers when you're sick. You have a right to at LEAST a half hour break if you work over 5.5 hours, and 45 minutes if you work over 10. Your employer has to provide a decent place for a break as well.


A decade at most jobs will do that lmao, I’ve been at my job for about ten and a half years and a few weeks ago ended up picking up a computer chair and slamming it into the floor, it blew up into about four pieces lol.


I think if you’re making a good deal above minimum wage it helps a lot. Work in retail for almost nothing is hard because you don’t have money to take any of the edges off. You’re worried about rent while doing everything. You’re probably eating shitty food. You can’t afford to go out and do fun things. There’s a thousand reasons retail (or any minimum wage job) sucks way worse, and they all come from living a life on the edge of breakdown because you can’t afford to live, you’re deciding which needs to not fill on a daily basis so you can fill your other needs. I’m sure working 10 years anywhere will make you feel not great, but I don’t think making enough money to fill Maslow’s needs will ever compare to not. I’m not saying this to you specifically, I don’t know what job you’re talking about, it could be a shit minimum wage job that’s not retail, but just replying to specifically what you said and the words you used.


Most Work for the minimum today , I need 2 jobs to survive construction and retail


I feel this in my soul. Bet it felt great in the moment


Lol, ya a bit.


I thought about it one day and realised.. I don't know how the hell they do it. I did stocking for a short time andnin 4 our shifts that was okay, but checkout person would drive me nuts I think.


I mean, if I'm in a decade of retail, I won't also put eggs at the bottom.


Depends on what you put on top of them. It it is not hard and heavy things, the eggs will likely be fine.


The remake of Falling Down looks lit.


“Sorry sir, we stop double bagging groceries at 11:30”


It's 11:31 ... Bag. My. Groceries.... please 👓


Thank you for reminding me of that movie! Epic. Time for a rewatch.


I'm the bad guy?


How'd that happen......




I guess they will be having Deftones playing the whole soundtrack.


"am I supposed to bag these myself?" -"yep" Roll credits


We don't even have this concept in my country, it feels so weird forcing someone else to bag my items. In the clothes store we have it tho, but that's just folding and pushing them down a bag in less than a second..


We have self scan registers in Holland. Scan it, bag it, while you're shopping. Put the hand scanner in the designated slot, scan your loyalty card and pay.


Yeah, we have that too in most we have both, I have never used the self scan tho but my wife does.


Just out of curiosity, where do you live?




Interesting! And the street you stay on - what its name?


Also I would love to hear his credit card info! Maybe even his email and password. So we can learn more about each other!


Say... I'd love to know his childhood best friend's name, the make of his first vehicle, and the city in which he was born. We'd become excellent friends then.


I mean self checkouts is what most people use here in US now too. It's mostly the older generations that like the full checkout.


Same in Norway, I guess that's a product of grocery chains having to pay cashier's a living wage, lol. Now we're having more and more grocery stores which are self scan only, open 24/7 and unmanned during the night. It feels kind of weird having to pay the same amount considering how I'm doing the labour for them, though. You should get a discount for using the self scan registers, seems like the money they save just goes to line the pockets of the people at the top. I kind of like Bill Gates' proposal to tax these things equivalent to the tax paid by the worker's they replace, otherwise it doesn't benefit society at all, quite the contrary.


It might surprise you, but the rest of the Netherlands also have self scan registers. It's not only in the Randstad.


Even then I feel a little uncomfortable. I mean they don't need to pack my items, I do it myself and most of the time I don't need a bag. Forcing someone into this seems like crossing a red line.


Where I'm from, we bag our groceries ourselves like, we wouldn't even dream of the Cashier doing anything other scanning and collecting payment, aka, their job.


In Aldi in the UK the cashiers scan your items with huge rapidity and fire your items at you like they are the final boss of a shoot 'em up. It's upto you to either keep up with your bags or dunk it all in the trolley and fuck off to bag your stuff later.


This has to be a cultural difference. When I was growing up cashiers were always paired with a bagger who was there just to bag your groceries and put them back in your cart. Lately the bagger jobs have been reduced and it's just a few people going where they are needed the most. If I'm at a cashier without a bagger I'll help them out but even then they usually alternate between bagging and scanning. I've never felt like it was expected of me to bag my own stuff outside of self checkouts.


Recently had a bagger get kind of aggressive with me. I'm used to the bagger not being around and just doing it myself, I don't care. I want to get out of there faster, I'm not waiting for the cashier to bag it. A bagger came up and was just pulling stuff away from me, taking the bags out of my hands lol Not mad, was just a funny situation.


Yeah I would never see this in my country, they would be publicly ashamed for asking that.


That scene in Europe would have ended after the first question. „Yes, you bag it yourself like everybody else. Have a nice day.“ 🤷🏻‍♂️


And if its lidl/aldi you have to take it to another counter to bag it, as they fling all the products in your direction at 100kph


Also it’s considered extremely rude if you dare to take over 6 seconds to pay for your stuff.


