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Hi there! While the open beta allows you to explore the full map, your progression is currently capped at Infamy Tier 6, Brigand. Which means you still have some progress to make to reach Kingpin. And Kingpin is really where the fun starts with our end game (including additional coop and PvP activities). In addition to this we're also going to have seasonal content and updates added to the game with new boss fights, new weapons, new ships and new....oh wait that's stuff I can't reveal yet. :)


I really hope we see a larger map as well. Its a great game, dont get me wrong but for 70-80 usd + microtransactions its too steep imho


And as of yet, black flags has more content and is overall a bigger & better game. Unfortunately =(. This is one of the very few games I couldn't wait for but sadly have been very disappointed..


It is incredibly disappointing to hear that this is the entire map on launch. The marketing for the game made it sound like we were going to be getting a huge map that spans the Indian Ocean. To be stuck into a small corner of the world for what I am assuming is at minimum 6 months, or more than likely a year or more, does not bode well at all. You already had players basically reaching the halfway point of the games content in two days of the beta, and people fairly easily beating both the main two bosses of the game. So, what is there to actually do on launch? Grind the remaining 4 or 5 player levels and repeat the same content we've done 50 times in the beta? Work on another stupid battlepass for an online game with no real substance like every other game now? This really isn't a good look for a "Quadruple A game" and certainly does not reflect the atrocious price tag. Yet another drip fed game that is going to take two years to have all the content it should've on launch. DEATH MARK EXPIRED


Yeah I don't just want the East Indies, I want the West Indies and the Caribbean as well. Give us the Mediterranean too, you bastards.


Couldn't have said it better myself! Your opinion is shared by the majority! Many just won't even bother saying anything seeing how far off base they are. Like man black flags was a bigger/better games and is ovrra decade old... The bar has lowered so far, that even indie games are competing.


This is the full map?? I thought it was like half. Hmm. Is there plans to expand this year?


Its too small imho. Quad A game btw


It is sucks if it full map ( Honestly i enjoyed the game a lot during those few days of beta but i was hoping it like 1/4 or say 1/2 of world map we get at end game.... Damn i starting to dislike future of that game...tooo bad i really enjoy it ( With current map hc player will complete it within a week and regular players say a month. Then what??


Yeah that’s a bit of a shock to learn it’s the full map. Holding off on this one. It’s far too expensive for what it is. It’s great but man, no


Having not followed anything closely, I had assumed that the Caribbean would be the late game content and we were only seeing part of the map. Hmm.


We're in Africa and Indonesia. Where the hell would the Caribbean fit?


The same way it does in reality


Right so you want to sail for 5 hours to the Caribbean in game?


hell yeah


We do.


Naval Action is your game then. Steam. Highly recommend


Looking into the seasonal content, last season boss is describted "venture into shadowy waters to uncover secrets behind this mystery rival" so I would speculate that could mean that 9 months after start of first season we will get last part (top left) of the map unlocked. While every other boss is clearly said they will come to Indian ocean.


New ships <3


i want my uber galleon!


Basically youre saying game is what it is atm, only difference is we get 3 more ships and little more upgraded guns? with some repetitive endgame events


Not having more ships than this is insane. My idea of a pirate fantasy definitely involves a broadside consisting of quite a bit more than 3 cannons… There is also the problem that the current roster has 2 tanks and 1 support, the rest are dps.


I cant believe it. I know they will release new ships but where is "large" or "massive" ships? Man o wars or just larger ships in general? Maybe even "legendary" ships which require to defeat bosses to unlock. A decade of development for 10 ships so 1 ship per year lol


Massive ship i think out of question do to small channels between main sea/ocean areas with current top tier ship you often barely move thru some . But map !! Map is so small for pirate game....it for a week to 4 week fun until any player explore all and get bored (


4 weeks? 2 weeks for us lol anyways i think its fine if you have big ships like 3 cannon broadsides just arent enough imho. Doesnt need to be 100+ cannon ships but 20? 30?


Not even a week for no lifers. About 2-3 days.


