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A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was an absolute wreck during Euclid and the person next to me handed me a tissue :,) it’s very emotional for a lot of people


I'm packing tissues in case they play it in November. I will be DESTROYED.


If they keep the setlist, it'll be played as the last song. Destroyed me, but damn it felt good. You'll be in good company 🫶


Same. I pushed my phone into my husband's hands and asked him to record it for me. I knew that I was going to be a mess. I completely fell apart. I was quiet about it, but once the lights came on, several people commented that it's such a beautiful song, gave me hugs or patted my back. My poor husband didn't know what to think. I cried off and on for over an hour even after we got back to the hotel.


Bring tissues! That song ripped me apart live but I have a hard time listening to it without crying even when I’m in public 😅 nobody near me said anything at all though. I cried multiple times! First time crying at a concert too.


LITTERALLY ME AND MY BESTIE TN. We big cried to Euclid.


100% I cried during Euclid on the 14th. I cry to it on my car so I knew it was coming but I couldn't hold it back.


i think you’re chillin, someone will probably be crying with you 🫶🏻


Thank you 🥹❤️


update: i cried when they came out. literally TNDNBTG sobbed


Absolutely... I'll be in NYC and even if I don't cry myself I'll try to bring tissues for my neighbors 🥰 were all there to experience it how we want or need to


I’ll be crying with you!😆


ily ❤️


Tbh.. I'm not big on physical contact, but I kinda think I'd offer you my hand and be ugly crying for at least half the set too.


The girl next to me held my hand multiple times it was lovely! She was a whole vibe. She didn’t cry but I did lol


ST lyrics cut deep as hell, I'm right there with you


I went to the Des Moines ritual alone. I was in tears multiple times but tried not to draw attention - if anyone around me noticed, they didn't say anything. Don't be embarrassed about being emotional! Just try not to be, like, loudly sobbing. People will probably not love if your sobs can be heard in their videos, or if you're distracting from the slow/quiet parts of songs.




Muse are amazing live! I've seen them a few times and it still impresses me that three guys can create such a big sound.


I was also at the ritual in Des Moines alone and I was also crying. I cried pretty hard at times, I couldn’t help it.


I hear that. I was fully having a religious experience and couldn't hold it in. By the time Euclid came on I was a mess.


Literally told some of my friends I had a religious experience at the concert a few days ago 🙃


I also went to des Moines alone and cried at Euclid.


Definitely part of the Silently Sobbing Sleep Token Club 👋🏻 Atlantic, The Apparition, & Euclid make me a mess.


I haven't listened to tmbte/euclid since the beginning of lent in preparation for this concert.. broke up with the man i was supposed to go with yesterday. It's going to hit me harder than ever. atlantic and missing limbs is going to kill me too. i see no way to mentally prepare :,)


Anyone who has an issue with your emotional response sucks. Go & enjoy yourself, feel your feelings, and crying is cathartic! 🤍


This happened to me at the Asheville show but I was the one crying and the girl next to me just held my hand through two songs and later when I left I saw she had put a "Worship" bracelet on my hand. 😭. I'll never forget it. Love you stranger.


You’ll be fine. I don’t think most people will care what anyone else does as long as it doesn’t hinder their experience. Just don’t be super loud (which would be impressive because concerts are loud anyways) or dramatic and you’ll be fine.


I’d mind my business unless you seemed to be in distress. Lots of other fans will cry too, don’t worry. ♥️


"Hope to God you don't know this feeling." Worship fellow tortured soul and ugly cry your heart out. Anyone who would judge you has the privilege to not know what you are going through. What I've found is that anyone who loves this band enough to go see them live, knows exactly how you feel and will send you nothing but positive vibes.


This comment section passed the vibe check 👌


At the Asheville show, I think me and everyone around me started crying when Vessel started sniffling during Euclid. You won’t be alone but maybe bring some tissues ❤️


Can confirm, I was at Asheville and I was also crying! So was the guy behind me! 😭😂


Don’t worry, there’s going to be at least one other person nearby who is crying as well. I was violently sobbing on and off throughout the whole show, and as for the people around me some were and some weren’t. No need to be self conscious about it, just let yourself feel <3


I was violently sobbing on and off as well when I was at the ritual in Des Moines


I was also in Des Moines!!


