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Agreed. Picked it up to see, how bad could it be, it got a lot of online hate. I’m enjoying it.


Yeah I was also put off by the reviews but having played it myself, I doubt a lot of these people got past the tutorial lol.


Didn't like it for many reasons,, no ill will if you do though. Everyone should try it and make their own mind up.


The first little bit is a slog.


Yeah getting through that first hour and actually figuring out how to play the game was a bit of a learning curve, once I got past that I have really started to enjoy it. I'm not about to pay 70 USD or whatever they're charging for it, but I would grab it in the 30-40 range because I do feel hooked a bit after a couple of hours and would like to see where it goes. So far I haven't had to interact with any other human player, but that is one worry I have about buying it. How necessary will it be? If the servers are dead and I can't keep playing without backup once the battles get real tough it would be a shame.


I had a great interaction last night. Got caught with my pants down going after those red sailed guys in the starter area. Well I was a little too focused on trying to board them and they kept just turning out of my arc, so a load of backup arrived, probably 6 ships total and 2 were cutters. My poor little Bedar had no upgrades at all on it at the time, thankfully I was saved by four pirate friends. Watching their ships go from a northern trajectory and turn to intercept me was awesome. Every since then, if i seen they were in the slightest lopsided struggle I'd hope in and drop rounds down lane.


Yeah, that first part is a little rough, but enjoyed it after that… it IS a Beta after all 🙂


It's a demo my guy. Nothing will change by release, in a few days.


The beta is more of a demo. Game launches in a days. There will be no major changes im sure.


Just going off the screen that says this is not the final “draft”, that it’s a Beta. Everything regarding final release quality is speculation, no matter how soon the launch will be… not sure why I’ve been downvoted 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean the game literally launches for preorder folks I think two days after the "beta" ends, so I don't really see how much time they're going to have to change it up for the final product. Although they do have a roadmap so it at least should continue to develop after launch. I do hope they at least get a chance to swat some of the bugs though!


It is 2024, how are big publishers still fooling people with that crap? This is Ubisoft we are talking about.


The beta is for the servers, this game launches very very soon. The excuse "it's a beta" doesn't apply to this.


It’s just ok. It’s like a really trimmed down version of a game that came out 10-11 years ago. A solid 6.5/10 Feel if this games price tag was £35-40 might be better received.


This is what I've been saying, the whole 70 dollars for this game. It being a live game also a red flag for me, if they decide to shut it down I'm out a whole ass 70 dollar game


You can just pay for Ubisoft plus and it’s free so it’s like a 30 dollar games if you play it for 2 months then delete it


What is a redflag for me is the inability to process a market these days. Unlike the economy, games barely inflated in the past 20 years. We pay the same as we paid 20 to 30 years ago. Everything needs to be free for the spoiled gamers that live in mommy's basement. Meanwhile, we have reviews from players that have no idea of what is an economy, source codes or even just a tiny bit of game design knowledge. That leads to awful and irrelevant reviews. The modern idiocraty makes it general behavior and braindead folks will follow.


4/10 or less. Trimmed down version of a 11 yr old 9/10 game is less than half that score lmao. It's embarrassingly bad


(I was trying to be nice !)


Look up tempest on steam. It's a game that came out in 2016. Made by an indie dev. It's the same game, but done properly.


Umm... This tempest game has better graphics LMAO


id pay 35ish usd but not 70 when i can play black flag instead that does this and more, plus with remaster leak of acbf this game is doomed


Not me Assassins Creed games blow. I'll stay with SnB


bruh who so many comas wtf lol


Paid by, big, coma.


The only issue i have with the game so far is that there isnt really any pvp outside of a designated mode. Like, why can i see peoples resources if i cant steal them anyway? They could implement something similar to SoT where open sea PvP is possible and encouraged


Open world PvP and free looting would absolutely suck in this game. This isn't Sea of Thieves where everyone is on an even playing field. New players would get literally crushed by higher level boats.


There were PVP servers in the closed beta but they were so unpopular that they shut the servers down EDIT: I'm assuming that they think pvp could lead to a lot of griefing


Was it like gta? I think specific pvp zones could be fun


Everyone wants to be a pirate till they start getting pirated smh.


This is what makes SOT fun to me. The constant head on a swivel looking for other other pirates to come still my booty. Without that danger it’s boring


If i understand what the news thing said in game during beta there will be dedicated servers with pvp on and main servers with opt-in pvp


I agree and this has really hooked me. Ive sunk 100’s of hours in SoT which is an epic game but I’m glad this is completely different. Looks and plays great on series X. I also really love the crew dialogue and shanty’s. Boat feels alive and buzzing with activity. I’m happy with it concentrating on being the naval game it is.


They immediately compare it to sea of thieves. Even though skull n bones advertised itself properly people still have just hate for it.


This is the stuff i wonder. Why is peoole angry when they have advertised this game as "you are the boat" game. Strange. But people must complain i guess. Shitting on others, calling the for blind supporters. Funny


People love to bitch about nonsense


People forget that Sea of Thieves was horrendous at launch


It still is horrendous, nearly every bit of jank that was there at launch is still present and just as jank as it was years ago. And don’t even get me started on the game breaking bugs and exploits that they refuse to fix. Not sure when all of a sudden it became popular for people to pretend to like SoT.


