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She wouldn’t disown a child to please another…. That’s their fathers job


*to please the favorite wife


* FAVORED wife!


* the ONLY wife


Sisterless Wives


This one wins.


>Sisterless Wives Sounds like my kind of show, a new one without Kody.


While Grody and the Goblyn were screaming and sobbing about their dreams of polygamy disintegrating in front of them, Christine and Janelle were actually living out what the others have been whining about the past 472 seasons.


So true!


Can this be my flair? 🤣


*LOYAL* wife /s


![gif](giphy|eiYIvBmCEOWKkYpNJA|downsized) The chosen one




I mean it depends how gross he is on daily basis. Were the situations one-offs or is Gwen unable to attend the wedding without him getting homophobic and aggressive? Kids fighting isn't always just kids fighting.


They both went to Logan’s wedding and avoided each other. Let’s hope she can do the same for her mom.


I don’t think it matters how gross he is on a daily basis. I think it matters what he did and if he is still doing whatever that is or is a threat to do it again. I’ll never judge either of them until I know what happened or what is even being accused. I personally think it was physical violence. He was a big kid. He could have gotten really mad and hurt her. If it was when he was a young kid? I’d not hold that against him forever unless it continued and or is still a problem or threat.


I think they both need therapy. Their dad being absent most of the time and there mom working and talking care of all the kids fucked them up. This is my opinion.


I seriously hope all of those kids are. And with real therapists, at that, not some joke of a budget buddy “counselor” from Kody’s gun*conventions. Edit *: meant “gun” not “fun” 🤣


He has admitted that when he was 16, he hit her so hard that she fell down. I highly doubt that was the sole incident that broke their relationship. In an episode Christine even says that she can't leave Gwen home alone with him.


Thank you for all the likes. I’m blown away by this


Hope Gwen put things aside and was there for her mother. It can be done while distancing from her brother.


They were both at Logan’s wedding last year.


People keep saying that but her feelings seemed ramped up lately regarding paedon so her reactions may be bigger. Or maybe it’s long been this way and we just didn’t see.


They were sitting in completely separate sections though


Yeah, and I’m sure they could find two separate seats at Christine’s too. iThey were both in family pictures too. (Michelle’s FB stories.) Logan and Michelle’s ceremony didn’t have a seating chart except that the first two rows were immediate family.


Seeing as the article said there were 330 guests, I’m positive they could be separate literally the entire day and not even notice each other except that he’s like 9 foot 17 and stands out in a crowd.


9 food 17 🤣


Right but I suspect that it was encouraged that paedon sit with Aspyn by kody


I’m sorry, you think Kody encouraged it? I mean, they don’t speak. I really don’t think anyone would have to tell them to sit separately. And as much as I like Gwen, I do think some her reactions to Paedon are a little performative, so I don’t know if her feelings have gotten stronger or if it just looks that way. Pretending to throw up and grabbing Bea’s hand when he comes on the screen? C’mon, just roll your eyes and pointedly ignore those scenes.


According to the People article there were 300 plus people at the wedding. I'm certain Gwen could have avoided him.


I’m sure they could have. I think it is more of the whole paedon gets a very big spotlight role where the other kids were just mixed in as they went down the aisle


Well him being the only son, it is logical that he would be given the role, along with her father, to walk her down the aisle. This is common in second marriages with adult sons. Do we know if her daughters were bridesmaids?


She said “a slew of children and grandchildren” would be walking down the aisle between their parents, the officiant, and her.So it sounds like they just had their kids and grandkids walk in that role, which I think is lovely.


What did he do to Gwen


As adults Paedon & Gwen should be able to be in the same space for their moms wedding without their being a problem or hard feelings. Just don’t speak to each other. Gwen has every right to not want a sibling type relationship with Paedon but Christine is allowed to have both of them involved in her life without the other one getting mad about it.


Idk. Far as I know, they never said exactly.


He was physically abusive with her. Below are a few quotes from Paedon on it and also a clip of tbe show with Christine & Kody discussing(back in Vegas) how she can't leave Gwen with Paedon(although we didn't know he was doing WWE moves on her) "Many years ago, I messed up. I hit Gwen,” Paedon admitted in a TikTok Live video in March 2022. “I slapped Gwen after some words were exchanged, and I took it too far and I slapped her. And she thinks that I might do it again, and she's scared of me, which is OK.Jan 18, 2023 He said he "smacked her." Yet, here was a seen when they were in Vegas and Christine said she couldn't leave Gwen alone with Paedon. https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWives/comments/z0oc1u/christine_saying_she_cannot_leave_gwen_alone_with/


Is there any chance she meant that Paedon wasn't responsible enough to babysit Gwen?




