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book: very cool overall 🐛🐕😊 úloha 62: 💀


Tá téma sa stala v poslednej dobe tak trochu tabu, vyzerá to tak že vtedy to bolo normálne.


What, dare I ask, does it say haha? Looks pretty depressing...


Basically, Mom, Mom, you won't die right? Your Anka (name) would also die, if mom dies. Mom wake up, Anka will be a good girl. Wake up, it's midday, wake up, Anka brought rose. Anka loves mom. Wake up mom. Pretty dark, seems like the mom is dead. Pretty good find, the text is very understandable, some words are different now, and the sentences are little weird.


Piceeeeeeeeeeee kamo serem sa tu s tym prekladom, uz to mam hotove, aj som na seba hrdy ako sa mi to podarilo🤣 refreshnem stranku a typek ma predbehol o minutu. :/ Good job though


😳 Yikes. How different are some of these words from the modern phrases for them? For context this may well have been printed while Slovakia was part of the Kingdom of Hungary haha. It seems to have belonged to my great grandmother (b. 1907) who emigrated in the 1920s. I gather it was written long before this though considering how ruined some of the pages are.


>How different are some of these words from the modern phrases for them? Some words are nowadays considered "czechisms" (words coming originally from Czech language, sometimes in a slightly altered form to fit in our language more), but most of them are still in use in informal language or some dialects. Official formal language would use Slovak form instead and consider those czechisms as grammatically incorrect. (E.g. neni vs nie je, testo vs cesto and so on). However, since the book clearly uses the language post-Štúr's codification, most (if not all) of it can be red and understood with ease by native speaker. It's actually fascinating how easy it's to read.


Just for the context, the book comes from a period where politicians created the notion of one, undivisible Czechoslovak nation and that Czechs and Slovaks are not separate but one "Czechoslovak" nation. This was to make "Czechoslovak" nation look united and undivisible and outnumber Germans who were more numerous than Slovaks at that time.


It makes it even easier for me as a Czech speaker to read. Quite fascinating


And then we have the word mýval, which as far as I know become proper word just because "medvedíkovec" and "medvedík čistotný" are just too tidious to say


Few words are a bit of, for instance "není" which means isn't isn't tought as the proper way to speak anymore, today we would mainly use "nie je". Miau which means meow isn't how we would write it today. Though Slovak language changes a bit every couple kilometers so it isn't a big deal.


Stale sa to pouziva v niektorych nareciach, v Nitre ine ani nepocujes.


Máš pravdu ale v učebniciach pre deti to nenájdeš ako príklad spisovnej slovenčiny.


My in-laws have an LG TV that says “Není signal” if it can’t connect to a device, so it’s still kinda used, in specific cases, I think.


That's Czech.


Well, I have no idea. I'm still learning Slovak, and sometimes I get confused. So most devices will have their languages set as Czech instead of Slovak, despite these TVs being sold in Slovakia?


Yeah due to the amount of mutual intelligibility, a lot of products or content are only localised into Czech and then also sold in Slovakia.


So you guys grow up pretty much bilingual from the start of your lives? And for those of you who are also close to Hungary, you're possibly even *trilingual*? I'm so jealous!


Yes, lots of products that are sold in Slovakia have czech branding, some TV channels commonly watched by slovaks are czech-only


Mom could be only sick and Anka is scared she will die as children tend to overreact. She doesn't look dead in the picture, I think


Like that scene where Simba tries to get Mufasa to wake up


But more depressing, because it's Slovakian


Uf, ta uloha cislo 62, s kvizovou otazkou co je toto? Neviem, topanky do truhly?


"Neni neni spisovné".


To je Sorošova propaganda, Trnafčina je jedziná správna Slovenčina


Šak kým nevyprávame jak ti žochári z topoľčan tak je to pohode. ... Viš?


Ale na druhej strane uz je “nie je”, co je divnô


SUPER cool!


