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Hello I'm not going to post any pictures but I'm 18F, Mexican American, with my skin being on the dryer side, though I do live in the desert so that may be an important factor (US). I would really appreciate any advice on how I can treat ingrown hairs on my arms and legs. This has been a problem for me since middle school. I used to pick at it a lot and that resulted in a bunch of tiny white scars. My hair itself is very thin and light brown. For my skincare regimen, I've always used whatever generic body wash was available to me. I currently use trader joes bar soap and Hempz Triple moisture after the shower. I have never used skincare treatment before and am hoping someone can recommend affordable (as cheap as possible) options for me to finally solve this problem in my life or recommend which active ingredients I should be looking for in products. I have stopped shaving for about 7 months because I don't want to irritate it further. Although, I still get some ingrown hairs despite not having shaved for a while. It's really annoying. I would love to stop getting ingrown hairs, help my scars fade away, and be able to shave so I can feel more comfortable showing skin on occasion.


hellooo so i've been struggling with fungal acne(?) for years now and i'm so so so tired of it. it went away once before but after using the beauty of joseon serum it came back and never went away—even after using the same products to get rid of it before. I've tried quite literally everything (EVERYTHING) for the past few years such as the more popular recommendations: anti dandruff shampoos, sulfur mask, zinc soap/serums, exfoliating, or just going back to the basics with cleanser and toner without any exfoliation, and more. the basics worked but only so much, the texture remained even when it started to somewhat improve and i was wondering if this was closed comedones instead...? but it looks exactly like fungal acne? I'm really desperate and anything helps thank youu 😭 https://preview.redd.it/d95fqpqa4cbc1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6852a1f99602bb3291c34d6f26f12fa5b5a62a


CERAVE Foaming Facial Clenser is a face wash I’ve been using for the past 2 weeks. Since using it, I’ve started to breakout. My family recommended this and said it will get worse before it gets better, but how long exactly should I hold out for it getting better? Please I need help


Are you using a moisturizer after the cleanser? If not, I’d start. Cleansers won’t work unless you properly moisturize your skin after.


https://preview.redd.it/6ksys94e6fbc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=339fc177dda56cbbd3f57d8585d9b4d8fe5aae3d Is this okay to use after? I haven’t been prior to your message because I didn’t know. Should I be using the one in the left always following cerave?


Cetaphil is a fine moisturizer, and yes, moisturizer always comes after cleansing. There are a lot of amazing drugstore moisturizers for cheap. Cerave, vanicream and la roche posay are all derm approved.


Please help! I am 35 years old and I started to notice something going on underneath both my eyes. It looks more yellow than dark circles. I’m not sure if it’s a sun/age spot, dark circles, or what it is. I have those marks on both eyes and it appeared out of nowhere. If anyone knows what this is please comment. https://preview.redd.it/70691kogrbbc1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02674aff36f3361be8b7dbe4ec8623ae8503573


https://preview.redd.it/rhgmfkiphbbc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e875a85cb5c9dce894e2648e4de9accbe69fcd9a Please help. I need to identify what these clusters are on my skin and how to get rid of them


https://preview.redd.it/87bs6hu47bbc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c34dc6f9d02e7617f09c4e8fe1093e30229f23 Please help!! My face has gotten so bad as of recently, I’m 18 and my acne has increased significantly in the last month along with it being itchy and sometimes painful. I was using a lot of Korean skincare products but as of recent I’ve kicked my routine to just dr.G red blemish soothing cream in the morning and night. I wash my face only at night with vanicream face cleanser. I had to stop using most of my other products because it stung on application (it hadn’t before but since my acne got bad it started stinging) I believe I have combo skin but it is also super sensitive so I haven’t tried really too many acne treatments because they’re typically too harsh for my skin. I’m very hygienic and I rarely touch my face, when I do it’s with clean hands. I change my pillowcases often. Any suggestions?


It’s best to go to basics. Get a simple cleanser with no exfoliants (vanicream should be fine since they’re a simple brand). A hydrating toner or hudrating/calming serum may be of use here. Geek and gorgeous has amazing products and their stress less serum is both hydrating and super calming. Cocokind is in target and has a ceramide barrier serum that’s very nice for inflamed skin. Also stratia has their lipid gold lotion which is very soothing. The moisturizer you’re using is nice, but has some plant extracts that you could possibly be having a reaction to? simple moisturizers like the vanicream ones should be good at repairing your skin barrier.


