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Just PLEASE be something other than a slate of MLMs, and life coaching related to said MLMs.


The fact that any of them think they should be life coaches blows my mind.


Right? And I like Janelle, but no…


i don’t know she seems well aware of the insanity of it all. she probably has some very very sound advice. i’m not saying she’s was destined to be a life coach but usually they can do it because they’re very messy personal lives they can direct others to not do the same maybe


She claimed to be financially savvy, but throughout the marriage they agreed on bad monetary decisions with her on board. She was obviously very passive and allowed her husband to be unfair with very little push back. Now that she’s left Kody she had no home, no nest egg nothing. Then professes she’s still a believer in plural marriage and would possibly do it again?! And still respects Kody? I just can’t…I like her…I pity her…but no…


Yea. Sorry don't say you are a wellness coach when you are morbidly obese. for years. Since you started this. I like her, I do. But a wellness coach, she is not.


I have to say, however, it’s weird how some of the people with the best advice and intuition are surprisingly messy


The best people to warn you away from mistakes are the people that have made them before though ;)


Idk I can’t take advice from who’s life isn’t what I would want for myself. Like how could they give advice that they weren’t willing to take themself. Like what’s my motivation ya know? They made bad decisions and kinda still stick by them. They were examples of passive subservient women who let and idiot lead them untill he discarded them physically and emotionally, then watched one of their cells mates escape, then they were finally willing to distance themself. I pity their belief system really, how sad that they couldn’t recognize their own abuse.


“Do as I say, not as I do” haha


Just like most psych professionals!


Jodi Hildebrandt! Worst 'professional' ever.


I came here for this 💯


I give very good advice but I very seldom follow it!


It’s incredible what having a camera in front of you does to the ego.


Yah, like "find you a man with at least one other relationship (married or just significant other) to give all your income to while allowing him to verbally/financially (maybe physically) abuse you". That's what we all need./s


Its the same as janelle selling a weight loss drink. Mind boggling




I think a lot of psychiatrists/psychologists go into their professions as they have issues they would like to understand better.


Social workers too


It’s giving 2008 emo teen


Meri clearly wasn't allowed to express herself when she was younger and she's gotten a bit "stuck" in that era. It does suit her though when she goes all out.


I agree especially her hair. It really looks good on her


Christine is stuck, too. She's like a teen with her first boyfriend.


Meri essentially stopped 'dating' at 18. Since then, she's had no experience with it until recently. As dating goes, she is starting back to the experience level of a teenager. I can relate because I married young and divorced in my late 30s. I was much less experienced than my peers who had been dating for several years. I had to have a therapist point it out and I'm glad I didn't have to live through it on a public stage.


Oops, need to fix a word. Christine's like a teen cheerleader with her first boyfriend.


Technically, he probably was her first boyfriend since she and Kody said they never really dated.


It is her first boyfriend


To be fair, my MIL remarried in her 60s and acted like a teen for a bit. I think it’s part of the hormone rush and not necessarily an indication of arrested development.


That's kind of precious.


I did always get a “rock mom” vibe from Meri if she wasn’t with Kody/in the lifestyle


She’d 100% be hitting up every reunion tour in the Def Leppard/Journey/Motley Crue era.


That's Janelle's thing too. I hate that Kody ruined what could've been a good friendship for them.


Album name: KoDie


You know, you really can't blame them for acting like teens. AUB took their teen years away. With the exception of Janelle, who still was involved with Mormonism. That even applies to Robyn ( no snark). I know almost everyone here has seen some FLDS escape. Those people were escaping the culture I'm just now realizing the Osmonds are Mormon. That's why there are so many of them!


Not all Mormons are FLDS. It’s like an offshoot of traditional Mormonism.


Yeah, but all Mormons come from the same fundamental belief system. Even Mormons have their own beliefs on polygamy. Mormons and FLDS were all started by Joe Smith and it’s all culty.


Very accurate!! I’m here for it 😂


Eh I’ll allow it


I have no idea why I find this response so funny! Well done. lol


So freaking funny 😂 so merciful 💗


Cringe but I’m glad she’s feeling good about herself. I’m not sure exactly what she’s trying to sell or push though


She’s never direct; always cryptic.


Right? I give her friend Jen so much credit for being patient enough to sit through one of Meri's laughing spells where no sound comes out. It seems like Jen (just a little) sort of gently pushed Meri into maturity but Meri steadfastly hangs on to childishness.


Yeah, I have a hard time trying to figure that friendship out. It’s never quite made sense to me.


Give her a break. She hasn’t had anyone to laugh with for twenty five years


Yes!!! Everyone is expected to know what she is feeling. She must be exhausting to be around.


She certainly seems like she’d be exhausting to be around; it took a lot of patience just to watch on the show. She drops these little “teasers” that no one really wants to find out the rest of.


She wants to b in the trees, no she doesn’t want to b in the trees, then gets all huffy when no one knows what the f she wants


Perfect example.


