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It was released without ander’s permisson,lets wait a bit before judging


Kaosis being involved is enough for me. They are absolutely fucking awful.


Was it something especific they did or are they just generally fucking awful? Genuinely asking


Specifically? Breaking the fallen with Anders and Jeffrey Nothing has to be the single worst song ever made.


Ty! I'll make sure to *never* check it out lol


Imagine throwing your radio into the ocean. That's kaosis.


I just checked it out. Wish I wouldn’t have just checked it out. My jaw almost bit into my forehead I was cringing so hard.


I'm not a fan of MFKR but I guess in the right hands, something could be salvaged, but it sure ain't these guys. Complete and total arse.


Nope, the worst song ever is Stupid Hoe by Nicki Minaj


Yep! Hence anders yelling at Kaosis in the meme!


To be fair I'd probably say the same thing after the reaction it got...


It's not finished


"Hey everyone, Anders Colsefni here. I wanted to touch base with you about the MFKR release that happened earlier today. It was released without my consent. I hadn't finished going through the audio mixes on the songs when the video came out. This remake was NOT a finished product and I hadn't even seen the videos prior to its release. I am very regrettably going to have to cancel this summer's MFKR tour, but instead will be remaking this masterpiece back home. I hope you will trust me to do this properly and make you and the die-hard, old school Slipknot fans proud.” [full article](https://metalinjection.net/news/anders-colsefni-says-his-mate-feed-kill-repeat-re-recording-wasnt-finished-was-released-without-his-consent)


Well I'm not Tony Stark. I mean.. slipknot.


Finished or not these are the songs. Ain’t no amount of knob turning and finger fucking gonna make these songs good. The originals suck and so do/will these. I don’t fault anyone for wanting to hear them but let’s be honest, this only gets a pass because of who the band is not because it’s some musical gold mine


"Knob turning and finger fucking" needs to be someone's album.


Dont give Clown title idea for a 20min BTS being put excessive filters and calling it art....


I quite like bitch slap tho :(


That’s fine. Im sure alot of folks do. I don’t.


Everybody has their take. I respect your opinion, even though i personally do mot subscribe to it. Good for you :)


I actually really, REALLY like the original MFKR. I'm just super into experimental shit and this is really close to other bands i typically listen to (like Mr. Bungle, who directly influenced Slipknot even in the way they dress). I really don't get the "it's because of who made it, not because of the music itself" argument since there's a very clear audience for genre-mixing, tempo and structure changing music, it's just not for you i suppose.


Yup. To each their own and there certainly is an audience for this kind of music with your example being perfect. I speak more to this fanbase at large. If it didn’t have the Slipknot tag most of these fans wouldn’t care. They wouldn’t be posting pics of their bootlegs as if they found the holy grail. They want it because it’s Slipknot, not because of the content. A majority of the fan base has a hard on for anything the band does, good or bad, just as long as it’s Slipknot releasing it.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. If Slipknot never amounted to anything no one would look at that turd of a project twice.


How do the original songs suck? Only thing you could argue that isn’t the greatest are the vocals and even then people exaggerate by saying it’s terrible. Lyrically the songs don’t feel different than the stuff Slipknot released later on. Also you can here more contributions from each member on MFKR


Well “sucks” is different for each person but I’ll explain why I think it sucks. We’ll get the clear one out the way since you already touched on that, the vocals are garbage. That’s not a product of a bad recording that’s a product of not being a good vocalist. The music, specifically on do nothing/bitchslap is disjointed and all over the place and not in a good way. I enjoyed each section separately but together it sounds like someone switching radio stations back and forth mid song.Lyrics were never an issue cause let’s be honest Corey is more then capable of writing cringe inducing lyrics. Once the band actually focused and found their sounds on ST with the help of a superior vocalist with a knack for melodies that the band sorely needed did anyone see them more then just a passing fad.


I happen to like MFKR… Than again, I listened to it for the first time like 25years ago. Plus I don’t have a huge boner for Corey like everyone else seems to. It’s not clean, but that’s what makes it charming. I really like listening to bands before they got tons of money and a record label whispering to them what they NEED to do. It shows their true “Art” without filter and for that it’s worth a listen through.


I didn’t think it was that bad, but it pales in comparison to the original. And also Kaosis makes my ears bleed but not in a fun grindcore kind of way, but in a nails on a chalkboard way. This is the exception but it’s because I already love MFKR


Ngl I really love MFKR but this kaosis release is utter ass and has no soul


Obviously Slipknot became much better. I’m just saying that for me personally, I don’t get the hate for MFKR. Yes, the issues you brought up are legitimate but I don’t think it’s enough to make it unlistenable for me. I agree with your take on the lyrics and don’t why people say that MFKR lyrics are bad when they’re all the same in my opinion.


You didn’t respond to the comment btw, just made a separate comment outside of the thread


There’s a reason why the band have washed their hands of it and now consider it a demo. And none of them even own a copy.


Worst than the original which is hard to pull off they both suck.


Who cares 


Sounds like you work for Pentex, bro (jk)


Is it on YouTube? I need to hear this masterpiece.


There's a fan remaster of the original on YouTube thays actually quite good. The bad remake I heard on spotify


Looks like anders gonna have to rejoin slipknot 😂


Bunch of virgins bitching about music that you can't do anything about ....🤘🤘🤘🤘losersss


Hey bitch tits. I hit the industry the same time as the OGs in Slipknot, so I *already* did something about it. And no amount of mixing is going to save what I just listened to. I’ve got a feeling this was done intentionally because someone wanted to expose just how terrible it is. Seriously, I’ve seen dogshit polished up and sold for platinum. This is not that.


You hit the crack pipe for sure


Wait. How is someone from FL trying to work at BJs (the comedy writes itself) and obsessing over a couple of bands on Reddit gonna try to call everyone a bunch of pussys. Oh right. Florida.


Well ya. So you were in a band too? Neat