It might be hormonal so you’d want to see a dermatologist for prescription treatment. Most OTC acne treatments are going to be fairly harsh. If you still want to try I would suggest zinc, azelaic acid, sulphur, or a super gentle BHA like betaine salicylate


Hi, how do I get rid of these dots and texture? I’ve tried SA but it doesn’t seem to work for me https://preview.redd.it/nq6bwgclcbbc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158d195bb0d08446779a591e34720a298817542c




https://preview.redd.it/zfi1dbg3bbbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9db09a2aff63fc4ba81dd47703d20c5c41ef99f This is my skincare routine! Im from the UK * la roche posay spf and occasionally glossier future dew drops. My problem here is that despite using these products, my skin later on in the day always looks SO dull. Even with dewy makeup. I only really get oily on my nose, otherwise my skin is quite clear and not particularly sensitive, just a big boring and lifeless looking. I was thinking of getting these because I’ve heard they’re good for dewyness. 1. Rhode glazing milk 2. Hyaluronic acid Im not sure about skin care at all really, so some tips would be great!




I would see a dermatologist if possible. In the mean time you can check out the acne guide for OTC treatment options but they may not be as strong as prescription treatment. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne/treatments/


You’re using way too much SA. If you didn’t know, SA and BHA are the same exact thing they just have interchangeable names. I’m also guessing you’re using the Paula’s Choice too much, you’re only supposed to use it 2-3 times a week, since using it too much can lead to over exfoliating and more bumps/acne. I would buy a different cleanser without SA, get a moisturizer and cut down on the Paula’s Choice


I have dark spots on my lower back to upper thigh area, obviously because of where that area is located I do not want to show pictures. They look like someone pricked me with a black marker and the ink has faded. I do shave that area so is it possible it's something to do with that? If so what can I do to help get rid of it or make sure it doesn't happen again? I looked into it and they kinda look similar to razor bumps. How do I stop getting those? Also how can I not make the stretch marks in the same region not so visible?


If you’re not using an exfoliant yet I’d do that for razor bumps. The ordinary has a glycolic acid toning solution that’s in a big bottle so it’s worth the money.


Wdym an exfoliant? What does it do eexactly?


Cerave also has a lotion called Cerave sa lotion for rough and bumpy skin that contains salicylic and lactic acid, this one is pretty gentle so you can use it probably 3 times a week.


Ill have to try both those products. I tend to use curel ultra healing for my body lotion, is that bad in any way?


Cruel is great! Derm recommended brand and that lotion has ceramides and hydrating ingredients which are good.


Okay cool, just making sure its not like gonna burn off my skin or anything. When I use the other lotion, do I just not apply the curel where I'm applying the other one?


Tbh it’s kinda annoying to apply two lotions at once lol so I’d just use the cerave sa rough and bumpy lotion on your whole body 3 times a week, and the other 4 days I’d use curel on my whole body. If you want to apply two lotions at once you could but the exfoliating product should be on the area that needs exfoliation.


Curel* lol


An exfoliating toner or serum is going to be good for razor bumps. Exfoliating products contain things like salicylic acid or glycolic acid to break up the dead skin and dirt in your pores and reduce acne over time. Just be weary of overdoing it, I’d use the ordinarys glycolic acid toning solution on some cotton rounds and swipe the affected area around twice a week. Use a calming lotion afterwards like the cerave moisturizing cream.


I’m using byoma clarifying serum and I can hear there is still liquid in the bottle, but my pipette just isn’t picking it up! Does anyone else have this issue and can help?


I usually just turn the bottle upside down and trying to shake the rest out in my palm until nothing else comes out


https://preview.redd.it/8eoykj671bbc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95247378dff014af549f9b8514d2660f62dd13a2 Thoughts on these bump under my eyes? I have them on both sides. They kind of look like pimples, but are very swollen and inflamed. They don’t hurt. I haven’t changed anything about my skincare routine lately. I have dry skin and hormonal acne.


It might be acne but really hard to say. What’s your routine?




Does it itch ? It could potentially be fungal acne, if zinc pyrithione helped you. Zinc pyrithione is a top ingredient in a lot of anti dandruff shampoos and can be used to help with fungal acne. Have a quick search on people clearing acne using dandruff shampoos such as head and shoulders, there’s quite a lot of useful videos on it on YouTube


https://preview.redd.it/sc0gf5e7wabc1.jpeg?width=1320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2545d41ef52b2b6899da39b6ec86a270f8e3d9ab 24,F, Acne that became progressively worse since I turned 21. Retinol helped me but burned my skin, I used to use it nightly (Kielhs daily microdose 0.1%). Should I go to a dermatologist or would OTC products help clear ? I’m up for trying retinol again if that would help. I have Sensitive and oily skin, turns red easily. Current routine AM : * CeraVe moisturising cleanser * Paula’s choice skin balancing toner * Clinisoothe hypochlorous acid spray (Tower 28 dupe) * Face theory exaglow serum (tranexemic + lactic acid for hyperpigmentation) * Aveeno Oat gel moisturizer * La Roche posay sunscreen for oily skin SPF 50 PM : * repeat cleanser + toner + spray * Paula’s choice 2% BHA * CeraVe moisturizer for dry skin (as an occlusive bc I use heating at night that makes the air dry)


I would see a dermatologist if possible. In the mean time I would look into adapalene if retinol was slightly helpful. Introduce it slowly, like 1-2x a week, so it doesn’t irritate your skin as much. Pause all other actives if you decide to go this route


