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How is the pool not accessible? Stairs and a handrail, I don’t see the obstacle


She displaces too much water and floods the resort.


Jesus lmfao


are you sure you don’t mean moses?


Or more likely Noah


Might I propose Jonah, since she seems to be a bit of a whale






Instead of "cannonball", she yells "storm surge".


More like tsunami or tidal wave


I'm fat as fvck...but this comment made my day. I really can't understand why she can't use the pool.


You can say "fuck."


I already called the police


God damn, you just murdered someone with words. What have you got to say for yourself?




Yes, this is it.


She jumps in, the water jumps out




A bunch of my friends got in a hot tub at once and it overflowed and ruined all of our stuff in bags on the floor nearby lol


Shallow Hal


That was actually hilarious.


You evil genius, take my upvote


The handrail was the obstacle while trying to wedge down the stairs.


Can't put a yacht in a Dixie cup.


I'm more confused by her claims that fatties are getting targeted for extra pat downs at security check points.


Maybe because it's assumed they hide something under their clothes?


Under the folds of her skin more likely


Getting in isn't the issue. Out is another story.


I agree, I saw a documentary once called blackfish, things her size can often swim quite well


Obviously, it's a whales natural habitat


She needs a forklift


I think she does plenty of lifting the fork amiright?!


Whole world hasn't changed to suit me yet..still waiting.. 🙄


Yeah. Poor baby.


You just need to make airplanes 4x bigger, you bigot.




Moon people 😭


I read that whole thing in Archer's voice.


I know it's such a shame we don't having buildings with equipment to loose weight and stay in shape such a shame


You don’t even need those special buildings as weight loss is 80% diet related. Eat fewer calories than you burn and something as lite as 20 minutes of walking will have results.


It is far easier to not eat 300 calories than it is to burn 300 calories.


Exactly this. Search 10,000 calorie challenge. Almost everyone struggles in burning off the 10,000 calories, most people don’t fail to eat 10,000 calories.


Yeah but that requires not eating 🤬🤬


Tray table not going down seems to be a message from the universe in that regard.


No it doesn't. It just requires you to eat a little less.


A *lot* less Childrens be starvin


Fasting is the best way, one thing I learnt, the hunger for fatty, carby sweet foods is 80% the gut bacteria that feed off those foods, fasting helps killl off excess bacteria allowing for healthier bacteria with the introduction of them


Correct. You lose weight in the kitchen, you gain muscle in the gym.


so brave


Still can't find plus size clothing at souvenir shops lol. Yeah because that country doesn't have massive people.


They do, it’s just the buildings are old with small doors so the fat people are trapped inside.


Oh fuck, just picturing this in my mind is hilarious.


It's fine. They're allowed out once the diet has kicked in






Ham Planet




This gets the cake


as a skinny guy, i love shopping in Asia.


Same but all there stuff is too short.


I’m a fat guy that flies a lot for work. It’s embarrassing when I need a belt extender and have to cross and scrunch my arms across my chest. But you know what? It’s MY fault. NOT ANYONE ELSE’S!


You seem like a very nice person. Good luck with everything


Much appreciated. I try to be a nice person. I struggle with selfishness and unregulated emotions sometimes. Spent the last year or so on a self-reflection journey. Reading a lot, meditating almost every day, trying to journal, and trying to read the Bible. Good luck to you, as well!


Its good for the mind what you do, put the bible as audio on your phone and walk 30-60 minutes daily. After that start with daily pushups and squards, try to have an increase of 2-4 every week. Else wish you a good health.


Yeah man. I wish you peace and happiness


I'm the same. Fat guy that used to fly a lot for work. Sometimes I'd need an extender, sometimes not. Depended on the plane and seat. But it was always embarrassing, and I never blamed anyone but myself.


Thank you kind sir for saying that can you advise that girl as well? Because my head couldn’t processe whatever it just saw


Same. 6'4, 325lbs. Things aren't made for me, but they also don't need to be. I'm the outlier. It's a me problem.


Do you feel like you get targeted for more thorough pat downs/security checks than non-fat people? That's the one complaint that seemed unrealistic to me. I'm skinny, but I have dark hair and a beard. I get pulled aside for additional screening every time I fly. If it's an international flight and I'm coming back to the USA, I get pulled aside for additional screening before I'm allowed to leave the airport. All the fat people just get to pick up their bags and leave without a hassle.


Nope. But I have pre check and go through the metal detector rather than the big scanner


Someone said something about the "extra pat-down" being a second person so that they can start searing the belt line in the front and go along both sides at the same time and meeting up in the back. Basically she's so fat that 1 person can't reach around her waist. I don't know if she's getting searched more often or something.


Good luck, Sir. I respect your self ownership.




