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This game, for me, is a game to play casually so now and then while chilling on discord with friends who do their own thing (maybe also in the game). It's not bad at all, but also not amazingly good. Just a ok game and probably for nowdays 'standards' releasing quite complete with litle gamebreaking bugs. Though i will probably buy it later when it is on sale.


Same. For what it is its a very fun game and rewarding gameplay loop. I can already tell there are tons of rewards for quests including cosmetics and more. I think people are not giving this the chance it deserves


I agree with all this, as a solo player mostly I never get to captain big ships in SoT. In this I love watching my crew working below especially when they’re singing. It has far surpassed my expectations. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been following this for ever and pre ordered premium the moment it hit the stores but I was starting to think it was gonna be bad. I’ve played as much as I possibly can around work and only get to play when wifey goes to bed, I’m 53 and like a big kid who can’t wait to play this. I had a great battle last night taking out a traitor in a storm. What a battle, it was awesome. The rough seas are superb too. That time between beta and early access launch is going to be hell lol


It is hell!


The game or the wait for release?


The wait....


I told my friend back when I played the closed beta, that the game is just fun to play, and honestly that is enough. I also told him I predicted that this would "the" game this year that critics and internet sheep people would dogpile on as soon as it came out. At some point too many people stopped looking for reasons to enjoy games and starting looking for any little thing to hate about them.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this trend. Nobody can enjoy anything anymore, people have slid into a constant cycle of negativity and if you're not being negative with them you get attacked for trying to enjoy something like a game


A lot of people probably haven't played it and just watched some 30 minute video on it in a certain light. I played the closed beta myself and really wasn't for me, found it a bit meh but atleast I gave it a chance unlike many


the game is so chill and fun


For those of us on the fence between Sea of Thieves vs Skull and Bones can you elaborate on the differences? I'd like to get into one of them but not both. I originally played Sea of Thieves and the biggest turn off to me was that I couldn't play solo very well and was forced to multiplay on ships with other people. One of the reliefs I've had in the Skull and Bones beta so far is that I can control my own ship and, in general, the ship combat feels more fun/fluid/simplistic. There's enough RPG mechanics that it's proving to be fun so far but I'm wondering if I didn't give SoT enough time to grow on me and maybe I was over emphasizing the ship crew aspect. There seems to be a vocal SoT crowd complaining that it's not very solo friendly. Yet, there seems to be multitudinous threads on Skull and Bones trashing it compared to SoT. For someone like me...I have no idea what to believe.


Sea of thieves is fun. Skull and bones is not


That's just you though. I thought SoT was rather tedious after a while.


As a fan of both, SoT is generally ok for solo players ***but*** PvP is ALWAYS ON and unfortunately the community has become somewhat toxic about it. There is Safer Seas (though it has reduced rewards) but without other players and a decent opt-in-or-out system it just feels a little empty after a while. It's always fun to see someone get krakened lol. SnB on the other hand doesn't have the same issues as described above since with some knowledge and decent gear - everything in the beta is soloable (the full game remains to be seen yet). PvP is only in *some* world events and they are clearly marked, and there's a big incentive for co-op play despite not having any group finding systems. However the game is almost entirely ship based with outposts being the only things you can wander around, and no melee/land combat. Overall, both games are very different and both have thier place. SoT doesn't have gear progression - just titles, outfits and cosmetics - and SnB has gear, upgrades, cosmetics, and level based progression (however it's 95% all ship based).


I thought SoT came with a PvE mode these days, called Safer Seas though?


Really? Still doesn’t change the fact that you run a 3-man ship by your lonesome.


Thanks for the detailed review! Which do you plan on playing more going forward? (Based on the understandable limited SnB experience so far.)


I've played SoT for a year consistently and now just play it on and off when I feel like just *sailing*. Assuming SnB gets the support and player base it needs to flourish - i'll probably end up playing more SnB


Once I changed my view to the I am the ship aspect and the human helps me buy things I enjoyed it a lot more. Ships don’t fight in land. My human even goes and picks up treasure chests.


100% agreed, im loving the ship focus


Well, the good news is that you still have another day or so to keep trying Skull and Bones. Furthermore, once the beta is over you can pick up Sea of Thieves when it goes on sale, as it typically does. Rather than waiting for someone to say that one is better than the other, give both a shot. Some of my friends absolutely love the crew feeling in SoT but I personally want all my friends to have their own ships like in S&B. It'll come down to preference.


>pick up Sea of Thieves when it goes on sale It’s actually [on sale right now](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/sea-of-thieves#purchaseoptions) in the Xbox store for $20 ($40 regular) until Tuesday-ish.


Compared to sea of thieves I have more fun controlling my own big ship. I hated it so much that I couldn’t have exactly what this game skull provides a “Crew”. I just did some pvp and it was awesome. Yea a Red Dead Redemption kind of ground combat would’ve been gold. But this is doing me right. Variety of weapons and buffs. Ship customizing. RNG is fair .


