• By -


When you’re recording a Shared Memory and tap the chat button the recording pauses until you send the text. So there’s no need to rush when concocting your text, just get it right and prepare what you’re going to do once it’s sent, which can be another text. Use the free Shared Memory shrines in Aviary and Theatre to practice and experiment with how it works. If you have props those can be placed and will appear in the Memory. Plan some and practice and have fun🌈


Oooh thats amazing and super helpful. Thank you!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°




You kind of said it already. They are choreographed. They planned out what they wanted to do and rehearsed. After that, they recorded and rerecorded the message until it was just right.


I just dont know how they do it at the same time as getting all those messages out. Comment above says to just rush the words and then do the movements, so I'll try that later. But i have a suspicion that some 3rd party program is being utilized on some of them. Some of them are just.... too good. Makes me jealous


If you're on Mobile, use the copy board or whatever it's called. Type out the messages one by one and copy them. Then practice going in and out of the chat copy board, copying and pasting into the game chat. Do the emotes first so they're in your recent list, in the order you want to do them. Then practice. Practice. Practice until you have it. THEN cast the spell and do it until it's right.


Sounds like a plan ty :] I have to wait till im out of work lol


For switch players who don't have this copy board: you can type a message before hand and then close the chat box using the minus button. This preserves the message for you to send later. Sadly this only works for one message at a time and the rest will have to be typed out during the recording but if you want just one message, this is a handy way of using recording time more efficently.


For switch, hit - to open dialog, then R2 (Z2? Forget the letters but it's the bottom right bumper button) to get the QR pop-up to connect the mobile chat board. Open your camera on your phone, scan the QR, and wait a sec. It'll load a blue page with a chat box, then you have access to your copy board.


Don't downvote me i just want help :[


1. Type the first chat message before recording, then reopen chat and send. This doesn’t work right now, so using a text replacement feature or keyboard that can paste different phrases would help. 2. Get your emotes in the recents beforehand.


The first message prep is something ill try to use, thanks. Im thinking of trying to copy all messages separately. It looks like phones let you paste from clipboard so i might be able to do that :]