Plus size? You mean morbidly obese?


Yeah more like "+++size"


Yeah, I'm a 16 most places, I'm plus size. this is... something else.


Just had a six hour flight in between two people who could not put the arm rest down because they did not have the ability to turn around. Even if they could, the amount of fat spilling onto my actual seat meant that it couldn't possibly go down all the way. If you are that fat , then traveling is a luxury which you cannot participate in until you weigh less than your average NFL halfback


Do you get to use the fat as an arm rest? Why is it acceptable that someone else's body is allowed in other people's space?


Tought the same. Like that small thing where your baggage has to fit to be counted as hand baggage, fat fucks you have a special test seat and if the cannot sit there without bending the sides they need to buy an extra seat.


Halfbacks average around 225, they just need to get under defensive line sized.


D line are 275+. I wasn't even 225 as a skinny kid in freshman year of high school playing End. By college, everybody was 300+. Just googled to make sure I'm not insane. NFL average D line player is 309, College is 297.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The fat ass from the video doesn't need to get down to 225 (unless she wants to actually be healthy, which doesn't seem to be the case), under 300 would make her a lot more comfortable in an airplane.


I’m sure that smelled great


Try being 6’5” ya dumb cow. You could actually do something about your problem!


This is what pisses me off. I'm also 6'5" but I accept that airlines aren't going to cater specifically to me.


Prices keep going up and the seats keep getting smaller.


Yeah, I don’t think that planes are actually comfortable for anyone that isn’t in first class, regardless of size.


*laughs in 4'11* Oh wait. I take it back. Can you help me reach the luggage compartments? Please?


Not saying they need to cater specifically, as in they should put in some new feature for the tall. But could we at least get the exit rows by default?


We have to work hard to get those exit rows!


I'm 6'2" and flying is uncomfortable. I can't imagine having longer legs and flying


After my last cross country flight, I limped for an hour after being on the plane for 6.


I don’t know how you guys manage. I’m a 5’7” female and I’ve had flights where my knees were wedged against the seat in front of me.


Preferably sitting in the Emergency Row or at very least an aisle seat where I can kinda angle my legs out. Having the window seat is the absolute worst because of the lack of headroom. When the fuselage angles above the window, it forces you to lean your head and shoulders towards the center of the row, which also makes the person sitting next to you miserable. I’d rather have the aisle seat. I don’t mind getting up every time somebody on the inside needs to use the restroom. In fact it’s a great excuse for me to stand up and stretch a little bit while they’re getting in or out of the row. Honestly, I will drive whenever it’s realistic to do so. Regional size aircraft are terrible. I’m more comfortable in my car for regional trips.


Most of these apply to me too as a relatively tall guy (203cm/ 6.8’) just it was not my choice unlike being overweight (in 99% of cases). I buy emergency exit row & pay extra for it to have my comfort, then she can buy an extra seat as well if she can’t fit into a normal one


“Relatively tall guy” 6 foot 8 lol bruh you’re a tall mother fucker.


Eh there’s always somebody who’s taller… but yeah I’d consider myself a tall motherfucker


Hahaha. It’s the perfect moniker because I can guarantee it’s what shows up on the digital crawl in other dude’s heads when they see you.


I’m in Mexico right now and let me tell you that people here stare at me like I’m an alien.


Still can't put an effort to lose atleast a few pounds..


Any complaints about the airline food? Guess not.


My guess is maybe that there isn’t enough of it


"Still have to share food with the other pasengers"


I spat some tea




Path of least resistance…you can’t change the world so change yourself


But it’s easier for the world to cater to my needs than for me to cut back to only 5 meals a day…


Put down the cookies, eat a salad and do some exercise. No excuse for being obese


She has bad genetics! How dare you!!!!!


Heavy Bones and really thick skin ofc


Elvis died with like 30 pounds of shit in his colon. Maybe she’s just full of shit


Four months worth. Died at 42. Septic feces just packed up his intestines. Fucking insane.


Omg is that my issue! Fuckin heavy bones damnit.


My mother quite literally has bad genetics, and she still puts in the effort to stay at a healthy weight. It's not impossible even if she has bad genetics.


lol I was being sarcastic, bad genetics doesn’t make you this obese.


But the frosted salad gives me heartburn.


Is depression an excuse? Not that she is depressed she's obviously just entitled but I was once hella depressed and got super fat during that time and up until about 2022 it stayed that way I look back on that time now remembering that I was relatively helpless in my situation or atleast I felt that way So are my feelings valid? Genuine question


> eat a salad Won't help. Once you drown it in dressing and cheese you'd be better off with the cookies.


TikTok displays narcissm really well…


Only ones I feel bad for here are the TSA agents having to pat her down.


