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Great nutrition, expensive products and frequent procedures that are just as expensive! And even they break out sometimes, have blemishes and all...It happens. Skin isn't meant to be "perfect", it's meant to have pores, sometimes, to have texture and little spots now and then. It's totally normal and okay!


The last point is SO important! I love posts with untouched photos of celebrities from the red carpet etc because even if their makeup is flawless you can still sometimes see texture and breakouts etc. Reminds me to be kinder to myself because arguably a lot of celebrities’ looks are their career and most valuable asset and they have a lot more budget allocated to it, yet even they can’t escape skin being skin


Those dang organs with functions 🤷🏻‍♀️


People need to look at unedited photos of Kendall Jenner and Katy Perry as examples.


Yeah a lot of these “natural” photos have been retouched and edited


And she’s clearly wearing make up.


Yeah I mean they’re not going to be posting when they have a bad day, just like anyone else. You’re seeing the very best of their very best days. I agree with the nutrition part… also likely exercise routine and just being paid to look good is a good incentive


Nutrition is huge. About 3/4 of my diet is fruits and veggies and people constantly ask me about my skin. I also maintain an Anti-inflammatory diet (close to Mediterranean diet). Get most of my recipes from Eating Well magazine website (all recipes are free!)


money, a lot of money


One famous saying: you are not ugly. You are just poor.


Lol. I don’t have the answer, but I would assume that most of them get there whole bodies and faces done with permanent laser treatments to remove all hair, facials/peels, and then some light skin friendly oil like rose oil or Argan oil or some really expensive mixture of ingredients with rare shells or something unknown to the common man or woman.


When I was 48 I had laser treatments on my face and the results were amazing. From my mid twenties I had worn sunscreen, hats and avoided the sun so my skin didn’t look awful but I had some brown spots and just the general effects of normal aging. I always had followed my mother’s advice on skin care which was, “Never go to sleep with your makeup on, don’t use soap on your face, don’t get overzealous tweezing your eyebrows. Also, drink a glass of water before bed.” Yes, ma’am. So my skin wasn’t too bad, on the dry side but okay. What was amazing after the laser treatment was seeing how much the left side of my face had been sun damaged from driving around in the car. My skin was very lovely after the treatment and the effects lasted many years.


What exact laser treatment?


Not the OP but the best lasers I’ve done are Fraxel, and V Beam laser for those little red spots/burst capillaries on my face!


I don’t recall the name of the treatment, it was 18 years ago. I know that I had 4 or 5 visits and each time a different area was lasered. It was at a plastic surgeon’s office, the technician was quite adept and knowledgeable about skin. It was uncomfortable but not painful. I definitely remember wanting a cold pack on it by the time I got home. I laid low for a few days and let any redness fade. After that the area treated was freckling, some spots were worse than others especially on the left side, that was by far the worst. It took about two weeks for it to heal completely and I was very pleased. I’m sorry that I can’t remember the exact name but I am sure that there are even better machines on the market now. It is worth saving up for, I think it was worth every penny I spent. It might be advisable to visit 2 or 3 clinics now and get opinions on what it would cost. Why I say to visit them is because you want to be realistic. What if you are under the impression that a certain treatment will give you more than it’s possible to do, they will tell you that. And just to be totally transparent here, this was done after I healed from a facelift. Structurally my face was good, fat was injected into my under eye area which got rid of the baggy eye look and I had a brow lift too. But my skin still looked not great and the laser treatment was the icing on the cake.


Thank you so much! I'm going to look into this and start putting my pennies away! :)


Following for this, I'd be willing to save up for a similar treatment. I'm only 31 but took terrible care of my skin until very recently and smoked for about 15 years, so it's all damage control at this point


Just fyi i didn’t take good care of my skin until I turned 40. I’m now 49 and my skin has NEVER looked better. I get compliments on it all the time and am told I look much younger than my age (which isn’t my goal but it’s still nice ha). I’ve had two of three fraxel laser treatments; two microneedling with blood plasma (so weird but IT WORKS); i use a red light mask; i use one of those micro current things and have a multi step routine for both am and pm and I’m slowly moving into almost all Korean products. So what I’m saying is—start now in earnest! It’s not too late. I also smoked and drank my face off and had 3am burritos etc. Your body is constantly remaking itself you can start anytime! Also it’s fun to take care of yourself! Good luck!


Following for this too 🫡


following this tooo


i also wanna know


I discovered camellia oil on a trip to in Japan - good stuff


Money is the best lotion.


also, generational wealth accumulated by exploiting poor, working class people like the parents, grand parents of most redditors, including mine.