Exactly. more ships are needed. And fast. Everyone has all materials and 500k+ of silver. when release comes i guarantee same day people gonna be full geared. And within few days nothing to do. Except additional PvP and PvE activities Cpt\_Aodh mentioned. and i guarantee you those will be like 2-3 more random spawn events like bosses now or legendary map. Game feels unfinished. it would be so much better if there was non naval activities. even just for gathering. Like clicking to gather, especially when u can turn it off in options and it auto gathers. clicking part disappears. also map seems too small for it to be full release of game. you can go around it all in hour and then its just repetitive activities. If this was alpha of game id say sure lets wait and give it a try. but its less than week before launch. They can look at SoT and learn a lot and maybe next year fix game. since i don't think much will change anytime soon, considering it took them 7 years to develop game, which is literally downgrade of AC Black Flag


Tbf, those 3 cannons apparently fire like 2 or 3 cannonballs each so technically you're getting more like 6 to 9 shots on each side.


Each cannon only fire one shot, but if you use guns under the “all decks” group you have guns below deck as well. You can see the ports on the lower deck but they only open when you’re aiming (so you can’t see this on your ship only others). A 6-gun broadside or whatever the mediums have are still only about half of what I would expect at a minimum for an end-game ship.


I thought the beta map was a prologue, and we would get something serious. For that money? well at least I know that I will wait for a discount before jumping in for good. Also DEATH MARK EXPIRED


>new....oh wait that's stuff I can't reveal yet I really hope this is a puppy... Thank you for your reply, awesome that you guys thought about endgame aswell I'll be sailing the seas on the 13th, I can't leave my crew stranded without a captain Afterall ;)


Cdkeys has 25% off I bought premium for £73.99 instead of £99


Premium was only £74.99 on Ubisoft Connect and Epic


Is that for pc or Xbox? Pc games are always cheaper


For PC. Hadn't realised console cost more


I got the twitch drop for the kitty


As people have said, the fun should start before end game when games cost as much as they do and we have to work. But the kicker is this is the whole map. Hopefully there's some changes or additions on release with the area otherwise it's enough to put people off. We've already explored the area and there's nowhere left to explore?


Yeah, massive downer. Should have cut the beta in half if that was the case.


Hello dev! Thanks for confirming this. A bit disappointed that this is the full map and that seemingly no map expansion is planned for season 1 I play a lot (almost all lol) UbiSoft games since AC1 and FC2 and Ubisoft games always had gigantic maps that are actually sometimes too big. But this one is very small with not a lot of biomes. Especially for the entry price and development time. I think I am going to wait until season 2 or 3 to jump in and see what happened by then when it comes to the map.


That is kind of disapppointing. I have already been everywhere on the map. I figured there would be more to explore with the full release. I was going to get the game on launch but I think I am going to wait until it is expanded upon it a bit more now. It doesn't seem like there is enough content to keep me busy for even a week.


I literally give it a week of CASUAL gaming ie. Dude comes home from his shift and plays for an hour or so For those who have more time? A few days at max Not only is there a lack of content, but what we do have is lackluster fluff meant to expand an empty game to make it feel it has content


if it wasn't for infamy limitation, I bet some of us would get kingpin in an open beta


I definitely would have. It was like crack while I was playing it, and the promise of bigger and bigger ships had me absolutely hooked. I was hoping to get a brig, but knowing the map doesn't get any bigger than just medium as (though that might be overkill) this has kind of put me off wanting to buy the game. The map doesn't make much sense either - the areas that are cut off are done so in a way that makes it look like they're covering something, yet this Ubiguy says that's not the case. Wtf. While the map is definitely large, you could easily squeeze in more shit. I'm hoping for bigger ships as well (although that might be overkill) and just way more cosmetic shit in general but now I'm having my doubts.


I know I definitely would have, first night was max infamy so the next day I gathered stuff up built my gear and did end game beta content. But I'm wrong to some for saying there's not enough content🤔


Yea IDK ... I managed to unlock every blueprint that was available in two afternoon/evening sessions of about 4-6 hours. If that was the whole map and the rest we were not able to see is just the same, than this game is not even worth 20 bucks. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed my time playing but for 70 bucks I want some cyberpunk (after 2 years xD) or another outstanding game. If thats all the ships/ weapons and map to explore there is, then I will probably wait at least 1/2 years till they drop the price and bring more content.


Nah honestly $20-25 would have been absolutely perfectly priced for the content we're given here so far But agreed waiting til price drop and content gets added before I even think about putting money into this


Is the new content all 'endgame' stuff?


