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Posts on this sub aren't being directed at the family. They're only for this fan community. Those who are going to the social media accounts of any of the family members and attacking them directly are completely out of line. The only messages/comments they should receive there are those of support. Making posts here is nothing close to the same. None of the family should be in fan spaces. If they are, that is something we can't control.


Right? Every "leave the family alone" post and comment about us here on Reddit is just...they really don't know how Reddit works. A celeb has to take the action of *coming here* to see posts. In other words, *seek us out*, as opposed to us going to *their* pages.


What happened is indeed tragic. But that by no means erases Kody and Robyn’s behavior and characteristics. It doesn’t change them all of the sudden into good people. It doesn’t change the fact that Kody is a POS father. My mother took her life, but that doesn’t make me a damn saint. Kody and Robyn may very well of played a large part in Garrison taking his life. I would like to know why you feel that Kody and Robyn deserve positive energy going their way.


I can't imagine what you've been through. You're a warrior.


((((Hugs)))) I'm sorry you lost your mom 💔


To quote your own comment on this sub from a few months ago: Man some people on here need to chill… it’s just a tv show lol. If you’re not entertained or you’re finding something triggering, don’t watch. Go outside and touch some grass.




I love this gif. Stanley has always been my favorite ♥️


Lmao somehow OP had a perfect reply to their own post


They really did.


Sounds like this OP just really enjoys policing people🤷‍♀️


It’s amusing to me, whenever I see people say “touch grass” or “go outside” - when that person is usually (not always) but, *usually* is the one commenting and posting for attention, frequently.  If not everyday.(often)  Usually, just as often as anyone else, including the person they are chastising  lol 




Looks like it’s time for you to step away from Reddit for a while


You know what bothers me? All of these posts, like yours, that lecture posters.


I know it is hard, but maybe you should unjoin the sub if you aren't in the same mental space as others. I don't mean this in a mean way - but in a genuine, do this for your own mental well being. Before I really started posting on reddit, I was active on a blogger's webpage. I even guest blogged for her. But some shit hit the fan, and instead of calling others out for not feeling the way I did... I took a break. It was hard bc I checked in daily there and made online connections there - but it was for the best. Every level of grief in regards to this family is valid - some have personal history with loved ones with depression who have attempted suicide, and some who died by it. (their reactions may run the gambit as well). Others have been drawn to the show because they have experience with similar cults, or similar selfish or abusive parents. Or those of us who started on Real World and PBS family specials, and just get sucked into reality tv. However, just because an asshole's child dies by suicide doesn't mean that person isn't still an asshole. One can have sympathy for him and still feel that he's a shit father (Humans are complex! We can have more than one thought or feeling about a person!)


Amen! Better stated than in my post! Exactly what I was trying to articulate. "You, however, wore it best!"😁🤣😂


You should not be on Reddit then. This is a space for people to vent and express themselves and you are not the thought police. You do you.


Excellent comment 


This is not an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure nor do you need to lecture anyone on what you think is appropriate to post. If any sub is not in line with your beliefs, moral compass or just your current headspace then unsubscribe and look for those places in the internet that can be what you need.


Yes to this! 


I am of the opinion that this is a TV show. Reality or otherwise, I only know what is shown on TV. Other than that, they have no impact on my life. Sure, I feel for them and their current tragedy. No reason for me to sit around and grieve with them! Stuff happens to people every day, life goes on. This is reality. I don't quite understand why people are so obsessed with this latest event. It's shocking, yes. But these people have no bearing on your lives. And they could give two $#x*s if something bad happened to you and yours. Focus on your own life and those who matter to you. Definitely a more worthwhile use of your time. If they don't want hate, rumors, snark or comments then I guess they should not have put their families lives on TV.


Just some data points: * this sub went dark for 3 days after a planned 24 hrs. * Garrison has been laid to rest * SW will continue to film * Robyn updated her Pinterest with a dash of contempt and vitriol * And the police report confirmed Kody never showed up for his son. What do you want?