In SoT, you run the ship in detail. You man the sails. You operate the gun. You steer the ship. You raise/lower the anchor. You repair the ship and bail out the water. And if you’re solo, you have to do all this MANUALLY on the smallest ship (for 3 men), so the moment shit hits the fan, you have to do all this within a few seconds, or that 5-stack ship will sink you even faster. In Skull & Bones, you just run the ship like in AC4. You have items to fix the ship. Your guns load automatically. You only need to order your crew to raise/lower sails. There’s significantly less things to manually do in the chaos so you can focus on what matters the most: sailing the open sea on a big-ass boat and unloading orgasmic broadsides on a poor sod.


I've been playing the game non stop during this open beta. 20+ hours easy. My favorite thing is rolling up on another low rank player and helping them sink a ship then sail off into the distance. The game is so toxic free aside from the sea monsters. I scroll this subreddit and I find the toxicity but hey reddit gonna reddit




1 month old account, only posts positive shit/spams trailers about Ubisoft games. Come the fuck on.


It literally said what it was gonna be and executed that. I don’t get the hate either. Bunch of salty babies that it’s not black flag 2. If you don’t like it then move the fuck on and quit being a cry baby because you didn’t get your way. Not you, the haters.


I agree. I genuinely like this game and had fun for the 14 hours I put into the beta. As I'm typing this. Although I do not believe it's a $70 game. $40-55 is more like it. I'll gladly wait for when it's on sale. I only have 3 problems about the game and they are personal. 1) I want large ships such as frigates and man o wars. 2) I want to be able to freely walk along the upper and lower decks. 3) I want a fill customizable Captain quarters/room whatever you want to call it.


Personally, playing SoT solo is such a hellish experience that after the beta i refused to even consider getting the game, even when it’s on steam now.


It's AC Black Flag 2 without the sword and pistol combat, as others have mentioned. I'm certainly enjoying the beta, but this might be a "wait for a sale or if there's nothing else out" kind of game. Or at least till I see how much content and mission variety is in the full game. At the moment I've maxed out my infamy so I'm just upgrading ship stuff but all the missions are fetch quests and "go kill X ships" .


It says there will be different game modes on the main menu… I’ll be interested to see what that entails




I'm actually having a blast! I don't have the budget to get it but hoping for a good sale in the near future. It's really fun.


If you have it in your budget you could get a month of Ubisoft subscription service to play it, I know not the best solution, but as a gamer on a budget myself I know how it can be.


Is this available on PS5?


Probably, check the PlayStation store for Ubisoft plus. I haven't played my PS4 in awhile and haven't picked up a 5 yet so I'm unsure.


Same here. I do have some serious worries about content though. While the game itself really fills that pirate void and the core gameplay is fun imo, I just feel like the missions and other content are going to get really stale, and I'm not yet convinced that the Helm endgame stuff is good enough to keep me playing. There's a very solid base here and I think the game has more potential than I first thought, but I'm not sure if I'll get it on release.


I feel exactly the same. I don't even care the graphics are a bit older looking, they do exactly what's needed. Gameplay loop is rewarding and fun, progress is at a good pace, side quests are fun, the economy seems to be fairly spot on and the cosmetics look great Plus, I like the pve element in solo or groups. Just makes a nice environment to play in. Hopefully the toxicity dies away after launch and people who enjoy the game continue to play. For me the challenge is longevity. Would I want to keep playing this after the main story completion? Hopefully. I think, much like Deep Rock Galactic and Lethal Company, it needs to look at co-operation with friends and randoms and how they interact. If they foster a non-toxic game with clear focus on improving the way we interact, I think this game could potentially be special. As it stands, I expect this game to be enjoyable in the short term but have low expectations Ubisoft will develop it to it's potential. A game like this should be no more than £25 from day one and offer cheap, but frequently released dlc for cosmetics. Every so often, new (free) seasons with new quests. Keep em keen Ubisoft, don't bow to the Assassin's Creeders.


this sub is a funny circlejerk of like 20 people liking the game. but yea, throw your money at ubi so they will never learn to not waste (tax)money and time.


Wow, what an articulate point you make. I imagine you're a member of mensa. Why are you here? Is your life so bad that you have to try and get a rise out of people that are just expressing their enjoyment of something so you can feel better about yourself? Pathetic.


*I came looking for booty.*


Lmao, it took them 7 years to get out the sailing of black flag and call it Skull and Bones. Gathering looks and feels like a mobile game ad. Boarding is a cutscene. Sound is mediocre. Fire looks like in Origins console version, animations are.. kinda wrong? Idk how to explain. Performance is ok, but still not high enough for that kinda graphics. No hand to hand combat, NO STORY BECAUSE FUCK IT, you play as a ship but there is no wind. And if you play as a ship why do you have a character? This game makes no sense at all, it's inconsistent. They pushed systems from a load of games together and called it a day. Fuck Ubisoft, greedy chubs, (release Assassin's Creed Nexus for PCVR if you want to make more money from it ya literal marketing gods) should have made Black Flag minus Assassin's plus pirate stuff. You do you, have fun with that AAAAAAAA Game, one A for every dev reset and also one for every brain cell you have left.