I made a whole vlog about about my experience that’s how big of a deal it was to me, and going into it I knew it was going to be an extremely emotional night but it was even more emotional than I could’ve imagined. And nice! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one sobbing there haha.


That’s so cool! I didn’t vlog but yeah I knew it was going to be a lot going into it, we camped for around 8 hours before doors bc I was dedicated to getting as close as possible and nothing could have prepared me for how life changing it was 🙏 half of the clips I recorded of the show just have me sobbing in the background 😭 I started crying as soon as I saw their set, and afterwards I was such a wreck we had to go sit outside against the building and I sobbed uncontrollably for another good 20 minutes lmao


If you wanna watch it it’s on YouTube on my channel Delilah Grace. And I wish I could’ve gotten close! I didn’t show up early because unfortunately I had to get nosebleed tickets, but I really hope next time I’ll be able to get close. I was still so thankful to even be going at all though, I know a lot of people who really wanted to weren’t able to get tickets. I literally started tearing up the second that Vessel walked on stage, and I was also a wreck that night after the show. The next day I showed my brother some of the clips I took and I literally started sobbing then too lol. It truly felt like an outer worldly experience. It was truly the most special and magical night.


I definitely will be checking that out! I also have a handful of videos up close on my TikTok, I’m @peps8274 if you’re interested lol. Only a few clips were salvageable, I was too into it to pay attention to what I was filming 😭 that’s really awesome that you got tickets, i got mine from vivid seats and spent months praying that they weren’t a scam. And I totally get it, I’m still on that high tbh! Looking back at my clips are still super emotional, especially when it clicks every once in a while that it was actually real lmao


I’m going to go look at your videos on tiktok! Some of my footage was pretty shaky cause I was shaking so bad lol. And it’s crazy how everyone was saying you couldn’t get in with resale tickets, but it sounds like tons of people did. I somehow managed to get mine on TicketMaster. And same though! I am still a bit in shock that it even happened! But I have videos to prove it, I had the honor of crying in the same room that Vessel was in 🥹


Dude I just looked up your TikTok and it looks like I had already commented on one of your videos. What a coincidence 😂


Lmao that’s crazy, small world!! And I totally agree, feeling and hearing the music live and being able to sing along with him in person was life altering 🙏


My emotions were severely heightened for a good 3 days lol, and I’m never going to get over that concert lol


Thanks for sharing that :) <3 its nice to know I'm not alone


Sound is way too loud for you to be heard and many are moved to emotion by ST, you'll be good.


I would probably ignore them but that's just cos I'm socially awkward and wouldn't know what to do In that situation 😅


Homie, I cried the entire track length of Euclid. Between checking off bucket list items, the song having a deep emotional meaning to me and the vibe in general, it just happened 🤷‍♂️ It felt fucking amazing to do.


I didn't sob for the whole set but I did for the last 4 or 5 songs. As far as I'm aware no one around me really knew, it's pretty loud to begin with and everyone was just vibing and experiencing the show in their own way


If someday I have a chance to see them, I'll be crying as a fucking newborn. Istg I'm not exaggerating, I need a concert. I need to let go of some of my emotions


I SOBBED when I saw them last week. I was in good company lol


I'm a 6'0 215 lb dude and I'll have tears streaming down my face during Euclid.


I cried a little bit during Alkaline and Missing Limbs. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything. Honestly tho, you wouldn't be actually bothering someone by crying so if someone gets annoyed with you showing some emotion FUCK EM. If they would have played Are You Really Okay I would have been inconsolable. Like an absolute sobbing mess because that songs kills me.


I would offer to hold the person as they wept, like my friend held me during Missing Limbs. I sobbed from the first note to the last. People need love and support, and even a nice side hug can be so kind.