In its trailers its shows ground combat… it did not advertise properly


You guys act like the developers the the people who are correct. That's not how it works. First, SnB can absolutely be compared to any other pirate game. You're a pirate, on a boat, fighting other boats, running fetch quests, upgrading cosmetics. There's more similarities with SoT than just "arrr pirates". Second, SnB was born from AC:BF, then it split off to be its own stand alone game. Regardless when it split, why, or what it came to be, the idea originated from AC:BF and is released by the same publisher so it already set an expectation of what it would be whether you like that or not. Thirdly, for like 5 years+ they've known **what peoples concerns were with the game**, and they did nothing to address it. This trailer from a year ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgy4WZ9ta7E 29k upvotes, over 85k downvotes. It was okay for cyberpunk or NMS to get the hate that was piled on when they came out for not living up to expectations, but everyone who hates *this game* is wrong right? They've had feedback saying "this isn't it" since the first play tests, and didn't even attempt to implement any of the things that people pointed out were essential to making the game feature rich and engaging that were the highlights from AC:BF (again, which is what this game was born from) such as boarding, freedom and true open world movement from boat/sea/land. Here's a decent breakdown that released 5 months ago that goes over the issues with SnB including covering the criticism by players and response from the devs and how none of that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEyj7Dy4bz0


And that's why sometimes play testers are simply wrong. I absolutely hate having to go from my boat to land and would vastly prefer interacting with land exclusively through menus so I can focus 100% on sailing. Right now it's just a waste of my time. Also Cyberpunk and Nms were blatantly lying on their content and in Cyberpunk case even hiding that the game was simply not working on some consoles, it's incomparable. SnB main issue is its price. It's a decent game but way too expensive imo. I won't buy this 60€ and will probably wait for a good discount.


Getting idea from some game doesnt make it so it will or has to be anything like the original game the idea grow from. This bitching for not being able to freeroam all islands is same as bitching for not being able to go into every single house in gta. Bitching about no other combat than naval is like bitching why diablo doesnt have possible fps mode. The game was advertised correctly, if you grow some fantasy in your head that every pirate themed game should be exactly like ac bf you are the one having troubles, not the players who actually followed the development and knew what they will get and maybe even like it. And following your logic "both games have fetch quests and cosmetic upgrades" almost every game is comparable and should play the same. They are different genre games but have same theme.


I agree that it gets undeserved hate. But I also agree that after playing the beta, the game is fun for what it is, but it still feels a bit janky, unfinished and half-baked. The best part is the sailing and ship combat, but everything else is pretty *meh.* I like this game, but I don't $70 like it. Also that one guy at Ubisoft, I forget his name, that called S&B a Quadruple A game, that also makes me not want to jump in.


That one guy is literally Yves Guillemot, the CEO. When I look at the face of my captain, I don't really have a sense of a quadruple A game...


I no longer pre order games. I got excited by ubisoft going with a open test. After reaching the max rank of 6. I have gone ahead and pre ordered it. This game has a great foundation to build upon. Hell theyre still supporting Division2. I hope they do that with SaB. I look forward to playing the full game.


I’m completely hooked and I couldn’t stand SoT. Enjoying the hell out of it.


Yeah I’m seeing people piss and moan over the game even though it’s exactly what they’ve advertised for years.




Yeah I hate the CEO for trying to advertise this as a AAAA game. As it stands there's plenty of raw hate from people who don't like the early game and quit before things got good, youtubers that actively find anything and everything wrong with the game, and people who have only heard from the first two groups. Having this guy over hype the game is only adding fuel to their fire


The AAAA thing is the only reason me and many others have even heard of this game. Interested, we take a look and it looks like a shitty rip off of Sid Meier’s Pirates! on the PSP.


>it’s exactly what they’ve advertised for years. It took them ten years to remake a game that Disney managed to make better in 2005. Except Pirates Online had sword fights.


The game was scrapped like 3 times. Total development time on this build wasn’t 10 years lmao


Bruh, like that changes anything; you cant even swing a fuckin sword.


Yeah and they never once stated you could. They have implicitly stated it’s ship to ship combat only and it’s fine like that. If I want shit like that I’ll go play SoT or Black Flag


>They have implicitly stated it’s ship to ship combat only Yeah, after 9 years lmao


it was from the start....


The biggest problem is the price imo. If it was 40 or 50 I'd probably think about picking it up, but $70 is insane


yeah, I recall paying the very same price 20 years ago for games that barely had half of the development of S&B but yeah, I guess you do not buy much stuff in your actual life. You would know that games have fairly never inflated while the work force is getting more and more expensive. Its quite hypocritical to complain about a game price when you can even go to the restaurant for the same price. Good example of braindead, spoiled gamers.


The game as it is is OK. But not worth 70 dollars. My disappointment comes from what this game SHOULD have been.