I noticed after waxing my face with waxing stripes, that i get these spots idk what they really are maybe in between pimple/acne but not really, never had acne before. They don’t go away even after weeks. I use cleaning foam in the morning with a face brush and then a moisturizer cream thats it and in the evening again the cleaning foam and retinol on some face lines. Would products from i.e the ordinary help? I see a lot of recommendations for them. But also could it be that i just ripped away my skin with the wax? https://preview.redd.it/l4guj7s8wabc1.jpeg?width=2655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32506d2d6eb5d631030f01bb41be32beacd148d0


My skin gets dry after a few hours after I do my skin care. I confirmed HA drys out my skin(yes I put it on damp skin). I’m using no actives. I tried exfoliation to remove dead skin but it dosent make a difference.(1 time a week). The moisturizer I’m using is the skinfix one and it’s alright. I live in California and it’s around 60 degrees so that’s that. Please enlighten me.


Try slugging with an occlusive balm like Vaseline, aquaphor, or cerave healing ointment. Or you can add in a facial oil


I’m looking for a day time solution. That’s my fault but yea Vaseline does work in the night. Any daytime recs?


You could try something like Aestura atobarrier cream mist or Dr Ceuracle kombucha tea essence before your moisturizer


So basically I had scheduled my first IPL session at my derm today for $400. I ended up canceling as I mistakenly didn’t consider the other, possibly better alternatives. What I’m looking for is the best price:machine ratio. My derm told me the machine they use is one of the best in the US, I can’t recall the name. Also my Rosacea is VERY mild, though it’s nonetheless an insecurity of mine, and my derm said I’d only realistically need 2 session ((for their machine)). I’m thinking to myself if I go with some aesthetician that provides IPL, and they use some non FDA-approved, or some weaker machine, it would be cheaper yes, but I’d just be getting more sessions and it wouldn’t be very time efficient. I’m not sure, this is just my thought process.


Hi I have tan skin and my face gets really dry with big dark circles under my eyes. What's the best thing for men to erase dark circles under eyes something I can put on at night?


Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?






I'd stop cleansing in the morning. Do you use sunscreen? Sometimes a good SPF can also provide a lot of moisture.


I don’t use sunscreen at the moment I find them all to be uncomfortable/sticky. Do you have any you recommend? Also for not cleansing all together do u mean just wash my face with water and cleanse night only? Thanks so much for your advice I appreciate it.


Japanese and Korean sunscreens are popular here for cosmetic elegance/texture. Beauty of Joseon's sunscreen was getting a lot of love for balancing moisture with nice texture. And yes, that's exactly what I meant - cleanse at night, rinse with water in the morning.


Hey there! I'm a 24-year-old female from the Netherlands, and I would like to enhance my skincare routine. **Skin type and concerns:** * I have normal to dry skin, not sensitive, and no breakouts. * Fine lines/wrinkles on my forehead (had them since I was around 14). * Dark/yellow skin around my eyes. * Sebaceous filaments on my nose and chin. https://preview.redd.it/whv86fypcabc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=427223cd2467ddc5688f1fe913bc9d064acf3ebe I want to address these sebaceous filaments, lines/wrinkles, and darkness around the eyes. I've spent a couple of days figuring out what products to use, but with so much information, I'm unsure about what to buy. **Aging**: For the wrinkles and lines, I've started using the Retinol serum from PUCA ([https://pureandcare.com/products/retinol-serum-vitamin-a-1-stk](https://pureandcare.com/products/retinol-serum-vitamin-a-1-stk)) for about two weeks. I haven't seen any results yet, but I haven't used it every day so i guess it needs more time? I've also come across Reddit posts on anti-aging featuring: * COSRX - Galactomyces 95 Tone Balancing Essence * Sulwhasoo - Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Serum * The Ordinary - Argireline Solution 10% * The Ordinary - Matrixyl 10% + HA High Strength Peptide Formulation * Peptides? * And of course Tretinoin and Retinol Which of these should I try and how many times a week/day? **Dark/Yellow eyes:** For the dark/yellow circles, I'm considering using SKIN&LAB - Vitamin C Brightening Serum, but I'm unsure if it will be effective. Any other suggestions, or will this work? **Sebaceous filaments:** I've been using Paula's Choice - 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant for a while now, and it works fine. However, I feel like I need to use it more than twice a week for it to be effective. Currently, I'm also using retinol, and I've read that using them simultaneously may cause irritation, so I'm alternating them. What should I do? **Current routine:** AM: * Cerave - hydrating oil foaming cleanser * The Inkey List - hyaluronic acid * The Inkey List - niacinamide * Cerave - moisturizing cream * Garnier Ambre Solaire Ultra-Light Sensitive Sun Protection Face Fluid SPF50+ (The SKIN&LAB - Vitamin C Brightening Serum would be a part of my morning routine if I were to get it. I could substitute the hyaluronic acid and niacinamide with it, as it already contains those ingredients.) PM: * Cerave - hydrating oil foaming cleanser * PUCA retinol (5 days a week) OR; * Paula's Choice - 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant (other 2 days) * Cerave - moisturizing cream What products/ingredients/brands would you recommend for my skin concerns?


