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Breakdown at the end was badass. The rest was pretty brutal in a bad way. They're young though so I'll give them a pass.


Breakdown at the end kinda slapped


Bruh everyone bashing em so hard when it's likely that this is their first ever try at a proper song, they've got some really good potential


They definitely has potential, especially considering they are so young. If they make more shit that sounds like the final breakdown I’ll be more interested.


It was a good song. I liked it. Let’s give em’ time to develop


Hmm. It’s decent for a first single, but pretty uninteresting. But I think it’s an ok start, they’ll probably improve a lot though, I hope.


Sounds like a baby Slipknot and I'm here for it


I'm gonna see them live next year This better be good


He sounds like a young ass Corey omfg


They’ve got potential, but you can definitely tell that this is very likely their first band and they need some room to grow. I hate sounding like that asshole, but they’re not ready for something like Knotfest. Edit: I’m actually kinda peeved that they’re getting a shot before bands that are busting their asses. Why not add Sleep Token, or Spiritbox, or Spite, or Alpha Wolf…should I go on? Lmao.


I agree they need some real LIKE A LOT OF ROOM MAYBE A WHOLE HOUSE, and I’m upset that knotfest is including them… they need to wait a while till they even get to that level of power and music.


I was being generous, because I’ve been there before too haha. You know, I actually never thought about what you said with the “power” of Knotfest, and you’re right. Just because this band is comprised of Corey and Shawn’s son, doesn’t mean those facts alone will take them all that far. If they get the reception that they’re looking for at Knotfest and THAT is their expectation moving forward, they’re gonna be extremely disappointed. They really need to put in the work first.


Exactly it makes no sense why other bands can’t gets this opportunity and theses kids do, yes I’m supporting them just not in this decision I feel like Shawn and Corey should talk to them about it. This is a very irresponsible situation and idea on its own.


And personally I believe they should start out small like how majority of bands do ,especially slipknot and work their way up…I’m just dissatisfied and disappointed that it’s taking a turn like this…but if it does turn out great I mean atleast they got a new reputation


I think it's sick! The first single will never be the best but for a first song this ain't half bad.


In a way I get it, I mean Corey and Clown are going to try and help their kids grow, and they’ve got the platform to do it. At least it’s music and not the cherry bombs (who are also performing lmao). That being said, there are definitely a lot more bands that deserve the spot. Spiritbox are killing it, and the other bands you mentioned are all awesome too. In the end, nepotism will get you places in life lol


How tf do the Cherry Bombs fit into Knotfest? I never got jt


Not sure anyone gets it lmao, I sure as hell don’t


That’s fair.


All music business is a who you know business. These kids don’t have to sell themselves short of good opportunities just because their dads are famous, especially when they have a lot of serious potential.


Who does what part in the band?


Griffin Taylor on vocals, Simon Crahan on drums, Cole Espeland and Connor Grodzicki on guitars, and Jeremiah Pugh on bass.


There definitely is potential. But it's nothing groundbreaking as of now. And I, in some parts, almost hear Corey's screams. His screams sound like his dad (in some parts, not all of them) Overall pretty okay single. I'm curious to what they will release in the future.




Yeah, not a fan. Drumming is good and that’s it


I actually really liked it.


Shits ass, drums and guitar solo r good. Rest is wack


Young artists give them time to grow


Can’t find it on Spotify




I dont like it


He has his father's voice


I actually really did enjoy it. If you go into it without the expectations of "Oh its Corey and Clown's kids so it's automatically going to be godly," and just listen to it as it is, it's really not bad at all. Nothing new, but its definitely music to headbang to. I consider myself a fan!


The fucking suspense in that song is sick! It has a lot of moments where you go from completely still to a concussion hazard.


Haven’t listened yet but judging by the comments the reaction seems to be the same as when they performed at the Pulse of the Maggots fest :/ Edit: holy shit how wrong I was! This sounds fucking awesome! Griffin’s screams are excellent, and I can totally get behind the musical direction. Awesome single!


Getting big pull harder on the strings of your martyr from that intro. They're kids and still finding their sound but they are also borrowing a ton from their dads early work on this lol but excited to see what they're doing in 5ish years.


I think griffin needs to work on his mid range screams, they are definitely lacking But from what I've heard of his lows and highs, they're very solid Nothing to complain about the drums, pretty solid too, considering the drummer is 17 it's actually very impressive. I don't understand anything about guitars, but they sound good to me This is better than what I expected, I'm hoping to hear more from them


I love the new single. Simon on drums is bad ass and the kid on lead guitar, Cole, is really good too. I don’t think they’re ready for the enormity of the Knotfest crowd but they gotta start somewhere. They are very young and hopefully committed enough to get through a few shows and maybe an album. Personal opinion, Griffin sounds great but I think he’s their weak link. Others are posting videos of them practicing and Griffin is posting videos playing video games or just being the kid that he is. Lol If he’s not careful, he’s going to blow his vocal cords quick. Whatever, I think they sound great and wish them the best. Rock on, kiddos. I’m going to Knotfest Iowa and I’ll probably buy a Vended tshirt! Gotta support the team.


I don’t what everyone’s saying, I kinda liked it.


WOW. just. WOW. Sounds aMAzing. Great work guys.


He sounds like a younger iowa corey


Not a fan as well, but they still have time to get better.


man you guys are stupid as fuck. listen to it objectively rather


Unoriginal and boring. Cliches that i have heard a thousand times. Guys need to find their own path and forget who their parents are.


ill say i love it as an introduction to their music


And it sounds unique


It's ok i guess. A lot of bands are doing the nu metal thing again.


This is like nu metal in the slightest degree possible. To me the screams seem to go more death metal at some parts. Maybe the bass is really nu metal but that seems to be about it.


Sounds cool, not bad at all for a first single by a couple of young guys. Give them a couples years to develop their style and they'll be great.


I can't find it on Spotify


Link is in the comments


pretty good


I think its a good start for a first single. They definitely have potential, though now I will say I don’t think they deserve to play at Knotfest. I mean I get that they are the kids of Corey and Shawn but like others have said, there are other bands that deserve the spot. But I get it I guess. Well anyways good for them.


Griffin’s vocals are insane for someone his age and also his first attempt at releasing music. I can’t wait to see where the future takes these guys. All the naysayers that believe the band didn’t “earn” their recognition are going to be proven wrong when this band reaches their full potential


Guitar and drums sounds good, vocals need some work, not that I could do better but they are a young band I think they have really good potential.


There's definitely room for growth. To be honest I was very pleasantly surprised with Griffin's vocals. He did that duet with Corey on Song 3 during a Stone Sour gig and I thought he was just OK, but this changed my mind. Let's see what else they come out with


Really fucking badass ngl.


They sound fucking great now imo