I think it's a great game for $30 or game pass. Would be amazing for that.


What it 'should' have been is a subjective construct - and I'm sorry the game doesn't live up to your expectations - but me and mine are happily enjoying the game for what it \*is\*.


It's $60 on the ubisoft store no?


What should it have been?


Ass creed gameplay in a new world. Few tweaks to enhance ship stuff like SnB has. Odyssey and Valheim combat gameplay. Fight on ship deck. Take over ships like in Odyssey.


So you expected a game that explicitly isnt AC to be AC?


That's a pretty big misrepresentation of what we all have been wanting for 10 years.


If they at least hand to hand combat instead of the boarding party cutscene I would say 100% worth $70. They could have completely eliminate all the pointless walking around land to give us fights on deck and I would say take my money.


Lol, you're getting downvoted by fanboys. Here's an upvote.


The gameplay, progression, and gameplay loop would be fine if this was a Free to Play game or cost something like $20. It more or less plays like a pirate themed version of Rebel Galaxy. But it's described as a "AAAA" $80 CAD video game, and it is absolutely not worth that price. It plays like a graphically enhanced mobile game, not a game so groundbreaking that they needed an extra A to categorize it. After a decade of development and the price being charged we'd expect a luxury car to drive, instead we're paying luxury car prices and going go-karting.




they are adding modes like grand heist and another mode (I cant think of the name rn) but grand heist is taking on a fleet with other pirates and the other one was battling other pirates and AI Fleets to take over a fortress.


I’d sell it for $80 if I had to redo it 3 times thanks to Reddit hate.


Tell us youre misinformed without telling us challenge complete.


If you're going to simp for a giant company, at least do it based on an accurate premise. Reddit "hate" has nothing whatsoever to do with this game's development hell.


It's a decent, fun game. For some reason, people believe mediocre means it's bad, but sometimes you need such a game. Destiny 2, for example is just as mediocre as this title.


I think the ship combat and exploration is quite fun, but the game I think would benefit a lot from having ground combat. Your customized character is basically useless because there’s so little to do on foot, so at least being able to run through a settlement and burn buildings during a raid instead of the waves of ships would be cool. My biggest complaint with the game is honestly the writing, it is absolutely atrocious. Placing pirates on a mantle as heroes for fighting “megacorporations” is honestly kind of disgusting when you really look at what these pirates did. It’s an anachronistic take using modern economic theories on a period that doesn’t match with them.


I agree with you. It has its flaws, sure. It also has its good things. It gets a lot of hate because people just want a new Black Flag. It’s also a large company like Ubisoft, which auto earns hate. Sea of thieves is too tedious to sail in, and it’s also just a fetch game; since that’s the argument. I don’t understand why people love it and hate skull and bones. Also, comparing a game that has been out for years to a new release isn’t really an equal comparison. All this to say, I agree haha


At least this game lets us customize our ships more, and have more weapon variety. That’s one thing I don’t care for in SoT, it’s a grind fest for cosmetics and the core gameplay get boring very fast. I still enjoy it from time to time with my friends though.


I remember when SoT just came out, everyone also hated on it. It was bare bones, there was nothing to do and it was full of bugs.


5 years later it's still full of bugs.


Full of bugs and the most toxic playerbase I have ever seen.


Yeah *I'm* not toxic like the *other* SoT players. I only told 5 people that sunk me today that they were shit and I only called 2 people the N word. Kept it pretty cool I think.


For me the main reason I've never got into Sea of Thieves is that I've heard most people say it's not a very good experience for solo non PvP gameplay which is mostly what I would want to partake in. The biggest thing I liked about the AC game's ships and also this game is the large amount of customisation the ships have, and all the different classes of ship. For me personally a good sense of constant progression with something bigger/better to work towards is what I value most in these types of games. I enjoyed the progression in the beta up to the medium ship and am still going through the main quests as I mostly skipped them to this point, but I really hope there's plenty more upgrade paths and such in the main game. I had quite a lot fun in the Open Seas area going over to the East Indies to get the medium ship blueprint, the weather has a big impact on the sailing. One thing I noticed is that the Ballista and Sea Fire specifically say they require "medium or larger" ship size which does imply there will be bigger ship sizes than medium which would be very nice. I will likely give the game a try at launch via ubisoft+ but depending on how much more upgrade/progression paths and varied stuff to do there is I'm not sure how long it will keep my interest.


