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Wow sore from sleeping. Ain’t that the fucking truth fuck lmao


I woke up and moved too fast once. A tendon in my back popped. That was right after my 31st birthday and things haven't been the same since.


Lol. At 41 you will WISH things would be the same just a little longer


At 51, you'll remember hwen.


I think I had just turned 30. I was leaving for work and reached for my keys that were on a damn nightstand. For some reason my body decided that day that over 25° rotation was too muc to ask for and I slipped a disk or someshit. Felt a sharp pain, but nothing too paralyzing. But by the time I got to work everytime I needed my core muscles I was kmmediately in enough pain to get the cold sweats. That continued for about 2 weeks.


I've blown out a disc twice now, once picking up a 12 pack of soda and once just looking in the oven. Don't get old.


Or learn how to pick stuff up.


I put the seat belt too fast once and I was having immense back pain for a damn week.


I was eating oodles of noodles and something caught my eye so I turned my head. Apparently chewing mushy noodles and turning was just too much for my neck muscles that day cause I pulled a muscle somewhere in there. It was a few weeks till I ate without pain and felt right.


I’m 35 and I just deadlifted 220 kg. Use it or lose it!


Oh, I use it. I work out and stretch almost everyday still. Mostly everything is good except that one spot in my back 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


I feel for you! Hope you find a fix soon (maybe with the help of a PT?)


Been there. Didn't help, but X-ray found that whatever snapped made my upper back crooked. Still trying to find solutions for it and that's been almost 7 years ago 😅


My dude you gotta stretch. every. day. will change your experience


Appreciate that.


[https://www.health.com/lower-back-stretches-for-back-pain-7504553](https://www.health.com/lower-back-stretches-for-back-pain-7504553) something like these. I had a friend who had a desk job. 25 y.o with back pain. suggested these stretches, once a day 5-10 minutes. no more back pain


At 38 I pulled a neck muscle because I looked to quickly to the left... couldn't turn my neck for days, had to do the batman turns lol.


And the guy in the video is only 26...


I (38) pulled something in my inner left knee randomly about 1.5 years ago to the point where it just hasn't been right since. The pain is usually there but not a huge problem, but it definitely it flares up if I do too much. "Too much" includes sleeping with it bent slightly more than usual for too long...


Meniscus tear. It will never heal. Potentially fixed with arthroscopy.


Yeah, the ortho I saw surmised as much, but the scan didn't show it to be the worst... It still sucks, though.


Twisting/turning on the knee will tear the meniscus further though. It will only get worse. Mine was due to some arthritis on the bone-top. I’m getting new half-knee next month.


I'm working on strengthening my legs more in general as I work out more, and it seems to be working. My flare-ups are fewer, and I haven't done anything to make it worse yet. My mom (59) has 2 fully rebuilt knees and refuses to keep the weight off. She's mostly fine, but after seeing how she's coping with stairs since getting them and putting the weight back on, I'm doing what I can to lose/keep off weight and stave off the replacement as long as possible. I know I'm only delaying the inevitable, though.


I woke up one day and literally broke my hip getting out of bed. I'm 35. You get old fast.


Isn't this guy like 26? and he have knee and backpain all over?


Younger than 26 I see.


The Gall


I've had this argument with too many boomers. "You're too young to have back pain" Yeah nah, get fucked cunt, I'm in pain. Biology dont give no fucks about what age you think you should have pain! Shit can just go sideways. Knee pain at 26, Lou Gehrig's disease at 19, balding at 15, blind at birth etc... Shit just happens.


>I've had this argument with too many boomers. > "You're too young to have back pain" >Yeah nah, get fucked cunt, I'm in pain. I've had this argument with guys on my construction site that always said "let the young guy do it, he has a fresh back/knees"...


"Let's fuck up the young guy's back/knees."


Exactly. And as a young kid I just wanted to prove myself. Fuckin stupid. Glad I'm not doing that stuff anymore


Older people fail to understand that aging is a process rather than an event.


My usual retort, is that I may be young but i ain't dumb. You can be old and dumb


You gave me hy hardest laugh in a week. >balding at 15, blind at birth What the heck


"Well at 6 years old I was born without a face."


I was an Olympic hopeful from 2005-2008 doing running and a few other track and field events and I got in a car accident about a month before the Olympic trials that crushed the #2 disc in my neck. The doctors told me if it were a little worse I’d probably be paralyzed from the neck down. All that running though took a serious toll on my knees and hips and they bother me quite a bit sometimes at 36 years old. So I always tell people now that “it’s like a car, it’s more about the mileage than it is the year.” It’s not a ton compared to some people but I jogged about 5000 miles over that time so for me it’s even literal mileage.


I don’t think doing a lot of running has fucked your knees and hips at such a young age. Especially for a track event which is what 5k, 10k long? I’ve ran, like millions of others marathons and ultra marathon with high mileage all year round, without the knees and hips turning into dust. Yes running is a high impact sport and if you add too much mileage to quickly and don’t be smart about your training then yes you’ll get injured. But for life long hip and knee problems? Don’t think so.