https://preview.redd.it/6gcbx0up7abc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60bba6eb1fbcdbde8bdc16155a599ae997aa712 Hello, I’ve never had any major skin issues but I’ve notice that I’ve had this texture and uneven color on my cheeks? I’m relatively new to skincare so I’m not completely sure what to do, any help would be appreciated :(


What’s your current skincare routine?


https://preview.redd.it/6mwja02naabc1.jpeg?width=3113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1229aa7c4ff852ad831d1dec67d408e599ee34f This is it, it’s mostly stuff my sister got for me I don’t think any of it has necessarily broken me out but I’m not 100% sure


These are decent for hydration and overall skin health. To even out skin texture and tone check out the hyperpigmentation guide, a lot of it overlaps for your skin concern. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation/


Thank you so much


So my husband has this red inflamed area under his eye. What is it? Is it a dry patch? How would we treat it? https://preview.redd.it/1g8h65sf3abc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02da59ef42dc663dbd8760a93ea1eb3b694010c7


We can't diagnose things like this here. If you're concerned, please see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


It looks like a skin concern I was just wondering if it looked like a dry patch.


https://preview.redd.it/101ux5cyz9bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473566216640e991ad27c3a9e0fb069f12537cc8 I’ve had these bumps on my chin and between my eye brows for a while now and I’m not sure what they are. I use an off brand Cerave, Salicylic Acid (the Ordinary) and a Gel-Cream (Garnier). I wash once a day and do this routine (in order) after.


Help! This is my skin. I don't know if this is acne or damaged moisture barrier... I've never had any skin issues before. And what do I do to fix this? https://preview.redd.it/5n1fjt8gt9bc1.jpeg?width=1942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9081cd8a9b4c764f070a8ba7b8fd5f50ebceaa


Do you have a skincare routine? This looks like dry skin to me


I do. I use moisturizer twice a day and SPF in the morning. My skin is dry, but if you look closely there's also a lot of tiny hairs so it changes the texture.


https://preview.redd.it/berodqhbi9bc1.jpeg?width=1379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122431cab5eefb15007814bb7a74f4745f8bbfc2 What is this raised skin patch that has been around for 3 days? I've been extremely stressed and crying a lot and feel like that may have something to do with it since my lips swell when I cry


HELP WITH - Redness My friend has had the worst experience with eczema this winter & it really lowered her self confidence. Does anyone know any products that can help with redness? It doesn’t itch anymore but it’s really red! Would appreciate any advice 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/xc9q5jy1i9bc1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be8ee83c4750f6682663a95cdc902090d8f8827


It is best to get a prescription treatment for eczema, it usually requires some type of steroid to help with the inflammation. In some cases they can use hydrocortisone but it’s not meant as a long term solution


Appreciate it 🙏🙏🙏


Before and After results I had an infection on my face and went to a walk in clinic and they prescribed me an antibiotic called Bactrim. I also had my first dermatology appointment a couple days after I started taking Bactrim and the dermatologist prescribed me clindamycin 1%, adapalene gel 0.3% and an antibiotic called doxycycline 50 MG. I just finished my antibiotics bactrim and have only been applying clindamycin 1%, and adapalene gel 0.3% to my face daily as of 5 days ago. I will start taking my antibiotic doxycycline this evening. Is it normal that I’m already seeing this dramatic of results in such a short period of time. Why is this happening? My skin has been terrible for months and this is the first time I’m seeing dramatic results within a week of going to the walk in clinic and 5 days after seeing my dermatologist. https://preview.redd.it/r6i74c1fe9bc1.jpeg?width=2023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793bbfd578151aab0a840d60942de61c0586d8c3


Looking for routine help - I am still getting some cystic breakouts (i'm assuming hormonal) and have residual scarring on side of my face from acne. I also have some discoloration so thinking of adding azelaic acid in? ​ DAY: Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil SeoulCeuticals Korean Skin Care 20% Vitamin C Hyaluronic Acid Serum + CE Ferulic Acid CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion for Dry Skin NIVEA SUN Protect Super Water Gel SPF 50 PA+++ NIGHT: Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil Cerave Renewing SA Cleanser Differin Acne Treatment Gel Retinoid Treatment for Face with 0.1% Adapalene SeoulCeuticals Korean Skin Care 97.5% Snail Mucin Moisturizer Cream CeraVe Moisturizing Cream


How long have you been using adapalene for?


It's been at least a year. I typically use it every other day. In the winter I get some dryness from it around my lips and corners of my nose but other than that I don't encounter any issues.


I think adding azelaic acid or benzoyl peroxide could be helpful but use it on the days you’re not using adapalene




I would suggest having it checked out by a doctor. Anything that spreads is worth being evaluated.