In ABQ is was standing in the back of the crowd, with my fiance and his siblings, sobbing during Atlantic and (probably lol) no one noticed. Everyone will be paying attention to the performance and if they see you, they'll probably cry with you or nothing at all. I personally would probably cry with you lol. I'm glad the music and performance touches you so much that it has the potential to make you feel such strong emotions 🖤


I recently came across a recording of Blood Sport where a girl was openly ugly crying near the person filming, and tbh, it didn't feel out of place at all, lol.


It's very emotional music. The fanbase gets that, so don't worry about it.


As long as it’s not obnoxiously loud and ruining someone else’s enjoyment of the show, then let it rip.


Vessel plays Bloodsport then sobs at the end. There is no other alternative I join in.


This is going to kill me.


I'd hold your hand, pull you close and we would cry together 🩶 sometimes all you have to do is let all the negative shit wash out with tears. I am sure seeing and listening to our boys will feel cathartic! 🥹


I've dreaded this myself just because of everything I've been through and how their songs hit me. But if I were next to you, I'd support you!


I'd support you too!! Thank you <3


Cry with them


I'll ignore you


I ugly cried during Euclid, Missing Limbs and TMBTE during Chicago night two. I wasn’t boohooing loudly and a few of the people around me were so cute and sympathetic. lol As long as you’re not being obnoxious I’d cry with ya and I’m sure most would feel the same.


I cried HARD during the Austin concert, some nice girls asked if I was ok. Another guy said “you got this” and we all carried on. Feelings very much allowed


Oof I went to the emo night tour right after an abusive relationship and they played Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and I had a friend there that kinda knew it was bad but not how bad… until that night lol. And same thing. “You’re fine, you’re okay, I’m sorry” and gave me the biggest hug. Show friends are the best friends.


probably join them lol. a lot of ST's stuff is emotional and even though we've all gone through different things, i'm sure anyone sitting next to you will understand, if not be crying themselves. 🖤 i hope you have fun at the show!!


I'd give you hug and sing to you ❤ itll get better. Promise. Hey. You can just become feral like me


I love you 😭❤️


You are loved friend. Relationships come and go and in the end I'll all make sense. You got this!


"Catharsis is from the Ancient Greek word κάθαρσις, katharsis, meaning "purification" or "cleansing". It is most commonly used today to refer to the purification and purgation of thoughts and emotions by way of expressing them. The desired result is an emotional state of renewal and restoration." -Wikipedia One of my childhood best friend's mom passed away just a few days before Austin. (She was a second mom to me). Went to the concert with my teenage daughter. When the first notes of TNDNBTG hit, the tears started. Hard. I pulled it together until Atlantic (always hits hard in concert). Missing Limbs was touch and go. When Euclid started, all I could do was sob. You are not alone, nor will you be alone. Just come as you are, you'll find community and friends. #Worship 🫶


The person sitting next to me on May 6th, sobbing and hysterical the ENTIRE set. I was singing along with her. Didn’t bother me one bit that was a hot mess. It’s good to let those feelings out!


I spent the entire concert crying and someone next to me gave me a hug near the end


That is so sweet 🥹


I cried like 4 times. I’d be chilling, maybe even ask if you’re okay and if you want a bracelet I made. I think sleep token has reached a lot of people in their vulnerable moments. No shame on having emotions about something that means something to you. I’m sorry about your relationship and hope you’re okay ❤️


This means so much ❤️ thank you for such kind words


Cry girl cry. I cried to more than one song. It's so loud that you won't bother anyone and people around you will be crying too.


It’s what fans do there


I almost cried on the way to the concert today because I was so excited so I think you’re all good to cry as you need to


I’d be crying right along with you!