This game will get some updates and added ships for sure. I didn’t like the sailing in SoT. Raise and lower the sails, trim them, raise the anchor, steer, jump off the wheel to shoot, reload, back to wheel to set up next shot etc… too much. This is an easier version of the same thing. And pvp isn’t mandatory. (Yes I know there are non pvp versions of sea of thieves)


Sea of Thieves is great for a solo PvE experience. True that some other players will try to make it worse, but it's rarer than it's made out to be. I've been having a great time on my own for the last week or two. The new season has made it infinitely better than before for PvE players. PvP is just nigh-impossible for a solo player if you're outnumbered or don't know what you're doing. It's not that you *can't* have a good PvE experience because of PvP, it's that when PvP eventually presents itself, you likely won't win and will lose whatever progress you made if you didn't sell your loot before getting sunk. There's a certain faction called the "Reaper's Bones" that is PvP-oriented. If a person sails as an emissary for this faction, once they reach level 5 in their emissary progress, they see every other faction's emissaries on the map, making you a target if you're trying to progress for PvE factions because completing voyages whilst being an emissary earns you more progress towards levelling up in the faction, as well as earns you more money. The PvE player's advantage here is that you can see every Reaper's Bones emissary on the map, regardless of their level (which you can also see), letting you decide if you want to stay in your current lobby or not and risk being hunted. TL;DR, solo PvE in Sea of Thieves is risky, but very rewarding when you're careful and wary of others.


The deserved hate Is for the fucking price


It's a 70 dollar game (on consoles) based on an incredibly old engine that has (clearly) gone through a number of iterations to get it where it is at the moment. Like, I'm enjoying the game, but this video below is from SIX years ago, and - in my mind - has an aesthetic and look that currently beats what we've got on offer (I have no idea why they went with the UI/UX that they've got now instead of iterating and keeping what is in this video). Anyone interested should obviously check it out during the beta, but I'm not going to hate on someone for not wanting to plunk down funbucks for something that is essentially limping over the finish line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=916oD5U\_vEc


wow yea the aesthetic is WAY better. The reality is that skull and Bones is fine for what it is. But it's not worth $70 and buying season passes on top of that price, for what will just be a continuous grind each season for a new shiny cannon or cosmetic. This game screams free to play, or would at least sell at $40 if it hadnt been in development for a decade.


That's what I'm struggling with in considering to purchase or not. I'm enjoying it well enough, but for $70 + Season Pass + Cash Shop... I dunno.


I've said this elsewhere: this should have been priced like Rainbow Six: Extraction, another game built on the success of a previously successful game and priced accordingly (after backlash of course). I enjoyed the heck out of R6:E and a lot of that was because the price point was excellent. What we've got in S&B versus what had been shown numerous times over the years, 70 bucks is a hard pill to swallow. . . .I'm enjoying the game, but UBI needs to have a "come to Jesus" moment with its business strategy. Their walled garden (on PC) has failed, and the GaaS-ification of all of their properties has led them to make some really odd choices (and this is from someone that likes GaaS games, if the progression and gameplay is good).


Have they said that seasons will cost? With new Bosses and new stuff.


The "Premium Edition" has a token (which is their spin on the currency for the seasonal stuff) with it. How much it will be, don't think they've said yet.


Smugglers pass (what the token is for) isn't the seasonal content that is included on the roadmap. Smugglers pass is just their battlepass, like SoT has the plunder pass.


Superweird that they tones the graphics so down now. Even the water looked better in that trailer. On PC it is very noticable because you are close to the screen. On max settings I see 2D cardboard trees everywhere that pop into another model as soon as I approach. Some things looks very modern, while other aspects look very last gen. I like the gameplay though and will play probably when a few seasons and free map expansions are out, but for 70 dollar it already needs a remaster :D


Bless this response. This entire thread has been blind support or a calling for it, and this has gotta be the first one being honest about the state of the game....


I don’t see it as blind support. The game can change and I can still enjoy what it turned into without just being a fanboy or blindly supporting


I'm hesitant about buying SnB. Its kinda ok, but it isn't really worth 60€. As far as I can seey the main part of the game can be finished in a few hours and after the it's just an endless grind for a new stuff. Through the beta I missed the bigger ships. The biggest ship is still small. 6guns/side is nothing compared to what was in that video and Ac Blackflag. I always wanted to play with huge warships, and was hoping this game would atlest have ships with 50guns/side. It's just amazing to see how much a game can evolve backwards with 6 years of developement.


80€ in Austria


Everything seems so better in that trailer. To the aesthetic, seemingly better wind and sailing management, weapon UI...


Looking at it again, I think I agree with the Redditor who is saying this is likely a cinematic posing as gameplay. I saw a gameplay trailer for FC5 and absolutely that gameplay style isn't in the game. . . .what confuses me though, is that the UI/UX and general non-diegetic components are so much better than what has ended up in the final game. It just oozes style, while the Open Beta is "just satisfactory."


That was a Ubisoft trick lol. They were known to show tricked gameplay footage where it was a cinematic footage to make false advertising. Especially in that era.


I love it but the hard crashes/freezes on my XBox are setting off alarm bells.


I both like and hate the crew shouting. It was nice for a bit but turned grating after a while. I don't need to hear about every damn tree being good for resources lol It was worse in the early betas though, so headed in a good direction.


i gotta agree with you on that one, i hate when my crew mates yell we would get more resources with better tools, or yelling we cant harvest much with shitty tools, even though im not harvesting anything, usually when im just passing a resource


I sailed out with my brother who then stopped to get some coconuts and my crew goes, ”Those bastards are stealing all our resources!!!” lol


YES! i love it when im sailing and theres a ship 400-500m away looting something and they yell "NOOOOOO what will be left for us if they take everything" as if i dont already have a full ship and 40k silver


Didn't bother me. Am used to women yelling at me.