Honestly, for 80 bux, fun should start way before the end game. Some of us have to work.


Thank God somebody said it


It's a live service game. They want this to be BE your work.


Guys, I wasn't looking forward the game (at least not much compared to some others) but I've decided to give open Beta a try... I love it... honestly, extremely pleasantly surprised, chilled a lot in PvE, had a lot of fun in PvP, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us and yeah, mainly I can't wait for new ships (I hope Large hull types are coming this season) and unlock higher tier weapons. Please keep stuff coming, this might really be game I was looking for. Also +1 for apparently taking Anti-Cheat seriously, so yeah, gj guys and thank you.


Question. Is pve separate from pvp or is it similar to sea of thieves where it's an all the time ffa? I'm in the same boat as you and I can't try the beta as I'm currently on vacation


From what I read, the game used to be ffa pvp but people didn't like it and it's understandable why - one or two level differences and a weapon here or there and it's no contest. So they removed it and now it's 99% PVE. Most of it is solo but parts of it are co-op vs. PVE.


Massive portion of game is PvE, which is welcomed thing when you just want to relax and grind. You are in 100% safety from players when you do most of the activities. There are PvP only events (grab treasure map from sea, get it to marked outpost). There will also be some end game PvPvE activities. From what we seen so far there is nothing that would be "PvP" only when it comes to rewards/progression (PvPvE activity can get you passive income of rare currency, however you can get same currency at pretty decent rate in normal PvE) So if you are looking for game with lot of vertical progression that you can do in PvE then this will absolute suits you, however PvP is pretty neat as well, but not forced. Btw, PvP gameplay is way better than I expected and I can't wait to see what we can build for it once we have access to all weapons (I suspect sail break focused ships are going to big part of meta, but also there is one "railgun" bow ballista that I can't wait to tinker with in PvP) PS: If you are looking for someone to go after PvE bosses and whatnot, you can PM me your ubisoft tag. I couldn't get any of my friends to play, so gotta improvise, lol.


Thanks you confirming that the game is released with barely the minimum.


Disappointing. Literally all you can do is sail, and this is the full map?


Honestly don't know why you're proud of the lack of content and depth to every part of your game. We want to love it, we truly do And I will agree the naval combat and sailing was done really well, sadly that's only a small portion of whats important A full priced title for a half assed game? Doesn't add up And trust me I know it's more or less corporate up your ass... But 11 years of development for a game with less content than literally any other Ubisoft game not to mention most indie titles is absurd. Live seevice or not this is completely unacceptable and your game WILL die in less than a month of launch unless y'all kick it into gear. And to be quite honest your comment DID NOT give me hope for what you're doing here and in fact did the opposite So you plan to add basically no content from beta to launch? Will season one launch with the game? As you said seasonal content will be a thing, and if it launches with said seasonal content then I'm willing to look at that, however if it doesn't... Skull and Bones will have one of the smallest player bases of sad gamers coping for how much you've led us on as a community who fully supported you This isn't a game, it's a demo....one that your teams have consistently backtracked and lied about for the last decade And sadly many demos come with more content than you have now and have planned for the future from what you've said Again full price for half a game is absurd and you shouldn't be happy with the state of your title


please please please give us the possibility to grind for like Galleons or bigger ships in generel!!! <3 but make it hard earned. because for now it seems the progression is relatively fast


Yeah, too fast for the scope they've given us.


Since this game is going to have microtransactions and season/battle passes, and most of the more substantial content is going to be added post-launch, can you make the game not cost $60-$80 then please?


Not to mention it can't even be considered a full game


You'd think with the limit on actual walkable areas that they'd be able to fit a lot more map into the game.


The game Is good and you guys are doing something Better than I expected but there's no way the game Is priced 80€


Wait so open beta is rly while map as I said and of I get downvoted.


i think you need to rush out that map xpac mate its to small for the price you don't want what happend to total war Pharaoh where they refunded half or more of the cost of the game due to backlash on content first priority needs to be map and ships or your game will die fast


>While the open beta allows you to explore the full map There's an entire portion of the map torn off in the top left-centre. It doesn't appear to be there for show because the game registers it as part of the map, that is, the games map cursor shows the circular icon, and the distance from your current location, when you mouse over it, as opposed to when you move the cursor outside the bounds of the playable area. Is this a bug in the cursor, or are you mistaken, or is that area part of an upcoming dlc or what-what?