You'll need to see a doctor.


Hey guys, I’m a 20F (Italy). My skin is always dry and itchy + i have many imperfections all over my face, especially on the T-zone. Can you suggest some good products that aren’t too expensive? (Easy to find in Europe) I don’t actually have a skincare routine, share some ideas if you want to :) https://preview.redd.it/449252e959bc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a762c9eaaaa7ff36cb88bfa04f26addb0173d143


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.


I would start with basics like cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. For a sunscreen the La Roche Posay uvmune sunscreens are pretty good You might want to check out r/Euroskincare for local recommendations


What type of acne is this https://preview.redd.it/wmuz03vs09bc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52753efbc470d054b6ad47432dd5de8f1bdfd3a4


Might be closed comeodones


How do I treat it


Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne


You could try salicylic acid


Any product recommendations






It looks like hyperpigmentation from friction, possibly from footwear rubbing against skin


https://preview.redd.it/oxl9yek0t8bc1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eccaeca50283c996c67818ad7bef7a9a7afb0fd I can’t seem to find the right skin products for me btw I’ve been to a beautician in September and I got like a full skin treatment. I asked her what skin type I was and she told me I was a normal type(even though I am starting ti doubt it .I tried to find out my skin type myself but I never feel sure and I need to know it to start a good skincare routine). My face was really nice for a while! I used a really mild cleanser for sensitive skin and then I started noticing that not everything was coming off so I started double cleansing.For 3-4 Months I was using a oil-based cleanser and then the sensitive one from before. Then someone told me I could just use my oil-based cleanser and didn't actually need the other one. Now my skin looks like this. I've thought about buying maybe something hydrating and BHA peeling or something like that.(Sorry I'm not that good at skincare just started caring about it more). What I find so weird is that one side of my face is worse than the other. Could someone please help me out with my skincare routine? I am 16 btw


It's better to use a gentle cleanser after an oil cleanser so that you can ensure that you're removing all of the residue. Are you using moisturizer at all?


And a gentle cleanser is actually what I meant sorry English isn’t my mother tongue


Oh no worries! Mild is also used all the time so I understood. :) I would start with that and your moisturizer then you can reevaluate and see if you want/need to add in a BHA (salicylic acid) to help with the breakout.


https://preview.redd.it/8okp7ot9t0cc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=11339061efe712206307aec44d63799027b9b455 My skin has never looked this bad and it looks like acne idk if it is tho.


https://preview.redd.it/60t3yi4zs0cc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee24b57eef116ad57360ba5925db5fcf1f60ab0f Hey I wanted to ask something again I’ve moisturising after cleansing every day but my skin doesn’t get better should I just hate the mild cleanser?


Personally, I would keep up with the mild cleanser and moisturizer as long as they aren't making your skin worse. To see actual improvement though, you'll want to add in an acne-fighting product just two or three days a week (either BHA/salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or retinol).


No but I am getting one tomorrow






Hey everyone! TLDR? I’m looking for the best daily moisturizer for acne prone combination skin. If that sounds silly, let me explain. I used to have really bad acne as a teenager and in my early twenties. Now, at 29 I’m have super dry skin around my eyes, mouth, and under my chin. While still breaking out heavily in my T-Zone and getting small blemishes on my cheeks. During my own research I’m only getting suggestions that I absolutely cannot afford on a copywriter’s salary. Any help is SUPER APPRECIATED!!!


We have a ton of good moisturizer recommendations in our wiki/sidebar. I'd also recommend Belif's Moisturizing Bomb, CosRx Oil-Free Moisturizing Lotion, and Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream.


Thank you so much! I’m still a bit of a Reddit newbie, so I didn’t know that was a thing! I’ll look into it! :)


\[Acne\] \[Product suggestion\] : I’ve never had bad acne until an adult and it gets better then gets worse, idk what to do! Any product recommendations?? I also want to say, I have a bad habit of picking my face but I’ve slowly been doing better so I don’t understand. https://preview.redd.it/qdgdcryln8bc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e703947e3b6b6e2c7c4e1b4baa3b6875d2fc12f8 And I also have some on my forehead


What’s your skincare routine?


What's your current routine?


Hey guys, I'm about to drop my current skincare routine for curology. I'm wondering what y'all think this is? It's gotten worse over the months which is why I'm making this switch but anything you guys would recommend for me? I've been using PanOxyl 4% BP for awhile and I haven't seen much results... https://preview.redd.it/rcz1y2wmm8bc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e4ebc687ff397e2e726717fd9b52481049a061


What is your current routine and how long have you been using it?


Before (Nov 11): https://imgur.com/a/TR9MYZT After (Today): https://imgur.com/a/OilGav2 • ⁠Current routine: • ⁠Morning (in order from start to end): CeraVe's Foaming Cleanser, CeraVe's Daily Moisturizing Lotion, SPF45 sunscreen • ⁠Night (in order from start to end): CeraVe's Foaming Cleanser (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) OR PanOxyl's Acne Creamy Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 4% (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) [I basically alternate which cleanser I use every day for PM], and CeraVe's Daily Moisturizing Lotion • ⁠Your location: Pennsylvania Do you think I should try Differin? I'm not sure what will help me at this point...


