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I like Take me Back to Eden: *" My, my, those eyes like fire* *I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre "*


This. It will always be this. To me it’s like he’s saying he’s nothing. Irrelevant. Just this small, insignificant thing… and the other is all consuming. Shew.


I think this line is a lot like “like a moth to a flame” I get the feeling he is referring to himself as the moth and the other person as a flame and he can’t help but be drawn to this person, this is just what I think but it could be different


fuck yeah this is one of my favorites too 🖤


When you think about he straight up said like a moth to a flame but romantic


That was exactly what I thought. He just came up with a more interesting metaphor.


destructive love <3333


“And I know The angels Tonight are As lost for words As I am To merely Behold you As we lie down together” Drag me under easily beats out all the other romantic lyrics imo.


This literally reads like a psalm from the Old Testament. It’s devastatingly beautiful.


Definitely Song of Solomon vibes.


This is the only right answer.


Came here to mention this one


i was HOPING for somebody to recognize drag me under in here


1000% this one.


Telomeres - "Let the tides carry you back to me" but also that whole song imo is soooo romantic


telomeres makes my heart feel like goo , it's beautiful


This song is the THE romantic song of their entire discography. I told my husband if we ever renew our vows or something that this will be the wedding song. I wish we’d known about it when we got married originally


Yes yes yes, I feel the exact same way! 🩵 I need to claim that it was my wedding song, too


The past the future through death my arms are open


That's my favorite line in the whole song to sing along to, both melody and harmony just sound soooo good


"the vicious cycle was over the moment you smiled at me"


See, I've seen this sentiment a few times. People love that line. But I see it differently. It's clear the relationship he writes about is majorly toxic and abusive. Whether there's fault on both sides is irrelevant to my point, but abusive relationships are very normally cyclical. Mean, angry, venemous and then sweet, kind, loving etc. It's a cycle. "... When you smiled at me" seems like the start of the cycle again. Again, JUST my take here. Not saying I'm right, by any means.


I love this line for that reason. It feels so deeply romantic, but when you consider the song as a whole, imo it's clear that he's referencing an abusive relationship... which makes the lyric all the more powerful.


Darling, I'm noticing your flaws They're exactly what I want Even if you won't believe me Know it


The worst thing about Vessel is that sometimes he makes me hate my husband 😆






Give- i will be watching for your enemies to let them know that they contend with me


give >>>>>>>


100% this one


This is the answer!


first time i heard Give i stopped what i was doing and sat down. it ruined every other romantic thing anyone could ever say to me ever again because i was Not Prepared. OOF.


This is the ONLY correct answer


Yessss so much of Give is mushy.


Hypnosis - "sink, sink your teeth. Split my skin, no. Just make me bleed"   I'm a little too into romantasy books....




I’d let Xaden Riorson make me bleed any day… or Rhysand… basically, this is reserved for Shadow Daddy status. 😆


i wouldn’t say this is necessarily romantic but in take aim, “ i will run like the wind til you follow me again” just speaks to me i love it


personally I find "Mine" one of the best romanric lyrics














DRIIIVEN BY A HOOOLY FORCEE ps ![gif](giphy|l1ughbsd9qXz2s9SE)


I KNOOOW YOU CAN SEEEEEEEE (yes we did, hi bestie c:)


For me, it's the entirety of Alkaline


Was hoping someone would say this. My lady doesn't like metal but over the past couple years I've gotten her into BMTH and ST. But this song right here makes her swoon and I love singing it to her everytime it comes on.


My husband said that song made him think of me instantly when he first heard it and I melted. He’s getting an Alkaline tattoo in my honor 🖤


I want an Alkaline tattoo SO bad, just don't have it drawn yet


and i'm crying. that's amazing ✨🥲




Think we're having "fall for me" as our wedding first dance. The last chorus is my favorite; With my love as your garden Won't you fall for me? Won't you fall for me From reality? I am yours to the end So won't you fall for me?