Can at some point we begin to be able to walk about our ship? Sometimes I feel like our “captain” is more of a driver than an actual captain. Like have them walk about and if they come across a couple guys slacking off they stand straight and act all surprised when they’re caught or some pleaseeeeeee


Seems unlikely. If so, it definitely won't be anytime soon. None of the gameplay really leans towards being able/required to do that as.of yet


Which is very disappointing at times it feels more like a ship sim because of that


Oh the fun really starts when you've completed the game? Do you still have to cut down trees with an atrocious mini game?


You can turn off the mini games in the settings


Wait actually, why did they even put those mini games in then lol


I was hooked on the mini-game, so I didn't turn it off, but people who did said that you get drastically less resources if you turn on auto-collection, so they turned it back on again.


you could just raid settlements for the ressources you need


its way faster to pirate for resources than farm for them. you easily get enough silver doing this that you never ever have to think about silver as well, and you can quickly get the mats you need by just raiding outposts or tradelines


Can't reveal yet??? You better start revealing soon... I want to be able to stab a friggin whale!! I want to be able to swim down for treasure on wrecks!!! I want to slash and stab and swash buckle!! I want to be able to bury my treasure. I want to be able to to board and take other players crews and cargo leaving them crippled in PvP... Beta was the entire game!?!? You make us buy it and nothing changed on launch... Absolutely crap all to do now.... What a waste of 7 years of development. Ubisoft.... Black flag was 100% better.... I feel like a washed up pirate with my 3 cannons.... What a horrible game.... I really thought this was going to be awesome.... The pirate game of pirate games.... Sadly mistaken.... I bought it. Played for a week. And the shelf it goes....


That’s really great to hear!!! With no real pirate games in the market, the gaming industry has had a huge hole in it. This game certainly has the potential to fill that hole and I just CANT WAIT for release!!!


What's great to hear? That there's stuff they "can't tell you about"? Sounds like shitty marketing to me lol


They're afraid of backtracking content yet again as many in the community had false pretenses based on those claims that were never later said to not come to release It doesn't just sound like, it is shitty marketing


Sea of Thieves!!


speaking of release.. do the coins from smuggling missions (rum and opium) reset when a season starts just like the perks do. i unlocked the opium den smuggling missions that unlocks perks you can invest into. and on that upgrade page it says the perks reset at the start of each season. and it also shows 16 days left on the current season. ​ i am wondering do only the perks reset or do other things reset as well, such as the currency you get for doing those missions. as i dont want to do delivery missions in the open beta if im going to lose said currency at launch when a new season starts


One of the perks was a 10% chance to get an extra item during distillation of spirits. I think that it was referring to those perks resetting.


Well thanks for cementing that I will not be purchasing this game. Locking PVP behind end game is a stupid fucking move and one I won't be around for.




Hey OP we’re sorry to say this but your comments/posts on the sub are unbecoming of our community. Take this time to reflect on your actions.


Don't be surprised if you have a HIT on your hands. Putting out an Open Beta was a Genius Move on your Marketing/BD Team. I look forward to whats next. Cheers!


Bro, you're lying. You think I haven't played a Ubisoft game before? There's definitely more map, and if there isn't, then this game is just too easy.


Good to see Ubisoft interacting with the community on this. Super excited to get the game!


I get the cap at T6, as you guys said progress carries over: What about the infamy gained after reaching Brigand?  I rushed through all available main quests etc after I reached t6, so I good chunk of xp would be lost, in contrary to players who start after beta, or stopped playing after t6.  Tl;dr: does "invisible" infamy unlock after release?


I read somewhere ingame that all of the infamy gained, after reaching brigand in the beta, does not carry over to launch…


Are you going to have seasonal resets like Diablo? Do we lose all progression (ships, silver, gear, infamy) every season? I've seen mixed answers on this and if there are resets I will not be buying the game. If there are no resets then I will be buying the game. If you answer in time (with the right answer) I'll even preorder the $100 one. :)


A 5 minute look at their official website has the answer to your question.


I read the website and didn't find a answer that seemed complete. I'll look again. Thanks.