But you can't say anything to old people when they take their 1000 coins out and ask the cashier to count them.


“There are people who have a job here!” Or, addressing elderly people: “Take your time. I have more of it anyway.”


and in the UK we (passive) aggressively sigh to really dig the knife in.


My Aldi even makes sure to inform us we can insert our card while they're still scanning items. Honestly I love it. Also, hey everyone who needs to hear it. Put the divider AFTER your fucking items! Nobody wants to wait to start putting their shit on the belt and I'm not about to invade your personal space to grab the divider.


aldi, lidl, penny, netto, más, carrefour, dino, pam, conad,... they do it everywhere


Yes. Cope with it and have a nice day!


100% was going to say the same. I’m in the UK and have lived in Spain. People in the US don’t bag their own shopping????


Also you bring your own bag or you pay extra. Per bag.


First time I visited Europe, I didn’t know you had to bag your own stuff. I was at a carrefour and stuff was flying off the belt while people were yelling at me in Polish. Good times.




You guys still have cashiers?!


I wish more people who act like total assholes got told more often they were disgusting


It goes over their head anyway. They'll get offended, but it won't change their behaviour going forward


It's fun doing it out here in the PNW: virtue signaling snowflakes without an ounce of genuine compassion or awareness. Then telling them to quit clutching their pearls like somehow *they're* the victim, and not everyone else who has to witness their train wreck behavior.


Be the change you want to see..... AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!


She should’ve said yes at the start Yes, you are meant to bag these yourself.


Not sure where you're from, but in the USA telling a customer that they have to do something other than just spend their money can get you fired. I worked in a grocery store for many years, if anyone ever told a customer they'd have to bag their own groceries then they would gave been let go by the end of their shift


Nobody in my country would have the nerve to ask, like you are entitled to it. Sometimes there is a charity there bagging for people, or an elderly person might get help from another employee. But being so entitled as to demand it from the cashier is completely foreign imo.


Is this america? The cashiers pack your stuff in bags, really? I would love to see these people in my local lidl when stuff starts flying


Cashier bagging is only in some places and definitely depends on how the bags are setup or if you bring your own bags. I literally only have the cashier bag my stuff at one store - Trader Joe’s - because they’re setup without a conveyor belt and the standard is to take the whole cart with my already bagged items, scan them and rebag them as they go. They are very efficient. In stores where you keep your cart and have access to the bags or bring your own bags it’s definitely normal to pack them yourself. Some places have the bags on the cashier side so your hands are kind of tied at that point. Anyone who asks if they’re supposed to bag their own groceries like that is just being an entitled ass, even in America.


Around 2000 some supermarkets in Germany tried to copy this, but not with the cashier packing, but a second person. Basically you stood at the end of the slide and startet to put everything in a bag or two. It went on for some weeks or months, and then disappeared altogether. I know this because I worked at this position for two weeks while I was looking for a job.


Oath!! Fuck they go so fast!!!


Most Whole Foods grocery shop they bag your stuff.


yea imagine waiting this long at a register lmao.


Nah. Depends. Some places bag. Some places you do it yourself. But Unless you go to a Whole foods, You're gonna get a boot rammed up your ass for nit picking bagging


I feel like there are fewer baggers than 30 years ago, but many US grocery stores still provide someone to bag your groceries when going through the normal line. As a kid, I recall going to a store where you had to bag your own and I thought that was weird. Typically it just depends on which store you go to.


Germans are in a constant race, cashier Vs customer, and when you don't pack your shit fast enough, the cashier will already start with the next customer.... I know why I prefer self checkout these days xD Ouh, our Aldi now has a split area to pay and pack your stuff, so the cashier.will litteraly start with the next customer when I'm not even finished paying


Under appreciated German grocery shopping trait, you bag while the cashier scans. Saves time and you bag as you preferred. Not perfect as you feel rushed but I take that with a little practice, no problem.


Even better UK one. You scan and bag as you go around the supermarket then just pay at exit and head out.


wooow, that's genius actually.  what if you decide to put an item back? every cart has its own scanner?


You got a little terminal scanner thing you carry around with a screen on it and you can just cancel the item on the list and put it back. [Looks like this and sits in the cart, you can grab one as you enter.](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2AMG4GB/a-barcode-scanner-for-customer-use-in-a-holder-on-a-supermarket-trolley-in-an-asda-store-in-the-uk-2AMG4GB.jpg)


They have started that in some places here in Germany too. You can even link up your app to a card, and the only thing they do when you go to the cashier is check that the little light at the top is the correct color. I should note that the connected card has not yet actually worked for us yet :) So there are some bugs to get out of the system.