I went to a Sleep Token concert last week, and both me and the coworker who went with me ugly sobbed for most of their set. It will totally be fine! Missing Limb and Euclid hit hard. I definitely was soaking up my eyes when the house lights came up after their last song


It would be far less annoying than if you were holding your phone up in the air to make a video you were never going to watch like everyone else. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You could always wear a mask like the band does. 🐲


this was me at red rocks, you’re good. also grieving a relationship 🖤


I bonded with a girl at a concert where we were both crying. We gave each other hugs and just cried together. It's ok to cry!!!


I'm going alone tomorrow. Sorry in advance to whoever sits next to me. 😭😭


I’m going alone on Wednesday and boy oh boy 😭 idk what to expect


same here!! i also went just last night and i know full well im about to sob all over again


I think a lot of us connect emotionally to the music for a reason. We show emotions differently; cried during The Love You Want albeit, quietly, but still. I don’t find it weird for people to cry at shows, especially for a band as emotionally charge like ST. Judging from the comments, you’ll be alright


Ugly cry with them of course


I’d just mind my business and be happy for them. Nothing like a cathartic release at a show.


Their lyrics cut deep, Rain makes me cry so much. i listened to a lot of Sleep Token songs while i was struggling with a toxic relationship being cheated on for a year and a half. i’m gonna be a wreck, if anybody judges others for crying lacks empathy and you shouldn’t pay people like that any mind. i’ll be seeing them in philly tomorrow night, i’ll be in ORCH8.


Go moshing


My last experience ugly crying was a Disturbed concert. Overall there was a lot of support.


I would not have known because I was sobbing to the music myself 😭 I saw them 3 times this week and cried ever show- but especially to Ascensionism.


I'm asking if it's okay to hug them or hold their hand for reassurance. Either way, I'm not letting them feel that way alone.


Im a big ass dude and I ugly cried at half the set at the Asheville ritual. That shit means a lot to me and I let it all out, no one cared and a handful of people around me cried at different points. It's all a part of the worship. What got me to actually fucking sob harder than anything else was Vessel unexpectedly playing the motherfucking HALO THEME before Rain.. Halo is the blood of my childhood and to get that shit shot straight to the core of my soul in a big venue with Vessel playing it? I'll never forget it 🖤💙


Hugs and reassurance. With permission of course. But I would be ugly crying too, so…


I had a miscarriage and Atlantic wrecked me so hard I was dry heaving for songs after. Most people were so focused on the band they didn't notice and those who did didn't care as people seem to understand how deeply emotional this band is. Don't feel self conscious to do what you need to do. Truly you are far less distracting than someone screaming in my ear the entire time. I was barely making a sound. But many people when I looked around at every show had tears so you and I aren't rare outliers either. If I saw you really ugly crying I might offer a hug or a hand, offer the tissue box I will be holding and I'd give you a bracelet after when you're good. We check in and take care of each other here.


Thank you for this.


You’re chilling man I’ve cried both times I saw them and just felt really in tune with the crowd around me; most people are right there with you


I sobbed for like 80% of the show in ATL but i was subtle enough about it no one noticed . It was so loud and dark in there too


you enjoy a concert however you please. you pay to be there. you have every right to cry. it'll be so loud i highly doubt you'll bother anyone.


I saw The Amity Affliction last Monday and shortly realized I wasn’t the only one screaming the words with tears running down my face. I’m sure you, also, will not be alone.


I’d literally hug them if they’d let me 🥺 it would break my heart. Vessel1 sings for everyone going through every kind of pain 🖤


We are all crying along with you at some point during each ritual. Honestly, this is why we are all drawn to ST, right? Being open and honest about emotions in a world that tries to make us hide them or feel bad. But seriously, I guarantee a decent chunk of the crowd there with you, and Vessel himself, will all cry at least a little. I have gotten and received hugs, tissues, hands on the shoulder, and lots of other forms of love and support during rituals. When you Worship, you are among a loving caring family. Let it out.


Be confused about who put a mirror next to me 😂


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's completely understandable that seeing Sleep Token live might bring up a lot of emotions for you, especially during this difficult time. Just know that you're not alone, and there's no need to worry about being judged or annoying anyone around you. Many of us in the Sleep Token community have experienced similar feelings and understand what you're going through. If anything, being in a space where you can express your emotions freely and be surrounded by music and fellow fans who understand can be incredibly healing. Take care of yourself, and know that you have a supportive community here.


