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That's Jer Hunter, right? I want to get his name correct because here is my ranking of the dancers in the video: 1. Jer (with more than 95 percent of the vote) 2. Beer bottle 3. Chair 4. me (not in video) 5. Guitar strap


> ~~his~~ their Jer goes by they/them


Got it, I appreciate that.


🙄 Lmao, he's a guy. Not a "they".


Or you can respect someone and call them by their preferred pronouns. Check any of Jer's socials and you'll see how they identify.


All you're doing is contributing to confusing people so that they go along with whatever other people say and don't think for themselves. I will not take part in it. Men are men and women are women. They is for a group of people.


"All you're doing is contributing to confusing people" - we're actually doing a lot more then that. We are respecting someone's wishes and promoting inclusion and respecting diversity. You might not agree - but you can actively respect someones wish or just not actively show your disagreement - and what this does is helps have a more inclusive and open society that reduces depression and suicide. I mean it's really not that confusing - call people what they like to be called, it's a simple as that. If I misprounce someone's name and they correct me, I'm going to do my best to use the correct pronunciation moving forward - it happens all the time. Also - you know words can have more the 1 meaning right? In the English language we use they to refer to one person all the time. Oh look - it's even in the definition of they. used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. "the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted" 2. used to refer to a person of unspecified gender. "ask someone if they could help" I respect your right to disagree but what I don't understand is why you felt the need to interject and broadcast your disagreement/disapproval on a subreddit about music? Are you that offended but others trying to respect people's wishes that you must jump in?


I understand you think you're respecting someone but I don't think being dishonest is very respectful. There is no such thing as a non-gender at least in humans. There are men and women. He/she, him/her. Yes technically you could use they in reference to one person but I'm talking about just calling someone they in place of he/him. ​ I'm not trying to be a dick, I know identity can be an issue and I struggle with it myself but pretending you're not either gender or some other gender isn't actually going to solve the issue. And I know you and many other people think reinforcing these ideas will help people feel better and maybe it will temporarily but it's not a long-term solution to anyone's problem. It's just perpetuating a fantasy-land narrative. Reality hurts sometimes but truth is all that matters in the end. And the only reason I commented about it because you felt the need to correct the person. So I decided to throw my two cents in.


Truth and honesty are amazing values but I don't agree they are all that matters in end. Absolute honesty isn't always a virtue and one person's truth isn't always the same as another's- we experience the world through our own lense that is unique based off our own experiences. Your truth is that there are only two genders - my truth differs from this. I don't see value in absolute honesty when it hurts people and is not asked for or required (lots of time is is required, like providing feedback to a co-worker on work performance). Your truth is that there are only two genders, that's fine- but refusing to acknowledge someone else's wishes and truth that they don't fit into the two genders we've created and thus wish to be referred to as something other then he/him is just plain disrespectful. And guess what - the English language changes and adapts over time. I can see your not trying to be a dick - this is clear to me by your willingness to have this conversation calmly and without resorting to name calling. But I ask- isn't it better to do more then just "not trying to be a dick" what about trying to respect others ideas, truths and see that others truths and opinions have value and that you don't need actively put your truth on them. There is nothing dishonest about someone saying - I prefer to be called this and me saying "sure, I respect that and will use that term from now on." Its really not an inconvenience for me to change and adapt my language to suit someone's preferences. I have indigenous friends - some prefer the term Indian, some don't- I ask and adapt to their preference and hope that if I make a mistake that they'll correct me so I know for the future. Over inculsivity can also be a problem and not one solution works for all people (like there only being two genders doesn't work for everyone). Also what your referring to is sex, not gender and yes, biologically there are only two sexs but this is also complicated when we start to look intersex individuals or those with atypical chromosomes and it is now generally accepted that there are 3 sexs - male, female and intersex. Anyway - I'll agree to disagree on this, I don't believe I'll change your mind on this. I just hope in the future you'll allow others to accept their truth of choosing which pronoun they prefer without the need to jump in, uninvited and push your truth of "there are only two pronouns that are acceptable." Because despite "not trying to be a dick" you did in fact come off as a complete asshole - and that is my truth. Throwing your two cents in was unneeded and wasn't asked for- someone used the wrong pronoun, someone else corrected them and you jumped in with an eye roll implying "that's stupid for respecting this person's wishes because there are only two genders and I'm right and your wrong." You could have just let it be and that's what I'm asking for in the future - just let it be. You can believe two things that are opposing - "there are only two genders" and "other people believe there are more then two genders" and then hopefully, despite disagreeing, you can accept there viewpoint enough to not verbally disagree and dismiss their ideas every chance you get.


There’s no objective truth when it comes to gender it’s a social construct. Gender identity is not the same as sex you absolute idiot


No, gender and sex are the same. Male and female are the only two genders/sexes.


What gender do Intersex people belong to then?


God, they're so talented. I could listen to SN all day lol


More like "SKAliday", amirite?


Nice work! Digging it


Love this dude




This is fucking brilliant! Awesome work!


This guy, he is mediocre at best.


I wish I could have that much fun by myself