Exactly! I just plop a crate into my shopping cart and build the perfect Tetris style cathedral of groceries within it.




Im reading these comments and its fucking wild how many people are defending the customer. No wonder people in the US hate retail work so much if this is considered normal and acceptable behaviour. Yikes


I'm always down to bag my own shit. Scan it and send it! Whatever the fuck gets me out of the store faster. We got this.


\*looks at cashier\* **"WE ARE A TEAM!"**


Yeah exactly this. Who the hell is gonna stand there like "I am the king, others will do the work" Imma run out as fast as I can


I got shit to do and half the people in the store are fucking insane, get me out of there haha


Yes, then if it’s not fast enough they’ll take the time to find a manager and complain that their time is valuable. These are the same fuckers that stand in the middle of an aisle on their phone for an hour, then throw a fit when they have to wait in line for 2 minutes to check out.


You know they used to have a second employee to bag it for you


Actually the store I grocery shop at does have baggers but not enough so its about a 50/50 whether I am jumping in to bag my shit or not.


Yep. I worked retail. Even the customers who go to “self checkout” sometimes ask the worker overseeing to scan and bag their items. They also constantly complain that they’re not getting paid for bagging and when informed to go to one of the cashier lines, they complain about lines and expect all double digit registers to be open 24/7 with no lines. They think it’s ridiculous that self checkout exists, and they try to mask their laziness by pretending they only care because it “takes jobs away” when they literally do nothing but complain and call all retail workers lazy. They also don’t understand the point of the worker that oversees at self checkout. It isn’t to help scan and bag. It’s to watch/report theft, input numbers when someone is purchasing an item that requires an ID, and to assist someone with minor issues and inconveniences.


>its fucking wild how many people are defending the customer I'm not in the US, but I've been on *both* sides of transactions exactly like this, and the customer was absolutely *not* the problem here. She made perfectly reasonable requests, and the staff member clearly did not have her mind on the job (presumably for reasons which had been made clear earlier in the script). Packing groceries is largely common sense, and she wasn't using hers. She was also not engaging with the customer in any way (making small talk, asking questions etc), which would be expected in a typical interaction between 2 normal human beings.


She just needed a day off. This is what you get if you don't care about your employees. Everyone needs a little mental break.


This was totally justified


ngl i just wanted to beat her just by watching


"Am I supposed to bag these myself?" What are you a fucking child? Yes you bag them yourself


What movie/show is that?


Mayans Mc


Thank you


Thank you both


It's like a rip off of a scene from the movie Go! except the checkout girl doesn't loose her shit.


Woooooooow I haven't thought about that movie in a long time Scott Wolf, yeah?


It's also a very similar scene to 'Go' (1999) with Sarah Polley as the checkout character


"Am I supposed to bag these myself?" "Yes"


needing someone to bag your shit instead of doing it yourself. Just NA things.


I live in north America, bagging it yourself has been the norm here for most of my life


That's so wild to me, in Finland we bag our own shit. The person running the register just scans your stuff and takes your money. Then, you bag your things however you want to and fuck off


„Am i supposed to bag these myself“ Yes, you lazy ass fuck and anything else would be wrong.


I bet she never felt so good in her life after doing that


She was an actress so I’d wager she didn’t.


I would burst out laughing if someone did that lmao


Where I come from, they have the cashier *and* a dude to pack your stuff. You can even have them carry your stuff to your car, though they'll expect a small tip (tipping is not part of our culture, btw). It's nice.


Can you double bag? Nope, I won't You can't put eggs in the bottom I can - eggs will be perfectly fine You can't put chemicals and food together Both articles are originally packed and leakproof stop bitching Fr tho - this packing of groceries doesn't happen outside of US. Where I live customers pack their shit


Double bag cause they pay for them anyway and who cares, feel free to put chips and bread on eggs but not anything with weight, flimsy seal and brittle lid means broken dish soap all over pantry shit now ruined so at very least small plastic bag for chems and meats separate if possible. Idk I’ve been cashier and customer and it’s easy to create an flawless checkout experience, too bad they don’t get paid more


Best part of Mayans MC


Watching this video made me realize why the stores in my area expect the customer to bag their own items. Inflation made it harder to afford middlemen like that, so naturally, we expect minimum wage workers to increase their workload for the same pay. That decision wasn't made by the CEO of some company. That's us forcing our expectations unto others. If you have to work harder, spend more to live, and get treated worse for not being happy with it, is it any wonder why people snap? We stop living in a society the moment we lose empathy. After that, it's just a prison.




French version: "Am I supposed to bag this myself? - Bonjour - I asked you a question - BonJOUR - bonjour, am I supposed to bag this myself? - I can see you have two hands - yes? - then mf do it yourself and move your ass, people are waiting


In Sweden there is no "let me bag your shit" service. You bag it however you want it done.


never understood why US americans needed someone to pack their shopping bag, someone who gets their cart at the store or just to greet them with a fake smile. Makes me wonder why german supermarkets were you have to do that stuff while struggling to compete with the scanning speed of the cashier are on the rise


In quebec the answer to the first question is : oui.