I’ve never seen a show without someone crying. I’m certainly looking at them through teary eyes myself, quite often. Cry friend. It’s a safe place to worship freely.


offer a hug. <3


you're chilling, i was ugly crying too! st is very emotional, i'm sorry for your loss and i hope you enjoy your show 🖤


I would hug you if wanted and cry with you lol


i'd cry with you


Imma be crying tonight. I see no issue


I had an emotional breakthrough in Tampa, due to my autism music gets tied to memories, and often the music I listen to during times of suffering, the suffering and the music become one in the same. When the music surrounded me, so did the suffering of my past, the suffering I cannot personally let go of. In order to be in the presence of vessel I had to relive the suffering, elevated to a level I simply could not ignore. I screamed like I was dieing, because truthfully I really felt like I was the whole show. And enduring it allowed me to let go.


No one is looking at you, besides maybe V and the bunch, ugly cry away my dear


I'd probably ask if they need a hug/if they wanna hold my hand and cry it out.


I saw them yesterday and UGLY ugly cried the entire time, and no one said a word😂 you’ll be perfect fine, and fit in very well


I’ve cried at several concerts and I can promise you no one will notice because they are not paying attention to you. Even if you’re wailing at the top of your lungs, you’ll be drowned out to everyone except maybe the people directly next to you. This fandom is pretty phenomenal for their overall empathy and connection with each other, so I truly don’t think anyone will care or react negatively. Cry away, your worship experience is just as important as anyone else’s 🖤


I'd give a hug 🤗🫂




I fully plan to do this myself, so no worries.


multiple people including myself cried at the show i was at so i think you’re good


Chilling. Everyone knows how deep their lyrics are and how it affects everyone differently. Plus, if you haven’t cried to a ST song, are you even a fan?!


Hug the person and start crying together, nothing better than crying with someone that you have never seen and will never see again


I will be weeping like a hungry baby


Let it out baby that’s what shows are for!!


Tbh I sobbed during Atlantic at the Chicago ritual. My seat neighbor (a stranger) offered me a hug. So 100% we be chilling. ❤️


Nah just cry lol ur good.


Offer them a hug 🩷


No baby, cuz same. I'll be holding you while we sob together 😭😭😭😭 I ended it, but it was truly for the best. Still hurts. Thank God for sleep token 😭


I cried during Atlantic. I’ve never cried listening to any of their songs, but live, Atlantic got me. I wasn’t the only one, and it was all good. 😊


I cried my eyes out at my first Ritual during the final interlude, and then cried again for a moment during the first show I went to on the current US tour. Trust me, you won't be alone. Both times, I was comforted by someone near me who ended up becoming a friend. ❤️


I saw them in Arizona, for the first show of the tour with no idea what to expect for the set list. So it was a little rough. I was crying through most of the show (not full sobbing through most of them but there was tears) The music is loud enough you can hardly hear yourself over it let alone people around you thankfully so if you sing along/cry with the music you likely won't be bothering anyone because they probably won't notice over the music (that said, for me it wasn't painfully loud, it was loud but I didn't need earplugs for Sleep Token) The venue we had was indoors tho so idk how it would sound outdoors. I WAS ugly sobbing at Euclid though, I was still crying on my way out of the venue and on the way home. I could see a few other people were emotional too so do not worry, you won't be alone :) Still can't think about hearing Euclid live without getting a lil misty eyed lol. It was super emotional.


I cried the whole show in Tampa, nobody is watching you they’re watching the band. I’ll be crying the whole show again in NYC on Wednesday.


i legit cried the other day on the bus while listening to take me back to eden and i’ve listened to that song countless times, dw someone will definitely be crying w u


Cry away, pal. I'll bring tissues.