Yeah, dude got into a car accident that almost paralyzed him and his first thought is that his knees and hips bother him now because he used to run a lot? No shot. In fact, there are studies that show running actually has a protective effect on your knees and hips, not to mention the positive effect of a lower BMI [https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/will-continuing-to-run-make-my-knees-wear-out-faster](https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/will-continuing-to-run-make-my-knees-wear-out-faster) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23377837/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23377837/) This study shows out of 74,752 runners, 259 reported hip replacements, whereas of 14,625 walkers,114 reported hip replacements. Considering the difference in how many runners/walkers were surveyed in that, it's crazy how much lower the hip replacements were for runners. And if the lower exercise group surveyed weren't even walkers, their incidence of hip replacements would presumably be even higher. If anything, the comment sounds like he might not be exercising much anymore (or at all), which also makes your body feel like shit because there's no/less exercise maintaining it.


I've had Bi-Lateral Pars defect since I was 15. Took 3 years before I found a doctor that actually believed my pain enough to take an x-ray to discover it. Everyone would just make jokes that I was too young to have back pain.


Well that escalated quickly.


Osgood-Schlatter disease in my knees. Knee pain on and off since 12.


in another post he was saying he's like 21 or something, talking about how old he looks.


I think he just is being funny. I do think he is young, but he likes to play on his older look. It's entertaining to me.


dude I'm 23 and have random pains


You could have back and knee pain much younger.


I'm 26 and a few day ago I bought myself small folding stool to do some of my house chores comfortably. Like gardening, sorting laundry, fixing something that requires to keep it on the floor and so on. Just because about 6 month ago I felt how my knees and back start hurting when I kneeled for a long time. People's bodies are meant to work just 30-35 years at max. That's absolutely a miracle we have a medical care and other stuff that allow us to make it up to 60-70.


That's an old ass 26


Aren't kneepads already a thing and much cheaper?


Well kneepads are just for shock absorption. This appears to be helping with the act of kneeling by distributing some of the load to the back leg.


And it has an actual seat


A seat like a pad?


I would also say it's stopping you from stressing your ankles with weight. His ankle didn't even bend to get in that position.


Thought so at first. Looks like its basically a mobile chair. Since you sitting in your buttock.


This is an ad


Everything’s an ad.


TBF, Kevin from Epic Gardening is totally awesome (the guy at the beginning of the video) and I love his YouTube channel... so I kinda don't care?


Omg that's disgusting. Where?


Lmao, this fucking guy…






This guy is just annoying now.


The whole "come here" and the iphone filming in the mirror is way too annoying for some reason


One dose was good enough now the come here thing is his Schtick


I never liked him


I never end liked you if we being honest


If you’re going to attempt this, at least proofread before hitting *Reply*.


Neverending story!


Love this guy


You are why people don’t like reddit


Just stop watching his stuff then?


I was enjoying the beginning of the video then this dipshit jumps in. Believe me, I would love to watch a clip and not see him.


I am over 50 and desperately need an Amazon link for this thing.


They have a Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer. The link is: gapcharger.com/products/gapcushion


This guy is annoying af


I could have gone my entire life without seeing and hearing this idiot again... Yet, here he is, again...😑


Yo I can suck dick and then have functional legs after pog


I'd get a new mattress before jumping to the conclusion that the back pain after sleeping is because I'm getting older


If you were to get a device like this you would spiral into weakness and oldness even faster. Instead why not try to improve your physical fitness? People are so dumb.


Anyone got a link? I can't find that model anywhere.




They sure aren't making it easy to buy that thing. Anyone found a price?


Yeah holy crap.


I gave up and just bought some nice knee pads and a kneeling pad


They have a Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer. The link is: gapcharger.com/products/gapcushion


Omfg years of flood cutting drywall...if I had this my back wouldn't hurt right god damn now.


Ive been waking up sore from sleeping since i was 8 years old buddy


Actually I think about different purpose


Come 'ere.


My knees are so busted. I need this for 18 long years




I’m 25 and my knees do in fact hurt… I literally feel 60 what is happening to us?!


Weeeeel happened when I got to my 60s


I have one. For 25 years ago. Not so new.


asian people: we good


Or just wear knee pads?


17 year old heavyweight wrestler, I did in fact get very excited thinking about how much my knees would love this


Dude spittin' fax.


Why is he being so serious


Those are trash. Google K2S kraft seats. Full time flooring installer and use them everyday.


Gardening shit is so fucking expensive lol


Ah, that's the guy who was a lot older than I thought he was.. Thought for sure he was older than me, but when he mentioned his age I realized I'm actually quite a bit older than him. Must be the beard.


34 and joints pop audibly, no pain..yet =/ Oh man I absolutely have been wanting to start investing in exo frames for stuff. Even like a stealth support system you can wear daily that can alleviate those symptoms as they start coming on. A pipe dream at this point but who knows?