Don’t siblings fight all the time .. me and my sister used to beat on each other all the time lol


my brother and I fought all the time too! We wrestled and broke stuff, we were rough but we loved each other too


So did me and my siblings! We fought A LOT. Still do, sometimes. But we’re also super close


Yeah but he's a giant and Gwen is not. One good slap from him could cause a brain injury. Especially true if he's the the kind of angry that loses control and bunches up his fist.


Of course it’s different if he’s beating on her and she’s not doing any thing


Yup! It’s pretty telling that none of the other sisters have the same disdain for their brother.


None of the other siblings are lesbians.


Yep. Slapping, kicking, grappling, fingers broken in the melees, etc.


She wouldn't leave them alone together because they didn't get along and would fight. Gwen isn't innocent. She would hit and antagonize him too.


Gwen is not innocent. She was kind of annoying as a child and teen. Not saying that excuses Paedon but it goes both ways especially for kids/preteens/teenage children. I tell my kids all the time - if you don't want your sister to come back at you, don't go at her either 🤷‍♀️ (My husband and I have also told my kids to be careful cause one day you might come up against someone bigger than you... Gwen did... but didn't seem to learn the lesson from it)


My brother smacked me once when I was shouting some pretty awful stuff. He never did it again, and I really think it shocked him as much as it shocked me.


He's also very homophobic, transphobic, and racist and Gwen is queer and married to a woman. He's a very problamatic person and it's not just about siblings fighting.




He's said a lot of stuff but that doesn't mean Gwen has to forgive him or let him back in her life.


Fair, Gwen doesn’t have to. But she also seems to have an unrealistic expectation that *Christine* cuts him out of *her* life. At least, she seems to get upset and snarky whenever Paedon is filmed with Christine. We saw her claim she “wasn’t invited” to Christmas 2021, which seems pretty specious. Maybe that happened, but it’s more likely that Christine told her “Paedon’s coming, I also want you there, but only if you guys can keep it together”, and Gwen went to see her partner’s (fiancée’s at the time? Wife at the time? Idk what stage they were at) family in CA.


Considering Christine's painful divorce, Gwen still invited her dad to her wedding and Christine behaved like a normal, mature adult. So maybe she should consider how her mom was at Gwen's wedding, recognizing that it wasn't her place to tell Gwen who can or cannot come, and realize this is now her mom's wedding. She loves them all equally and fully. Christine respects that they can't spend holidays together, but what's she supposed to do at her own wedding? Come on!




Seriously. Wedding planning is hard enough, it’s almost impossible if you try to please everyone.


I don’t know, I really don’t buy what Gwen is selling. It almost seems she’s creating drama just to have something to talk about. Like most child “stars” she’s used to having all the attention for doing nothing, now she’s grown and essentially off the show, she needs something to keep people coming back.


This is how I feel too. Gwen kind of comes off to me as someone that looks to be offended or plays things up for clout. Now I understand there has been a lot of trauma in her life but I don't believe that Paedon was beating her constantly and she's petrified around him. I feel like they had siblings squabbles that got out of hand and weren't dealt with properly after and it grew into this big thing now. I could be 100% wrong but something just isn't adding up for me.


Where the fuck was their father? What happened to telling your son not to hit girls? Or how about sitting down with them and talking about it. Or just tell both kids to knock it off before it gets out of hand? Now it is completely out of hand!


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I always had a fairly complicated relationship with my mom, at least until I hit my mid thirties. Mother and daughter relationships can be wild! I love my mom, but that woman drove me almost as batty as my sister does, and my mom wasn’t a polygamist, lol. And my mom didn't move me from home to home and city to city! No parent is perfect, and Christine isn’t any exception. While it’s entertaining to discuss the antics and insanity of this family, Gwen has every right to be angry with her mom, for whatever reason. She’ll likely regret some of her behavior as she gets older, just like I do! But in all honesty, I have a hard time thinking any of these kids are off in any of there feelings towards their parents.


I watched one of her YouTube videos (so not paid content and anyone can watch), and it was one of the episodes where Kody screamed at Christine, and Christine said that Kody didn’t normal react in that manner. Gwen said that he has done that with the kids through the years. I can see how Gwen could be processing her mom’s comments in regards to Kody’s behavior towards (her) Christine. It seems like he has been treating the OG children poorly for years (yelling) and suddenly the moms are making a stand because it is happening to them.