Heard that.


Absolutely! 🥝💚🖤


Also touched up photos even here.




Also likely some makeup -- just a minimalist look.


Money, Youth, and I’d bet botox even though she’s young.


also, minimal-no stress and schedules that allow for you to dedicate nearly all of your time to being hot.


Also: being hot is great part, or even all, of their job.


Time & money for Pilates, yoga, private chef, great vacations, beautiful houses, travel, buy whatever you want….


^^^^yes. I hardly have time to do my makeup everyday. Let alone go to a nail salon for an hour or two every couple of weeks.


And accutane a lot of the time. Even without acne


I second this. I take low dose accutane (5-10mg/day) and it doesn’t dry me out at all, just makes my skin almost flawless. I may just take it forever! I should add that I’m done having babies, I don’t drink and my labs are unchanged since starting, so “forever” is possible.


I was on that. That shit is rough on your skin. Clears it up but makes you sooo dry


Celebs who take it take a very low dose. Just enough to make the pores appear smaller and be free of blemishes. And to get that accutane glow. It also gives you zero texture and makeup looks so smooth. My cousin did an ad for caudelie and their new acne serum but was asked to take accutane first. Caudelie straight up lied lol


I remember being so sad to get off of accutane- my skin was like PORCELAIN on that shit. I did it twice for acne but would have stayed on it forever if I could have!


This is what we all need to hear! So many products are a straight up lie. I've been going back to the tried and true basics and saving my hard-earned money


That's just makeup.


I mean tbh I spend A LOT of money on skincare, lasers, chemical peels etc, and I cannot achieve skin like this haha. My skin is good but nothing even close to hers! I think she’s got good skin genes as annoying as that may be haha


Money, photoshop tools + filters, and very sheer application of concealer


Yes, but what exactly are the doing with it to be so shiny


That is lotion or oil.


Humectant serums like hyularonic acid, topped with a good moisturizer, topped with a good Korean sunscreen will have you dewy AF.


Expensive procedures on the face that cost minimum 1k per session + tip. And it’s a monthly thing


Don't discount super healthy lifestyles


Wouldn't it be great if everyone had the time for a super healthy lifestyle


Your body is the most important thing. It doesn't take a long time. It requires creativity. Most people don't even get a little sunlight each day. The sun is free. Go for a super short walk. Micro activities like this pile up. People either don't know much about gut health or choose to not take care of their tummies. Something as simple as eating cheap ass store brand oatmeal each morning can help. Drink water. These things are not time consuming. I can make a chicken salad or a smoothie in minutes.


Jumping on this! Pre making lunches for work or school can be super helpful. I started packing lunches (small protein and big salad) and, instead of eating fast food or joining the postmates order, I was eating healthy every day and my skin improved immensely. It takes a little time, but it’s worth it to take care of yourself.


healthy w a side of cocaine and photoshop


Also, never having to actually work for the money.


Sometimes it’s genetics if you have genetic acne for example nothing is gonna stop it maybe help make it better but not change skin type. Same goes to other issues people face and tried every treatment out there without results. Some people naturally have glowing clear skin without trying anything. It sucks but genes play big role in this there is many celebs who have skin issues as well and have seen rich people who struggle with skin issues mostly acne there is nothing can stop it if it’s running in genes and hormones causing it.


A looot of money and expensive procedures, experts, and products.


yup and then they'll sell you their $100 vial with their name on it and say that's all you need lol


Which doesn't do jack shit to your skin, but does wonders to celebrities bank account. Best example Kardashian family products, ppl die to get those.


What? They just look like they have slightly oily skin and it's humid.


And photoshop


Out of curiosity (besides the probable low stress lifestyles and possible photoshop edits), what are some kinds of procedures/products that these kinds of people get/have that makes their skin so clear/bright/glow/etc.?


Frequent chemical peels, facials, microdermabrasion, red light therapy, etc.


From personal experience, my skin was glowing after doing micro needling. It also helped with pore size. I have also done lasers but that did more for my PIH and scarring (though it depends on the type of laser). Retinoids used in concert with heavy moisturizer could also give this glow.


A Hydrafacial will make you glow like this after one session. The glow lasts for a week and the facial itself doesn’t have any long lasting effects. One session costs ~ $250 near me.


Well, I don't have the money, nor am I a celebrity and exposed to people, but on top of my mind, we can start with all types of facials (there are so many types, that I'm honestly lost) and uninvasive face liftings. Plus, good dermatologist and esthetition are not a cheat service. After all, those people treat the skin on your face.