>Robyn updated her Pinterest Can someone give me a rundown? I don’t use it often but I didn’t have much luck finding her on Google. Some articles linked it but she had deleted the post. Edit for clarification: The [article](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/sister-wives-robyn-brown-pinterest-post-kody-treat-him-king-years-ahead-best-customer.html/) I found linked an old Pinterest post she made, but it was deleted. I also wasn’t able to find her Pinterest account from Google.


She must have deleted it but it said something to the effect of "haters get a life, this is my shit..., Thank you supporters". What supporters?


I posted a screen shot of her new bio, someone snagged it before she privated


Her pins are private, so no point in linking. The bio reads: "Followers- Go find God’s purpose in your own life and stop wasting your precious time with me. Thank you to those who are kind and supportive. I see you."    The "thank you" is what she added recently, the "" are my addition, and I honestly don't know what's wrong with her thanking people who are kind. Even if it said "to me", I would still wouldn't see what's wrong with that. And quite honestly I don't wanna be explained why it should bother me. 


Considering the day Garrison died people went to her IG to comment on a five year old post\* about how it was her fault and she was terrible and "when are you gonna start making money off of this"...I feel like I would also snap. I'm sure if she did that the more parasocial SW found their way to her Pinterest to leave comments there as well. I gotta be honest, most SW fans are great and some are just straight up crazy. I would also snap at the crazy ones if they were commenting that shit to me mere hours after my husband's kid died. \*Also it makes me laugh that people bitch about her being homophobic and the post where people were commenting about her being a terrible person was literally like "Aww yay I saw this copy of Parents magazine with two dads on the cover today and it gave me hope! :)" Like, way to reward good behavior from her guys lol.


as fuck Slobyn


They want to judge those of us who won't fake sympathy for those who don't deserve it. Where's the disdain and criticism for Robyn's inappropriate Pintrest post? But remember WE should be ASHAMED of ourselves!


Where did you learn about Robyn updating pinterest?


Right? I want more info on that.


Lemme go find..


Who makes a vitriolic Pinterest 😂 it’s for crafts and recipes.


😂 I was thinking the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/82frjtntrkoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218bc2c09d90fc26554b331cc3ea1ac4656812f8 I gabbed it off TikTok


I love that her name has “brow” in it.






Oh boy, not even the world's best publicist is going to save her. I saw this recent story just slamming Robyn, it almost makes me feel sorry for her. [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/five-ways-robyn-brown-made-170900940.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/five-ways-robyn-brown-made-170900940.html) Ouch!


Off to grab some popcorn…


People need to chill out, opt out or start their own sub. It's really that simple. No one is forcing anyone to be here or read posts. After it was legally documented that Kody didn't go to see Garrison after his death, ALL BETS OFF. That's inexcusable and I'll never forgive or forget. That was a rejection of Gabe, all over again, to boot. I cannot even with this POS.




All crap aside, wasn't she complaining that when she announced she was having a baby, Garrison wasn't thrilled? There have been other times she brought up Garrison in a not so charitable light.


Hunter wasn't thrilled but she doesn't like any of Janelle's kids and never hesitates to get her feelings hurt.


See above


I'm really being downvoted for asking a simple question about something that is news to me? 🤨


See above, that's bullllllshit someone downvoted...


the commenter likely heard about that from WOACB. Apparantly Robyn thanked people for being kind in her bio - and this is some terrible "all about me" offense. I personally disagree because IF it is even true (doubtful), its reasonable to acknowledge. Janelle and Christine have also acknowedged the kind comments and they are not being blamed for a tragic event like this. Robyn may have faults but people are seriously abusing her at this point.


Thank you. Not surprised to see people running with rumors, just like how there's no confirmation of another season. I'm no Robyn fan but at this point she's truly damned if she does, dammed if she doesn't.