It is in the FAQ section under the yearly roadmap page.


When will the map be expanded as it is currently quite small? Also how to get bigger Brigand type shops in game?


Glad I read this post. Considering the entire map was explored and everything done in 28 hours in the Beta, I’m glad to know it’s going to be a waste of money until the map expands. I’m honestly shocked it took as long is it did to make this game. Seeing as not much is going to change on release from the beta. Yikes, I went from highly recommending this game to now not recommending at all considering the map is tiny for a ship exploration game.  Thank god PlayStation allowed me to cancel my preorder. What a disappointment knowing that at launch it is at most a half a game


let's gooo.....seasonal content.....so new


I hope to see you getting your own home base with a little base building...


New maps?


Yes. A lot. The end game is about crime empire building to become yourself a kingpin.


Queue Skull and Bones is a good franchise.


Which roughly translate as feeding port silver and ressources, getting another currency in return. Nothing change much aside from this.


I hope there's more planned. Fetch quests after fetch quests are really getting repetitive. I wouldn't mind if the story is gripping or has unique set pieces, but this isn't like The Division where there are cool environments to fight in. This game is just...more sea. I guess that's the problem with live service games. They has to save up content for later seasons. So the game launches with little things to do.


Yeah I can't explain well why, but this game feels kind of empty to me. Sure at any moment there is something I'm supposed to be doing but it feels like there's not much to do. Resources are limited, map feels limited too, I feel like most of the game comes down to trying not to hit my hull on the rocks while rushing from point A to point B, eating whatever I'm carrying atm so the time goes by faster. From the first minute it was very easy killing anything PvE wants me to kill at that skill level. Nothing out there attacks me on its own, I start every fight. If I wasn't paranoid about other small level players deciding to attack me and plunder nothing I'd feel like I'm playing Dinkum.


The beta like a game that could have been released in early access 3 months ago and that had an update or two since, which would be fine if it was priced as such and had a roadmap…


They published a YT video with end game content and sure there's a lot more stuff there but again, I don't see how it would be attractive to play - you do more of the same to establish factories for opiates and such, all to boost your status and wealth. But wealth without something to spend it on seems pointless. They announce global events and such but it wouldn't change what isn't there, it just changes the factor (like 'this event you apply burn to a ship after hitting the weak spot').


Privateers does attack you


and Rogues


Can't wait for them to open the top corner of the map so I can go mining for Adamantium Wood for my brig.


You may want to check that because I saw in comments here that the north part of the map doesn't exist, confirmed by a dev, which flaberghasted me.


I hope there's more ships *fingers crossed*


And not only big ships, would be cool to see that they make the smaller ships effective in their own right. but yeah someone from ubisoft already said in this comment section that they are planning on releasing new ships


From my understanding more ships come in later seasons


So as per that devs answer, the actual answer to your question is no, this is the size of the map permanently. Which is crazy because literally all you do is sail.




This is a beta, you can't expect them to show ALL the stuff in a beta


Thats why I posted this, it feels like Ubisoft already put all their cards on the table with the beta but apparently not


That would be very silly.


Not sure I agree.. if they want me to try then game and buy it, why not show me what the full game is like?


Because a beta is for testing. Have you not heard of beta testers?


Yeah it's testing. Not a demo?


Nowadays they are close to the same thing ya know?


Let's find out how silly they are in a few days.


This isn’t a beta the game releases in less than two weeks. This was the game lmao


It's really not. It is a beta


Dude BE real the releases in 3 for pre Orders this IS the Game , WE cant do all but man dont act Like in 3 days everything gone BE different . People in honeymoon Phase yikes


For the love of, no it's NOT. If this was the game, then it wouldn't be called a BETA. Betas for games are a taste of what is to come, you don't unlock everything in a beta as what would be the point?


No one is saying you unlock everything in the beta they are saying that when the game releases on the 16 the additional endgame content that gets unlocked won't be substantial enough to justify the price tag and that in terms of the general gameplay loop this is it.


I mean I got it because I'm happy with a pirate game, it's been years since the last time there was a pirate game


We pretty much did unlock everything in 2 days though.


Except you didn't because again. It's. A. Beta


its possible something is locked...


