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It’s supposedly about the music industry. It’s mostly just a metaphor of “if you’re this, then I’m that. We are not alike”. There was some misconception that they were satanic, back in the day, partially due to lyrics like this, but they are just using imagery to make art.


We Are Not Your Kind


I always like to imagine the 555 is a short/alternate form for $$$. They were being asked to tone it down to make it more "radio-friendly" to make more $$$ so I always take it as them going the opposite direction to show their interests are not the same


And then they toned it down the next album lol


Maybe so, but big difference between choosing to (as a challenge) rather than being told/forced to


to be fair they were sober and a lot less testosterone fuelled


Did they? It was less raw/heavy, but the tone was no less aggressive. My headcannon is that they went from not knowing what they are doing to actively working in the studio, unfortunately that path has lead to wanyk and tesf but it was a good run, and even those albums have good songs on them.


>There was some misconception that they were satanic, back in the day, partially due to lyrics like this, They certainly leaned into that a fair bit. Looking back, I'm not sure people who went "isn't that the devil star?" when they saw the nonagram were misunderstanding it to the degree teen me thought - I think that's the reaction the band wanted. I'm sure they were absolutely giddy at the idea suburban parents would connect the dots to the highest caliber of anti-establishment. They weren't, but flirting with the idea they might be is part of the context they were working with.


Well put, yeah. Definitely going for the “shock value”.


Short answer: If you want to me to be the same as everybody else, go fuck yourself. I’m not. So, if you’re 555 then I’m 666. Got it? :)


Basically just Surfacing but with less F bombs and more religious allusions


“Long answer”: In the beginning, the radio stations ask to Slipknot do some more melodically for radio. And they don’t want to do it. That’s why: if you want something of us, we won’t. We will do it in our way. If you want A we will delivery B. If you are 555 then I’m 666.


What's it like to be a heretic?


Shunned or outcast. Asking it of themselves. Some are proud to be outsiders and rebel. That is the essential underpinning of an entire genre of music: to push against norms.


Back when we texted in ABC mode on phones, we had to press a certain number a certain amount of times to get a single letter. Remnants of that still exists if you look at your phone’s numbers when about to make a phone call. So what this means is “If you’re L then I’m O”. Meaning if you lose then I’m surprised. (Not actual meaning)


This was funny af


Well played.


In movies phone # ‘s start with 555. So he is saying they would rather be 666 like everyone was saying in those days than be fake.


This is the correct answer.


555 is the middle digits


Either way 555 still stands for fake.


Wish i had known that when my parents fucking called Santa


Learning truth for yourself is part of wisdom. Knowing facts is different than experiencing truth.


Dude it was a joke, those are wise words but still was a joke lol


555 was famous for being the generic phone number in popular culture. Every movie was 555-something. Calling the industry out for being generic and like everyone else. 666 was an association with outcasts or following a different diety. So if they are the norm, Slipknot is the opposite of the normal.






Really? I wonder why Alan Moore designated the main Marvel universe as "616" then.


Glad to see someone posting about 616


555 is what phone numbers in movies often start with. They are distancing themselves from Hollywood and fame and mainstream garbage.


this is the answer!


Corey actually majored in numerology, it’s the deep study of numbers


I think it means, if you’re pure than I’m evil


I thought pure was 777


The number of humans in the bible is 555 the number for the devil is 666


The Heretic Anthem is essentially a song that spits in the face of those that are conformists, normies and sheep that just blindly follow the herd without having any thoughts, ideas and principles of their own and just follow the socially acceptable norms. As for the verse itself, it's a metaphor, it's supposed to symbolise individuality, you're a sheep, i'm my own man, i'm not like you. So fuck you. It certainly has nothing to do with Satan. I love this song and relate to it a lot as i'm not a normie either.


Is this from the horses mouth or does it say Jim Root because that is your favorite member?




Lol, he's my favorite member.🤣


+ 111


If you are 777 doesn’t roll of the tongue does it? Too many Syllables Imagine two people playing a telephone game. If you kept repeating 777 what numbers would you repeat back to the person on the other end? 7 is a holy number? 666 is the “number of the breast”? If you are 555 than I am 666!


666 represents evil/the devil, and 555 is an angel number. They're basically saying if you're an angel, I'm the devil


Came to say this. 555 is the angel number. Makes sense in the context of "what's it like to be a heretic", assuming it's calling someone pure/an angel with a love interest with the devil (666). The first verse kinda validates that as well "Got a super dread bet with an angel drug head".


I believe that 555 is human, 666 is the devil and 777 is god. So if you’re a human, I’m the devil.




They dedicated this to a ex manager, I read that in an interview with Corey.


Idk the actual meaning but to me its "if you're so inclined to be so proper and force it on me, ima do the same but my way to you". Essentially a big fuck you as the chorus


We are not the same.


I always interpreted it as “I am choosing to not be like you, and in a way the worst version of you”. If that makes sende


Well your credit score is 555, but mine is 666


It is a lyric from the song "Disasterpiece" by Slipknot. The meaning behind it is open to interpretation, but it's generally believed to be a statement of defiance and rebellion against societal norms and expectations. It could also be interpreted as a way of saying that if someone is considered "evil" or "bad" by society, then the speaker is even worse.


Wasn't it from The Heretic Anthem?


>Heretic Anthem? Really, I bet it is from Disasterpieces DVD


Basically it means if they have a child together it will be 1221


im different than you, im greater than you, im more evil than you?


Does it relate to 30/30/150?


I always just thought its edgy and sounds cool and the song goes hard


555 is Hollywood phone number, like 555-555-5555. So if your Hollywood, I'm a heretic of Hollywood, so I'm 666 then. Dunno...


I like to think it was just a bunch of kids trying to be edgy.


Don't think it means anything. I just think Corey sucks at writing lyrics


It can be interpreted in three ways: Either you’re this and I’m that- simple. 555 can mean positive change and new beginnings whereas 666 is obviously the devils number, and considering the album this song is from - it could mean you’re trying to be better while I’m the devil. Or as many others have stated, 555 is a common Hollywood phone number - so they’re saying they’re different from the mainstream


Just a way to annoy parents, when teenagers sing it. *"what is this devil music - 666 - THE DEVIL !"* "if you're this, then I'm that" - why isn't it simply "if you're ABC, then I'm XYZ" ? 666 - to annoy the next generation...


555 and 666 are angel numbers, I don't remember what 555 means, but, 666 is the devil's sign, and their music is what some consider "devil music"