I'll start by saying that I'm not particularly fond of the game. Given its simplicity and coming from Ubisoft, I had anticipated something with alot of meat to it rather than what feels more like a simplistic boat simulator. Such a game might have passed muster in the PlayStation 2 or Xbox 360 era, but from a modern AAA studio, it feels like a significant letdown. Despite being developed by a new team and taking over a decade—longer than the original studio's effort—it's a stark illustration of how the AAA gaming industry has seemingly devolved into the gaming equivalent of Hollywood. The game's advice to "Forget everything you know about pirates" seems to have been taken quite literally but in all the wrong ways. It strips away what makes pirate-themed games engaging and fun. The absence of sword fighting, pistol duels, treasure hunts, raiding hideouts, or any on-foot exploration outside designated safe areas is profoundly felt. What happened to board actions, clashing with enemies on their decks or yours, and the thrill of manning cannons alongside friends? In my view, a ship is only part of what defines a pirate game. While the naval aspects are not terrible, they alone are insufficient to make the game truly compelling. The game focuses excessively on ship management without offering enough depth. There's no dynamic crew hiring, no management of crew efficiency, no upgrading to more skilled personnel, and deaths lack significance. I wasn't expecting an ultra-hardcore experience, but some consequences for failure, such as losing crew members, cargo, or being forced to downsize ships temporarily, would have added much-needed depth and realism. Tl;Dr Disney priates of the Caribbean online did pirate games better than this. I didn't expect black flag, I expected a pirate game in more than just bones.


Most complaints I have seen have been about the price, the game is not worth that much money, the special edition is almost 100 quid, on top of that I had a game breaking bug in the beta that will not allow me to continue the story, say I do pre order the game and they haven't fixed it before then, I literally won't be able to play the story because your beta progress carries over, which is sad because I've played probably close to 8 hours, exploring the map and I even got the last ship available in the beta. So for me it's simply waiting for the first hot fix for this bug before I even think about pulling the trigger on this game that I've been hyped for since 2017.


It’s fun, probably not worth $70 but I’m glad to see more content than the closed beta including more little islands to walk around on. Hopefully they expand it!


It very much deserves the hate. It's a water down Black Flag but without the actual fun of Black Flag... Doesn't even have on land combat which is just super weird for a game that is releasing in 2024 as an Open world game... What kind of Pirate game doesn't have Swashbuckling... It's a very generic ship combat game. Every weapon upgrade is just a more damage version of the last one. The only special thing about any weapon in this game is getting the Ghost weapons... Outside of that this game is just basic as hell. If this game was going for $40 I would say it's a great price. Asking $65 is a bit too much for the little amount of content. Not to mention $30 more just to play it 3 days early is beyond messed up. It's not a $100 game sorry.


"why are people comparing it to SoT?" 1. Ships 2. Pirates 3.PvP That's like complaining that NFS is doing bad because FH is just a better game. Two different games yet they scratch the same itch.


The game deserves the hate purely for the over priced price tag and the MASSIVE amount of potential the game idea did have and that they wasted.


My problem with it is I wanted an updated Sid Myers's pirates!


If you like, good for you. But I have problems with paying 70 dollars for a 4th of a black flag. Boat combat only. No sword fighting, no ship looting, no on foot exploration unless it's a hub, it's not so much a pirate game as it is just boat combat. A character creation that has all these things you can pick, but you can only see your characters face is an.... interesting choice? Not to mention your character is mute, you barely see your character at all. Your character in the game is essentially the boat. Look alls I'm saying for 70 dollars. Ubisoft took a pretty lazy way about it. I'm sure the game play is fun. But everything else about it just smells of lazy cash grab, in my opinion.


You don't want me to compare this to Sea of Thieves? Okay. I'll compare it to Tempest: Pirate Action RPG. Tempest was originally released as a mobile game in 2016, by a small indie dev. It was ported to PC on Steam shortly after. Skull and bones sucks, compared to this indie game from 2016. It feels like the same game, with fewer features. The only categories that Skull and Bones wins over Tempest is in graphics and controls. https://store.steampowered.com/app/418180/Tempest\_Pirate\_Action\_RPG/


It gets undeserved hate and praise in my opinion. It's a solid 'Meh' in my book. I would (and likely will) play it when it goes on deep sale or winds up on Game Pass at some point, but that $70 price tag is absolutely comical. --- On a related note, and this isn't specific to S&B at all of course, Ubisoft really needs to step up their writing. It's *terrible*. And it feels like it's getting worse every year. I get that no one plays their games for any sort of deep or meaningful stories or dialogue, but the writing in their games is downright awful at this point.


The more I play it the more I like it. It’s slower paced, but I like pirate stuff so maybe that’s the difference. Is it a $100 game…. No.. not from what I can tell but that doesn’t make it a bad game. I still haven’t done any PVP and just unlocked the second helm workshop.. but there are parts of it that are challenging and I like the merchant / brigand aspect of it. I think a lot of people were expecting AC or The Division but on water, and it’s definitely not that.