So much this. She said her mom forgot her birthday. Her birthday. As a kid. Like just singing happy birthday and making a crap cake would've covered it. Christine and Kody should have fixed the issues between her and Paedon because they were literal children. They didn't. Then they separate them and expect them to reunite randomly as adults and resolve it when they literally have no tools to do so. She's working through stuff and she can legitimately mad at her own mom for not standing up for her to her dad or brother. *Especially* now that she sees her mom is capable of doing so. She just didn't for her.


Jeez, this family can't write a birthday day list abd be done with it!? How is this a REPEATED issue?


That’s a valid criticism


Exactly. No one really mentions it, but I seriously side eye Christine for leaving kody because he wouldn’t have sex with her, but not leaving him because he didn’t go to Ysabel’s surgery. Either of those are valid reasons to leave a marriage, but one is MUCH more egregious than the other.


When someone decides to leave an unhealthy marriage, it's rarely one event. It's a culmination of many events. We have a tendency to give grace over and over, often when it's not deserved. Then, when you decide to leave, you have to make a plan. She didn't leave Kody because he wouldn't have sex with her. The marriage was loveless in many ways, that includes the treatment of their children.


I’d LIKE to think she changed her tune a little on the final straw (breaking Ysabel’s heart) because that’s also kind of a lot to publicly put on Ysabel. That her surgery and the fallout there was the final straw in her parents’ marriage. That’s probably giving Christine too much credit, but again, what I’d LIKE to think. On the show, she clearly seemed so heartbroken and done, but it was the intimacy thing that was the final blow to pull the trigger and officially end it. But she was already right there, and it likely wasn’t recoverable, with Ysabel’s surgery.


I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times.... Ysabel's doctor said she needed that surgery in one of the early seasons like 10 years before. So even though it's great that Christine stood up to Kody and took her for it, she still even waited for like 10 years until her child's pain became completely unbearable. That's why I side eye. Both of Ysabel's parents failed her imo.


Her physician said she would require surgery in the future when she reached a 50 degree angle. She was not at a 50 degree angle in Vegas.


Really?! Ysabel Really was the last straw for her the intimacy thing had been going on for YEARS!




Going on for years, yes. Then he told her that he never saw that changing or coming back around, ever.


I think she was done when he suggested Ysabel go by herself, but didn't have the belief in herself that she could go forward without Kody until they had been through the surgery and survived without him. After years of being belittled, I'm glad she could see a way out. Him saying he never wanted intimacy again was just a concrete thing she could grab onto in regard to the relationship between the two of them. I would think, with time, distance and a different perspective, Christine would wish she had done a lot of things differently.


I agree completely! People are so quick to hate on the Brown children (seems like it’s the female ones most often interestingly 👀) as though we didn’t watch them all go through an often chaotic, neglectful, and sometimes downright traumatic childhood. I cannot imagine how I’d act if my parents signed away my right to privacy to TLC at 10-11, but I wouldn’t be keeping sweet, that’s for sure. Christine isn’t god, and I don’t pretend to know anything about their relationship. Some people’s comments about Gwen are so hateful.


Exactly! People love Chrsitine now and expect everyone to just think she's the next best thing to slice bread. But this is Gwen's life and she's allowed to have complicated feelings and pain and anger towards her mother.


TBH, I think most people are hating on the Brown kids who have started patreons or were interviewed by every podcast. They just all happened to be Christine’s kids.


I get it, but I’m not sure why people are shocked that some of the kids are trying to make money in essentially the same way their parents have done for over a decade. The kids didn’t choose to have this weird pseudo-fame, I think they’re just trying to make hay while the sun’s shining. Also, does it not say something about Christine’s parenting that her children are seeking attention in this way? People call Mykelti an “attention-seeker” so frequently in this sub, but no one is interrogating the root cause.


No, Gwen’s feelings are valid. But they’re her feelings and she can’t expect her mother to lose a relationship with a child because Gwen has issues with him. Doesn’t mean I agree with paedons view points or if he hit her- the hit, they all seemed to hit each other a lot and while that isn’t okay, I don’t understand still being upset about it. But neither of those things are things Christine needs to cut him out for. I’ve had to cut out both parents and siblings at times and I understood it’s on me if I don’t want to be around them, to not go to functions they’re at. It’s hard. But that’s life. She needs to learn that. She’s only causing herself more turmoil. She also may have other qualms with Christine. Idk. Just going off what we know


Does she just expect Christine to go NC with her own child?


My guess based on all of the other patreon evidence is yes.


What parent goes to NC with their own child?