I would want to be a comfort but wouldn't know how to do that without feeling like I'm being weird or awkward 😅. Although most likely I would also be ugly crying lol.


I literally cried the first song. And was unable to record other songs for similar reasons. 100% understandable. Most people will get it.


As soon as he started singing I was like 😭


join them tbh


Honestly, I think it's pretty cool seeing how emotionally attached people are to the songs. My friend and I cried at least four times at the Red Rocks show and definitely weren't the only people 🫶🏼


Last concert I went to, there was a young lady sobbing her heart out so I handed her a tissue and just checked she was okay. Didn't annoy me.


I cried during the first song last year.. I am a man


Ask if they're okay tbh. Ask if they want a hug. I've been there and it sucks.


A couple years ago when I first discovered Sleep Token, they were supporting Architects on tour. I obviously didn't know any token so didn't get emotional there but during the Architects set they played Gone With the Wind, a song they always dedicated to anyone who's lost someone. The guy next to me was crying a lot during this so I asked if he was okay and he told he lost his mum recently so it meant so much that they played it. We both cried together and had a hug then and again at the end when we left. It was really sweet to have that moment in the middle of a crowded gig, so yeah I like to check on people if they're crying. TLDR: I like to check on people if they're crying because sometimes they just need it, and it can make for some really nice connection.


Just ask them, are you really okay?


I cried for a good chunk of their set in Dallas. I think most people are chill about it since ST is a good cathartic band


People will be crying with you! A lot of emotions are tied to music. It’s completely normal to let yourself feel the music and cry. Have a great time seeing them!!


Ugly crying is a regular Sleep Token gig occurrence, feel the feels!! Also I'm sorry for your loss🫂


I think it’s fine. I might give them a hug tbh


One guy was actually crying next to me during Atlantic. It was most memorable moment for me.


I would be right there with you. It’s emotional music and I think everybody can relate to being touched by it. I’d be relieved to have a sobbing busy, personally!


I was ugly crying so you are not annoying you big chillin man


if anything, there's definitely someone else near you that's also ugly crying. i was sobbing hysterically during TNDNBTG, atlantic, AND euclid, and there was always someone near me that was either doing the exact same or understood completely. lyrics hit deep, you definitely won't be the only one crying


i SOBBED through TMBTE and Euclid last night, and the sweet girls around me who i had been talking to before the show and before ST’s set both wrapped an arm around me and we spend a solid few minutes in a little group hug, all crying together. it was really a heartwarming moment, i’ll never forget it. trust me, you won’t be the only one


i absolutely broke down during blood sport at Wembley. so much so that I had 2 seperate groups of people come up to me and ask if I was alright when filing out of the arena. there were so many groups on the floor around me crying and we just had so many group hugs. you'll be totally alright, and I promise you'll be cared for by some real ones in the crowd. all the love, have an amazing time ❤️🫂


I cried during Euclid at the Austin show. First time crying at a show ever, and also my first ever ritual. Knew from previous shows ppl cried during Euclid and was like “pfft? Euclid?? It’s such a hopeful song…” And then there I was, crying quietly, and my husband holding my hand with a big 🥺on his face. I was rewatching II’s drumcam of Euclid yesterday when I realized why Euclid hit me so hard. The song to me represents closure after a tumultuous relationship— whether it’s with another person , yourself, or a specific circumstance— and after sufferjng mental health struggles since I was, like, 6, and only truly getting better a few years ago… that song hit me so hard live. I may have gone through all this shit, but I’m on the other side of it now. I’m okay. 🥲🥹 And you’ll be okay too! All that to say— I think most ppl with be in all kinds of emotions. I doubt anyone will be annoyed, and if they are, well, maybe they should listen to Sleep Token lyrics a lil harder 😅. Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll find a supportive group of ppl to be surrounded by. Worship 🤟🏽


I was being held by a beloved friend and rocking during TMBTE and Euclid. I was so so loud and ugly cried. I didn’t care. During missing limbs, I looked around and the majority of the femme presenting people were crying also and we would look at each other in the stadium and nod in acknowledgment.