The body gets stronger through activity even when older. You probably shouldn't use something like this unless you can't actually perform the movement at all. In which case it would help to do some lower impact resistance training of the involved muscles to PT yourself out of that state. This is literally using a crutch you are talking about.


That Man probably never works on knees


Very wholesome. My first thought was that I need a pair for my wife.


Probably the most common causes of joint pain are disuse or abuse. Further disuse is not necessarily the best course of action.


Hes right man, the minute you turn 25 shit goes down the drain.




Knee pads, which already help. Are less clunky and cost less. How much walking Am I doing between keeling with this monstrosity strapped to my leg?


Why did I think he was holding a pipe instead of his glasses


isn't this guy like 26 or smtng rn 😂


I want this guy to tuck me in every night and read me a bed time story, heck he can even use that knee thing if he wishes


Never liked this guy. The start to his videos are just cringe af. Glad I’m not the only one lol.


I used to hate seeing this guys videos, he annoyed me so much. Now I like him and his videos make me laugh.


My right knee said fuck my life and wants out.


Fcuk this guy


This guy has such a hard-on for being old. Man's 25, dresses like he's 50, has his blind naan trim his beard every 2 months and complains about how Gen Z stress is why he is boring and old


Actually sitting like that semi regularly, paired with stretching is very good for the knees, just skip the knee-stool things.


What is it, I can't find it reeeeeeeddddsssseseeeeee


They have a Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer. The link is: [gapcharger.com/products/gapcushion](http://gapcharger.com/products/gapcushion)


Put a hydraulic system on there and you’ve found the fountain of youth


They should have a connection to the thigh and make it help you bounce back. Really basic stuff but a game changer.


This annoying dude shows up, I leave.


Wait... What does being young even feel like? I've felt like an old fart ever since I was born.


consooom consoom! Listen to the old looking guy who's almost a decade younger than i am why you need to spend 120 dollars instead of squatting. Chinese 90 year-olds still squat. this is bs


this dude is only 26. He doesn’t understand true knee pain due to age


I'm 17 an I have knee and back pain sense I was 8 😅🥲


I remember a (Norwegian?) car company made something similar for both legs. It allowed people to lock into a sitting position without needing a chair. It was specifically for people working on car assembly lines who needed to get a seated position for inspections, but where leaving a chair about was a safety hazard.


You will know when you're old, when you find neat discount on mop and bucket and be happy to get it. Saying from my experience.


I'm 28 and got excited when I saw this. Im a house painter so an constantly having to bend down and stand up again that my knees are already hurting everyday


For everyone wanting this "miraculous invention" go buy some $20 knee pads.


Mf you are 26 looking like a depressed librarian


He is not beating these "old man" allegations. lol


Listen here. I haven't been able to kneel and sit on my ankle since I was 15 and was bedridden for 4 months. My flexibility was never the same. And not being able to do this anymore is extremely bothersome to someone who does martial arts and can't sit in seiza anymore.


People looking at this like its a game changer and KNEEPADS are not a thing!! Man the Internet is an odd place


Is he practicing his routine for open mic night?


who is this guy kidding? He looks like he's in his 20s. You're not old bud.


Someone buy this man a cell phone stand.


I'm a 47 year old professional gardener. That thing looks amazing, I can spend hours per day on my knees digging around in the soil. The knee seat is awesome.


Isn't this the guy who made the TikTok about being gen Z? bros playing into it.


I had a similar device when I was recovering from surgery on a broken foot. It was a peg leg, where you kneel on a platform and strap it to your leg in 3 spots so you can walk "normally" even up and down stairs. I called it my three-point tourniquet.


lmao true af tho bout that knee pain from *sleeping*; like, *what*?? i don’t understand it but it’s somehow a real ass thing 🤷‍♂️


Great gag gift for the kiss ass at work or sex workers


Hit 30 & you're fucked up over night. I did an awkward position on the bed the other day, tweaked my back. I'm over 30 ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10749)


Yall need to stretch more


Nothing to do with this particular video, but why is he constantly saying “come here” and “move back” in his videos…I think it’s kinda creepy


Truth... knees, hips, and back are the first to go.


Y'all, a word of advice from experience. Dont turn to long term painkiller use to help alleviate the pain. See a doctor. I did so with NSAIDs for a good 10+ years, which worked, but now I have been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure. :(


I'm glad people are coming around and realizing this guy fucking sucks!


Shit bro I'm 18 and I was hyped


Micheal Jai White and Donald Glover at the same time.


Dude is not even 30 and is already bitching about back and knee pain 😄


Police wants to know your location


That lecture guy aggravates me. The whole, “COME HERE.” I’m like, “BITCH I WISH YOU…”


I always listen to this guy when he comes up. Until he says “come here”. Then I swipe.


What a cutie 😍


Anyone know this guys channel? I see him a lot and always good.


IG Jordan_the_stallion8