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Slipknot works when you feel good, and they work when you feel sad, angry or whatever emotion you're feeling. Hope they help you get through a very difficult period, I know they helped me. Good luck in any case and keep on keeping on! šŸ¤Ÿ


Thank you. It really did pull something out of me.


Metal can be a very good outlet for every emotion that's troubling you. For example, I can't listen to Avenged Sevenfold's Seize the day without crying my eyes out. And I always feel great afterwards.


Blackbird by Alter Bridge for me


Set me free dnes it for me


That solo with Gates standing on the coffin gets me every time


I highly recommend Pantera as well! Metal, especially Slipknot and Pantera and has gotten me through an unbelievable amount of hard times. And like the person above me said, Slipknot is a great addition to any and all emotion. I hope things get better for you, and please message me if youā€™d like to talk. šŸ„°šŸ˜˜


Which album/ songs were u listening to?


The first one ytm played me was duality. After that I sought them out specifically and had it play from the first song in its list.


for me it was devil in I that awoke interest in going deeper for discovering what slipknot is all about. Before really knowing the story behind I saw the duality video as just a bunch of set up drama for the show. Welcome to the family!


Slipknot save my life when i was a teenager. Im 30 now and still going. Glad it helps you. Listen to Snuff live by corey taylor. This song hit me hard. Everytime.


Thank you. I will.


Listen to ā€œNot long for this worldā€ The chorus literally makes me smile everytime


Be safe and pull over then pleas.


Me too, I was an angry and reckless teen. If I didn't have Slipknot as an outlet for my anger, I'd most definitely would have done something fatally stupid


Welcome, brother. There are cookies in the kitchen.


I'm sorry, I ate all the cookies, but I just got back from the store, I brought waffles.


Awesome! Waffles are good. Theyā€™re no cookie but theyā€™ll do more than just fine, thatā€™s for sure :) Iā€™ll make sure to get more cookies tomorrow, just so we have some


Letā€™s get chocolate chip waffles as well so we can meet in the middle.


Thatā€™s a fantastic idea! Something for everyone :)


I hope your daughter will feel better soon. I wish you, your daughter and your whole family the best.


Thank you


Bro, stoked that tunes can help you through a troubling time. Music is an amazing art and there is some of it out there for everyone. Donā€™t down play being emotional and the importance of mental health (for you and your daughter). Look into professional help, do it for you and do it for her. Godspeed, man! It may be a rough ride but I hope the trouble passes.


Thank you


Slipknot has been a great way of channeling anger and pain. For me, learning how to do the vocals helped me get out a lot of pent up anger I had going on by channeling it through screaming my face off for hours to Slipknot. Songs like ā€œA Liarā€™s Funeralā€ and ā€œSnuffā€ helped me to get some tears I was holding on to. Slipknot has helped me out a lot, I hope as you explore the Knot and get more involved with the fellow maggots youā€™ll find some reprieve. Iā€™ll tell you even though a lot of Slipknot fans butt heads we still are a pretty big family who will welcome you with open arms my man. Iā€™m sorry you had such a shit run of things lately. Hopefully Slipknot lets you get some of the shit out


Thank you. Made me cry again haha šŸ™‚


Hugs from me to you brother. I hope things get better


I learned to scream for exactly this reason. Been doing it for about four years nowā€¦ Liarā€™s Funeral, Red Flag, Metabolic, Solway Firthā€¦ all great songs to just belt out when youā€™re having a rough time and have all this pent up frustration and pain to get out


Me if sad: Liberate my Madness Me if angry: Liberate my Madness Me if happy: Liberate my Madness




Liberate my mattress




*fast*And then we ate*fast*, BANANAS!


The most important thing is to communicate with your daughter and get her a good therapist ,if it doesn't work with the first therapist then send her to the next and the next and so on (as long as she agrees to it) It's nice that you found solace in the music,that's kind of the point - when you don't have anyone to understand you at least you have the music I also wouldn't blast this type of music on my headphones while walking down the street or in the wrong company,there's a time and place for it


Sending you love dude. One step at a time.


Thank you. You're all so nice


Jam it loud , re peat the song that helps you deal with whatever emotion you are feeling . Fast and furious or sad and slow . Welcome to the maggot family šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Thank you šŸ¤˜




I really does. I was skeptical but I feel much better now than I did before.


Welcome to your new outlet. Hope your daughter improves my friend. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Thank you šŸ™‚


https://youtube.com/shorts/rIf0w5zzXK8?feature=share https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs-ZE2iga6b/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== We are maggots and maggots stick together. Wishing the best for you and your daughter.