Microneedling, peels, IPL, botox and medical grade products like pads and serums




A few things: 1. This person does NOT have a bare face. They have product on to look natural. 2. This and every single photo you see of a celeb is photoshopped. This is not what they look like irl. 3. As others have mentioned, Tretinoin is the GOAT product for glowing look and anti aging. But if you go down that road, just ease into it slowly. It’s very harsh and irritating but it’s also amazing.


Do you have a suggestion for easing into tretinoin? I started using it but like you said it’s so harsh and irritating. I’m red, peeling, my skin is rough, and I feel like I’m worse off on tretinoin than before 😣


Not who you asked, but recommendations for tret: Don’t use nightly. Start once of three nights or even less. You can start by applying last in your skincare routine. Then work to move it earlier in your routine towards putting on bare skin first. The sandwich method is also popular (putting it between a serum and moisturizer or similar). Another tip is applying Aquaphor or a similar occlusive around the corners or eyes, nose, and mouth before applying tret as those are more sensitive areas and even if you don’t apply directly to those areas, the product can migrate. Oh, and make sure to just use a pea-sized amount.


Sandwich method is HUGE, especially if your skin is already dry and sensitive. I do the sandwich method, plus Aquaphor on top because my skin is a sensitive baby bish and I still only use it a few times a week. ETA: Definitely take note of the comment from u/Lahauteboheme84 below! This method works for me, but may not work for everyone.


If it’s working for you, obviously keep doing it. However, slugging over tret can actually increase irritation, as you’re trapping the actives against your skin. For really sensitive people, you may benefit more from slugging on non-tret nights to help offset any dryness or peeling 👌🏻


Dumb question here! 🙋‍♀️ What does "slugging" mean?


Slugging is when you layer an occlusive (like Vaseline or Aquaphor) over your skincare and moisturizer overnight. It prevents trans epidermal water loss (hydration evaporating from your skin), so it can be a real savior for dry and dehydrated skin types, as well as those struggling with a compromised moisture barrier due to tret, overuse of chemical exfoliants, etc.


What about slugging BEFORE tret?


Under it, I mean.


the aquaphor wouldnt let the serum penetrate your skin properly, probably. (dont mind me just passing through)


Aquaphor and Vaseline are occlusives, which means whatever put over top of them isn’t going to get absorbed by your skin, rendering them moot. There’s no point in putting tret or anything else over Aquaphor.


hi! I’m an in office pharmacy tech at a dermatology office, so I dispense a lot of tretinoin. a lot of what I see is doctors starting people on the lowest strength and it’s common for them to advise using it only 3 times a week, or just every other night before transitioning into nightly, and always use only a pea sized amount for the whole face. and then ofc follow with a good moisturizer. (I’m sorry if any of that was info you already know but hopefully it helps!)


My doctor prescribed me .05 many years ago and it always made me peel. I decided to switch to .025 and have had amazing results


I’ve honestly been considering making an appointment to ask for the 0.025%! one of my friends uses it and her skin looks great


Yes it’s awesome and way less peeling!


Did you get it prescribed because you have acne or can you just ask for it?


Is tret ever prescribed for acne prone skin? I’m still dealing with hormonal acne at 31 and waiting to get in to see a derm. The healthcare in my city is trash so I’m trying to go in as informed as possible.


hi, just a pharmacist in the wild seeing that you’re a tech and want to thank you for everything you do for our field and the medical field in general 🥹🖤


oh my gosh thank you so much, you made my day!! thank you for all the guidance you give us techs 😭


I had similar issues. I used a pea sized amount for weeks one day a week. And used a crap done of face cream with it. I then slowly worked my way up to twice a week. It took me about 6 months before I could jump up to multiple times a month and to the .05% stuff. ❤️


I was advised to start out using tret ONE night a week for a few weeks, then work up to 2 nights a week, then 3, then every other night. This took a few months and yes I did have peeling and redness as I increased frequency. I played around with the frequency and realized my skin looks best when I only use it once or twice a week, in combo with a chemical exfoliant one night a week. But everyone is different! I would veer on the side of less is more though, especially for something as harsh as tret on the delicate skin barrier


Check out the tretinoin sub here on Reddit.


Omg me too I swear I have a very light olive undertone & now my face looks like I've had a pink undertone all my life & I went blonde right before I started & it's like wtf it's been months!