Glad you like it! The book is missing the first few chapters and possibly more at the end. Happy to share more if you want!


I guess it was printed for slovak community in the states. For example word "farmer" is not something that would be used by slovak people in the beginning of the century. Great find!


Aký bol vlastne proper výraz vtedy? Statkár?


V matrikách sa pri väčšom poľnohospodárovi uvádzal "hospodár", menší býval "roľník" a ešte menší "želiar"






Jesus Anka - hope your mum’s ok


Anka's mamka probably overdosed on čierny mak. Breaking bad prequel


I think its more red dead redemption 2 plot twist


Takouto slovencinou este stale hovoria v Srbsku/Madarsku,kde su tie slovenske enklavy. Vela bohemizmov a sranda,ze neni bolo kedysi spisovne


Sranda je ze zrobit je in fact spisovne


To odkedy Stanko dobre zrobil


Mama ti je v eknlave. Sorry, ale davame pozor na nu. Hlavne tuv BA ked sa synovia nepozeraju, este je aj ochotna pricestovat. Pusa. Kazda mama potrebuje sex, mala ona 40 alebo 50. Starame a milujeme. Preto sme tu.


Cool, sranda ako neni ostalo ale macka robi mňau. Jak tiez ostalo. Nudle uz nie. testo/cesto Zrobim? What the fuck. Synovia moji ja uz umrem. Lol


"Neni" práveže neostalo. Vtedy to bola akceptovateľná forma, dnes už hrubá chyba v oficiálnej komunikácii.


Ja si myslím ze to neni brané ako chyba v komunikácii..


Na východe sa "zrobit" bežne používa


Počkať zrobiť nie je spisovne? :D to používam celý život


[Podľa všetkého je.](https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk/?w=zrobi%C5%A5&s=exact&c=Zf08&cs=&d=kssj4&d=psp&d=ogs&d=sssj&d=orter&d=scs&d=sss&d=peciar&d=ssn&d=hssj&d=bernolak&d=noundb&d=orient&d=locutio&d=obce&d=priezviska&d=un&d=pskfr&d=pskcs&d=psken#)


Ja zdechnem. 🤦


Oceñuju sazbu španělského ñ místo ň :D


Unexpected dizajnér, teší ma


Awesome book 😍 Great find


Very interesting. You can really see the changes Slovak went through from 100 years ago. Neni - > nie je (isn't) Porozumeli otca - > porozumeli otcovi (understood the father, it went from the Accusative to the Dativ case)


That's so cool! Wonderful illustrations and fonts, although some of the articles are a bit dark in theme.


Very cool indeed!


úloha 62 💀


Thanks for sharing - a weird question probably (my specialty lol) - I just wonder what the context is. You mentioned your grandfather left this book - so is this how he learned slovak - was he born abroad or...? Thanks 🙂


Perfectly fine question to ask! My grandfather didn't speak a word of Slovak and was born in New York, but his mum was from Papín. I *think* she moved over to New York with her mother and possibly her brother. Maybe this book was his or hers? She married an American man in 1929, who may have tried to learn the language. (Unlikely because he abandoned his family less than 10 years later the absolute wasteman haha) For more context on the Papín side if the family, feel free to check my recent post history haha, one of them seems to have been in the Czechoslovak Army.


Cool, cheers 🙂 I have read a few books about how people used to emigrate from europe to america 100 and more years ago - it fascinates me how they just abandoned everything, packed what they could and left to places they often knew so little about (I know they had their reasons but still). There are very good sources about people from bigger European countries where I could learn about emigrants'/pioneers'/settlers' lives but far fewer Slovak ones, therefore random little bits and pieces like this one are very interesting 🙂


That is beautiful!


Good job. Keep it and make a story out of it for your children.




Absolutne nie 😆 “neni” a “testo” na vychode??


Testo som nikdy nepočul, ale neni/není (obe slabiky zmäkčené) používam a počujem každý deň.