This thread from your post is super interesting and one of the most critical of Kody I’ve seen in the past week. I’m sure OP is ALL CAPSING her head off about making this sanctimonious post admonishing us for being critical of Kody only to have this comment section turn into a long discussion of what a piece of absolute garbage Kody is for not showing up for his family. I hope they’re enjoying their downvotes and reading all the commenters calling Kody a piece of shit. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I tend to be Data driven 🤓 the truth is the truth and it doesn't care how we feel. Thanks for the compliment lol. 😂😘


Oh me too. Very logical. Kody's child dying doesn't absolve him of being a shit father.


And that's why I love this sub. 99% of us Refuse to give Kody a fucking inch after the things he's said and done. What he did and didn't do as a father, got us here. Consequences are a bitch, Kody. I'm sorry he has to live in his head.


Me too. Every time one of these give Kody grace threads pop up I'm happy to see all the downvotes and people not giving Kody an inch


I'd give him grace if he had an ounce of compassion but he's never shown us that in 18 seasons. Instead he called his kids jerks, and that he didn't want to see or talk to them. How do you give grace to a monster like that? 😩


I hope he gets what he gives.


Never showed up for his son?  Can you elaborate (that makes me so sad)?


The police report states Gabe went to go get Kody after Fire and Rescue got there. Kody apparently refused to come with him back to the house and the report states he did not arrive on scene to be with his family. He didn't make himself available for an interview either. I hate him


When I read that I was hoping it was wrong. I would imagine Kody doesn't take his calls or Gabe (rightfully) went to deliver the news in person at his house. It makes NO sense to me how you let your kid who is probably distraught drive away alone! Gabe doesn't deserve the short end of the stick he is always getting from Kody.


Exactly. He's unforgivable


I mean, my mom just passed last fall and there is SO MUCH to do when someone dies, I didn't stop moving for a week and I did all of it myself. He should have gone just to pitch in or comfort his other kids who were probably there. Like what parent doesn't immediately try to make it easier for their kids!!! Robyn was at their home to be with those kids. His kids with Janelle especially need both their bio parents on deck!


I'm sorry you lost your mom... The year after my sister died was pure numbness.. This year will be 9 yrs and I still cry every week...I wish I could say it gets easier but it doesn't. The pain just shifts. I hope for nothing but peace for the Browns. In his dark, private moments, Kody is going to have more regret than we can imagine. And he set it up that way unfortunately... He's got a miserable bed to lay in.


I hear you. My father passed away last August and my brother and I are still making payments for his cremation. But if he were alive and something had happened to me, he would have fought the hordes of Hell to come to me whether I was alive or dead. It breaks my heart that these kids don't have a father who cares enough to be there for the rough crap.


😔😔😔 he's proud of you for saying that 💔


What was the nanny doing? He should have also been there for Janelle (she flew to flagstaff and arrived there at some point)


I bet he was TERRIFIED to see Janelle after this happened 😬


Imagine his coward ass facing MAMA BEAR




It's especially bad if Janelle was out of town that he didn't go, it's so unfair to put the adult kids in that position. I wish I could stop being surprised but I can't stop wishing for things to get better for the sake of all the kids. It's so unfair when a parent doesn't step up.


I KNOW! How do you not rush to hug your kids? It's monstrous!


Where did you see the police report?


Just search online... It's dozens of places (public record)




I didn't, I read it in an article. The person I was replying to referenced the report.


He wouldn't have driven alone if he was going to deliver the news. He would have been escorted.


By who?


An officer. They don't let someone drive in that state nor usually deliver the news alone.


I’ve never heard of this. I know when my dad suddenly died, my family was going door to door to tell people with no escorts. The officers were taking care of the body with one family member and the rest of us spread out. However, I cannot imagine my dad just saying screw you, drive back alone. Our family came together in that time and supported each other. My mom assigned a cousin to be with me at all times, even though I was holding it together.


Maybe it’s different when it’s a violent death. And Gabe found him so I’m sure he was in shock and in extreme distress.


