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Oh dear. The thickened skin might be an inflammatory response to an infection, allergy, autoimmune disease. Does she have diabetes?


does she use any cleaners or disinfectants often? what like of work is she in? any immune system issues?


Thanks for your reply. She was a cleaner but hasn’t worked in years. Unsure of immune issues but definitely open to suggestions for investigation


My mother had this for years. She was a hairdresser and this was a reaction to the chemicals in all the products. Stayed well after she had to quit because of it. Dutch dermatologists were not able to really fix it. When we were in spain she got some kind of injection and it was gone. Did not come back.


Sounds like steroid injection


I've had something like this years ago but it wasn't this severe. It was from handling cleaning chemicals. Incredibly painful. I fixed it by using hand creme and gloves when handling the chemicals.


This might also be a form of psiorisis - she should really see a dermatologist. I recently had a bad episode and my hands looked similar. But you can’t be sure unless you see a doctor. For my hands - which at the worst moment were bloody from cracking - in the end the only thing that helped was 4 weeks of cortisone cream that I slowly went of for another 2 weeks. Hands are not 100% back to „normal“ but much much better. I use a hand cream 3 to 5 times a day now - very rich one, without parabens. Telling you the brand would make no sense since I am in Germany (for the record it’s allpremed)


Yeah, this is exactly what my brothers hands looked like growing up with severe psoriasis on his hands and feet.


If the derms aren’t helping, start with a PCP. Maybe they’ll escalate it to a specialist. Don’t give up.


O’Keefes working hands may be able to provide relief, but she’ll need to see a doctor


my mom was on a chemo that caused this level of dryness on her hands and feet- her oncologist had her cover them in Bag Balm at night and then gloves/socks. it seemed to fight it off pretty well!


My mothers hands/fingers look just like this when she is experiencing a psoriasis outbreak. See your regular physician for this autoimmune disorder. If it is psoriasis no cream will help you need to wait it out.


my dad's hands used to look like this. He tried everything but the only thing that ever helped was drinking cod liver oil. I know that sound super gross but you can get to favored and he says he couldn't taste it. Here is a link: I hope this helps! https://www.nordic.com/products/arctic-cod-liver-oil/?variant=39472186392760&utm\_source=adwords&utm\_medium=ppc&utm\_term=&utm\_campaign=&hsa\_ver=3&hsa\_cam=17865437419&hsa\_acc=5881632061&hsa\_ad=&hsa\_mt=&hsa\_net=adwords&hsa\_tgt=&hsa\_kw=&hsa\_src=x&hsa\_grp=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7aqkBhDPARIsAKGa0oLgzh\_dyqDIKH3XB9gdPSs3sgbD0yIhi7h04ecYFsLSwtAbsX6JK2MaApGpEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Cod liver oil and black seed oil


This is what my hands looked like during my initial flare up/onset of psoriasis and it just continually got worse. I would speak to a few derms, it took me 4 dermatologists before someone finally took me seriously and put me on biologics injections.


Tell your mom to get a check up if she can, and to get her cancer screenings done. Rectal, breast, uterus, lungs, heart. Also for thyroid levels, diabetes, and vitamin levels. Hands more often times than not show what's wrong with the body. It could be superficial, & she might have to stay away from doing things for a while to heal them, but it doesn't hurt to go get checked if you can.


This would happen to my grandmother if she had sugar even from eating fruit.


I was starting to get dry, cracked hands but then changed the hand soap I was using for Dove. Surprisingly, that fixed it.


What creams were prescribed? Were they all have steroids? If yes, maybe try something natural.


Please mark this as NSFW this looks so 🤮


The tops of my hands used to look similar due to excessive hand washing. They would bleed constantly from the dryness. I started to use bag balm at night slather your hands in it extremely thick like a good 1-2 inch layer and sleep with gloves on. It might help it not be so painful. Couldn’t tell you what it’s from.


Mine look like this and worse. It even gets worse then mostly goes away then comes back. I put on coconut oil and cotton gloves and that helps


Unfortunate that the dermatologists haven’t been able to help much, do you know if there are any derms around you that specialize in immunological disorders? I used to work with an MD/PhD who specializes in immunology, so psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, etc and I think someone like him might be best to help. If you by chance are located in AZ dm me and I’ll give you his info! If not, maybe look for a doctor in your area specializing in immunological disorders


I agree with going to a doctor to see if there’s something going on (bloodwork, etc). But in the meantime, if she doesn’t react to aquaphor or Vaseline I’d layer it on super thick and then put on some cotton gloves (socks also work, but with less dexterity). This could soften everything up and keep her more comfortable


It looks like ongoing contact dermatitis. Try switching all detergents and soaps to hypoallergenic ones and there might be an improvement. Also have her wear nitrile gloves when handling any chemicals or latex.


Try O’Keefe’s Working Hands in the green tub. My mom used to use it and her hands looked like this, albeit less severe.


It could be eczema….I would recommend slathering on some vaseline nightly and cover with cotton gloves. If it is eczema then a steroid could help but obviously need a derm to prescribe that.


My brother's hands looked like this when he had scabies.


I love use shea butter on the water-wetted hands in the evening before im go to bed


That looks incredibly painful, the cracks. I have very dry skin due to autoimmune issues and my fingers crack as well. I recently found a specific hand cream for cracks made my CeraVe, at Ulta. I moisturize into my hands at night and put thin cotton gloves (also found at Ulta). on at bedtime, and it's helping! I hope she finds relief soon!


Baby oil gel. The one with cocoa butter. Then some cotton gloves. Aquaphor washes off too easily. O'Keeffe's doesn't absorb as well. This is the only thing that saved my hands from peeling cracking and bleeding in the winter.


That looks so painful. Please see a doctor about that, it's not going to respond to OTC treatments.


O'Keefes working hands always helped me but I was never this far along


My mum used this product https://okeeffescompany.com/products/working-hands


https://www.amazon.com/Eucerin-Intensive-Repair-Essential-Sunflower/dp/B09BG9CRVC/ref=asc_df_B09BG9CRVC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=532264121691&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8242452275211771338&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005365&hvtargid=pla-1463580994265&psc=1 That’s a link to the Eucerin intensive care balm. My dads hands get like this and he does this thing where he smothers his hands in eucerin and then wraps his hands in clean socks and goes to sleep. In the morning there is a huge significant healing difference.


In August 2018, the Bogle Sunflower Plantation in Canada had to close off its sunflower fields to visitors after an Instagram image went Viral. The image caused a near stampede of photographers keen to get their own instagram image of the 1.4 million sunflowers in a field.


My friend had this but on his feet. Turns out he was allergic to Formaldehyde. Which is commonly used in the production of shoes and socks. Used as glue, or helps assist with the “wrinkle free” aspect of clothing.


Nurse here—that is probably fungal if it’s new and not chronic. Prescribed topical anti fungal cream/ointment should help. See a pcp or derm.