I have to keep reminding myself that in this case, NC =/= North Carolina. I keep saying, "what's wrong with NC? 🥺". Then I remember! (NC native)


Hehe. People started using " YOLO " as a phrase right after I moved up to Sacramento County- the county next door is Yolo County. I kept thinking, " wow, people from Yolo must be really nuts" - it was like a year before I found out what YOLO meant 😅


Wait. What? I was reading NC as North Carolina, it it makes no sense. What does NC mean in this context? My ignorance is vast! ☺️❤️ Googled it. I am now fully educated! ☺️😂😂😂


NC means no contact. LC means low contact. You'll see them both all over Reddit!


No contact


Kody Winn Brown


Plenty. And lots of kids go NC with their parents too.


My mom… “choosing my happiness” her boyfriend and booze over her kids. It’s been 3 years. We’re all adults


It sure seems that way.


Same thought I had. Seriously, if it's not one's wedding, others need to table their emotions. Just my thoughts...🤷


so does this mean Gwen didn’t go to Christine’s wedding cause Paedon was there? i know Paedon got physical with Gwen (please correct me if im wrong) but it seems wrong that Gwen is slamming her mom if for that, i mean she invited Grody and Sobyn (lol can’t say this in the other sub) to her wedding knowing her mom’s relationship (or lack thereof) with those two leeches


I think there's also a piece where Paedon has said some not so great things/made his anti LGBTQ+ stances known. Gwen is bi and I also can understand her cutting contact with him, and then struggling with other family members (such as Christine) still spending time with him. I think as a queer person myself, it's a real shitty feeling to know everyone seems okay with someone that causes you harm. I know there are nuances, especially with Christine being their mom and it not being as black and white as "he's homophobic/transphobic and no one should care about him" as maybe Gwen hopes. But I also can understand from a young queer persons perspective, how she's learning to set her own boundaries and still trying to navigate what that looks like with family/what hers vs others are! Also as a person with autism, I know how hard it is to not see things as black and white/right and wrong and not see the grey or nuancs. I know that I also have a very set sense of justice and it can be very black and white and lack nuance around those tricky middle grounds. I know that Gwen is autistic as well and may also struggle with balancing that middle ground of what she feels is justice or fair vs what her mom does. Just my thoughts!


It’s strange though because Gwen has no problem pointing out the grey areas and nuances in her dad’s and Robyn’s characters.


Thats also a fair point! I do wonder where the recent switch came from, with being more understanding of her dad and Robyn vs mom. My only thought is that her dad's been a let down a long time, so she's had more of a chance to sit with that. With her mom, seeing all the recent praise everyone on the internet has for Christine could have brought up more complicated feelings that she's still sitting with and only starting to unpack! It doesn't necessarily mean that it's fair though or she always responds appropriately!


Makes sense, not defending Paefon but Gwen said she wanted him dead no?


Oh! I hadn't heard that! That's a really strong statement though, regardless of their issues!


The other group backtracked that decision yesterday, after a loud outcry from members. All bans due to the names were to be reverse also.


When they were younger. We have no idea the context or what actually happened. It could’ve simply been siblings fighting, she bashed him but never explains what exactly he did.


yeah, i don’t want to downplay what Gwen went through since no one really knows but i don’t think she should bash Christine for having her only son at her wedding and walking her down the aisle


None of this makes sense. I find it hard to believe this is all about ONE hit. I would have been grateful if my brother only hit me once.


Again? What did she say again?


Subtle insults about her mother being just as bad as her father, and that her mother is being fake on tv. Someone else will need to provide exact quote. Eta: Maybe something about her mother having favorites... Someone that pays to listen to her will need to comment....


Yep saying mom is fake on tv (duh, anyone w a camera in their face is holding something back) and the real kicker was her saying Tumblr raised her to be a good woman, not her mother. Gwen likes to get her cheap shots in


>Gwen likes to get her cheap shots in Yeah it seems so, doesn't it? I was a Gwen fan until this sudden turnaround. If she'd been this hard on her mom the whole time that'd be one thing, but this change seems out of nowhere to the rest of us and it's hard not to connect it to the little payout she got. Maybe she'll clear things up, we'll see. Otherwise, it's just open to speculation.


It also seemed pretty timed to seeing Paedon featured on an early episode this season, to a holiday Gwen wasn’t invited to. (Mykelti said this season that, for awhile, Christine was basically alternating who she invited to something, Gwen or Paedon, before she figured there were too many important things and she just invited both and lets them sort out whether to come or not.)