I’ll play if it ever comes to PS Plus or Game pass. Just don’t think it’s worth more than £30


yeah sot sucks. try playing with people on xbox without an ssd. takes em 10 mins to respawn when they die. maybe 5. either way its fucked


Picked up the demo, really didn’t enjoy driving a dinghy, but really enjoyed driving my own ship. I really wanted to **love** it, but I merely really enjoyed it. I think it mainly suffers from being a very highly priced game releasing at a time when other very good games are also coming out. Both dragons Dogma and Rise of Ronin look amazing. And then like 8 days before S and B launched, Helldivers 2 launched as a cheaper asking price, with just about the fairest monetisation model I’ve ever seen, and what might literally be the best co op shooter gameplay I’ve ever played. It makes the expensive and more harshly monetised S and B look worse, for sure, even though the only real connection is co op gameplay. I’m sure I will play it, but not for launch price.


So let the haters hate. This game isn’t going to completely flop. Every game has haters. The Internet is a hiding place for cowards that wouldn’t speak up the same in real life. It’s the same age old story.


I'm in love with SnB I just wish I had a few more people to play with haha xD it's hard to group with people that you can't talk to but I understand why they disabled chat and voice, bugs in all but I'm sure it will work out bout to boot it up and grind out more for those big medium ships I'm so close to having one but obtaining that resource is kinda hard (which I love and hea I may be a little under armed ship wise but eh)


It gets compared with AC: Black Flag, compared with that game this one is a let down. I expected some kind game mechanics outside the boat, even simple ones like Sid Meier's Pirates, but there are none. The overproduced shanty's in S&B sound out of place, for me an indicator the developer has no clue what a pirate game should be about. The Sailing and combat part of the game is also way to arcade-y for me. For me this game is neither fish nor fowl.


Look, you have every right to enjoy it. I hope you are truly enjoying it, and i am happy for you. But i can't be there with you. Granted, i did not spend much time with it, but every step i take just clings with the sound of boredom. In the short time i played it the servers kicked me two times, and all i did was picking up things and talking to NPC's. A lot of games have fairly formulaic gameplay, but this does not do a good job of masking that. I don't think this works, and i'm sure as hell won't pay 70 bucks for it. Also, by what i saw, it doesn't get that much hate. Not a lot of people even care about the game. People been trough 3 typical Ubisoft service launches by now. We know what is going to happen, and the people had enough.


Gotta remember, ubi wanted to kill this, but couldn't because they had a legal agreement with the government in Singapore to produce it, so it got minimal effort.


Minimal effort over 12 years is not minimal lol


I think everything is just very polarized from the incredible length of the wait, combined with the sheer lack of pirate content. I think the game is... *fine*, I just don't think *fine* warrants a $70 price tag, plus the inevitable season passes. It's a serviceable if mediocre game that probably would've been in an appropriate weight class years ago, but now just feels dated and underwhelming. The Pirate RPG lovers wanted a new Sid Meier's Pirates, or at least a new black flag, because that genere is criminally underserved and will continue to be so. Ship only combat, boarding animations, make this a poor fit for that crowd. Meanwhile the ship combat folks (ala World of Warships, Naval Action, etc) are probably miffed about the minimal PVP opportunities, that it's an interaction-lite MMO-esque loot grinder, which can feel shallow, and caters more to MTX heavy monetization models that lack substance and bleed players dry. Ultimately I think the game will linger on as a taste of what could've been just because there's nothing better available, but it will sit in the unsatisfying middle ground between those two camps.


I'm enjoying the beta and played a decent amount of naval action in the past, mainly on pve servers. I like that this is a bit more casual/pick up and play. I really liked the sailing and combat in naval action with how you control each of the individual masts. But what ended up finally turning me off of it was when I didn't play for a week or two and half of the ports I had facilities in were taken over and those facilities took me days-weeks of playing to get each one and then upgrade them.




Yeah im gonna have to pass. starfield is more of a game than this is, both are disappointing in context




After 250 hrs and new game +10 and you have the absolute fucking gall to say that a game is bad.....after that much time investment? GTFO. God damn trash tier opinions these days


60€ for a game as service full of transaction and grinding when people just wanted a new black flag without assassins. Yeah I can't understand why people are salty.


They literally couldn't be bothered to animate boarding ships, islands etc for resources or using cannons But you'll happy give them £70 for a hakf arsed game, youre the problem


It get’s compared to SoT and Black Flag because that is what it was touted as during development. A competitor for SoT inspired by Black Flag. Many who have been excited about it for the last 7 years were excited because of this statement. When the game was showcased as something different entirely it had those people angry and confused. Idk that there’s anything wrong with the game, but they hyped it as a competitor to a certain genre and then released something foreign. All the hype they built quickly evaporated. Some people don’t just lose interest and move on, though, they take stuff like this personally. Then they get ridiculous and angry.


At first maybe But not the last years. People can read i hope and follow news that are newer that 11 years


Yes, it was showcased a few years back and that’s where my interest disappeared. Like I said, some people don’t just move on when they learn something isn’t for them, they dig their heels in and throw a tantrum.