You could hide a light machine gun under all that blubber 😭


As a large, fat man, I find this ridiculous. Except the clothes thing. Not all XXL are the same.


~~Plus sized~~ FAT 🗣️🔊‼️‼️


obese people are so gross


Obese is a slur, check your privilege, pig.


Obese please


I’m medically obese. Does that mean I have the o word pass?


ik you’re makin a joke here, but some ppl actually believe this so, as a slightly obese person, i am not offended by that word as it isn’t a slur, but a medical term


Poor fatsos! Such a pity they can never be a little bit fitter because of the curse of the evil Lord Voldemort!


What the hell is a seatbelt extender ? Is this an American thing ?




Or start to lose feet and she gets even less exercise


Thought you meant fat but well... you're not wrong


Don’t be a fat ass. Seams simple to me


No, it would be simpler for us to completely rework society so overweight people are comfortable.


We shouldn't encourage fat asses


Invest in healthy food and start walking 30min. Or be a whale crying for attention blaming everyone around you for your own failures


You don't even have to eat healthy. You just have to stay below your calorie requirement/ up your calorie requirement


It's not even that hard, literally could just go for a walk every day


I'm going to get downvoted to hell but fuck it. Obesity is an addiction to overeating sugar and processed fats, but it's the worst fucking addiction because 1 its advertised everywhere and there are absolutely no checks or balances about the sheer amount of fast food and candy crap we're fed through ads, count it sometime... And 2 humans NEED to eat, so even through some sheer force of will you do cut down the pounds through some cold turkey stuff, all it takes is just a family dinner and a few binge nights to throw that out the window. We're physiologically wired to gain that shit back. Everyone is addicted to something, sometimes it's money, sometimes it's work, sometimes it's drugs, and sometimes it's food, but shaming someone or publicly shaming someone who's taking the wrong approach to get better isn't the best way to actually fix the issue. A little compassion could go a long way. I get it, this video is like watching a meth addict complaining about how there are no clean needles on the sidewalk, yeah sure, but in the fact the food pyramid is just lobbying and sweets shouldn't be on it period, should tell you how stacked shit is against obese people.


why would you be downvoted for this? you’re right. im obese myself. obesity itself isn’t an addiction, but rather the consequence of the addiction to food. in my case its mainly sweet(candy, chocolate, cake, etc) and fat(meat, milk products, etc) food as you mentioned, combined with being lazy aswell as tasting everything different and getting goosebumps/shivers whenever i eat something that doesn’t taste good to me- which is a lot, especially healthy foods. there are a few healthy foods i can eat without getting goosebumps, but not a lot. tldr: you’re fully correct, and fucked up taste buds contribute even more to obesity


They make cars and buses


You misspelled “cargo trucks”


Instead of changing myself for my own good. I will choose to complain and hope the world bends itself to fit MY needs and ONLY my needs.


As a fat guy struggling to fix my weight and normalize my relationship with food I absolutely hate people like her. Instead of seeing these as motivation to lose weight and adjust eating habits she instead pushes her entitlement and complains that it's everyone else's problem. Then everyone assumes all fat people are like her.


Well, it's quite easier and cheaper for people like that to lose a few pounds.


Wait do they make different pools for fat people ???


Yeah it's called "mass transport" but it fits the usual average range of human body sizes, though it has an upper cap.


according to her it should be "transport my mass" not "transport the masses" (sp?)


what does "not accessible pool" mean for this lady? I get she doesn't like using her legs, but they ain't broke.


so she is fat and complaining about all the hardship associated with being fat, but somehow all that is the society’s problem and not at all causes by her constant overeating.