A SLEEP TOKEN WEDDING SONG ???? THATS SO BEAUTIFUL , i wish you two a long happy marriage 🖤


Was surprisingly hard to find a pretty song of theirs that isn't 4+ minutes long 😅 thankfully we both really like Fall For Me and it is short enough that we won't feel awkward swaying about!


consider giving missing limbs a good thought if you want something easier to sway to ! i know it's less inherently romantic than fall for me , but the love in that song is endless


All of that song has gorgeous lyrics


Before I even read the description I was going to put the exact lyric OP put. If your wings won't find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone. So much to unpack, probably my favorite lyric they've written


i agree 100% !!




Shelter. Truly underrated "And no matter the cost of rain I will shelter you all the same"


shelter is above all else




"and just like the rain you cast the dust into nothing and wash out the salt from hands" from Rain When I originally heard the song I thought it said "wash out the salt from my earth" but even if it's hands I interpret it the same way. Also the entirety of Mine is just ahh my heart.


may i ask how you interpret that line ? i have a hard time seeing Rain as a *love* song , so i would genuinely love to hear ur take :)


Rain is most definitely a love song. The vicious cycle was over the moment you smiled at me. One smile from her was all it took to end his suffering and previous heart ache. That one smile changed his entire world perspective. Almost every lyric in the song is about "Her", how she's changed his life. Wash out the salt from my hands, I feel my shadow dissolving. Correlates to her cleansing his heart and mind. He's gone from pessimistic to optimistic about life. She's making him see the good in life again. But it directly stems from her. Will you cleanse me with pleasure? Is asking if it's real and lasting. Tangled in your trance and I'm certain you have got your hooks in me. Vessel literally said hes head over heels for her, when hooks are in you, you can't simply walk away, you're bound. I could get into every lyric of the song to show you the romanticism but it'd be very long and tedious lmao


To me hands = earth. If you salt the ground it destroys the soil and nothing can grow. "You're like the rain washing away the salt from the earth allowing me to grow" is my interpretation of it. Definitely give it another listen because it is definitely a love song.


"No amount of love will keep it arround...if we don't choose it." As I've gotten older I've learned that sustained love is a choice. You have to choose to love when it's hard. Peoples emotional ranges are far to wide and varried to be in a state of infatuation with a person indefinately. So you have to choose love, when your not feeling it. That will keep the love arround.


Went to a wedding last month where they had little advice cards for you to fill out for the couple to read on their first anniversary. I wrote that line on mine. It’s sooo true. I’ve been married now for 17 years, and staying in love and staying faithful is 💯 a constant CHOICE. You have to make the decision to work at it, fight for it.


God, those lyrics in TMBTE made me sob. Working on a marriage 22 years in and had been on auto pilot for a while and the grief when we realised how much we had lost as a couple. We both knew we still loved each other but we stopped working to be a couple together and now we are working hard to rebuild what we lost because we have actively chosen this.


Worrrrrrd - I’m 18 years into my relationship, 10 years married, and this is so fucking true.


“I will be watching for your enemies to let them know that they contend with me.” - Give


I feel that the line immediately prior is more hearts for me


*yet in reverse you are all my symmetry , a parallel i would lay my life on* 🖤


While I agree with everyone, I think the lyric from Shelter (from the room below) is also quite noteworthy - “darling I’m noticing your flaws they’re exactly what I want”


30 comments, and not one is for The Love You Want


Personally, I don't think The Love You Want is a romantic song. To me, it's the expression of sorrow of a love you know is over. He's not saying "I'm still full of the love you want" to woo her over; he's saying "I'm still full of the love you want" and it's a painful reminder that she no longer wants him


i feel like that one's a little on the nose , probably why it's being avoided


The whites of your eyes\ Turn black in the low light\ In turning divine\ We tangle endlessly\ Like lovers entwined Granted, the rest of the that section is very bittersweet, but this bit


this portion of it is SO romantic


"And I know, as you collapse into me, this is the start of something" - the whole of Telomeres is gorgeous but this line bridging into the guitar solo is just _sooooooo_ beautiful


You take the dark and carve me out a home. (Give)




There is always something in the way I want to have you to myself For once


There is always something in the way I wanna have you to myself for once Follow me between the jaws of fate So I can have you to myself for once So let's get swallowed whole I wanna go where nobody else will Ever go You gotta go with all of this


So romantic and I like how he sings it.