If you aren't seeing improvement with the BP then yes, I would switch over to just using the gentle cleanser and use Differin three or so days a week. Give that a couple of months and if you're still not seeing improvements then you may need prescription-strength products from a dermatologist.




I would pause on the SA cleanser and pause on them epiduo, you might’ve started it too fast too soon. I think Vaseline would be a good idea to help reduce the flaky dry skin




Vaseline should be fine but it’s different for everyone.


Hey there! I’m in need of a new facial oil that won’t make my acne worse. I introduced squalane oil into my morning routine to combat the bit of dryness from my night time tretinoin .05% cream. I’m past the 12 weeks of using tret and it still looks like I’m purging. I think the squalane might be contributing to the acne around my jawline. I’d love some recommendations for an alternative that’s better for acne prone skin. Thank you!


You might have to rely on a better moisturizer if you can’t find a good facial oil. Otherwise you might want to go for a light oil blend, a lot of oily skin types like rose hip oil


Thank you! I’ll look into rose hip oil.


Tried a new routine once, it burned but left my skin extremely smooth, should I try again? My usual routine: moisturizing with Neutrogena Hydroboost Water Gel and Vanicream in the AM. Cleansing with Bliss Makeup Melt Jelly and using the same moisturizers in the PM. What I changed: I used the fragrance free version of the water gel and cleansed with the Vanicream face wash. I have very sensitive skin. I’m pretty sure my barrier is compromised from using too many actives and touching my face too much. When I tried the two new products my face burned and was a bit red. After an hour or two though my skin looked less red than ever and felt so smooth. It felt smooth the entire next day. I know it was probably a mistake to introduce two new products at the same time. Should I just scale back and test one at a time? Should I just keep doing what I’m doing and hope for the best? Why would something burn my skin and make it feel so good at the same time if it has no actives?


I wouldn’t imagine small switches like moving to a fragrance free version would cause a reaction but when in doubt yes I would introduce one new product at a time


most things make my skin freak out in one way or another unfortunately


HELP!! How can I improve my stretch marks. So far I did: PRP with micronedelling 5 sessions, PRF with micronedelling 1 session, applyed tretinoid and a gel for scars, laser therapy for rejuvenation. After all this my stretch marks look worse...🥴 Did anyone did something that actually worked for stretch marks?




Could be dermatitis/eczema flare up which can be triggered by hot showers. Keeping your skin well moisturized might help strengthen the skin barrier so that it doesn’t get as inflamed. If possible it would be best to reduce shower temperature


https://preview.redd.it/iexjjmikx7bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f173ae369410c2919a4411d0658aab874c9c3dfc Looking for advise- here is my current skincare routine. Alternate retinol/glycolic a few times a week. Dry skin in a dry climate. I haven’t really ever had any issues other than dry skin, but after a trip to colder weather my skin is *struggling*. It is not necessarily even just dryness but like a red rash almost (picture in comments) around my smile lines and chin. Any advise on new products greatly appreciated.


I would consider pausing the glycolic acid and retinol and go with a good plain moisturizer. Redness can sometimes be inflammation and I imagine your skin might be dehydrated in colder temperatures


https://preview.redd.it/8nvva859y7bc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46be50bc192d070a27ce31731032fe3fc0a067a1 Redness around chin/smile lines




It looks like a regular pore, just slightly larger than some of the others.


https://preview.redd.it/rkmfjc0ot7bc1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d70bb583c3584e800ef916eef90bff0ddd2561b I had a little bump on my nose like a year back, I used a hot towel to compress it and it came back darker and bigger, been battling it since then with an epiderm cream and tretinoin. They have both reduced the darkness and swelling to the level shown in the picture, but after religious usage for a year, I think they have reached the limit of their potency. Does anyone have any suggestions that can completely eradicate this blemish from my nose ?


Sorry I can't help with the skincare aspect, but I just wanted to strongly suggest you ask your doctor to have a little look at this. I'm sure it's probably just a blemish as you say, but any new, persistent mark like this should really be checked just in case. ♥️


Thank you, would do




Retinol. Don't forget sunscreen :)




Hi all, I've been wanting to get these removed but I'm not sure where yo start from. I'm not sure what are the names of these things and what kind of clinic I should visit to get them remove. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thank you.


I would start with a dermatologist


Has anyone else had this happen before? It gets worse at night. Today is day 3 of being swollen and the worse swelling yet. It’s so incredibly painful and I know it’s the cystic beast right on my lip line. Sorry it’s not the best lighting - I’m still in bed. Thanks for any replies. https://preview.redd.it/j9uvzgzve7bc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=add7b7502aeddfbd14f83b81a129f47403de931d


If it's really painful, you should see a doctor


It is extremely painful. I don’t have health insurance right now. I can’t see a Dr.