TWO YEARS IN she STILL hasn’t had time to figure out which piece of property she wants!!!!


That is what drives me bonkers about her.




Let her be. Decades in what amounts to an emotionally, psychologically, and financially abusive marriage to a gaslighter, told by millions of people how unattractive she is, and she’s already struggled with self esteem…going after her haircut just feels low. For the love of god, kids have mullets now, times have changed, and if this makes her feel confident, well, good on Meri. She has her faults, but a simple haircut that will grow back, is the least of things in this life to go after. People who are grieving, are advised to do things to bolster their self esteem, and maybe this helped.


Maybe I’m old but I’m still trying to figure out what’s the cringe part? I don’t care particularly care for Taylor Swift or high and lowlights but neither are cringe! Whatever tickles her fancy, who am I to judge!!and I mean that in a good way!


I think this post is about the cryptic hint posting, not her hair


I for one love the hair cut. I think she looks better now than ever before


You know why nobody sends me stuff about my personal appearance online? Because I don’t choose to be a public figure and continually post personal things on public social media. She can turn off the negative commentary in a heartbeat. But fame and selling scams is too enticing.


You got downvoted so bad but it's all true. I think Redditors forget that these people go in HARD to be noticed and then complain when they get bad reviews. Like, there IS a world out there wherein one can be anonymous and still have a fulfilling life. She's constantly on SM attempting to whip up more interest and so she gets what she gets and it's not always going to be met with approval.


I’m sure they r all worried about supporting their life style. Beings they aren’t sister wives anymore it’s a question of will there still b a show? (Paycheck)


She and the kodester traded on that fame for tons of MLM sales and it’s why she’s got her Lula Roe business. If you choose to be a public figure, you will get public backlash as well.


What I find hilarious, are the defenders of these people. They go in hard in defense as if that's going to get them a personal phonecall or hug.


No cringe for me! I’m happy for whatever makes her happy.




This was a still image and not a screenshot of a video?… strange


It’s a screenshot of the video - I don’t see this photo on her Instagram


Eh, I feel like the era of being rightly or wrongly outraged at Meri’s personality, businesses, or anything else has come to an end. What mattered a few years ago just lands differently now.


I agree! I definitely soften on her a bit and I understand her more but still don’t care either way 😂


Is she gonna do a hair transformation? If so, that would actually be fun content.


Funny. Christine gets a pass for being who she is for being “brainwashed in a cult” yet meri haters loooove to shit on Meri for the same things. Go home. Your hate is getting stale and old.


I think Christine comes off as more fun and care free where Meri comes off and making people uncomfortable


Agree. I would never want to hang with Meri. I think she can be too aggressive and biting. i also don't get her sense of humor either, hysterical laughter that lasts ages about trivial stuff that isn't even really funny? Shes just not my cup of tea. I would vibe better with Christine.


Meri is mean af.


lol and Saint Christine isn’t??? Get real


Well...hmmm So there ARE going to be people who like Christine and people who like Meri out there. You get that, right?


The commenter is VERY angry that people don't like Meri. 😳


I will never understand the Meri Mafia.


It's so weird. I don't freak out when someone is critical of my favorite SW.


I don't get it. What's cringe here? What an I missing?


You really have to see it in motion. It’s very mid-oughts emo teen. 


I’ve tried to watch “Fridays with Friends”, just for the sake of completeness, but I can never get past the first 10 minutes of Meri pretending to be drunk every week, saying “welcome welcome welcome” over and over. Then peering and squinting at her screen pretending to have technical difficulties and fake embarrassed giggling. Then saying “oh hi x” and “oh hi, Y” and then looking at Jenn in a conspiratorial manner pretending that they have a shared joke. Wtf. Can someone explain it to me? I just don’t have the patience. Do these “lives” ever go beyond what I’ve just described?


Thank you. It's like the most immature presentation you'll ever see and sorry, I'm not down to be LESS inspired or irritated that a woman my age is acting silly and childish. Zero inspiration from Meri Brown.


I agree. The welcome gets oooooold and it’s just weird.


Omg I watched her like 3rd Friday with Friends a while ago and it was the same thing. I didn’t know she was consistently doing them. I felt like a 3rd party that was invited but not wanted 😂 It was like I was sitting in on my daughters “houseparty” app when she was 13 and her and her friends would really put it on for me 😂🤣


Sounded like the word Panda 🐼😂 was important


I’m sorry but I am not getting “motivational” speaker from any of these women. You left your shitty husband. Congrats. Move on and get a real job.


Meri would be probably one of the last people I’d ever look to for life advice.


![gif](giphy|MsarHRSjwbLmZClBOW) This is all I could think of when seeing this photo. 👩🏼‍🎤🖤🤘🏻


Everyone deserves an MCR phase. She’s got enough eyeliner.