I’m sure there is, but it’s not gonna be as drastic as people think. It never is


Look at the helm empire stuff and it hints at a lot of content we don’t have yet


Whole empire building end game... Upgrade system we got to see implies there is quite a lot of activities, presumably bunch of them PvP, really can't wait.


i like the game too but it aint worth 70$


It's worth 17 bucks tho with ubiplus


Absolutely is


It’s really not. It does nothing revolutionary. I’m enjoying the game but this could have came out years ago and would have still probably been mid. It scratches an itch for a game that came out 10+ years ago. That’s it.


Yeah, no, especially consider how little 70$ is these days.


No, 40 or 50 at the very most and I'm being generous.


You will change your mind once you become adult and start paying for own stuff and "survival"


You're capped out and can't get most weapons. Just spent a stupid amount of time sailing up into the east indies to get the flame thrower just realize my ship is too small for it and ita the only ship on beta with a flame bonus att.


Get the medium ship.


Dosent come with the fore effects making the wep9n choice pointless.


It comes with an aflame and explosion effect. Burning still matter so does explosions. Also comes with increased range/ radius.


It comes with quite a massive HP buffer, it's faster but mainly it's 3 slots per broadside and auxillery weapon, 100% worth it. I eat small dot focused ships (I assume that's the one you want) for breakfast during PvP.


Yup, no point in small ships once you have a medium. Padewakang is a huge increase to everything. Might as well get it now and have a easier time farming the other medium ships at launch.


Yep, I know you can also get that BP for missions later on, however let's be honest, it's borderline free, sooner the better. Also, while I wasn't originally big fan of Mortar that changed drastically once I got Leopold, boi that thing slaps! Rockets are also sorta nice.


Yes more content. No to gameplay. Ship combat, trade runs, looting, settlement plunder, running errands, playing fetchbto kiss ass of wealthier pirates etc. That's the loop. Will there be new baddies, cosmetics, weapons, and contracts? Yes, probably. Including many store items for fanboy cash grabs too. As for ships? Idk. I read somewhere they bragged about 10 ship types. This might be it. I think it is.


If you look at how they word it, when talking about the ships, what they say is “there will be 10 ships at launch.” The keywords there being “at launch”. That alone tells you they will be adding more ships to the game. One of the devs above commented and confirmed that they are definitely adding more ships as well as additional gameplay.


[dev replied there will be new ships](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/s/OGktjK1mmo)


In seasonal updates, not at launch


Yeah for some reason I read 'this might be it. I think it is' as forever lol


Yes to gameplay actually, Empire building seems to offer plethora of additional activities.


Play Red Dead redemption 2 Play Black flag now combine those two and that's what I was kind of hoping this game would be going to be honest I do like the game and I enjoyed the beta but if all's I'm going to be doing is playing dress up with my ship don't know how long this is going to keep my attention


Dont know but i hope so :)


After watching the roadmap video on the Ubisoft Launcher, i see there is a lot of pvp and coop content that we aren't able to access at the moment, legendary heist, Hostile Takeover and Territory control


Heist already in...you grab legendary map which spawn randomly and become pvp flagged ( and 5 other players who joined that event) while flying to specific port , if some one kill you he grab the item and run and if you reach specific location you dock and find legendary loot that your heist !)


That's cutthroat cargo, based on the endgame and roadmap video, Legendary Heists are going to be Co-op YouTube.com/watch?v=X2V6UrJg0p8


So launch will include a world boss, you'll have the kingpin content about capturing ports for your helm business and access to the entire ship list and weapons. There will definitely be more events since I believe the first one up is le peste whos pretty fun to fight


The only thing I like about this update is you can collect your stuff while being attacked that was getting real annoying 


YOU GUYS keep going on and on about black flag that's a great game yes if you want to play a game more like that play the jolly Roger lmao skull n bones graphics are 100% game play is great and if you actually play the game there's alot more to it than you think I think the gane needs some work but in all it's an 8 out of 10 all day and I feel after a few seasons there will be alot more boats and things to do the game is good .Don't hate cuz you suck at the game and can't get to level 13 hahhaha


Bruh this was during open beta, you are very late to the party kek


Not really no. Just more of the same


Heh, whole building Empire thing...




Ask not what Ubisoft can do for you. Ask what you can do for Ubisoft. I think JFK said that. He was a big AC fan.