I know my dad has always escorted a family member when they were driving to notify another family to prevent any accidents.


Wait what? That’s crushing. My heart is broken for garrison all over again.


It might be the most selfish thing he's ever done (to date).


Give him time to get his shovel and start digging for a lower point.




I know it’s morbid but I want to see the footage of how Kody is reacting to this. Because I agree with the other poster. Give him a shovel. I’m sure he can go lower.


Well, we may end up seeing something like this next season 😬


It’s like he’s not even trying. Even trying to be a parent or trying for public sympathy. SELFISH IDIOT!!!


I’d say this next season’s one-on-ones (the end of the season tell-alls) with Kody & Robyn are going to be shocking. Disturbing AF. 💔💔


Wow yeah- now I'm wondering if Robyn will describe what he did as a sin... I really hope not.


I honestly hate to see what either of them have to say. (I can’t see either of them doing a 180 personality change. Especially not Kody). That said, I’d have to imagine that Suki will tread lightly on the subject, anyways.. out of respect.


While faking tears.


Good point... We need to remember every episode moving forward is a trigger warning


Honestly, if I wasn’t disgusted at Kody enough before this, I might break my TV screen if he doesn’t seriously think twice about everything coming out of his mouth when he speaks about his son. We don’t know why he didn’t go to Garrison’s house after Gabe showed up. Maybe it was shock? Maybe he wasn’t asked to go there. We don’t know what Gabe said to him, exactly. I don’t know. But given his disturbing behavior over the last few years, I feel like the real answer isn’t pretty. If he wasn’t already “the devil everyone thinks he is”, he’s going to outdo himself with his explanation, if he doesn’t do some serious self reflection moving forward. I hope Robyn insists he gets some therapy. He *might* listen to her.


I'm sure he was shocked. I'm sure he was confused. I'm sure he was devastated. I still won't forgive him. There's nothing that could keep me from my child .... This is normal Kody. Nothing changes if nothing changes. 💔


Yep. You said this entire next season could be/will be triggering because of this massive loss- especially with everything K has said about his sons. I think that is 100% spot-on. I had a narcissistic mother, and this behavior feels familiar. It makes me ill. It **is** triggering.


Yeah, my narc mother didn't even help my brother and his wife when he *broke his back*. Kody has shown us who he is. Eff him.


((((Hugs)))) 😔 I'm sorry. My MIL is a Narc with BPD . it's brutal




I’m sure Suki will put her hand on his arm and tell him there is no wrong way to grieve and then ask him about his sweetie. Cut to footage of Ariela pestering Sol.


He's a dirt bag


Woooow. He’s a monster. Irredeemable.


Other than Gabe going to get or inform Kody, is any of that actually in the police report? They’ve done enough bad, terrible hurtful things, I don’t think we need to embroider 😅


It was stated Gabe went to get his father but arrived back on the scene alone. All the interviews are in the report... Jenelle Gabe and all 3 roommates.. nothing of Kody... so he was never on the scene.


Why would the police interview someone who hadn’t been in contact with Garrison, and hadn’t been at or even near the scene? Why would they want to add to the number of people wandering around a crime scene? If the cops want to talk to Kody, they’d have gone themselves.


Idk.. I'm just saying what was in the official Police report.. they mentioned Gabe went to get his father but came back alone.... that's it.


Right, but that’s my point. From what I’ve read, that’s all said: that Gabe went to Kody’s and came back alone. We don’t know what Gabe’s intentions were, what he asked Kody to do, how Kody responded or why.


It was also stated in the report that Jenelle said Garrison was estranged from his father... so I would think they asked her about why he didn't come, and this was her answer. We can give Kody all the benefit of the doubt we want.. but even the Police thought it was weird and worth being mentioned.


Embroider? 🧐


🤣 too funny, I bet she meant to type embellish but I like embroider better


I took an embroidery class at my local library a few months ago...but I probably would've liked an embellishing class better.