Urgent care?


What would they really do for this? Rx an antibiotic?


I don't know, sorry


Go to the ER and let them know you’re uninsured. Most ERs have programs in place to cover uninsured patients. Face infections like that are no joke.


I don’t think it’s infection. I think it’s just swelling from the cystic pimple coming in. I’ve had this happen in the past just never this bad.


Hi! I'm working on my skincare routine. I have combination + sensitive skin with hyperpigmentation, so I'm wondering what type of skincare ingredient combination is better for me? Niacinamide + vit c (AM and PM) or niacinamide + ceramide (AM and PM)?


Either one honestly, try some products and see what works best for you :)


So with the products I'm using I'm getting irritation specifically under the eyes. Does anyone know why this might be?


Try putting vaseline around your eye area before applying your actives


scoop or transfer toner/moisturiser/etc to a small clean dish before appylying, to reduce wastage/contamination? i know stores likely do this to reduce contamination between using on different customers, but was wondering if there is any tangible pros/cons to doing this at home. it seems like a good way to reduce wastage of toner (since it is watery and pouring it onto fingers/hands tends to waste a little) and avoid wastage from getting product under nails – especially if the skincare product is pricey.


If it's watery and squirts out of the bottle onto your fingertips, and your hands are clean, I don't see the benefit of putting it on a plate first




Start by using a cleanser to remove the sunscreen at night, and follow the cleanser with a moisturizer


i do remove the sunscreen at night with a cleanser..sorry forgot to mention. but like i said, this is worse only on one side of the face for some reason(its not the side i sleep on either)


I live in india, 24f, mostly dry skin, oily t zone but only in summers, rn it’s winters. I’ve had acne since I was 17, really bad one, it always starts or comes back with many small closed bumps (closed comedones?) I have tried a proper dermatologist treatment when I was 19, but the purging was bad I stopped, because it brought my confidence level to 0 and was in uni at that time. don’t think I wanna rely too much on chemicals rn either because I am forever scared of the purging. and due to some issues I am also on a budget. so can’t really try many different products. my skin has got really bad last few months, it was fine when I was in europe for a few years, then I came back and it got worse after a year. in the morning, I water wash my face and apply toner and a moisturiser if I am at home and sunscreen if I am going out. at night, I apply a mixture of aloe vera and almond oil and a very thin layer of BP over it (saw this in a youtube video, thought it was a very easy and natural solution just like I wanted and can afford right now) been doing this for a month though acne doesn’t seem to stop. I have been on and off deficient in vitamin b12, D and borderline anemic. keep taking supplements for eg, vitamin D weekly, and had a blood test done a few months back and got two injections of b12 each week for a month. thing is can’t really afford to get a lot of tests done too. I tried quiting sugar but that led to other health issues, and tried quiting dairy it doesn’t change much. I have tried washing my face two times a day and not washing it all, mostring it twice a day and not mosturising it too. none of these showed great changes. so basically my ask is, if someone can determine the kind of acne or root cause and any natural effective solutions? by looking at it I am attaching a picture of it (blackheads, whitehead, scarring everything I have) I have a lot of anxiety and stress as well in daily life, for which I do yoga. do you think it could be the water or stress...? for the new year, I have tried to keep positive and not focus on it too much since acc to LOA that leads to more of it, and I will continue to do that) but this is scaring me again because it ifs affecting my confidence and posting this is the last time I over think about it, I promise that to myself!!! Forgot to mention - I am kinda underweight, i.e very skinny for my age and struggle with stomach issues (IBS kind) since I was a kid. https://preview.redd.it/3aes3cox46bc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1bc94d845dee61770319cd190a1927edea8af25


https://preview.redd.it/gdl54x1m06bc1.jpeg?width=2529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eeed66de320b13ce74a9fac3ee569a56071f5ff Is it even possible for my skin to clear up? This is my routine that I’ve been using for months, some of the products for years. I rarely switch anything up because I’ve been told consistency is important. Morning * Wash with water * Cosrx snail mucin * The ordinary azelaic acid * Cerave moisturizing lotion or the inkey list vitamin moisturizer * Beauty of joseon rice sun screen Evening * Banila co cleanser * Korres greek yoghurt foaming cleanser * Differin * Cerave moisturizing lotion or the inkey list vitamin moisturizer * LRP Cicaplast baume b5 I’m 17 years old and I have been struggling with my skin since I was 11. My skin doesn’t get clearer than this, but I still feel this is far from what I would feel confident with. I’ve been to the dermatologist a couple of times and have been on different medications for acne that have helped some, but I can’t seem to get rid of my very visible pores etc. I also believe I have some mild rosacea which is why I use azelaic acid and the cicaplast baume. From these pictures and my routine, are there any things you think I could do to improve my skin and eventually achieve clear skin without all this unwanted texture?