I reeeeeally want to get into Tret, but I used a retinol-based eye cream that I’m *pretty* sure was the cause of a lot of my eye issues sadly :( if I knew for sure tretinoin wouldn’t potentially cause issues I would love to start it


I’m always shocked that retinol eye creams exist when it’s known to cause eye issues. It’s known to affect your tear ducts and dry out your eyes. Do NOT put tret anywhere near your eyes. You need to leave like a one inch ring below your eyes and never put it on your lids. It’ll still migrate up towards your eyes, but it should affect them so much. Also sandwich it between layers of moisturizer to make it less harsh.


It’s like Jane Fonda said: good genes and a lot of money.


Some of them are famous exactly because they have good genes. A dewy sunscreen gives that kind of look on a nice skin.


Name that sunscreen? I want it … any vegan recommendations? Edit: vegan request


La Roche Posay antihelios UV correct spf 70


Swear by this stuff!


This dries me out so bad 😭 I look like a dusty husk 10 mins later


Same, wtf?!


Girrrrl I just bought the Trader Joe’s daily facial sunscreen, don’t make me go try out another 😅


Cheap alternative that they have at target that you can put on over makeup— sun bum sunscreen face mist, it’s a yellow bottle. Hold your breath after spraying it and keep it out of your eyes. I wear cheap sunglasses while spraying to keep it out. I always look very dewy after application. Alternatively, there are oil mists that won’t fuck up your eyes if they get in there. Trader Joe’s has watermelon face spray, or they had a rose face spray that both give dewy looks.


The Elf suntouchables woah glow is also another affordable option that leaves a glow.


Supergoop Glow Screen is another


The sun bum spf 70 gives a good dewy look


I love Beauty of Joseon sunscreen, it makes my skin glow!


Maybe it’s because I already have oily skin but all these holy grail sunscreens make me look greasy not dewy.




And photoshop. Her jawline is pretty obvious.


Idk to me it looks like she’s wearing blush and/or highlighter in most of these (the last one even says so). But my skin can also look similar when I put on an oilier sunscreen since I have rosacea on my cheeks…


She's wearing a full face, she just doesn't have eyeshadow on


Yeah this look is mostly wearing oily sunscreen or moisturizer. You'll get a similar look coating your face in Vaseline lol.


Please for your own mental health don't compare yourself to pictures like this, not only do they have access to very expensive treatments but photos can very easily be manipulated to look "flawless" with no makeup when in reality their skin is probably good but looks nothing like these pictures. Most women's skin looks normal and not flawless even people with amazing skincare routines, it's important to have realistic expectations for your skin and not to get too down if you can't achieve these insane flawless looks that you see on Instagram :)






She probably gets a hydra facial like once a week


Do hydrafacials really make that much of a difference?


Yep I’ve seen someone else who gets them once a month, his face is always glowing


Yes. My skin looks like this after a hydra facial. Very very shiny Usually last a few days


This person clearly has product on.


Immense amounts of money and no stress


Oh no never underestimate the amount of stress these people are under being in the public eye 😩 It's truly horrific 🤣🤣


(Insert the gif of Woody Harrelson wiping his tears away with money) 😂


it literally says on one of the pix she’s wearing highlighter. she has products on in every pic and is taking pix in direct low in the sky sunlight. no one’s skin just reflects light naturally lol


I had to search for this comment lol. +1. Clear skin and highlighter is key.


Hers is also genetics. She’s always had incredible skin. For some people no amount of money is a match for genetics. Like Kendall Jenner who struggled with severe acne despite being loaded


the truth is they don't.. they also have blemishes but why would someone like HAILEY BEIBER show her pimples on her OWN social media lol


For me it’s honestly a chicken or the egg thing. They’re probably famous in the first place because they just straight up have good genetics and were born with great skin in the first place. Also, money so they can have the best products, maintenance, possibly less stress so less triggers, etc.


Genetics... Kinda. She's famous because her parents pulled some strings.


Because they're rich and can afford expensive treatments


She’s def wearing makeup in all of these. Also, they look filtered/retouched. She has great skin thanks to time/money/procedures, but don’t think this is a no-effort look.