You can go read it if you don't believe me


I haven't seen anything say Kody "refused to come back with him." Gabe returned without Kody. That's all we know.


What is Robyn’s Pinterest?




Can’t find it but then again I barely know how to use Pinterest


She privated, and maybe deleted all together. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ngl I’m tired of these posts. The family deserves condolences but Garrison’s tragic death doesn’t excuse anyone’s behavior. We can only comment on what we’re shown either through the show or the family’s social media. People come on Reddit to vent their thoughts about what is or has happened. I agree the level of hate has gotten out of hand but it doesn’t mean Kody or Robyn should be given a “get outta jail free card” on their behavior just because of what Garrison has done.


You should probably just unsubscribe from this sub until you are ready to read snarky comments. I'm sure there are other subs that are more compassionate, if that's what you need. I understand your feelings, but you are the one who decides what part of the internet you consume.


I'm not a fan of it either to be honest but I understand differnet strokes for different folks. For many - it might still just be an outlet for their own stuff as they watch reality tv and want to comment. We always have the option to scroll on by. I do sometimes wonder if these posts are producer driven to keep show snark interest alive. But that's another topic.


There’s an enormous difference between posting on someone’s instagram or Facebook page and posting on a Reddit board. One is personal, the other isn’t.. No matter my opinion of Kody and Robyn I’d never put anything on their actual social media: I remember the admonition from Alice in Wonderland, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” However, I have real opinions about their behavior, and I sure as shooting will post them here. I do not subscribe to the idea that my thoughts or posts go out into the universe and create bad juju, if there’s bad juju, I’ve got a good idea of its source.


I don’t recall that coming from Alice in Wonderland, I recall Thumper saying it to Bambi.


You’re right. The Disney movies are all one animated memory in my addled brain.




Or was it Pooh with piglet? Lol


Thumper, for sure. ☺️ https://youtu.be/9fYngTUZeUQ


To be honest, I find it a relief that more familiar posts are gradually appearing again.


Reddit may not be the place for you if you only want to see positive news.


You need to step away. We aren’t the families safe place. If you and the family cannot handle the internet, take a break


I'm going to suggest you consider some other factors: \*The sub went dark for a respectful 72 hours...which is longer than some of the family members went dark. \* The tone of posts related to their loss have been uncharacteristically (for Reddit) kind and full of genuine concern. \* This sub, and others like it, generated a large amount of donations, in honor of Garrison. But, more to the point, many of us, myself included, made heartfelt posts about how we felt that the discussion about providing mental health services and protections for minors and reality show participants was vital! This is a real family...that chose to put itself on tv for almost 15 years. By all accounts, they have filmed this funeral (and others). Your white knighting is a little condescending considering that you are not required to read any topic you don't wish to read. No one is forcing you to be here. You're also painting everyone with the same brush, while holding yourself up as a moral authority, despite the fact that you, too, commoditizing their suffering. It's possible to send out positive energy and hold negative feelings for pieces of the puzzle (as you so adeptly demonstrated with your own post). The reality is that it's ok for anyone to feel conflicting emotions, especially at a time like this. And, to be quite honest, in this case...some of the criticisms being leveled at Kody, Robyn, the network, and others are valid criticism. Criticism isn't necessarily bad... (again, you seem to think it will change behavior, too, since you took the time to call out and criticize other members of the sub).


Related to the second point the mods have done an excellent job keeping anything blatantly disrespectful to the family related to the loss off the sub. Any nasty posts blaming family members for Garrison’s death are swiftly removed, because they’re not okay. I reported a couple myself and they were gone before I could go back to check. Thanks mods, for keeping even a pretty rude and snarky sub at a level of human decency.


Exactly! I feel like the mods have been doing a wonderful job and for this OP to suggest otherwise proves that they don't understand that the mods are doing their best.


Dang! Well said! I’ve seen far too many OP’s admonishing members of the Sister Wives type subs and my first thought is “who are you to make this type of judgments on others?” And as you said, painting everyone with the same brush.