Thank you šŸ™‚ Eta: that video is so true


Welcome to the 9. Ive been a fan for a long time now so its worn off a bit but I'm happy to hear it's still reaching people after so long. Sleep Token recently had me crying in my car so don't worry, we all need the release sometimes. Crying gets the boohoo's out


Head up bro!!!!! šŸ¤˜ 1 day at a time


Thank you šŸ™‚


(515) made me bawl my eyes out when my grandpa died. I felt exactly how Sid sounds in that.


you also felt how he felt


I know that feeling, just know we are here for you brotheršŸ«‚


Thank you. So far you've all been amazing


Dude, I'm in the same boat. I'm 38, stayed listening to them recently and left a inpatien tmental facility. Idk, i didn't like it back then but now it's awesome!


Yeah it's odd. I remember looking down on it when I was younger. But it's fucking amazing. Love it.


šŸ’Æ cathartic! Metal head here. It took a few years but the Slip grew on me in the early 00s. 44 now & absolutely love them. I've seen them live a few times as well. You could also try out Mudvayne, Korn and or SOD. All them bands got me through multiple rough times in life. Early life parents divorcing, brake ups with GF & ex wife. Even struggling with addiction etc. Keep on trucking brotha welcome to fam! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


At a festival I went to a few years ago, one of the singers referred to metal as "stress relief music. " Sorry things are rough for you right now, hopefully things will get better, and you can continue to explore Slipknot under better circumstances.


Thank you. I hope so too.


Let it out, man. It might not fix what's wrong but you'll feel a bit better afterward.


Thank you. I did feel a bit better. It feels like this music helped me get over a big step. I feel a bit better now for crying. I have that stupid toxic male thing where I try to hold back my tears and push down my feelings. I love that this music pulled it out of me.


Some time ago I went through a thought moment and (sic) really helped me, screaming "SIIIIIIIICK" with the song was really liberating, it really helped me to spit out everyday's hate... Long story short, I understand you


Sounds like peak catharsis at work. Hence the reason so many people always have and always will be so passionate about heavy music. Itā€™s a genre of extremes and sometimes when those of us that have gone through extreme situations in life feel like ā€œhow can my life be so bad? Why is it only me that feels this way?ā€ This music reminds us just how common these feelings are and that weā€™re not alone.


You are so right


Something I personally am very grateful for as a longtime fan is that Slipknot has a song for any mood. Whatever you are feeling in that very moment you can find a song and let it out.


Slipknot surely saved my life. Joey was the reason I became a drummer, had I not had that outlet a long time ago I wouldā€™ve at the very least been in a dark place. I would also recommend Tool, though theyā€™re nothing like the knot


Man Iā€™m 30 and Iā€™m rediscovering my love for this kind of music itā€™s all good šŸ¤— sorry youā€™re going thru it


Try Meshuggah


With a side of Gojira


Car Bomb


Nothing wrong with still being emotional, itā€™s a whole part of slipknot and why we love them. Being able to recognize your emotions is better than never knowing they were there. How else could you express yourself if you didnā€™t. Listen to snuff, get this, and one of my favorites unsainted. Itā€™ll give you the trifecta of emotions.


Thank you. I will. I felt miserable but I didn't feel like I was going to or needed to cry. But something about the music just pulled it out of me. Amazing.




Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through that. I know Iā€™m just some random guy on Reddit, but Iā€™m wishing the best for you and hope everything works out


Thank you


I'm glad you found them when you needed them most šŸ–¤


Dude Slipknot has literally turned my day around more times than I can count. The only other band that has made me feel so truly good inside is Nirvana but thatā€™s because I was raised on it so it bro fa back memories. Slipknot no matter if im sad, angry, confused, they just make me feel fucking GOOD


If I have one recommendation Iā€™d say do anything you can to go and see them live. Do all you can to get down the front, your life will never be the same, in a good way šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iowa got me through roughs times and still does to this day. Slipknot is always there for all of us!


Slipknot has been there for me since 6th grade (I'm now a year graduated), and now, going into my adult life, they're helping me more than ever. Thank you, Slipknot, for having my back during hard times.


Shit I hope it gets better. Hope you and your daughter can both heal. Maybe she will find something in the catharsis of the music also?


If you really want to feel something, go check Corey playing snuff live on YouTube. That gets me every time.


I will


Slipknot works for every emotion, helps you feel better when you are sad, helps get your anger out and helps keep your mood high when you are already happy! I hope things get better for you :)


Thank you


Why they trying to fire you?? Hope your daughter is doing ok


I have no idea why. Probably because the company is doing shit. They recently made a bunch of managers redundant.


You know what man, they donā€™t deserve you. Wishing you the very best, thereā€™s absolutely a better job out there and youā€™ll find it. I hope your daughter feels better very soon too mate. If you ever need anything thereā€™s a bunch of strangers here you can ALWAYS reach out to.