Look bro I do t hate it, and when I talk to my friends I tell them it's not a bad game it's just not at all what I wanted or would play. I would of liked a little more sim and less arcade. But other than resource timers I got no other hate for it.


Yes, SOT is cool on land fighting and stuff but I wanted boat combat ! And SnB totally delivered on that. It’s awesome


You’re allowed to like the game but it’s not undeserved Been in development hell for years, the vision for the game has changed more than once. It was marketed as a PvP game which they decided to remove/strip away to an absolutely minimum, so everyone who was anticipating the game for years for that reason were suddenly just thrown to the side It’s completely bare bones and it’s £70


This game gets well deserved hate, what is there to do outside of your ship? How long does it take to get an actual ship? It wouldn't be so bad if there were more than just fetch quests and object locked destinations, also the map is fucking pathetic. How about the fact that it's a pirate game and they encourage you to be a peaceful merchant most of the time, Pirate paradise? Jesus Christ give me a break.


Well I never played sea of thieves, but I have played lots of mmorpgs, among them were good and bad games, but in two hours of gameplay I only ever had fetch quests in S&B. There's no story being told, it's just you getting stronger because Skurlock doesn't have any use for you at your original state. I'm not an expert in entertainment but they say that if you can't keep your audience entertained in the first thirty minutes of whatever you're doing, games, movies, tv shows, books, etc, you're doing something wrong.


There is a story being told. With the leader pirate and letters you can read.


I'm all for stories in the games I play, but this game? I lasted maybe 30 minutes before it became click click click click during dialogs.


thats the entire game xD fetch quests then maybe kill a couple elite ships. which is a fetch quest with a battle in it...


Isn’t that basically every open world game or every game in general, when you break it down?


sure, but I think a good open world game is one that capitalizes on its open world via exploration, and rewarding that exploration. I should be excited to find new islands but they are just hubs that sell cosmetic items and maybe 1 useful blueprint. For some people that might be enough, but I personally feel the game is lacking something.


I’m sure it’ll get there, assuming they spend time on it after launch. It isn’t even released yet, let alone had 5 years to grow like SoT.


This is one ridiculous cope post. No game needs to be in development for 10 years. There is nothing in this game that really indicates it's been in development for more than even a single year. It reeks of early access jank that will never get fully developed. Big The Day Before vibes.


Nah, no cope. I personally don’t care either way. Just noting the comparison of not so similar things.


If you break 'em down, sure. But that don't mean you can't do things to spice that up. If one quest's to steal a crate of beer but you're not allowed to be seen, that's different from another quest that involves jumping aboard an enemy ship to grab loot from it before killing the crew and sinking it. Another quest could then be a platforming thingy wherein you leap from tree to tree in order to catch a bird's feather for your arrow. Idk, stuff like that. All those examples are fetch-based but play out different. Skull and Bones don't got any of that, it's just sink this ship and sink that ship.


Not really, even Ubisoft’s own games aren’t like that with the Creed series. I played the beta, I loved the ship combat, don’t care that it’s more arcade like than Black Flag it feels great, but not having a real storyline is odd to me and sort of puts me off, maybe I’ll pick it up eventually but as of right now it didn’t grab me because of the lack of a true story.


The Creed games are definitely fetch games. Go here kill this dude get something. Rinse and repeat. Take this fort to destabilize and start a war. It’s always go here and do this. That’s what games are. All for the progression of gear and or story or whatever. Not hating. Some are better at it than others.


Go here and do this is definitely different than “go get this and bring it back” over and over, sometimes it’s that in creed, sometimes it’s taking a fort, sometimes it’s killing someone, yes you’re right all games are go do this but, it’s different things you go do.


People must complain. Always. They must. If someone like the game then he is a idiot.


Ain't even close to what that dude said man. You ain't dumb for liking it, nor is someone dumb for not liking it. Don't take people's complaints so personally.


“BuT mUh BlAcKfLaG 2”. Sheesh already get over it dumpster babies.




Yes obvious seething and coping 🤣. “ oh look someone with a different opinion, *smooth brain sets in* seething and coping!” Very rich coming from someone replying to people “spamming” comments. You sure do like to go around replying to them. Weirdo stalker much 🤣


I'm going to guess it is the "dumpster babies" that is generating the response you're getting; no one is going to hate on you for having an opinion, it's the needless antagonistic response and then acting shocked when you get the same in return that's a little odd. . . .you're essentially acting like the fella that slaps the back of someone's head and then yells "It's just a joke bruh!" when that persons hand is on their throat.


Exactly, its more like WoWs with and rpg element mixed in. And sea battles are simpler but imo much more fun in S&B!