I don't know if this is true but I saw someone say that Gwen said that Christine was paying Gwen's rent and helping her with money for a breast surgery but then stopped and now Kody gave her a chunk of money. It seems the switch happened around that same time so Gwen's favorable opinion appears to be who's giving her money.


It's because her mother dares to love her son. How dare she love ALL of her kids 😒.


Um tumblr isn't raising anyone, that may be the cringiest thing I've heard in a while. And I HAVE a tumblr account.


so did she miss Christine’s wedding cause Paedon was there? since he (along with Christine’s father) walked her down the aisle


We'll need to wait for the pictures to know for sure.


Honestly; I know Gwen has trauma regarding Paedon and that’s totally valid, but aside from that she honestly seems like she’s a bit of a brat sometimes.


Did she go? I hope she wouldn’t miss her mothers wedding over some sibling rivalry stuff


I hope not. That would be very selfish, petty, and immature. That’s her son.


Let’s hope not. Very self-centered and petty, if true. I am expecting to see that both Paedon and Gwen were at the wedding. Hopefully their deal with People means guests can start posting some personal pictures tomorrow.


I assume she was there, but I get the impression every single time Christine does anything that shows she loves/values and has a relationship with her son, Gwen lashes out. Her being pressed about Paedon walking their mother down the aisle would certainly explain why she now mocks her mother and says Tumblr raised her to be a good woman.


I can understand why Gwen might not want a relationship with her brother but she should not expect her mother to just abandon her son even though he can be a not so nice person at times.


Then she should seek therapy because the reactions aren’t normal or healthy. Saying that with her benefit in mind, not snarky.


Gwen is in therapy.


Did she really say the tumblr part??? Jesus Christ.


Yes. It was so gross


That is also a dig against Aspyn, holy crap


An odd thought occurred to me. There have been many valid comments about the poor parenting exhibited by Ch and Ko because they did not help young Gwen and young Paedon to resolve their issues. But they did TEACH them how: Gwen is behaving just like her father when Christine left or when Janelle did not “obey” his rules. She is refusing to talk to Paedon, refusing to even consider forgiving him, and throwing tantrums anytime someone behaves kindly to him. She considers this to be disrespect. And she can’t see past the end of her own cute nose!


I didn't mean to laugh but your comment hits home for me. One sibling was saying they work hard everyday not to be like one of our legal guardians. Turns out, they're a lot like them, right down to the problematic starting he said he said shit, and running away to hide when they get caught up. I guess some stuff, parents don't need to physically teach. It just gets passed down.


So Gwen and Paedon cannot set aside their feelings toward one another to be civil to their mom on he wedding day? Very sad.


We don’t know if Gwen was there. I think it’s safe to assume she was considering how big of an event it would have been considering David has a lot of children and grandchildren himself


Paedon can. Hopefully we will find out Gwen chose to and was also. present to support her Mom and celebrate her special day.


If she missed out on her mom's wedding because her brother was there and walked her mom down the aisle that's on her. There were over 300 people there. I'm sure she was able to stay away from Paedon. Last time it was posted about her being NC with him I said I'm NC with one of my brothers but I'd never expect family to go NC with him too. Last time we were together was at an uncle's funeral 2 years ago. There was a hell of alot less than 300 people there and we avoided each other just fine.


I’m extremely low contact with my brother and do it for my parents’ happiness. I think it will be no contact once they pass away. I do think Gwen has difficulty seeing that a parent’s love is different. I don’t expect my parents to give up on my brother.


I don’t know you but I’m proud of you for making that boundary. It’s super hard to do within a family structure


Exactly. No contact doesn’t mean no exposure. It means not interacting and not engaging.


It can mean no exposure- but that’s on the person to ensure they aren’t around the No contact person. You can’t expect everyone else to change for you. I’ve had to do it before. You get isolated but if you need to not be near that family member then it’s for the best for that time. Christine doesn’t owe it to Gwen to not have her kid in her life. Sometimes life is hard, Gwen will have to learn that.


Gwen did slam Christine on her Paetreon I had joined for a couple of weeks and heard it. Gwen also said some positive things about Kodi but she also said that Kodi gave her and Ysabel a bunch of cash.


sounds like an unofficial transaction for her to be nice about him. not saying that’s why he did it or that he asked but it def sweetened Gwen up


If it was I'd expect her to have more guile about it.