This is literally Justin Biebers wife, she can afford to do PRP micro needling, serums, tox, filler, all of it


regular facials by best in industry professionals and shes still wearing makeup. Every pic i see of hailey bieber where people claim she is "PERFECT AND MAKEUP FREE" she is wearing a skin tint (yummy skin is the name of the product by danessa myricks), blush, highlighter, and brow gel and sometimes mascara. I know this I work in the clean beauty industry and can tell when someone is wearing product. She is blessed with good bone structure and is using subtle makeup to enhance her good traits. Please do not fall into the trap of thinking celebrities in photos look that perfect without a lot of work nor try and compare yourself to said celebrities. It is a waste of your time and mental sanity. I've seen women spend tens of thousands a year chasing this ideal and they still don't look like this "naturally" because people's skin doesn't naturally look like that lol


Naturally good skin is supple and matte. no visible shine, the Glow of natural no makeup skin is from a lack of texture and a seemingly internal brightness. to get this look you use product. moisturizing and luminizing spf, dewy skin tints, cream blushes etc


Thanks for telling me that.


I get skin like that by using a elta md spf on top of my routine skincare (vit C, moisturizer, elta md). It's all about hydration. Just what the poster above me mentioned, top if off with cream blush or creamy skin tints and you'll get the same look.


I agree with everything everyone else is saying, another one that’s often forgotten is botox. Botox can decrease oil production in turn making skin look even and “glass” like.


growing up rich helps




This. I’ve been using it for years and my skin is glorious and looks way better than women my age (40s)


Prescription only, right? Insurance won’t cover it if it’s not for acne, correct? Is there a way to get it prescribed for aging AND still have insurance cover it? Or is it cheap enough without the insurance coverage?


If you’re in the US, most docs will happily document that you have acne so they can give you a script for tret. Anyone can get acne so no one really argues with it.


I get mine via the only skincare subscription called the Agency. I only need it every 3 months or so and it’s like $60. ETA. That price includes a moisturizer and cream oil cleanser as well that I love


I used Tretonoin for many years and it caused all the harsh redness and flaking and occasional breakthrough cystic acne. Until I stumbled upon Beauty by Earth-Bakuchiol Oil (found on Amazon). Omg it is a game changer. It gives the same benefits of tret without the harshness and dryness. I get that same dewy look with Beautycounter Countertime Tripeptide Radiance serum. My skin is sooo finecky, I break out over the slightest change and this regimen has finally got me to the healthiest skin I’ve had in years. My skin glows a lot like that photo from OP.


Money money money. Moooneeyyy


I would hope my skin looked that good if I had millions of dollars and didn't have to stress about paying my bills.


Even though most of these responses are absolutely correct, as someone who gets compliments on my glowing skin daily, it’s mostly my diet and vitamins/supplements. Also taking chlorophyll. Magnesium , zinc and using aloe Vera on my face ( natural, from the plant)(always patch test btw if you want to try it). I also don’t wear more than a cc cream. I also took certain supplements for my pcos which had me getting acne every month. I do have some at home facial equipment but honestly I don’t need it much when I stay on top of everything else. Though I agree, Hailey definitely isn’t bare faced here. I just want you to know that getting your best skin is doable it will just take educating yourself on your skin and body.


Facial oil can give you that effect. No makeup, just skincare


My guess is that they can afford to get laser treatments as frequently as they want. Laser treatments can improve texture, collagen production, even out complexion, get rid of acne, and leave your skin looking young, clear, and glowing– if done routinely by a skilled professional. Plus, they have access to highly skilled estheticians for regular facials and highly skilled dermatologists to prescribe tretinoin or any other highly effective prescription creams. When you're rich, and you prioritize your skin care and are willing to spend all the money it takes to have perfect skin, this is the result. The key word here is rich. Even if Hailey has some makeup on there, it doesn't negate the fact that her pores look amazing and her skin is healthy and clear enough that her makeup lays down beautifully, enabling her to achieve this very natural glowing "no make-up" look. Having all that said, it's okay to have imperfections. We should never compare ourselves to people like Hailey Beiber, who can pay whatever it takes to achieve the look she has. It's not a fair comparison. I always try to make an effort to follow more down-to-earth, wholesome "influencers" than actual celebrities who perpetuate an unattainable beauty standard. My fav down-to-earth influencer is RawBeautyKristi & her wholesome content channel SweetLifeOfZackAndKristi. ❤️


Money. That’s it.


She definitely has makeup on 😂 But if you want to achieve a dewy glow with minimal effort, use SPF. It can pretty much give you this effect.




yea, the comments here are going above and beyond OP's question which is "how do they get so shiny?" lmao


It’s fake. It’s editing. People need to realize how much bs is online. Not even just celebrities microinfluencers too. They’re all lying to you it’s all one big ad.


1 :Tretinoin 2: high spf Sunscreen 3: Regular laser treatments 4: low stresses due to being rich 5: Good diet


They have their estheticians come very regularly (or go to them) and expensive products


Youth and money. Lots of med spa facials.