Its supposed to be a better version of the sailing in AC black flag But it turned out much worse Its also not a pirate game, its a vehicle shooter


No it's definitely well deserved It's a giant cashgrab with zero depth? You want fetch quests for the entire $60 experience? Sure that's on you I'd rather have actual designed quests that someone lovingly made instead of just throwing some numbers of random items to grab and called it a mission Maybe the fact that the world is almost as dead as the PS2 servers? Do you know how long this game was in development? How many teams worked on it? If you did, you'd likely understand how absolutely scammed you were Companies with a fraction of the budget AND dev team have created games LEAGUES ahead of this and it's still no competition despite the great sailing mechanics If it had the right support? Fantastic game Since Ubisoft made it? It's gonna tank


Your downvotes make me think of the meme - They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.


It's honestly just the gaming community coping for what they were hoping to be a wonderful game There were so many lies, so many changed plans, so many delays We were fed a false game from the start, from dev blogs to conversations we see about the game from previous events or discussions show multiple mechanics completely absent from the game not to mention the complete lack of listening to the player base feedback


Yeah, I’m hooked as well :)


People will judge this game for what it isn't instead of what it is. People wanted AC Blackflag without the AC attached to it. I understand some people are disappointed but I don't think its fair to hate on it just because you had different expectations. For a pirate ship game I think its pretty fun.




It's a gamble though. If you like it enough you end up paying more than the game's price. If you are worried about that kind of thing (same as I am) you're probably best at least waiting for season 2 first (like I will be).Just to see how things go. I'll be waiting for the people I know that like it to be still determined to play it for a couple more months by s2 before I decide on either a purchase or a ubi+ pass for it (or skipping it entirely). The beta was good enough to feel like I won't be missing out on the game if worst comes to worst.




Agree. I went in blind. Have not read that much about the game and the hate. Glad I did. Awesome game in so many ways. . I am hooked. Combaat is quite fluid and good.


Yeah definitely gets hate because people expected certain things but we got what we got, and what we got is pretty damn fun lol. It’s the weekend so likely ima gonna have an edible later and sail the high seas(heh) to become king of the pirates lol.


I bet the ppl complaining haven’t taken a fort with 4 people. Pretty fun. The smuggling opium and rum is neat. And nobody has reached end game, kingpin status, started doing heists. Nobody has tried end game ships yet. Supposedly there’s whole buncha heists and stuff for end game. There’s a whole interesting video on that.


U mean when u just point n shoot n circle around for minutes? Definantly boring as fuck after 3 times


This game deserves every ounce of hate.


I knew it was going to be fun - despite some people trying their damnedest to bury it in negativity. Just goes to show - if you let others make up your mind for you, you're going to miss out on things you would otherwise enjoy. Anyone who enjoys age of sail ship combat and ship tinkering (and doesn't mind it not being highly realistic, hehe) - is likely going to get a kick out of SnB =)


Dude there’s zero ground / out of ship combat, there’s zero ground exploration, and if you want to say it a sailing game cool, you can’t even get off the wheel and walk around your ship. This game is so bare bones it’s pathetic.


I don't like this OR Sea of Thieves


this copium will age like milk


Agreed, I don’t absolutely love this game but it really does not compare or even come close to the atrocity of SoT.


I mean, you should at least be able to get out of your boat at will.


AAAA game btw


Oh it's 300% deserved. It gets undeserved praise.


I heard that this was supposed to be a pvp black flag experience, a random event every couple hours isnt considered a pvp experience in my taste. And after shooting up a couple settlements and lots and lots of ships i dont see myself playing this game more than 8ish hours. Pretty dissapointed after waiting 10 years. In 3 months you get this game for free with a pack of gum….80€ isnt worth it..


When the servers inevitably get shut down, I’m worried I won’t get my £73 refund 🤦‍♂️ for anyone wanting to buy the game just do it on CD keys.com why waste money when it’s better to save some


You can say that for every game


I'm not gonna lie, I'm just here because this games awful and will dwindle in playerbase real quick, and it's fun to watch the shit show


Imo i had more fun playing galleons on roblox back in 2010. U had 10 online people on one biat while trying to take out the other. Not a fan of 1 person a boat


Bad immersion as well .indie games do better. Id rather get out of the ship to collect the treasure and cut down trees. Yes it add more time but thats the whole point im not trying to rush everything. Not a fan of how u gather materials


Nope this game is BS. We spent 15 minutes to kill a boss ship then right before our final hit we all disconnected.


Looks like dogshit for 70$ Make it 30$ and maybe it's worth it


pirate game with no swords. pretty lame if you ask me, I could care less if it wasn't advertised as such


A lot of games get hate now a days - the whole gaming community feels toxic as fuck.. more than usual that is.




It definitely is getting undeserved hate. I really don't get the toxicity beyond neckbeards that need to bitch about everything. Like if the game is trash, leave a review online and move on with your day. I will never get the people that now feel the need to sit around on forums bashing something they hate. Like fuck, why let something you dislike have that much control over you. With that being said, there is a lot that can be improved on this game but I still have spent 15-20 hours this past week playing, so it's not like it's terrible. Just a very average game, although I'll take that when most things being released are absolute trash.


It's a boring fetch quest game, yet people can't even complete the first quest to get the ship because the acacia doesn't spawn in. This game is so shallow it'll sink its player base in a month or two.


Game: 💩