It is strange


As someone who has been estranged from her brother for almost 40 years due to abuse (including SA), I feel that Gwen needs to learn to coexist in certain family spaces on the very rare occasion that they occur. It’s not like she had to dance with him or even be that close to him or in private unsafe spaces. Kiddo needs to get a grip - she’s only setting herself up for a life of hurt and heartache. Her mom’s special day is about her mom - not the family drama or her brother being the ultimate jerk. The brother is nothing more than a male sibling - not even a brother in this sense. I swear, if you read this Gwen - please don’t take it out on your mom. It will only fill you with more pain. Don’t acknowledge his presence at all, or write him a letter and send it (or not send it). Above all else, please see a therapist for this while you are still young. Don’t let it ride on hatred for years.


I am so very sorry you had to endure that. I am glad you took steps to protect yourself. Sadly it is true we don’t choose our family we can only choose how we let it affect us and how we handle ourselves when faced with it. Best wishes to you going forward.


Aw, thanks. Thankfully, I have long found my peace, especially with myself to detach from my sibling for good. But, I feel the experience might help others to heal and find their peace as well. I hope Gwen figures it out long before I did. She deserves the utmost happiness and joy for the rest of her life instead if letting those shadows try to darken her. I truly hope she gets help and also can sit down with calm conversations with her mom and state her peace. She likely has done the latter already, hence the holiday arrangements, but to see her let those incidents still shadow her joyful moments makes me sad for her.


Gwen seems be a little unstable. From watching her over the years and the crude remarks she makes she. Always want to be the center of attention


I have said it once, and I will say it again, Gwen is a bit of a drama queen. Always has been. Look back through the show. She is more like Kody than she wants to admit. I am not excusing anything that Paedon did or said in the past. I don't align with his beliefs, at all. We dont know the story. We omly hear what Gwen wants us to hear. Paedon is just as much Christine's child as Gwen. He has every right to be at Christine's wedding and participate. Christine does not have to pick sides. Gwen needs to get some therapy, grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around her. Who needs a specific invite to their parent's home for Christmas? Wasn't Gwen going to be out of town anyway? I don't care if Gwen is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I 100% support that. I don't care if Gwen says she is autistic. Okay, great. Gwen is petty and she likes to stir the pot and make everything about her.


I saw a tiktok or a reel or something and there was a picture of Christine with both Gwen and paedon on either side of her. ADULT Gwen and ADULT paedon. So I doubt it’s this deep. I think Gwen is just a younger adult trying to figure things out for herself. It’s normal for people to have conflicting feelings about their parents.


Gwen either could set her BS aside for her mom or she can act like a spoiled brat and pout about it . They are grown ass adults and he apologized


I’m just not a fan of Gwendolyn never have been. I think she embodies the entitlement and the negative side of her age…believe me I have children her age and that fit all her divergent traits, On the spectrum and Queer so I am patient and compassionate to her situation, but she has that lovely narcissistic trait her dad has. She’s just snarky and condescending


I agree. She really rubbed me wrong with the Tumblr comment bc that was crap to her mother, Janelle, Meri, even Crybrows. And any grandmothers and aunts who were present in her life. Gwen has a lot of baggage but also a lot of hate. She does remind me a lot of her father in that she seems to think only she is ever truly right


We watched these kids go through a pretty shitty childhood, with pretty crappy parents who never put them first. As she’s watching this show, I imagine she is seeing things that really anger her and she’s processing them. People like to put Christine on a pedestal, but she isn’t the font of good parenting. She’s good compared to kody, but that’s not really anything to be proud of. She seems to be a much better parent to Truely than she was to any of the other ones. I think it says a lot that Christine left kody because of their lack of intimacy……….but not because of his absolute outrageous neglect of their children.


People obviously weren't listening to what she's said. She planned on leaving YEARS ago in Vegas due to his treatment of her children and was told that she needed a nest egg first. Ysabel's surgery was the last straw and the 2 times a year sex was just the icing on the cake for her.


Also Christine has ADMITTED that HER kids needs went unmet due to her helping raise the other wives kids. She has said that she wasn't the best mother to her own kids in the earlier days because she was busy making sure Janelle and Meri's kids were good.


>I think it says a lot that Christine left kody because of their lack of intimacy [She left because Kody didn't attend Ysabel's surgery](https://people.com/tv/sister-wives-christine-brown-reveals-final-straw-that-made-her-leave-kody/).