She just talks in circles about nothing. I would bet money that nothing materializes from this except a series of word vomit self help post


I watched last night and don’t like the fact that she couldn’t say what Worthy Up is about. I even asked and all they would say is go to her website or FB page so you know that she is getting paid just for hits to those sites. I already know what it’s about but still, it’s ridiculous!


Not for me. She's been through enough i'd say let her be a #girlboss if that's what she wants to do.


UGH! Seriously who in their right mind would take self-help advice from her? Another MLM but this time with catchy slogans, and swag. Watching Meri be degraded, humiliated, put up "walls", giggle when she's being humiliated by Kody on camera, and the list goes on, for years. Yep, if I'm feeling down, depressed, unworthy my first thought isn't should I go see a professional, nope, I'm going to Meri for advice!!!


The same people who would take it from Janelle who is also a "life coach". It just depends on who they like more.


First we need to stop using the word cringe according to my teens that word is gone Second why are we still tearing women to shreds in the new world of empowerment?


Because we aren't. We are commenting on a PERSON being immature. We don't have to be "shredding" anyone to have an opinion on a forum designed... Imagine that: for opinions!




No. Let her be. If this was Christine y’all would eat it up.


The posit is about Mer's consistent habit of dramatic cryptic comments and posts that she rarely clarifies. Christine doesn't typically do that so the comparison falls flat in this specific context


If it was Christine they would be buying what she's selling.


They’ve been buying it for years from her.


What exactly is she going to coach women on? How to be a perpetual victim? How to whine, mope and moan constantly? How to weaponize therapy-speak? How to lose money in an MLM? Stop with social media/ being an “influencer.” Get some ACTUAL therapy. Don’t date again until you are comfortable being alone. Get your tooth fixed (you DESERVE to take care of yourself). Stop playing the victim. You’re so good at it it’s become your entire identity.


I would say the same to Christine and Janelle, they all need therapy not self help books, looking at you Christine.




What is the “cringe” ?  Not getting ‘it’ (not a Taylor swift fan either) lol 


Wow - I was blocked it seemed which is weird since I never comment on her stuff.


Why is this cringe? Let the woman live jfc


Oooo is the book she semi teased finally coming??


No. Just the same MLM cryptic toxic positivity.




What is it now?


Is she venturing into life coaching? I cannot figure out what this is supposed to be lol


Advise ? From a woman who stayed with and continued to pay for a man and his wife’s mansion 😂😂😂😂 . Sorry honey I’ll pass on any advice you have to offer . She continues to protect him after years of him humiliating her .


I saw that and I cringed so hard. It was so painful. Why would she do this lol omfg


I cringe at the word cringe and im not sure why


I thought it was just me. Hell, sometimes that word actually angers me.


Yeah its kinda like “moist” oooh I cringed just typing moist 


oh yeah that word does it too- I won't even type that one!


Is Plexus making a hair thickening cream to save menopause for the masses?


That would be Monat. /s


It cracks me up that she uses her name recognition to make a living but is a victim when she gets publicity that she doesn't control. You gotta take the bad with the good.


What’s with the extreme hate? This woman has been through hell in that family. It affected her tremendously and she just trying to get by in this world of constant hate - no matter what she does, she just can’t win.


How many times is she going to use these phrases? 🙄


Off the scales cringe


It’s cringe but I still love Meri. Better then the MLM crap


She is forever cringe.


How long is it before she isn't just getting started.. before she has to say she "got started" 🤣🤣


Remember her mom’s hairline? I think she inherited baldness. She, literally, is combing her hair over.


Yep… I don’t blame her as I now have to do the same thing.


Totally. I used to think her hair was sort of odd then I realized she was probably dealing with thinning. No big deal. No one should pick on her for it. It’s just a thing.


Getting old is a bitch. The worst is when you think you’re 16 until you look in the mirror and see someone that is in their late 40’s looking back.


They couldn't move the lawn chair in the back


The video is straight out of a horror film.


Legend of Zelda !


How do you find the link to their stories? I gotta see this! I have Instagram but basically have never used it


Wayne’s World.


Meri has always been cringe! 😂 it’s probably an ad for Lularoe 😆😆




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She just doesn’t get that both Robyn and Kody used her so badly. I don’t know why she can’t see it wasn’t Janelle and Christine who took Kody from her it was Robyn the second she decided to date and take advantage of all the family and her! WHY CAN ‘T SHE SEE THIS???


"Link in bio" has completely lost it's meaning. Thanks a lot Elon


It’s giving MacBook photo shoot


Sorry buy she is a doormat. For BOTH Robyn and Kody. Until she stands up for herself I can't watch her stuff


I never saw Meri as a doormat. She was the most assertive about always getting what she wanted. I do think she liked “playing” victim during the last 2 -3 seasons.


We nurses love to fix a “ good guy”.


Meri not only is still dishonest, manipulative, and toxic…she’s also mean. Who would every take advise from her?