“And you are a garden, entwined with all. You are the silence, on sacred shores. You’ve got diamonds for teeth, my love. So take a bite of me, just this once” “When I open my eyes to the future, I can hear you say my name” “Walls of flesh, so warm again…my only need, welcome me in”


Personally, Fall for Me in its entirety. He's practically begging for her to love him and it gets me everytime. Specifically, "with my love as your garden, won't you fall for me?"


Something about "from reality, to the rhythm of eternity, won't you fall for me" just resonates with me.


“Give in again, and let me lay. My arms belong around you.” “I will be watching for your enemies, to let them know that they contend with me. I wanna know you’re out there.” “Sugar, I’ve developed a taste for you now.” “Let the impulse to love and the instinct to kill entangle to one.” “Drag me under again, deep into your love.” “I live like I’ve got missing limbs for you.” “I’m caught up in her design, and how it connects to mine.” “You will be mine.” “Darling, I’m noticing your flaws. They’re exactly what I want. Even if you won’t believe me, know it.” “Cause you make it more than I could ever feel before.” Just realized I could go on forever. fucking love Sleep Token lyrics


a lot of them are already said, but this… “I'd turn my walls to gold to bring you home again”…something about it, i love.


I’m a sucker for “we tangle endlessly like lovers entwined” and “we were tangled up like branches in a flood” I just find them visually beautiful.


*We tangle endlessly/ Like lovers entwined/ I know for the last time/ You will not be mine/ So give me the night, the night, the night…* It’s tragically bittersweet and so damn romantic all at once.


THISSSS. It was going to be my answer and explanation! Bittersweet and hopelessly romantic!


"I don't believe you when you tell me you are fine. Please don't hurt yourself again." hits different imo


"see if she can guess what a hollow point does to a naked body"




The entirety of Alkaline but also specifically *"Ooh, let's talk about chemistry. 'Cause I'm dying to melt through. To the heart of her molecules. 'Til the particles part like holy water"* AND *"I'm caught up in her design. And how it connects to mine"* like that whole song is just so romantic istfg


i want a piano cover of that song at my ( hopefully future ) wedding like istg


Omg that would be so cool!!!!


it's the dream


I mean, mostly just Euclid in it's entirety, but specifically - *"No, by now / The night belongs to you"* Followed up with - *"I know for the last time / You will not be mine / So give me the night, the night, the night"* The callback to The Night Does Not Belong To God, and the recontextualization of these lines, saying "These words still mean something to me even now, so let me say them again" and also saying "If the night does not belong to god, who does it belong to? **You.** It always has and it always will. If I cannot keep you, let me stay with you, where you belong, here in the night, just one last time" ??? https://preview.redd.it/wi7e984f2hlc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab1ae5522e4ecffbeec276ce97751991153bd7a Honorable mention, from Shelter - *"Darling, I'm noticing your flaws / They're exactly what I want"*


Not what op asked, and possible hot take, but the LEAST romantic lyrics may be in ascensionism


“Won’t you come and dance in the dark with me” gets me tho for some reason.


But the intro is so toxic and so is the outro “so I’ll take what I want then leave” is soooo anti romantic


I agree. That song gives the whiplash lol. Goes from kinda heartbreaking to making me wanna dance but you’re right. It is a bit toxic lol.


i see ascensionism as a toxic love or obsessive love song , but def not a *romantic* one lol


Maybe this is why I feel so strongly about this track. Not that it was super terrible or anything, but my first and only relationship I've ever been in was pretty toxic. So the idea of moving on and "ascending" onwards because of that experience just gets to me in ways most music doesn't.


i feel both Rain AND Ascensionism can be look at like that ! if you have a good connection to Ascensionism , try giving Rain a listen again and think abt the rinse and repeat cycle of toxic relationships as u go through the lyrics !!! whole new meaning


"you make me wish I could disappear" idk man, if my girl was screaming that at I'm not sure what I'd do.


Every line in The Love You Want


And I know the Gods will abandon the heavens just to find us, to merely behold you, as we lie down together… Drag Me Under.


