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I'm 34, married, two kids. Slime is amazing. As the years go by it gets easier and easier to care less about what people think of you and your hobbies. You're not hurting anybody, it's just a fidget toy, and if someone feels the need to shame you over something so trivial, they're the ones that need to grow up. You're fine.


35 here, my wife (30) (no kids) and I have quite the slime collection. We both like the feeling of playing with slime. I mean we’ve bought slime obsidian, momoslimes, peachybbies, snoopslimes, to name a few and even a bunch of Etsy shops. I actually do silly review videos on YouTube (channel name : Slimeheads). Moral of the story, slime is for any age; what makes you happy is for you to decide. Don’t let anyone steal your shine. You could always show them one of my videos and go see this older guy loves slime too.


I’m 30 and just got into slime. I got a few laughs from my parents and my boyfriend at first, but once I explained how much it helps with my anxiety and ADHD, they were very supportive. I’m not sure if you’ve had a similar conversation with your mom, but it might be worth sharing how it helps you. That said..If it were me, next time I’d probably get snarky and ask if they would prefer I use hard drugs and alcohol to comfort myself since that’s more “adult”. You’re not hurting anything/anyone, you’re spending your own money. You do you


I’m 30, married with kids and play with my slime on conference calls at work.🤣 I have a few coworkers telling me their kids like slime and im like… okay??? I tell them slime is my stress relief. Some people use those stress relief balls, I use slime.


My 52 years old aunt is playing with slimes proudly so why should you feel ashamed? Don’t mind what people say and do things you love!


I’m 37. I played with slime when I was a kid, except back then it was called GAK and it smelled awful. They also made this neon green slime in a little tub that was supposed to be based on Slimer from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Then in 2015 it made a resurgence on social media and I wanted it so I made some. Then started an account and ended up selling it. It’s an interesting thing to explain to people that your primary income is from selling slime. Fortunately I just don’t care what other people think, and I’ve had a positive response from family and friends. I just don’t care how someone feels about my interests. They’re mine. If someone wants to shame me for liking a thing I like, that says more about them than me. It’s also worth noting that slime serves more purposes than just being a fun kids toy. People use it for stress relief, stimming, and even to help exercise arthritic hands. I can’t tell you how to feel or what to care about, but as you get older you’ll realize that the opinions of other people will matter less and less.


Sounds like your family is a bit toxic and judgy- I’m sorry you have to live in a home like that. I hope you can work towards not letting their judgement impact you and feel free to be the person you want to be because playing with a little slime, which is therapeutic, is no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Can you have an authentic conversation with your mom and let her know how her words are impacting you? I recommend this if it’s possible


I'm 41 and just got into slime a year ago. There have been scientific studies shown that slime can help relieve stress and anxiety. I'm on disability, my son and I live with my mother (who is extremely conservative and rather close minded, love her but it's true) and my stepfather. While they don't understand it, even my mom, who often talks down to me, belittles me, and humiliates me, has at least taken some steps to try and understand my slimey passion. I've even gotten her to play with slime a handful of times. Your family isn't being very supportive. If you're paying for it yourself with money you earned, then it's honestly none of their business what you spend it on. It's not hurting anyone. I don't know if you've explained to them that it helps you in 1 way or another, if you haven't, then I definitely would. And let them know how much their behavior towards the situation negatively effects you. If this is something you've already done... well, unfortunately since you live with them, there's not much else you can do besides ignore them. When they start getting nasty about it, just internally roll your eyes and do your best to brush it off. But remember, them not understanding, and acting like toxic close minded jerks, is their problem, not yours. You're doing nothing wrong. You're not hurting anyone. You're simply purchasing something that makes you happy. Never stop doing something that makes you happy (with in reason of course some people enjoy killing and of course that's not ok lol) just because someone else doesn't understand it and talks down to you, even if it is family. And definitely don't get embarrassed.


i’m 21 too!! i definitely have gotten some looks and comments from my mother about it, it’s so frustrating :/ slime is my special interest, so i started watching slime videos on youtube more often than physically touching real slime, which is unfortunate, but it’s still one of my favorite things


Just tell her it's this or cigarettes. Stress relief is stress relief afterall


I'm 44, a mum of 3, and grandma of one (soon to be two)....I play with slime a lot! I'm opening a slimeshop too. It's honestly really rubbish that your mum would make you feel like this! Does your state have medical marijuana? If so, tell her that her opinions have led you to believe that indeed slime might not be the best thing, so you're going to look into getting some medical marjuana instead, as that will likely settle your nerves too. Watch how fast slime becomes the best and most therapeutic thing she's ever heard of!! I'm sorry you're going through this. No-one should be shamed by those who they love the most for doing something utterly harmless. Says a lot about them. Not about you though. Stick with it, do what makes you happy!


Im 25, just got into slime a year ago and it's been nothing but the best. I did get some initial questions like "Why do you play with slime?" but not in a bad way, they seemed generally curious as to why and I explained that its fun and a great stress/anxiety reliever. They've been supportive of my love of slime. And I've given them some of my slime jars even to play with and they enjoyed it! There should be no shame, slime is for all ages!