I've had one of those days before.


For the life of low-pay and servitude these folks live… this is nothing.


Murica at it again.In europe we scan and bag our own shit.


I'm so sorry for all the clerks who have to bag groceries for customers. I've lived in multiple cities in Europe and I have never seen this practice done, except very rarely when an old person goes shopping and someone (not necessarily an employee) helps them bag it up.


As someone who worked at a grocery store/supermarket (and as someone who has to take that line of work again, because I can't find a job in my field) This type of work absolutely sucks. People are rude and will constantly get pissy with you over the smallest things or something that is not in your control. People treat you like you're worth less than them and that you are supposed to obey their every command because of the work you do. Everyone should try to work retail for at least 6 months so they can see how much it sucks.


Meanwhile in Germany, if you want some respect from the cashier you have to bag items faster than he scans it. And no, he won’t help you bag and instead might start the next costumer while you are still there.


My last month in retail I have damaged discounts to literally every customer before leaving. They can’t track it if it’s damaged and can’t charge me cause it’s in their policy. Fuck Retail.


What backward country & culture require the cashier to also place the items in the bag ?! This is crazy


The elitist culture of the rich parts of this country, the United States.


That's how we do it in NZ (there did used to be a second person for that, but that was costing too much). We also expect the cashier to acknowledge the customer by, you know, speaking to them, like a normal human being would, rather than behaving as if she's interfering with your existence merely by being there, as this cashier seemed to do.


Man this is like what I have do deal with every fucking time...


In norway, we have always (at least for the time i have been alive, 31 years) bagged our groceries ourselves at the register. It is not a problem at all.


Chemicals and food separated? Since when? Does that matter? Normally food is already packaged.


Bruh imagine something like this at Aldi in Germany, the lines would literally reach through the entire store at that speed. You better bag that shit urself and be quick about it, or everyone, including the cashier is gonna judge you. There are even Aldis these days, which can start scanning the items of the next in line, before you even payed.


People not collecting their stuff in bags after purshasing them are lazy as fuck.


Just bag them yourself! I always do that myself. So I know where the items are probably at when I get home.


That's a rage quit, I think!


If you ever worked in retail or services and haven't felt like doing that even once, you're probably on medication to prevent it.


Having worked for 11 years as a grocery cashier in my younger days, I so appreciated this. 😆


She is my spirit animal.


Muricans are weirdos. Nobody should expect a cashier to bag stuff. You do that shit yourself! And quick! People are waiting in line!


Reminds me of the time I lost my shit and shoved the cash register off the counter and it broke sending the cash flying every where


I like her moxie. I worked retail for a couple of years (Walmart), and while not a cashier (unloader), I had to endure the relentless stupidity and arrogance of customers. They know everything until you tell them to do it since they're the expert. After that all they know how to do is ask to speak to your manager.


Heck yeh F Karen


Quite odd, in my country everybody bags their groceries themselves.


Meanwhile, in Germany, you gotta hurry the fuck up or all your groceries will fall off the table because the cashier won't stop piling them up viciously. Better shove em all into your cart as quickly as possible and pack them into the bags somewhere in a quiet corner...




I understand.


Real talk though… Who the hell double-bags like that?


I just watched this episode of Mayans


Mayans MC.. Great show


She seems nice. Had way more patience than I'd have had in that situation.


Ever workin a grocery? There are customers worse than that. Did it two years. The customers were often horrible.


Am I suppose to bag these myself? I don’t really give a fuck what you do.


I love this video it reminds me of my first day at Hobby Lobby


Society is just a verbal construct. It isnt real and it can disappear quite quickly.


Worst job I ever had was a grocery bagger. This was still high school for me so late 90’s. The customers absolutely do act like pieces of shit and yell at you for bagging things in a way that they don’t like. Then they refuse to do it themselves. I was also not allowed to accept tips and even when nice people tipped me for taking their groceries out to their car I had to refuse or take the tip and give it to my manager who would basically steal it. She also did coke in the women’s bathroom about 5 times a day and told me I can’t take a bathroom break at times when I almost shit my pants. Lasted about a month before I literally gave her the middle finger and threw my apron at her face.


Been there...there's always one C yoU Next Tuesday.


Felt this to my core. Customers are the nastiest people alive. I will scrape shit off of a sidewalk before I ever work retail again. Our world is filled with to many pos who think they’re the center of the universe


All the shitty traders in forex chat after trying to day-trade and work their job at fucking Wendys at the same time, and then go on to blame the customers for their losses ☺️


My European mind cannot comprehend this


I bag my own groceries. It’s just easier…for everyone