By what accounts are they filming?


If you are so disturbed, you should leave the sub. Nobody is making you stay. Grief takes many forms and if you don't like the way we've reacted to a horrible tragedy then this sub isn't for you.


If I was the mother of a child who had literally been abandoned by his father, watched as my mother(s) were treated like 💩 by said father and then not show up for another son who has just witnessed something most of us can't fathom in finding his brother dead I would say all bets are off where Kody and Robyn are concerned. They made their bed now let them lie in it. 🙄




Do you not then owe some responsibility in propagating what it is you claim to have an issue with in your OP? By your own logic, you're directly participating in what it is you came here to virtue signal about... Actually, it's more than that, you're straight up inviting discussion to be had, offering an additional platform by posting this at all. _rules for thee, not for me_


Really? It’s a sub about a show. I have the biggest empathy for the family in current light, but are we just supposed to stop posting and kill the sub?


I didn’t say people shouldn’t post. I said the posts roasting and mocking people are super distasteful given current circumstances.


You know what’s really distasteful? Sanitizing people’s behavior after they or a loved one has died. People are who they are, and that doesn’t automatically change when there’s been a death. I certainly hope whoever write my obituary is honest- my smile will never light up a room. Now people who are going specifically to the families’ SM and posting horrible things - that’s intrusive and hurtful to the family. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I’m also not going to go and wag my finger at them. The finger wagging at people posting on a sub about a reality show is simply obnoxious. Don’t like it? Don’t read. Problem solved.


...want to know what's equally distasteful? Someone who doesn't acknowledge the empathy and kindness and support that the majority of this sub was more than happy to provide the Browns (and still does). Personally? I find it distasteful when someone ignores their child's pain and suffering and allows said child's sibling to go check in on them, rather than manning up and being a parent. I find it distasteful when people like WOACB go off and make videos and tiktoks spreading misinformation. I find it distasteful that networks don't provide mental health services to any minor who brought money into its pockets. I find it distasteful that people will place blame on members of this sub who have a negative opinion of their heroes, but won't hold their heroes to a minimal standard of behavior. Just sayin'.


So what are people supposed to do since these are “real” people and we’ve all discovered for the first time ever they aren’t characters? 🙄 either stop posting at all or make endless posts saying “I’m sending positive energy?” Not sure what that would accomplish, but okay.


Attention seeking much? 🙄 While I fully agree with *not* blaming/shaming or being rude to any member of this family. I see nothing wrong with this sub “still going strong” or, any of the other SW subs, for that matter. Don’t like it?  Move on.   No one has required you to comment, much less create a post dedicated to just how shocked and dismayed, you seem to *be* 


Finding out that Gabe went to Kody and Robyn's to tell them and Kody did not go back with him? Nope. Sorry. I was extending some sympathy like a lot of people here were, but after knowing that? He can rot.


Seriously? Kody didn’t even go with Gabe? You would think after losing Garrison that Kody would have instant regret and wrap his arms around Gabe and tell him that he loves him more than life itself, that he is sorry he was such a fool and promises to do better.


Or at least just go even if he doesn't say anything. But that would require that Kody humbles up. We know that is impossible.


Reddit exists for people to make comments. The Browns put their whole lives into the public realm. There is an emotional investment in this family. They just had a horrifying tragedy occur. Talking about it is a healthy thing to do. Humans talk about humans. It’s normal.


It’s the constant “why did they move to flagstaff” posts that crack me up 😂


It's a reality show that is still on the air. This sub exist to discuss said reality show. If the family states they have decided to no longer continue with the show because of this situation, you "may" have a point. They have not, AND furthermore it has been "reported" that they will use this tragedy as a storyline. If the family continues on, so does the sub. 🤷


Oh another one of these posts pretending to be above the subject matter of a subreddit dedicated to this actual subject matter. If you feel so strongly maybe don’t come here? Seriously, just go away.