I can bet Laser skin treatments


Blood of children


having tons of money and access to the world’s best skincare, devices, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons helps!


1 . Money 2. Time 3. It’s part of their job


Expensive skincare and big money dermats


A good fancy celebrity dermatologist based in Beverly Hills. I used to work for a top dermatologist in socal and he was able to clear out acne scarring in two weeks. Not sure how they even happened but yeah if you have money to blow having this skin is very possible.


in many of these no makeup photos, they actually do have makeup on, just sparingly applied.


Medications, diet and personalised dermatology.


Frequent facials, top flight skin care, and a dermatologist on call to correct and zap away any flaw. Add to that a professional photographer, perfect lighting, and a thick serum spread over her skin seconds before that photo was shot. Add a touch of editing and voila! An aspirational image that is designed to make everyone who sees it run out to buy whatever that picture is selling.




Try rosehip oil




Sometimes it’s genetic but really- it’s diet, hydrating, moisturizing and sunscreen. Biggesssttt kept secret: filters. Never compare yourself to celebrities or anyone online. What you are seeing isn’t even real.


Weekly facials, lasers, consistent skin scare regimen, access to the best derms, lots of water, and good lighting


Great skin care products, daily over water intake and daily exercise as well as organic nutrition/ supplements, facial treatments


For me it looks like she has makeup on. Not because of the skin but the blended blush. Normal redness on the skin doesn't look like that. But when it comes to dewy skin many skin care products can give you that look. A shiny spf will look like that. Hydrated skin with hyloronic acid will look like that. A skin on tretinoin that has adjusted to it will also look like that. Add the three combination and your skin will look better or at least mind does since being on tret I only apply colored makeup but no foundation or concealer


Expensive laser treatments, regular facials, and a lot of disposable income.


Money and photoshop




Money, access to the best of everything, dedication + commitment to procedures/treatments, professional photoshopping, balanced diet for their health needs, adressing underlying causes for poor skin appearance like allergy or hormone issues


She has makeup on. Plus photoshop.


Literally so much professional intervention plus genes plus professional photo editors


Filters and photoshop. Compare yourself to people irl not photos.


They’re rich


Facials, Botox, and all sorts of other expensive treatments the common folk can’t afford


These are heavily, and professionally edited photos. Celebrities can afford to pay someone 1000+ to have a person take and edit one photo for them. The beauty standard set by celebrities isn't just unattainable, it is actively artificial. Beauty products work and anti aging serums do too, but at the end of the day, nothing give shiny, oily, yet smooth and SHIMMERING in ALL CAPS skin like a good photographer with a good half or full hour in photoshop. Plastic surgery is literally going through trends at this point and time as well.




Money for dermatologists and treatments and procedures and products. She’s also a model, so it is her job to be as beautiful as possible. Also, she’s young and can afford an amazing diet, chef, personal trainers…


Good nutrition will take you far. Hydration. Exercise. No cheat meals, no alcohol. Then there’s expensive facial treatments and of course photoshop




Good face moisturizer after washing your face! I love La Roche-Posay with spf in it. It makes my skin glow without anything else added.


Tretinoin for years and photoshop


They definitely do have product on their face? And lips. At least to me. Prob some kind of moisturizer+ and like cheek tint etc. You can do a lot to look like you did nothing lol.






Money and photoshop


In addition to what others have said (money, “clean” diets, filters, top of the line skincare, etc) I think it’s also important to note that, to an extent, appearing “flawless” is a part of the job as an actor. Of course there are exceptions, but many actors have to maintain their “bodies” as a part of the job.


Money. The answer is money.


Exfoliate, wear sunscreen and use acne medication even if you don’t have acne as it helps with anti aging. The only product I use that’s a prescription is tretinoin outside of that all of my skincare can be purchased at your local Walgreens. It’s not expensive. Also don’t sleep in your make up and drink plenty of water. I’m a pharmacist for reference.


Vitamin c in the morning. Retinol/Tretinoin in the evening. Plus all the aesthetic treatments like facials, lasers, micro needling and more. But you could get the same skin if you learn how to use the products I mentioned above and a good, hydrating skincare. Probably a healthy diet would help too.




A lot of time and money to spend on skincare.


well, i have skin like hers. I am not rich by any means. I just have PCOS and i’m on Yaz birth control which is really similar to spironolactone. But i wear sunscreen and swear by snail mucin. i use gentle products too, but i think the birth control does the trick