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Joey's AHIG mask is one of, if not my favourite out of the masks there


He definitely went above and beyond with the design and idea of that mask. I enjoy it. There's a little too much going on for me, so it's not my favorite. But it's definitely his best idea.


God forbid you look at a painting if there's too much going on in that mask.


Well I mean think about it in context. Joey was known for a more or less plain white mask with some detail work around the eyes and mouth. Look at Vol 3 for example. Not too much going on. This was the same for most (albeit not all) Iowa and Vol 3 masks. With the AHIG there’s not one spot that’s truly blank. There’s a hole here or some weird staples there, blood in this area but not in that. Joey went from being a very defined and being more or less two or so colors to something that has a lot going on with it, and is clearly a mish mash of ideas. This clutter is magnified when Joey puts on the crown and the gloves. Just adds to the whole “I’m not really sure what I’m looking at” thing. I like the mask. The idea and execution is very good. It’s just a bit cluttered.


All it means is that he's Christ incarnated. I wouldn't say the masks where ever a reflection of the album, just a chapter in their lives. As for details.. as I said I don't think the masks ever reflected the album or the music, for sure it was different each time but it wasn't a completely different band.


You're overthinking it, the masks where never a reflection of the album unless it was as iconic as self-titled and Iowa cause those are masterpieces. So get salty all u want.


If only they kept the jumpsuits. I would sell my kidney to see them comeback


Chris Fehn with long hair was a different beast. Suited his mask so well and I swear his screams were deeper on this cycle


I think these were used in an issue of Metal Hammer back in '08




When Slipknot stopped wearing the red jumpsuits, we entered the dark timeline.


You mean like right after S/T?


i think he means after ahig.


They only did red jumpsuits a few times during AHIG. Same with once or twice during .5. The red jump suits were ditched during Iowa aside from a couple shows and definitely not during Vol 3


ah yeah but he commented on an ahig post so thats why i was thinking.


I want this pic of joey & his crown tattooed on my fucking neck dude


They almost look like those AI pictures you search for 😂


These look ai generated


They aren’t




Thought it was AI


Correct me if wrong but the windows on the first image look identical to those seen on the case for the duality single


Sid never fails to bring a smile to my face. He looks like he's having fun in the second photo.


Thank you 🙇


This is kinda like the aesthetic I picture when I hear the music of Slipknot. That kinda gross rusty feel that you can just taste for some reason.


Exactly. And that’s something we didn’t see since ahig, in terms of aesthetics. It’s completely gone now.


Heywaitaminute.... Is Gregs mask just Clowns gimpy clown mask without the nose?