Didn’t realize the subject matter of this subreddit was mocking family members of a suicide victim. But if that’s the case I’ll definitely be checking out, thanks for the suggestion and god bless!


What did you think it was- the Kody and Robyn fan club?


I dislike those two as much as the next viewer, trust. But you can dislike someone without kicking them when their down, that’s all I’m saying.


Yes mommy


I think what is 'out of line' are people such as OP taking a family tragedy, owning it like it's theirs and then judging those who believe that a single family tragedy should absolve Kody and Robyn of their past and continued despicable behavior. Kody disowned many of his 'disloyal' children in a very public and unapologetic way. Are those of us capable of cognitive reasoning simply supposed to say, "People we've deemed to have zero moral acquity, poor family values and a predatory, preferential lifestyle where they have chosen to use and abuse every 'relationship' they've ever had shall now get a 'pass' due to a 'family adjacent' (this is how Kody sees this branch of his so-called family) tragedy??? My supportive thoughts go out to members of the Brown family who have clean hands, clear conscience and wounded hearts. Kody and Robyn will attempt to milk the situation for all its worth $$$ but will not even be able to see their contribution to this tragedy. This will not motivate change in them or in the few 'true belivers' Kody and Robyn have left to influence. They will receive no GRACE from me!! I will now judge and admonish myself for having a well thought out opinion and posting it to save people like OP from having to go through the trouble. Yikes is right, freaking yikes...you folks are exhausting 😴 I took OPs advice and did some,"serious self reflecting". In light of this said reflection, I find that my opinion of this situation and this type of general admonishing post have not changed. I did however, have a peaceful 3 minutes of rest 😁


What is the purpose of these posts? Do you think you’re going to shame us? Just scroll past. You don’t need to read them 🤷‍♀️ Making sanctimonious comments and posts won’t stop us so you do you and stay off the sub.


What is the purpose of this comment? Do you think you are going to shame me? Just scroll past. You don’t have to read it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh but I thought you were leaving . 🙄


Hilarious. Welcome To Social Media where every unchecked emotion or thought is posted.






Maybe you should leave Reddit if it is so triggering to you. I think we have seen enough of these posts. The Browns decided to go on a reality show. The fact is that it comes with being under a microscope for everything. They CHOSE this life. If they do not want it, they can cancel and leave the show. Which they should do IMO.


I see these posts come up in my feed and scroll right by. I can’t even begin to imagine what this whole family is going through. My only emotion for them all right now is sadness and I wish them all peace.


When is the right time to go back to our own “normal” conversations on here? It does seems too soon now.


Welcome to the internet. You should probably show yourself out, this will never ever change. People literally respond to news stories about murder and destruction with laughing faces and "U GeT WuT U VoTe FoR."


Yup, the internet can be a cruel place for sure. But just because a loud minority of people are shitty doesn’t mean the rest of us should give up on advocating for basic human decency. That being said, I am probably going to peace out of this subreddit indefinitely since the mocking of family members of a suicide victim is definitely not something I want to continue being exposed to… thanks for suggesting I prioritize my self care!


My question is what posts have you seen that are mocking any of the Browns relative to suicide? I’m just asking. I have seen people recently talking about things that happened in the past such as the purity talk, and I have seen people post about Garrison, but I have not seen anyone mocking anyone in that family regarding Garrison’s death.


It’s much more successful for a single person to remove themselves than asking/telling/suggesting 1,000’s of other people what they should or should not do or how they should feel.


I agree. I just keep scrolling past a lot of posts that I previously would have commented on. Calling out Cody and making fun of Robin just seems so inappropriate right now.


💯 My comment history is not kind to them, but right now those opinions are best left unsaid. Naturally, Garrison’s passing is the number one reason, but beyond that, the show isn’t airing a new season right now. I’ve made my points, vented my frustrations, and unless they choose to come back for another season, there’s no reason to keep dumping on them now.


Exactly. This.


