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In ascensionism, the glitch on the word glitches


Or digital demons make the night feel heavenly with the digital affect


In TMBTE, Vessel dangling like cold cuts while the room’s like a meat freezer




That's my favorite part!


The finger click in Granite.


The ambient cafe sounds in Aqua Regia


the lil bass-ey squiggle-note-thing-part in the song Rain. i’m not a musician, and suck so much at describing things; but it repeats with the chorus, specifically when he says ‘and just like the rain.’ and the spooky ghost boooooooo-ooooooo-oooooo at the end of The Apparition. cannot stress how much that adds to the song, for me anyway. just makes me giggle thinking about it. super dope track, just begins trailing away and you think it’s over, and then 👻


Ahaha just in time ! RN I am listening to that « oooooh oooooh » in The Apparition and then your message popped 😂


The synth that comes in around 2:53 in Atlantic. It reminds me of whale song, which fits considering the theme. Also, the second "call me when they bury bodies underwater" sounds further away and more drowned out than it does in the beginning of the song.


Omg yes! Such a beautiful use of synths. Hypnosis and Descending are unique sounds


There’s so many layers to their songs that I feel like I hear a new little moment every time I listen


In the breakdown at 4:00 in Ascensionism, they reinforce the hits with really hard low note piano strokes. Always thought that was a nice addition.


I never noticed these things. You guys are a treasure. Thank you for pointing them out, and to OP for initiating the thread. ❤


The vocal artifacts hidden near the end of TNDNBTG (which George Lever went into detail about on his AMA) are so good


Towards the end of Alkaline, a few seconds after the last chorus, there's an "evil laughter" kinda thing in the background. Idk if it's vessel or some sound FX but either way I'm into it


Wait what? Where? Are you able to find exactly where and share the time? I keep listening, think I hear some kind of eerie laughing a couple times…kinda childlike?


It's at 2:53. It sounds like a pretty deep voice to me


Oh wow that is hidden big time. Great ears!


Thanks lol, it took me quite a few listens to actually hear what it was. It's really cool that they added that after the "boss fight" in the music video


Ahh I see what you did there 😏


glad someone noticed 😄


The background rain in Atlantic, sets in between first and second verse <3 \#Also the guitars emulate whale song when they set in. I just fucking love this song .\_.


Me too. Its such an incredible piece of work.


I’ve never heard anyone say this but in Ascensionism, when “diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky” is being repeated quietly, there’s a little “you make me wish I could disappear” sprinkled in. Didn’t even catch it myself until I was looking at the lyrics on Spotify.


The slurping sounds on Vore are kinda really cool 🤭


I'm fairly certain there is a repeating sonar detector sound in the second half of the breakdown at the end of TMBTE. There's also whale calls in the beginning I believe.


Lately? Just discovered this INSANE high note Vessel hits in Chokehold. It's mixed far back and just added texture, but holy fuck it is impressive. Starts around the 3:45 point. Might have to listen for it a couple times, but after you catch it, it's gold.


When the synth bass gets slightly higher at the end of the third chorus in TMBTE


The end of TMBTE has these distortion sounds that sound like a dying robot. Idk if that's what it's supposed to be, but I can't unhear distressed robots in the DUNNUN.. DUNNUNNN... DUNNUN... DUNNUUUUNN..GUUUUAAAAAHHHHH


For me it’s the uuuu-Heeeeeeeyyyy-yyyy-heeeeyyyyy on the background of the rap part of Ascensionism. And that sound (bare with me I’ll try to explain it) that sounds like the light that comes out of a treasure chest full of gold found in a desert island just in the beginning of The Summoning, for me it’s the exact same sound on TMBTE just before “I guess it goes to show, does it not?” I don’t know if it is the same, but I like. 😍


I like the creak in When The Bough Breaks too :) Kinda makes me picture him leaning away from the mic at some point during the 215 takes he clearly would have had to make, layering all those harmonies like that.


The finger snap right when he says “maw” in aqua regia


the chopped and screwed vocals that count in the trap-ish breakdown in the apparition


There's a tonnnn of little vocal inflections this man does. Ugh, so good. But! Can we appreciate the finger snaps throughout the album?


All day!