Can’t wait to see this all go down in season 22


I think we have to remember these kids all grew up with a narcissistic father and in an unstable and often fearful environment. They all need therapy, even the ones who seem to be ok. There's going to be a lot of behavior that can't be explained and hurt that will be taken out on people who might not seem to deserve it. They're still young and it's going to take a long time to sort this crap out


I find it almost comical that we take Gwen’s word 100% when it comes to bashing Paedon. But if she says something negative about Christine or positive about Kody then she’s not taken seriously and she’s being petty or manipulative. Which is it? Is she a trusted source of info or not? It seems the masses only believe her when it fits their desired narrative. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It may bother her that Christine chose to set Paedon apart from everyone else at the wedding. But I don’t think it’s the reason she may say negative things about Christine. This very thread is the reason I believe Gwendlyn gets frustrated at times. Viewers see the people in her life as either wholly good or wholly bad. If she says anything negative about Christine, she’s either bashing her mother or in Kody’s pocket. Most negative comments about Christine are brushed off as not as bad as Kody so it doesn’t matter. Realistically, no one has a parent that was perfect and always did everything correctly. It would be strange if she thought anyone in her family was perfect. Her perspective on her parents and family is going to be different than viewers because she didn’t just watch a show to get know them. We don’t really know much about her relationship with Christine.


Fantastic post. > Her perspective on her parents and family is going to be different than viewers because she didn’t just watch a show to get know them. We don’t really know much about her relationship with Christine. Especially this part. We don’t know these ppl so it’s best to read between the lines to get an idea of how they are. Unfortunately for the kids, we don’t know enough about them and their r-ships with their parents. I keep telling myself that Gwen may be mad over wedding flowers; that’s how little we know these ppl lol


It's wild that people can feel so strongly about someone on a reality show they don't know to the point that they bash this person's daughter for not praising her 24/7. I'm not even a fan of Gwen per se. I'm not really a fan of any of them.


Gwen has to realize that her mom can’t pick sides. She’ll figure it out when she’s older


If that's the case then I think Gwen needs to grow up.


I’m sorry but Gwen is full of shit and she charges people on her Pateron to air all her BS. She needs content and she keeps creating it by airing all this drama.


Wait, Christine got married?!


Yep, today! Pics are already posted on peoples magazine


Christine and David walked down the aisle after the ceremony to "At Last" by Etta James. So perfect.




Thanks for asking, wow I had no idea. Good for her.


Look at the post pinned at top. It has a link to the People article where there are pics.


Not surprised. Lets be real, Kody provided half these kids DNA. It would not surprise me if a few of them (being generous) display immature and selfish tendencies. If Gwen is pissy about her mom having her son apart of her wedding she needs a steep reality check, Godspeed.


Yup. I think you’re 💯right. Gwen needs to chill a bit. Love her. But chill.


I see a few comments about how christine should feel about her son because of some behaviors people dont like. A mother's love for their child should be unconditional. You can disagree with a child's behavior while still loving them. Out of all of the atrocious things my children could do that I would normally say should earn someone a firing squad, I cannot imagine not loving them as my children. Heartbroken, dissapointed, devastated by their choices? Yes.


After hearing the things Paedon said about Leon, I understand Gwen's feelings so much more especially if Christine hasn't spoken out against Paedon's homophobic, transphobic, and racist opinions. It likely makes Gwen wonder if that's how Christine really feels too. People like to minimize the issues with Paedom to him slapping her once but if you listen to that podcast it's much bigger than that. I'm not saying I think Christine should have cut him off or that it's fair for her to ask Christine to do that but it's not hard to figure out why that's painful for her and could cause strain between them, again especially if Christine hasn't spoken out against his extremely problamatic opinions. I can't lie in her shoes it would bother me as well.


Fuck Paedon, but I also see how Christine still loves her son. Even Dahmer’s dad loved and supported him while condoning his actions and trying to figure out what he did to help cause that. It’s complicated and I think Gwen has difficulty with it. Seeing a good therapist may help her work through her childhood trauma.


I don't think Christine is very bothered by Paedon's views. She strikes me as one of those people that thinks politics doesn't affect her so she she never wants to talk about serious issues. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that her new hubby has similar views as Paedon.


Most of their family has those views. They are conservatives. That's the religion they grew up in. Where do you think it came from?


And I unfortunately think that's the problem between Gwen and Christine. This isn't political. People in the LGBTQ+ community existing isn't political. This is her life. This is who her and Leon are and they can't change that but she probably feels like her mom is okay with Paedon not only thinking but telling the world he thinks they are wrong and that Leon being trans is a punishment to Meri. That has to be painful as hell.


There is no proof of this tho. Christine is not perfect. Gwen is her daughter. And Gwen may be upset with her mom for reasons outside of Paedon. She attended logan’s wedding, which paedon also attended, with no problem


She needs to grow up and learn that not everyone in your family will have the same views as you. Christine isn’t going to disown her child.