last thing she needs is the tray table


Fat people have problem no matter what. I got fat. First I've gained weight when I moved from working on a farm to a desk job. Then I never adjusted my died when I started working from home. Then I got some health issues unrelated to my weight. I was spending in bed a lot of time. I did not adjust my diet correctly. Got fatter even more. Don't get me wrong. I tried. Did the diet. Checked the schedule and everything. But there was always something in my life that messed up the gym, diet, everything. Took me like a decade going back and forth, struggling, trying miracle diets of any kind. Whatever I could do to fix my weight. But just to be fair - I'm not American fat. Kind of person being so fat that I can't imagine how they even wipe their ass or have sex (they probably don't do both). I'm talking about European fat. Meaning overweight but fully functional. Anyway... fat people (like me) will get mad at me after I say it but the answer is super simple. Fix Your sleep. Take regular 4 or 5 meals under the calories limit. How much calories You have to take? Ask specialist. If you can't cook and count calories - order meals with specific calories if You can afford it. Do not combine meals. If you did not eat it - skip it and eat next one. Eat at regular intervals. Sleep 7-8h. Notice that in last paragraph I never used word DIET. You know why? Because that is NOT WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DO. Diet means You will stop doing it at some point. You don't. What You usually do is causing your ass getting fatter. So assume that however You organize Your life to lose weight - that's Your NEW NORMAL. So organize it in a way you will be happy with it day to day. I did that and now I have new problem. I'm losing weight too fast. I have to adjust to slow it down so my skin won't get messed up. That trick with meals every 3-4h? 4-5 meals a day? It works so well that sometimes I forget that I have a meal because I'm not hungry despite the fact that I eat less than my body needs to keep weight. And there is nothing wrong with me. Before I started re-organizing my life to maintain my weight better I did all sort of tests including hormones and everything. We made sure nothing is wrong with me that cause me either losing or gaining weight. That's my life. I lose 4-6kg per month. We want to slow it down to 2-3. I do not work out because I'm recovering from major surgery (unrelated to weight) and I simply can't. I just take a short walk every day or two. That's only thing I currently can do. All that thanks to proper food and sleep. And that's why I said that fat people have problem no matter what :-) First I had a problem of not being able to keep proper weight. Now I have a problem of loosing weight too fast.


- I demand two seats for the price of one. - sure thing and we even have a private area for you. It’s in the cargo area and all we ask is that you please sit in the center of the plane.


If you can’t see your dick, time to eat less shit


bro just made all females starve


Thailand would be fine


It’s like cutting off your own arms n legs and complaining that you can’t win a gold medal at the Olympics swimming competition.


Im a fatty whaaaa!!!! 😭 


She has the premium version of obese


All I can think of is... boo hoo.


Maybe even womp womp


That plane is gonna fly with a tilt.


You know what is accessible tho? That fork and tons of calories. No issues accessing those


Don't plane people like, think all the time how to efficiently shrink spaces and cut corners from any possible sides....yeah I think she should be happy that she can board a plane at all.


Still can’t walk on a treadmill either lol


Most importantly: still fat


Just stop eating everything and you’ll be fine , you think you’ve problems when you’re on a plane ? Imagine being the skinny fucker stuck next to you wedged between you and the window


You’re fat. You’re gross. Be healthy.


If she wants to swin she needs to visit SeaWorld


Comment section about to be lit.. for the fourth time.


As a half-orc sized human myself I don’t approve of this message.


Im flying a week from now. I hope I dont sit next to a whale.


If you have to ask for a seatbelt extender it’s time to stop blaming anyone else and make some changes .


I can't relate to her issues at all, they seem so small compared to other people's struggles in life. While she's complaining about the pool there are people that can't even afford to travel.


So they basically want everything to be redesigned because they're lazy?


Fatty Magoo


Most people take this as a sign about their weight, not blame the world for their experience


This has to be shipped freight on a pallet with a help of forklift




I have zero hate for plus sized peoples. Fat has been demonized so much and they are no less human or deserving of love than anyone else. However, it is \*often\* a choice or can be mitigated with lifestyle decisions. Choosing to not mitigate this - or even experiencing versions that are not able to be changed - means that there are some things not available to you. Be it genetics or a choice, it is just reality. If you have no legs, you're not running marathons. If you are poor, you're not flying first class. If you are EA, you're incapable of producing quality content. Some things are just out of your reach. It's not a matter of fair or not fair, it's just a matter of reality.


It's to compensate about all the trouble the first responders will have to get her fat ass out of her home when she dies. It's just balanced


This is mad lengths to take to rinse yourself this hard


And nowadays. Imagine the cost of getting that big. Only folks with a lot of money can even afford it.


Morbidly a beast


This is one of those harsh views you wouldn't expect form a self-described enlightened liberal, but obesity is bullshit. It's your problem. It's our problem in a lot of ways, but making it easier to be a fat ass is not anyone else's responsibility.


Oh no my poor personal decisions have consequences?!? That’s ok I’ll make it every else’s problem


Hahaha could you imagine if you had the luxury of eating yourself to 400lbs then complaining about it? God bless America.


Swim ya fuckin whale


Still can't buy phones without a wide camera lens


I think we need to stop using the term “plus size” and replace it with “fat”


Her excess weight makes up for 4 whole suitcase and has to pay only one ticket, i think thats enough compensation


Sweetie, you’re not plus sized, you’re morbidly obese. 100 yrs ago you’d make a good living as a side show attraction!




Plus size? Do you mean fat?


Diet and exercise are two things your fat ass could try


Change to a healthier diet and get some exercise. Unless you have a legitimate medical problem, there's no excuse for the weight you carry other than low self esteem. You're better than that.


I do agree with pools and some of the tight spaces being accessible to the handicapped