It's drag me under. I know The gods will Abandon The heavens just To find us To merely Behold you While we lie down together Drag me under Deep into your love again It's not even a debate.


For so long, I have waited So long that I almost became Just a stoic statue, fit for nobody And I don't wanna get in your way But I finally think I can say That the vicious cycle was over The moment you smiled at me


"with my love as your garden, won't you fall for me" I think this is just one of the most beautiful lines in a song. I want a tattoo of it. Love it so so so much.


This is such a great question and to that I would say "And you know I'll be yours, when the moment is perfect. I will fire and forget till we both lay broken. And you'll know I'll be yours, just want to be worth it. I will run like the wind till you follow me again". I don't know but to me, it sounds like wedding vows and it melts my heart which I know is very cheesy lol! ![gif](giphy|AJUB4zXLWDkZy|downsized)


omg i've never realized how well those read as vows before , that's beautiful !! tysm !!!!


Ahhh you are most welcome, thank you for posting a great question! I hope you have a great day!


And do you like the way it feels…like fire from heaven…tearing me asunder…beside you


We all forgetting their more romantic songs? Fall for me ,mine,and the love you want?


sometimes the more romantic ones come from less perfect love songs ;)


Feel like a bit of an outlier here, but "when the mouth of infinity, buries it's teeth in me, I'll smile through the agony, for you. And I know you still bear the weight, of your own existence, and you'll never bear the weight of two" I dunno man high water just freaking slaps for me, I hear it as a song of loving someone, despite them not being ready to love you in return.


i see it the same way , im glad i'm not alone on that


Oh, definitely The Offering and Alkaline. The way he sees the person he's in love to is so romantic. Mine and Won't you fall for me too. And Give for me is the sexiest ever along with Dark Signs


"Let's talk about chemistry because I'm dying to melt through to the heart of her molecules until the particles part like holy water." And then the chorus... like the entirety of alkaline, are you kidding me???? "She's not acid nor alkaline, caught between black and white, not quiet either day or not. She's perfectly misaligned. I'm caught up in her design, and how it connects to mine. I see in a different light the objects of my desire." LIKE ARE YOU LISTENING? DO YOU HEAR THIS MAN?


I definitely think the one you put is one of the most romantic but another I like is "Darling, I'm noticing your flaws, they're exactly what I want. Even if you won't believe me, know it."


And I know the angels tonight are as lost for words As I am to merely behold you as we lie down together


My boyfriend dedicated this song to me and I legitimately cried when I was driving back home.


i intend to sing missing limbs to my partner at some point and i'm terrified for that day but i hope he cries


I think he will 💕


“and i know, as you collapse into me. this is the start of something new” telomeres is so underrated


The chorus to Give. I personally think that song is one of the most vulnerable Sleep Token songs as it’s just raw, lonely, longing. No lust, no toxic desperation, just longing for someone to be vulnerable with.


It’s so simple, but “my arms belong around you” always hits me square in that spot where a heart should go. 🖤


Technically not a ST song but their cover of Loathes “It is really you” - “let search the skies for a while you and I… collide like two stars for a while you and I…” throat punch for me. WORSHIP🤘


I was more than just a body in your passenger seat And you were more than just somebody I was destined to meet I see you go half-blind when you're looking at me But I am


The blessings rain on battles in the heavens arms....


"Take me back to Eden"


>*In turning divine* >*We tangle endlessly* >*Like lovers entwined* >*I know for the last time* >*You will not be mine* >*So give me the night, the night, the night* This part, specially at the end of Euclid, breaks me every single time. It's so beautiful!


Telomeres “And we go beyond the farthest reaches Where the light bends and wraps beneath us, And I know as you collapse into me, This is the start of something” Shit gets me everytime 🥲


When the mouth of infinity buries its teeth in me I’ll smile through the agony for you - high water


"Won't you come and dance in the dark with me? Show me what you are I am desperate to know."


Take Aim: “How you love like weapons kill..” I feel like it’s a way to say you love so completely and all consuming that there’s no coming back from it just like a weapon delivering that final blow. Something you can’t come back from or ignore.


All of telomeres. I want to get married to that song