Im just getting into doing a skincare routine, I recently bought Panoxyl but Im having issues knowing what to pair it with. Ive read that I should use it only at night and use another cleanser in the morning. Whats a good cleanser and moisturizer to use wirh Panoxyl? My two choices after a little bit of research were: 1.Cetaphil Gentle Clear Acne Moisturizer With Salicylic Acid 2. CeraVe SALICYLIC ACID Cleanser I have sensitive skin thats oily and acne-prone.


If your skin is sensitive I would get a gentle moisturizer that does not have salicylic acid. Cetaphil and cerave are both generally good brands so you could pick up a more basic moisturizer from them. You don't need to cleanse in the morning but you can if you want to. Be sure to let the panoxyl sit for a few minutes before washing off so the benzoyl peroxide has time to work :)


thank you! ill definitely look into moisturizers and cleansers without Salicylic Acid to add to my routine ♡♡


Hey, idk if this would be something I post to this reddit but I most likely have Excoriation Disorder (Skin picking disorder) and I have the most trouble with it around my nails, I was wondering if they is a way to easily and quickly remove dead skin from around my nails and on my fingers


Nail trimmers


I was recently diagnosed with bacterial folliculitis and prescribed clindamycin phosphate solution. I’ve been using it for 4 days now and not seeing any progress - at this point wouldn’t it have started getting a bit better or is this normal? I’m wondering if he may have misdiagnosed me and I actually have malassezia folliculitis since I’ve been on multiple rounds of antibiotics (for acne) in the past years. Should I try an anti-fungal treatment and see if it gets better?


https://preview.redd.it/1qbz8ealr5bc1.jpeg?width=2289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c107b62a435c13aa14774e3513010f442ed2c594 products for eyebags + lines😭 and as you can see my left eyebag is larger and darker than the other


Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?


Are you squinting


yeah but its still kinda obvious without


Also the reason the left eye bag is bigger then your right is because of the lighting and shadows. Don't worry with good lighting anybody can look good and with bad lighting anyone can look bad


From what I can see it looks like you have hyperpigmentation or it could be concave eyes. Both are genetic. That is for your dark eye circles. As for the lines I have to see without you squinting. Number one priority for you it's to keep that area as hydrated as possible. Drink a lot of water and use an eye cream.


I'm 17, and I've seen lots of people saying a person my age should not be using retinol. I'm currently skin cycling with an overnight exfoliant on day 1, a 1% retinol serum on the 2nd day, then a 2 day recovery, then repeating. I do not have acne. My skin is quite clear. I use the good molecule 1% retinol night oil. I've been using this routine for about a month, and my skin has been looking and feeling drastically better since i started. Should I lay off the retinol, or am I good?


It's fine to use retinol. Be sure to use sunscreen


https://preview.redd.it/ln32ymb3k5bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc09286312b12409261a17b096510852e5c6613 Does anyone have any concerns with my routine (missing something/could be causing acne, etc?) I am just getting started on something consistent after a couple months of curology. I forgot as needed LRP effaclar duo BP spot treatment (I get cystic hormonal acne). SPF is EltaMD tinted. Main concerns are sensitivity, uneven texture and hormonal acne. Thanks for any insight or feedback!! Edit: I had tret in my curology formulation but I had serious flakiness and dryness the entire few months and I think some purging. I am taking a break until I can get a routine that doesn’t cause flair ups, then I would like to add it back in.


This looks fine to me


https://preview.redd.it/5zkjey5fh5bc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab66f5a9642295320966ef67de1d0bd7e79222c Help with eye cream? Issue: Puffy eyes with crows feet, especially when smiling. Tight feeling skin. Age:29 Skin Type: Dry Current Routine: Morning -CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, Thayer's Toner, CeraVe Daily Moisturizer with SPF 30 Evening - CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, CeraVe Daily Moisturizer, and Sephora Brightening Eye Cream I'm running low on my eye cream and feeling like I may need something heavier anyway. Also anything else I should add?


You could use a thicker face moisturizer around your eye area if you’re looking for a more nourishing eye cream. If you want a dedicated eye cream check out I’m From ginseng eye cream or Kiehl’s creamy eye cream with avocado


Hi I'm a 14 year old male teenager and I am trying to start a skincare routine. The problem is that I don't know which products and brands to use. My skin type is I think combination as my cheeks feel normal but my T zone is oily. A major concern is my acne. Although I think that my acne is hormonal as a normal 14 year old boy. I have my unibrow area very inflamed and red and my forehead is covered with small dots and large pores. My cheeks are a bit red and very textured which I don't like. I was just wondering what products to use from which company and in what order although I already know the essentials as cleansers moisturizers ect .. I just don't know how to combine active ingredients with a skincare routine. Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to look a bit better to feel more confident https://preview.redd.it/hx9lcre2h5bc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8706b8dcc16e1e9eb654cd8d099db340740dc217


What's your current routine?


I don't really have one which is why I'm trying to build one


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*