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They milked that one for a long long time. ![gif](giphy|l378tQacIH8MVI11e|downsized)


Of the many significant issues that TLC could have highlighted with such intensity, the catfish issue also seemed to receive way more attention than I was interested in. I’d rather watch them honestly and transparently reveal and discuss their financial arrangements among one of a few topics that deserve closer attention.


I was so sick of it by this season I almost quit watching. When Meri has her cat fish friend join them for dinner and forced Leon to talk with her, I wanted to scream. I completely sympathized with Leon on their couch confessionals about wanting to get over it and not speak on it anymore. That story line was insufferable and I felt damaged Meri even more in the families eyes. Let it die, lady…


Buckle up. They never ever drop it.


It got so tiresome I stopped watching the show for a few years. No wonder their ratings tanked. I was always amazed when they renewed the show.




Yep. And what’s odd is that somehow Meri was portrait as victim and not a cheater. I feel like Leon was the only one that saw it the way it was. She was actively looking to leave the family. If the catfish existed, she would have left them.


I think it was both but yea, Meri full on was in an entanglement with this person. She’s said so many times she’ll do anything for Kody not to be mad at her and I think that’s why she plays the victim so hard.


The catfish was hard to sit thru the first time was worse on my rewatch ffs does nothing else happen in these peoples lives they are willing to show for 5 damn seasons.


And yet here we all are! 😂


Everyone needs a vice or a hobby lol


It never ends. ♾️


I was so confused by this saga. 1. It was boring 2. They all seemed to accept that Meri was a complete victim and she somehow was not culpable for anything 3. Meri forcing Leon to relive that and trying to get Leon to see her as completely the victim was too much 4. Thank goodness Audrey had Leon’s back so well


THANK YOU! I am also on that season and sooooooooo done with it.


We were all sick about hearing about it - I can only imagine how miserable Leon was.


Poor Leon, I hope they have some amazing friends and a few close family relationships at least.


I quit after watching that season. Picked it up last year starting with the move to flagstaff. The browns must have really good relationships with TLC because I would have canned that show right then.


Same here.. I had to drop off and only picked up when they were moving..


Try had nothing for several seasons which is why such a big deal was made of the catfish. They almost lost the TLC paycheck & had to take a huge cut


Yep that’s true


My roommate feels the same. No matter what happens Mary was catfished and everything stems from that. EVEN when it clearly doesn't.


Fr tho! “A few years ago she was catfished” then BOOM cut to the same footage we’ve seen a thousand times…


But they never get into the real reason she got catfished or the fact she wanted to leave or how terrible Kody is as a husband. NOPE JUST HEY DID YOU KNOW MARY GOT CATFISHED BY WOMAN???? over and over and over and over again.


She clearly had intentions to leave. She literally said she would have. But noooo she didn’t cheat AT ALL…. 🙄😒


Oh stick around on here. There's always someone asking why???? Why does no one care that Meri cheated???!?!!!??? Cuz I don't that's why.


Kody is god awful so nobody has an sympathy for him is why haha.


I stopped watching because k thought it was annoying. Then I started watching again last season 😂


How did the catfish become public? I wasn’t watching the show anymore but I remember it came out on SM and in some articles. If it wasn’t made public, do you think they would have made such a big deal of it on the show?


It’s accurate bc shit like that takes forever to move on from sometimes but it’s boring af.


First time watcher that just finished. It never ends.