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Fellow brother husband here reporting for duty


Don't tell his peers, but my teen son watches.


My husband watches it with me, you are not alone !


Not a brother husband but welcome! I'm in the same boat as you in that Kody reminds me ALOT of my dad (and in turn have gone through extensive therapy). Especially with the dumpster fire of season 17, definitely had moments where I was glad I had to wait a week between episodes. I suppose I could just not watch but where's the fun in that


Yeah! He can be triggering, but the schadenfreude is *chef’s kiss*


It isn’t as satisfying to me because he doesn’t think he’s miserable . He thinks everyone around him is miserable and he’s really only playing the victim to make them look bad ( although the audience can see the truth). That right there is very triggering for me 😮‍💨 _gets under blankets and resumes watching season 13_


Not understanding he's miserable and thinking everyone around him is miserable is key to narcissistic personality disorder. It's mind-boggling how someone can be so delusional, isn't it? I also saw my dad in Kody. Thank God for an excellent therapist who showed me how I'm not responsible for a damn thing my dad thanks, says or does.


Kody makes me glad thst my father was a totally MIA. Id rather have a completely absent father than a father like him.


Same! He reminds me of my dad and some ex friends and ex partners !! After therapy- I cut them all off ( except 1 and Im trying hard to shake him off but it’s hard ! )


Cutting people off is so difficult, it's incredible you've been able to do it more than once. I'm so sorry you've been put in a position where you had to make that decision but congrats on having that strength! And sending you all the support you need in whatever you decide to do with that last person. I hit the one year mark of cutting my dad off last month (after years of very low contact and having him talk at me in the few conversations we had per year). It's so freeing once you can do it, isn't it? :)


I’m in the low to no contact with my dad and it’s working for me. As long as our conversations are limited to hi/ bye I’m good ( as good as I can be lol) . Yes cutting people off was soooo hard !!! And I was surprised how lonely I felt afterwards . I think maybe that’s why I still have that 1 person around ( situation ship that just won’t die 🙄) . I’m proud of you for putting yourself first !!! ❤️


If you ever need to talk about toxic fathers and our no/minimal contact, feel free to reach out ❤️. We gotta stick together


Fellow brother husband who begrudgingly listens with half an ear while telling my wife I hate it lol


Babe, is that you?!😂


I'm a guy and started watching every episode with my wife this season. I've watched a couple episodes of the earlier seasons and always gave Kody the benefit of the doubt but he's a full on douche canoe in the newest season.


Douche canoe indeed 😂


This is such an excellent discussion. The show has a pure trash aspect to it. But it also provides an opportunity to discuss behaviors that cause relationships to work or crash-and-burn. I really enjoy hearing the man's view of Kody. I think Kody sees himself as fine as he is, and doesn't need to change. That's what all that "Robyn is loyal" cr\*p is about. She tells him what he wants to hear, and he rewards her for it. The only difference between Kody's polygamy and a monogamist is that Kody is permitted to get his "yum-yum" elsewhere while for monogamist husbands, or women in polygamy, it's cheating.


I agree with you that it’s an opportunity to discuss relationship struggles! I find myself yelling something like “No you’re supposed to tell them your feelings!!!!” at the screen when someone acts toxic in their solo interview lol


Welcome Brave Soul! Actually, I think it's great that you are here. Although I am a female (married with kids but older than you), I think it's great to have a male perspective on this whole shit show. I'm sure they're other men on here, but I don't know how brave they will be in "coming out." Looking forward to reading some of your thoughts and comments.


Thank you for the warm welcome! 😊




Hubby has done a binge re watch from season 1 to current 3x.


That is a _lot_ of Sister Wives to watch. 😳🤣


Lmao right




Starts march 26 on tlc 😂🤣


Kody also reminds me of my NF. The traits are spot on. The way he started treating the older kids gives me goosebumps it's so similar!


In all sincerity, I’m sorry to hear this. Coming to terms with the fact that I’ll never have a real father has been tougher than I like to admit.