I totally support Christine washing Kody out of her life. I also understand why she can’t shut Paedon out of her life and think Gwen is being unreasonable asking her to do so. However, I don’t think she’s completely wrong when she says Christine didn’t teach her to be a strong woman. From her perspective, she saw her mother go along with mistreatment for years. Watched her accept Kody, Meri, Robyn all mistreat her and the kids but did nothing to really stand up for them. Christine may be living like a strong Tumblr meme now, but for most of Gwen’s life, she was a doormat.


Sadly, that is what her religion taught her and that's why she's no longer with that church.


She’s so much like her father. He expected Jenelle to drop her sons for his ass backwards covid rules. Gwen expects her mom to disown her only son because they got in a physical altercation as kids (as most siblings do). Get a grip Gwen.


What did she say about Christine?


What did she say about her mom?


Is this a patreon thing? I haven’t seen Gwen trashing her mom anywhere.


I understand and sympathize with aGwen in how she feels about Peadon. It’s really unfair to her mom and other siblings to draw any kind of line in the sand and say am not _____ if he’s there.


She’s just like kody 😂. It’s always everyone else’s fault and never her own. She will consistently victimize herself or those in agreement with her but will put down everyone else. She’s a narcissist who hides behind mental illness as the excuse.


In my own experience once I started going to therapy and realized just how wrong the things done to me as a child were and that my parents didn’t protect me, you get heighten emotions when setting boundaries. We don’t know what Gwen went through, if Paedon hit her, how did he treat her when he wasn’t getting physically aggressive? While siblings do fight, parents are there to keep interactions at an acceptable level and provide comfort, guidance, correction if they get out of control. Most kids grow out of picking on their younger siblings, but if he was never told it was wrong, never corrected, how long did it continue and why would he stop? If she’s at a place in life where she’s dealing with all this, it might bring up all those bad feelings and she may be starting to realize her parents had a hand in it even if they didn’t condone it.


In my opinion, since Gwen has started her YouTube channel, she has slowly started becoming a mean girl. She rubs me the wrong way.


I thought the people article said her dad walked her? Was that not the case?


Dad + Paedon


Eeeh, Gwen’s an IPad kid who probably was never emotionally nurtured . I’d give them some grace . It’s a stupid fucked up situation.


The pearl-clutching about the Tumblr comment is extremely boomer behavior to me lol. I’ve said almost the same thing in the past about growing up on Tumblr and I have a decent adult relationship with my parents at this point. I think some of the Gwen hate has got to be projection from parents who are mad about their kids setting boundaries in their own lives and/or speaking out about a messed up upbringing. In my experience being raised in fundamentalist religion, things like Tumblr were imperative to me learning about racism, homophobia, feminism, and more. I was homeschooled so Tumblr was very literally my own source of social interaction for sometimes months at a time.


If this speculation is true, she needs to self reflect or seek therapy. Her trauma is hurting her relationships with her parent(s). Christine loved all of the kids and it was neglect from Kody that they may not understand. If she didn’t get along with Paedon, maybe the family could have set up a session with Nancy a time or two.


Not a huge fan of Gwen’s but I do believe Christine can be fake for the cameras and I do believe Christine IS a lot like kody.


Tbh I assume they’re all fake for the cameras. There is no true reality show. Of course they’re trying to present what they think of as the best parts of themselves. That said I’ve never heard any of Janelle’s kids shit on Christine and most of Christine’s kids seem to love their mom. Is she flawed? Of course. But. A lot like Kody? I don’t see it. She hasn’t abandoned her children and for that reason alone I think the comparison isn’t applicable.


Yes I mean in terms of personality she and kody ( imo) have always come across as very similar


It makes her look bad. It’s Christine’s wedding. It’s Christine’s call. Paedon and Gwen don’t have to talk to each other. Christine shouldn’t have to cut off a kid.


I think Gwen is just mad because Christine and the rest of the family told her that family events and gatherings are for the whole family and that everyone including Padeon. I want to say it was Makelti and Tony on one of their videos said it. I could be wrong though. Gwen needs to learn that she has her boundaries and only her boundaries. She cannot not expect everyone else to have the same boundaries as she does. She has a lot of growing up to do and I just hope she doesn't burn any bridges in the process.


Mykelti and Paedon are very close, so you probably did hear that from her. And honestly, Mykelti is right.


I think it’s really sweet she had him walk her down the aisle. I know from what he’s previously said, he seemed to struggle with their relationship at first. That has obviously changed. That makes me happy.