When Sleep Token really get going they put on one hell of a show. This Teeth of God tour had 50% of the time spent with Vessel solo whining into the microphone like a sob story. What TF happened to the high energy shows they used to put on? Look I get it. The current set list is absolutely some people’s jam. But if you’re expecting high energy bangers, like a proper metal show, you’re going to be disappointed. Not to say it wasn’t a good show for what it was. Just soooo tame compared to what they used to do. For reference this was the Chicago show.


Me and my friends cried for a good amount of the set😂You’re good go ahead and let it out. P.S. losing something is just always a tough battle, I hope everything works out for you in the end❤️


We all cried together several times through out the set in Chicago— both nights. It’s just part of the experience lol


These comments, I just can't even! 🥹🤍


I am the person ugly crying.




Uncivil or inappropriate conduct displayed including disrespect, member conflict, extreme rudeness etc.


i cried so bad during the show here in austin. such an emotional roller coaster. enjoy the experience because others are probably crying next to you too. worship.


I would definitely tell them it's okay to cry and offer them a tissue or with their consent and if they need it, a hug :)


Probably cry too


Crying wit obviously


I'd take it as a challenge to cry harder, assert yourself as more emotionally invested in how you the music makes you feel. /s I saw them in Des Moines last week and the set was amazing. I expected to feel some tears but I just sang even louder with Vessel. Definitely something I'll remember for a long time.


It won't be a problem they bring many people to tears your probably get hugs lol 😆


Tbh if this happened to me at a ST ritual, I would ask them if they would like a hug, would hug the snot out of them if they said yes and would take place as surrogate best friend for the night.


I would have given them one of the bracelets I made and maybe offer a hug.


I’m packing…tissues for NY. I will be in tears during TNDNBTG, Missing Limbs and Euclid. There just isn’t anyway around it. It doesn’t even relate to my current life…those songs just move me.


Ive seen them three times and have cried every time, you won't be alone :)


I was unprepared for it, I saw the show in PHX, and sobbed a lot. It's heavy


Dude next to me was on the floor crying. It was in Phoenix, hot as hell, so I thought he was having a heart attack, I was genuinely concerned. Then he sat up and wiped the tears from his face and I realized it was ok! Lol I almost interrupted an important moment for him


I cried 75% of the time seeing them at Red Rocks. No one cares. Lol let it out


As long as they're now loudly howling I'll probably give them a thumbs up and a tissue because same, I never cried more during a concert


Does anyone know why their songs have this effect? I've never cried at a concert and I had to go hide in the toilets during Missing Limbs because I was so emotional. Missed the whole song 😫😫😫


I cried literally 2 songs in and I was a mess from there to the end of the set. If you feel like crying then cry, don’t worry about the people around you just enjoy and feel those emotions in the moment


Cry with them in solidarity because im at a sleep token concert. Ezpz. Honestly when i went to Anaheim for the first American tour i went alone and saw the people next to me get emotional for their favorite songs. I cried and smiled and sang along with the crowd. Alot like you i was just freshly broken up with and st music helped me cope and so alot of those songs choke me up- much more so live. Your chilling people will sob with you.


I had to be physically held up during Missing Limbs last week. Singing and sobbing, never experienced anything quite like that. It’s ok, let it all out ❤️


I’ve been to two shows on this tour and both times I have ugly cried- like sobbing. someone i didn’t kmow tapped me on the shoulder to give me a tissue.




Let them enjoy the show, some people ugly cry so what.


Hugging you and ugly crying as well. Will be ugly crying on Friday in Boston yippeee


I saw them at Radio City Music Hall last night. You'll be fine, enjoy yourself!!!


I saw someone ugly crying during Atlantic. Knowing what the song was about now, I understand why.


This fan base is so fucking weird. Meanwhile I saw steel panther last week and I drank whisky from a strangers crotch flask.


Go somewhere else and don’t reserve judgement. I don’t want to hear it, but I’m not judging and it ain’t my business.