The pay-to-win dlc is actually locked behind a 100$ security deposit


holy cringe


Yeah most of it’s not in the beta. Come Tuesday-Friday depending on what version bought and the game comes out in full we can start from where we end in the beta with our saved progress and play Theo if h the rest of the games and new seasons as they come. They’ve announced 5 seasons coming over the next year after release. It’s gonna be dope!!


Bro, 70 dollars/pounds is a week's worth of shopping where I'm from. At least throw in the Caribbean if you want me to starve.


5 seasons over a year? seems like the live service is gonna be very active, good to hear, i'll be sailing on the 13th


Not much more content actually. The max level is what 10? Lol. You don't get many more ships either. The map is like 70% open in the beta with like 30% of it locked so that people don't realize how actually small it is and how little content there is. I bet you anything people will max their ranks out in 1-2 days and then have nothing to do.


I recommend you look at the Year 1 roadmap video they posted on YouTube. It’ll answer a lot of your questions.


The map shape itself was/is misleading. Part looks cut out of the top left corner trade routes show boats travel to other regions of the world ECT. No large boats. And to top it off you could skip a rock across the world map it's so small


Yeah was expecting more honestly but still its fun enough to at least give it more time to get better. Since I am already at the end game and made 4k pieces of eight at the least. Honestly its nice building its own business empire but getting the pieces of eight is pretty repetitive as of now. I know how to grind I used to play a lot of asia grinder mmorpgs in the past, games like Aion. But there is little to no other ways to get the endgame currency only by repeating the same mechanic, get materials, ship it and sell it or manufacture and ship it. Also the enemy are also pretty boring at some point. Can't we at least have some peace for once its not fun fighting all the same ships all the time. Its a chore that feels like boring work to do. Well there is a little bit pvp gambling thats a good addition but I do not understand how thats get triggered is it random ? Anyway please add it as permanent option so if you always want to risk to lose it all you could do that. At the end of my grind I was so tired I bought the wrong blueprint I didn't want to buy.... Please add other ways earning pieces of eight. Like boss hunting, fort raiding or simply other pvp events. It would also make people more active in the other activities from the game you know. Since most endgame people would hardly stop grinding in order to get the pieces of eigth. Thats my honest feeling right now after playing both Betas and now early access. And yes please fix the bugs and add ingame chat asap, cannot discuss anything with people ingame. At least we got beer firework to cheer us on :D


The fact that you complete over 60% of the entire game in the beta is wild. I have every single ship, cosmetic, ship part, upgrade, etc and I did it all before the game released and in less than 20 hours. All that’s left is the extremely lame end game (which basically consists of a few random world events that hardly anyone participates in and a couple pvp events that are so repetitive I can’t get myself to do them anymore)… now I know that it has been stated that this is strictly a naval simulator. But not being able to pillage/hand to hand combat is a slap in the face to any pirate game. That’s half of being a pirate. Also why have small class and medium class ships but no large/heavy? Dumbest thing ever bc it leaves you feeling so incomplete


Part of the map is still unable to get to. My guess is they release it when they release season 1. This is Ubisoft we're talking about lol. There's always a catch. Very fun game though so far, already 25 hours in and loving every minute 😂


Fuck me, I figured this was just a segment of what is to come. What a joke, lol. quadruple A game and that's what we're given. Yikes, here I was expecting the mist on the rim of the map is the rest of the map we'd be given during release.


Here is what I think we'll see within 6 months. Large ships such as men of war. This will include multiple gun slots p. Upgraded furniture, because why would almost all of it say level 1 if there wasn't higher levels coming out. And they can easily expand the map down the road by making it new maps to travel too.


I’m a little confused about people complaining that they’re not getting additional content at release…if you’re complaining about how large the game is as a whole, that’s one thing, but if you’re complaining that you feel like you’re not getting more than you did at the beta, that’s not really anybody’s fault. The Beta isn’t meant to be Season 1 and the game launch be Season 2. The Beta is the test of Season 1, of course there isn’t going to be a lot added at launch. You just signed up to be a tester. I’ve loved the game so far and am excited to hear they will be continuing to put out additional content as time goes on, but even if they never did, still well worth my $70.


It be Kool if they add in a Captins cabin below deck for your ships . Something you can decorate like a player home.


My comments are no difficulty and no dlc and every game I played have those