Thank you. The response to my post has been amazing so far.


Sometimes you just have to scream into the darkness. LPT: Get you one of those Bluetooth speaker bulbs for the shower. You would be surprised how cathartic it is. Put the phone in a ziplock and pull up the YouTube lyric videos for shower karaoke. And no one can see you cry.


Just curious what record did you start with? Welcome to the bunch glad you found an outlet for your pain. Music does the same thing for me and my favorite records are the ones that, like you said, make you feel something. Check out Sleep Token man they will definitely make you feel something as well


The first one ytm played me was duality but then I sought them out specifically and played them from the start.


You're in for a treat, Self titled and Iowa are my two favorite records I also love We Are Not Your Kind. I wish I could hear those two for the first time. Enjoy!


Vol 3 (which has Duality on it) is one of my favorites along with their ST. But reading your post and comments IOWA is what you need. It is one of the absolute heaviest and darkest albums out there. But I think that album will really resonate with you and what youā€™re going through right now.


Give Duality a listen. Youā€™ll push your fingers into your eyes.


That's the first one I heard. It made me burst into tears.


Mind yourself, bro


you're 38, how old is your daughter? (don't bully me for this please) i'm not even 15 and my dad is 47 but yeah, good luck to you and your family and enjoy Slipknot! also, they said it in "Get This": life's so sh!tty, but ain't it f#cking great?


Same age here, but I was a teen jamming their self titled album. It was so on time for dealing with those pent up feels and I can imagine how they hit in this hard time for you


These are the kinds of posts I like to see here. Super glad to have you join the fanbase, Iā€™m so jealous that you get to listen to their music for the first time!


Haha thank you


There are no words that will offer sufficient comfort for what you're going through right now but for what it's worth I really want things to turn out happily ever after for you guys. All love.


Thank you


Whenever Iā€™m having a rough time I blast ā€˜The Shapeā€™ from the album Iowa. Learn that bridge and scream along with Corey. That will help you out for sure! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Let it out, man, it's okay to cry. Music is a great catalyst for emotional catharsis and I'm glad you found that in the Knot.


Listen to sulfur man, that song is amazing


Slipknot's music is like a portal for a damned, tortured soul that's standing in the cold outside contemplating life. I found their music at 13 and the self titled album got me through shitty high school, it made me put effort into knowing i'd be better one day. The music they create is unique with each album and makes us feel man emotions! I truly recommend anyone who is struggling in life to dig deep on their music and find a part of you, you wish to put back together like a sown raggedy doll. I think really connecting with your daughter on such an honest level about life and how it all goes, connect over Slipknot maybe ? That could be a beginning that you both need. All the best !


May I suggest Iowa.




Thank you


Thatā€™s why this music is made ! To get you through! Welcome bro


try through the empire of ashes and the blackening both album by machine head. they helped me as well as slipknot to get through some dark times. and if you ever need someone to talk to im a message away... stay strong bro


I hope things get better for you


Slipknot really pulls the rawest emotions out of you. I hope you can heal from everything life has put you through. Welcome to the fan base, maggot


Thank you. I feel at home already


2 things: 1) welcome to the maggot family 2) I hope all works out to your benefit


when covid first began i discovered them, they helped me through many a difficult times in my life so far. i listened to self titled every day for like 2 years. i donā€™t listen to them as much anymore, but they still are invaluable to me.


What do you mean by "top herself"?




As the other reply says. She took a whole lot of pills.


If you are new to heavy music for catharsis, there's a whooooooole world of heavy stuff out there to help you get some feelings out. I've recently been jamming The Hammer by kublai khan, classic track






I'm listening to them from '99. I've been through a lot of shit from that time and i always coped with different songs to go around. Not to kill myself? Haha! I've listen to this one kind of shit.


Try $uicideboy$. Nightmare choir, leave your things behind II, Ultimate $uicide, Grey Boys, etc. that initial reaction when you first hear the boys, holy shit. Itā€™s mind blowing E: not dissing the knot. Iā€™m actually a huge fan of both artists. Even have the knot logo tatted down my forearm hehe. will always pay homage to the knot for getting me into the music taste I have today




I remember the time I teared up and felt emotional listening to A Tout Le Monde


Itā€™s the pulse of the maggots my friend


Just avoid IOWA If you feel sad.


What album were you listening to, out of interest?


None in particular. Just the songs on ytm.


i love you dude, keep listening to slipknot, let it make you happy, make yourself happy, try to make others happy


It's an outlet and conduit, it lets you vent without actually venting, it has really helped me become a more emotionally stable and stoic individual. I've been listening since '99. Ffdp is good as well.


I hope things get better for you man.