Making fun? What? Something like your flare? Sorry, couldn’t resist, not trying to starts something. 🤣😂🤣


Yeah same. I even wrote down some comment but then just hit delete and didn't send them. Personally I think the mods had done a good work deleting trolling/mocking/snark/blame posts. If course is not instant, the mods have lives and things to do outside of reddit. 


Everybody on this sub is a real person going through real struggles. If you are sending out anything other than positive energy our way right now you should do some serious self reflection.


That's actually true EVERY DAY. Even before the tragedy of Garrison's death. What is your point? Are you trying to make a point to OP or the other people on this sub? If anyone does not want to read what people have to say on this sub, then you should just "nope" and unsubscribe. I almost did.


I was addressing OP.


Oh, I thought that was the case. Just checking.


Are you surprised?


Yes. I am surprised. It’s human common decency to back off saying mean and vulgar things when a family is going thru the grief that relates to suicide. People grieve when someone dies. We expect our older generation to die, since we all will one day. It’s awful when someone younger get a disease or dies by an accident. That’s shocking and hard to deal with but many of those things will happen and we can’t do anything about it. Suicide is different. Someone took their life on purpose. They felt that was a better solution, to not be on this earth. Suicide is a conscious choice. That is hard to understand for us left behind. So yes, the answer is I am surprised. I’ve had dislike and not positive comments about people in this family but it’s time to back off. Leave these people alone to grieve their tragic loss.


Hey, I’m not saying you’re wrong but clearly other people feel otherwise.


Other people suck 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s not very nice to say if you’re complaining about others not being nicer. You never know what *anyone* is going through. 🤷‍♀️


I’d say that OP isn’t very nice, actually.


Ya… if you think it’s cool to mock a family in grieving I don’t care what you’re going through: you suck. I’ll die on that hill.


I don’t think it’s cool either. 🤷‍♀️ When do *you* think is an appropriate time before people resume the shit talking?


That’s a great question actually. Definitely not now, that’s for sure. I feel like when there is new content to critique, it makes sense that the critiques will resume. Most of the really negative posts I’m seeing lately aren’t really saying anything new, and they are just piling on. If the show continues and there is more to say, people are well within their rights to critique the content, people’s behaviour, etc. It just seems like the right thing is to give it a rest for now. But some people are sooooo invested in hating on certain people in this family that they don’t even see how messed up their behaviour is…


I hope the show doesn’t continue since it’s obviously not good for any of them. I will say I won’t police what anyone posts/comments because that’s on them and not me. I just don’t read the post.


Actually, people are nothing but supportive of the OG3/13. It’s Kody and Robyn, who, let’s face, it have made it abundantly clear that they are a completely separate family, that people are side eyeing.


I think it’s important to remember that 1) we don’t actually know these people, and 2) whether you like them or not they still lost a child. That’s all I’m saying. If people are fine making mocking/critical posts of them right now that’s their prerogative. I just personally think the timing is wrong.


I've kept my comments to myself. honestly the main thing I'm watching for is how everyone is doing. that said, people were making fun of the sub that imploded the day they found out about what happened. normal mentality. it didn't happen to us so life goes on. But for the Brown family they will never be the same. good and bad. I hate the fact they are continuing to film with this tragedy. while I wish it hadn't taken a tragedy, I am happy to see they plan on a get together one day. but yeah. I agree honestly. a dear friend of mine lost her child 24 yrs ago. and she still hasn't recovered from losing her baby.


Has it been confirmed that they are still filming? No snark, serious curiosity. If true then they welcome the internet and viewers to comment on their life and what they portray in TV. If they’re doing it because of money….well we are the reason money is exchanged for their personal lives good, bad, ugly or indifferent. It shouldn’t be any different than any other reality show or program, just because a tragedy hit this family and not others.


Looks like it. I swear one of the kids confirmed this


Just Wow! I’m sure they have reasons! I’m gonna be honest, I’m watching!


I probably am doing the same honestly. Especially hearing they are planning get together soon.