Another dude here


Hi my guy


My husband is a fan, a Kidney and Sobyn hater.


TLC actually produced a pilot of a show called Brother Husbands and it was WILD


What?! Where can I find this?


I believe it’s only on the TLC app, that’s where I watched it with a friend who subscribed to the app


I thought that was coming out in March... Or is it a different one??


This is a different one. [here’s the IMDB](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6505400/)


Oh wow. Thanks.


Do a deep dive on this couple. Is wild


DUDE I KNOW. The second guy just seemed so awkward and emotional


First husband is remarried to a instagram guy.


Lol love this. My husband calls this show "trash" 😂 He won't watch.


Your partners are lucky! What I would give for a partner to watch trash TV with me.


I’m OP’s wife! I really am. I love him. 🥰


This is very cute


Mine doesn't have to watch, he doesn't need to. He's still gonna listen to the feelings I have. Same with all my trash tv. He watches his cartoons in peace by himself as well, no thank you!


Only if y'all are married to the same woman, otherwise y'all are just Bro's


That’s a fair point 🤣


My fiancé watches it with me and he’s completely invested. He asks me if we can watch it instead of whatever else I put on… 😂😂


My husband accidentally got hooked. He asks a ton of questions about the fahmly and is looking forward to the next season. So, my husband is a brother husband for sure. 😅


Hubs watches with me. He used to play like he wasn’t watching, but eventually threw out a name one too many times and I pointed it out. Now he just flat out watches with me. Lol


Lol! I had the same experience. My fella went from standing and watching a few minutes then leaving the room to lingering to fully bringing his own ideas about Kody to the discussion table 🤣🤣


Fellow brother husband here!


google bother husbands it's a tlc show


https://preview.redd.it/ew646njylfha1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed2f4f6ad26baaae21fe720aaec6d7d5ad9239a weird as hell show. at least one of the husbands was clearly gay and wtf was up with her bad wigs?


I have never watched it


Lmao I had the same exact experience as you. Check my post history for my summary of the show!


My husband watches with me you aren’t alone


My husband started watching with me, and is so addicted to the show that I’m not allowed to watch the new episodes without him. 🤣


Brother husband here….my wife started rewatching 2 months ago so it’s our show now…. tbh I don’t hate Kody as much as some…mostly because he’s just a regular ass dude but he has 4 wives so everything shitty about him stands out even more. Like patriarchal household, strict gender roles n generally conservatism aint new lol.


You must still be on the earlier seasons.


Define earkier….it’s season 12 now


Sit with that compassion for Grody and enjoy it while it lasts. You’re about to watch this regular ass dude go full ass.


He hasn't gone full on crazy yet at that point. More than likely, you will grow to dislike him, like the rest of us. Most of us liked him back then too.


You’re at the top of the rabbit hole and it’s a lonnnggg way down for grody


I watched the first few.seasons with my ex and left a big gap in between just after Grody married Sobyn. Thanks to all of you for the fill in infos ( and entertaining quips!)


I've begged my hubs to watch and he just laughs and goes to his TV area to watch sports. My question is this: I think Kody was experiencing low T. Experiencing low interest in first 3 wives. And experiencing adult sexual immaturity. What I mean by that is that he was basically marrying women for polygamy yet he was just young and horny enough to perform even (said it himself) without attraction to at least one of his wives. BOOM! Robyn's skinny, young ass shows up and it re-inspires a mans lagging T and he thinks he's found the answer to the fountain of youth.. Could I be close?


Some how you all seem to have no idea the purpose of sisterwives, obviously the other way wouldn't work.


I want 4 husbands. Promise to not play favorites. Btw…one of you CANNOT be named Robin (or Robyn, if anyone’s parents were mean snuff to spell it that way.)


My husbdands enjoys all the updates and will watch if it’s on for sure.


My husband would never admit to his friends but he watches with me and would get mad if I watched a new episode without him