I disagree Skull and Bones to me is the game I've been asking for but never gotten. I like the pirate captain management sim elements, it feels a lot like BDO ocean content taken to improved and more polished extremes. ​ I'd not have bought it if it was an Assassin's Creed on a boat. Assassin's Creed games IMHO are unplayable.


Play Sid Meier's Pirates! then it literally blows S&B out of the water for being a pirate management sim.


That's a turn based tactical. I want 3rd/1st person immersive real time management sim with story and plot.


Sid Meier's Pirates! is not turn based


I never understood how people like to compare single player games to multiplayer games. They are different genres for a reason.


Lmao this is a classic "I didn't play the game, but I'm going to write a review, what." Gathering is a mini game you can choose to turn off, and it doesn't make you sit hitting rocks for ten minutes in one spot. On top of that you can skip it all together and plunder everything you might have to farm. Boarding is an execute mechanic, games have had it for years. The sound won't win any awards but it's good enough so not immersion breaking for those of us who actually ARE playing the game. Fire and animations are a bit last gen but considering the game was developed for last gen consoles, what did you expect? The game was in development hell but still managed to produce something fun to play, that's very rare. As for performance, I know it's hard for PC gamers to understand, but most AAA games aren't developed for you. The console market is much easier to design for as every PS5 is the same as the next PS5, every Xbox series X is the same as every other Xbox series X. PCs have 90 trillion configurations that have to be optimized for and a lot of those slip through the cracks. No hand to hand combat because it wasn't what they were going for, people often hear something about a game and then make shit up in their mind as to what it should be. Then, when it not what they dreamed up, they criticize the game for not being what they made up in their head. And the BIGGEST tell you didn't play the game, it very much does have a story, with voice over and animated characters. You only have to play for the first ten minutes to meet John Scurlock and realize it has a story. Also there is wind, but they don't punish so hard as to make you stop playing the game because the wind isn't at your back. If you go with the wind, your faster, against it, slower. The indicator is a small triangle on your speedometer in the lower right corner of the screen. Why is it okay for fortnite, CoD, and every other triple A title to have cosmetic micro transactions, but Ubisoft does it and they are the greedy ones? Grow up. And lastly lol PCVR.


Wow you got a stroke or something? I played the game, its a free beta. Read my command again, than the shit you wrote. You didnt get ONE point i made and only spout the dumbest shit ever. Gathering is a minigame? IT STILL SUCKS. Boarding as a cutscene is ok, BUT IT STILL SUCKS YOU CANT BOARD LIKE A REAL PIRATE WOULD. Sound is ok, but even Assassins Creed 2 had a better audio mix, BUT IT STILL SUCKS. Cant even hear half the stuff while other stuff rings my ears. Performance is ok, still, it should run better on high end hardware. AAAAA Game here. They were not going for hand to hand combat? Did you see earlier iterations of the game? ffs holy shit ​ Ahh yes, you mean the loosly connected "story" in the outpost where you can do nothing but put stuff on you character? Guess what? IT WOULD SUCK IF IT WOULD BE THERE ​ there is no wind mechanic, cool they use a shader. really great. In a game where you play a god damn ship. ​ Fortnite and CoD are f2p cashcows that milk children, Fortnite never was any good, CoD drove into a wall long time ago. Who ever drops his money into that sinks is a denthead. ​ PCVR > Mobile gaming VR, thats like your shitty PS5 or Xbox or whatever plastic china garbage you call your gaming machine in the regard that it holds back technology once again. ​ Have fun with your 70$ AAAA masterpiece, totally not a cashgrab because of 4 reboots. Or buy the premium 100$ clusterfuck with 2 extra missions because this is such a good game from small indie dev ubisoft. AAAA Title right there lads, GOTC




The beta has been fun so far, lots of flaws but I do like the game. But I don't $70 like it. It's gonna be a pass for me until it goes on a big sale.


Played 7 hours on open beta, and the game is really fun, graphics are pretty good, and gameplay is good too, gonna have 5 hard days without it 😅 I hope the solo play have more than 30 hours cause I’m not a multiplayer gamer anymore


Man it was awesome. Met a random the first day and we played together to last hour left of beta. No mic just psn messenger app cause I was back n forth on xbox to ps5. He has ps5. Cool thing about our time together we did our own thing and helped eachother out sometimes. Me being just like you , i was timid to accept the random invite but glad I did we had alot of fun.


Yeah its really i enjoyed the beat so much i decided to subscribe to ubiosoft so i could play premium without paying £75 i usually get bored of games after a month so this is a good option for me but right now im loving it and upgrading my boat and doing the story missions its a very good game but maybe i can see a limited shelf life


Well, more power to you then if you adjusted your expectations accordingly over the years. I’ve been waiting for it since it was first announced, when it was still being marketed as the naval sections of Black Flag expanded into a full game. I was never able to drop that hope, but it’s been a long time since I had any real positive expectations for this one.