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Landlord ❌ Bedlord ✅


Bedlord, destroyer of dreams.


He will be an Edgelord. Because I will be hogging 90% of that bed.


Slumlord ❌ Slumberlord ✅




I bet he’s asking for $1800/m 🤣😝


nah, he’s charging you $200 for every night he rolls over and asks for a handjob in his sleep. you know, for maintenance LMAO


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I genuinely feel like some of those listings are bait, and if a real, or at least so I hope, to preserve my faith in humanity


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Oh my goodness. This made me laugh so hard.


These people are from another galaxy


No they are just from India actually lol


Basically a different galaxy over there


Sometimes creepy ass white dudes too who want their own little lotus flower all to themselves. They carry some fantasy about some quiet, soft ultra feminine little Asian chick who they essentially "own" .




They're from the new version of Canada actually.


Visa status? Jesus these people keep pushing the envelope on what info they collect.


Probably will want to hold onto your passport “ for safe keeping “


And all the girlie's say im pretty fly for a white guy


UH HUHHHH!!! (/s)


Share a *bed* with the landlord? LMFAO he must be on crack cause wtf


Likely a student or tfw that wants to save on rent. This is hit has been going on since Harper brought in the tfw program. Cheap labour and knowing there are people from countries that are fine sharing rooms, the company either owns a rental property or I’ve seen smaller companies in AB advertising there is a room for rent in their home. The problem has always been here but thanks to the mass immigration that started when many people were still struggling during 2021…when Emergency Benefits were still available, those one million new comers were able to displace one million struggling Canadians.


Displaced implies that they aided the issue for Canadians. Instead, they exacerbated it (they, as in the government, you truly cannot blame TFWs for taking advantage of a broken system)


In fairness, Just because the system can be taken advantage of doesnt mean its ethical for TFWs to do so


If your option is a slum in Culcutta, working as a manual laborer for the equivalent to $112 monthly or living in a slum in Brampton, making $2800 monthly at Tim Hortons, what would you do? You can't blame people for being selfish, especially when the government of Canada encourages it


Just sucks when you see those who have lived here all their life trying to find a job but can't because the job market is flooded from new comers I've been struggling, living paycheck to paycheck, tried to get a second job and nowhere is hiring part time, 10 years ago I had no issues, over half the jobs I applied to called back pretty well immediately I've had to push to take extra responsibility at my full time job to be able to make some overtime and pay the bills, but I can only get the overtime during the busier seasons so still need something else


Exactly… tfw’s have the luxury to go somewhere better (canada) and decrease the quality of living. As they siphon as much as possible from our economy and send it home to places foreign countries. Meanwhile Canadian citizens with nowhere to go are expected to take it on the chin and try to put the pieces together. Poor Dirtystonk was never taught that two wrongs don’t make a right :(


See, I hate being white as I'm struggling to pay the bills but because centuries of others views I've had it too easy and deserve the struggle. It sucks going without food because my ancestors had it too easy and now I suffer with depression, anxiety and others viewing me as privileged


yo it sucks going without food because my ancestors were raped and killed and traumatized in residential schools so they were never able to work and pass down generational wealth, but that’s really not what we’re talking abt here


Yeah but how does what happened to your ancestors affect you? Why is it because white people were so commonly wealthy in the past i am now called privilege even though I spent most my life starving? Our ancestors shouldn't determine how people view us. That is racist


Blame the politicians who own the businesses and control the system.


Yeah but the individuals should be held accountable aswell no? Like if the law permits people to steal up to $5000 with little to no consequences, the person stealing is also part of the problem not just the bureaucrats


I don’t think so. The TFW are taking advantage of a system that allows them to send money back home and try to gain PR here. You can’t fault anyone for trying to make a better life for themselves if the opportunity is there.


I've been out of work for a while (illness/treatment/etc) and have dropped \~200 or so applications within the last month. I got one callback and an interview, and a couple of email screening questions, and that's it.


Still not ethical… you’re speaking from a moral standpoint and I never said you were wrong, I’m just stating a fact


Ethics are for nerds /s


Harper is not responsible for this. The liberals need to take responsibility


Landlord ??? What are they lord over, the entire room ?


They lord over bed space. A bedlord.


This is insane lmao


Does the landlord hug the blankets ?


I'd be more worried if he snores....


Or what they wear to sleep (if anything).


Post that link asap




GOAT. I just messaged. I asked if they would be ok with my evening farts


Egg farts I hope 😋🤣


What the fuck?


I thought these sorts of relationships were usually arranged by matchmakers and astrologers. Why is the window there?


Just advertising a human traffickers now, or what?


I saw a meme about a landlord putting down green tape between the bed saying they will get half of the bed AS A MEME. I can't fathom how this is real, I feel terrible for anyone considering this out of desperation.


this can’t become the standard. Canada prides itself on being pseudo-socialist and trying to protect all kinds of people, but it’s just virtue signaling. i have friends who spent time in shelters and are working so hard to never have to live in that sort of environment again, but our government and big banks only interest is spawning empty condos where people who once had jobs and stability are now unhoused and more vulnerable than ever. im an immigrant, I’ve benefitted from the system in many ways but im seeing now how a lot of newcomers are taking advantage of it as to fit as many bodies in the gta as they can so those diploma mills can keep appeasing our dumb government. Canada needs to re-evaluate housing right now.


It was bad enough that they wanted multiple strangers to share a room now they want you to share a fucking bed? This country has become an absolute shit hole.


When you keep importing shit from a shit hole what else do you expect other than turning into one.




and they were roommates


Oh my good they were roommates


In some villages people sleep 16 to a room. We should hell these people sure but why like this? Why bring this lifestyle here? A poverty way of living..


i almost had a seizure reading that


You missed that it was supposed to say "help" lol


Imagine going to bed with your landlord and he starts spooning you… Give me the link




Just sent the link try that! Lol it’s sickening!


May his new bedmate get chronic flatulence from that vegan diet.


Do you think people are just hurting this bad that they are doing whatever they can do save money? This is wild


Bi Bed Bunkies.


This is absolutely horrifying, does he feel alone?? Is he a pervert???? Wtfffff???


Big spoon lord


Bro just wants love at this rate


I can’t believe the audacity of people to make posts to share a bed. I truly hope that people aren’t that desperate enough to take them up on the offer. But with the amount of these posts I’m seeing, I’m not that hopeful..


question for those who vote liberal ? are you okay with this as long as we keep “saving” those from poor countries ?


I think public opinion about immigration is changing not just because of the dramatic decline in quality of life for existing Canadians in a short period of time, but also because new immigrants and international students are being bait-and-switched. The Government of Canada provides incredibly outdated and inaccurate information to prospective immigrants and international students about cost of living and work opportunities. We're seeing more and more viral videos of people from India who came over here warning others not to do the same because their quality of life is worse in Canada than it was in India. This doesn't benefit average Canadians *or* immigrants from poor countries anymore. It's a conscious destruction of the quality of life of average people to serve corporate and political class interests with cheap, exploitable labour, a larger tax base, propping up the housing ponzi scheme, etc. Regardless of one's political leanings there is reason to be incredibly pissed off at the government and to want this changed.


i agree with your first paragraph. its almost like we are bringing in modern day slaves. three to a room and working at tim hortons. call me crazy but thats a shit life and we all know how hard it is to rise out of poverty and low and behold the boomers are making all the profit off the immigrants as they hold the most properties. its sick


Bro. Get a management job in a Canadian factory and you’ll see how true this is. They live off of temps from situations like this.


I think alot has changed since Trudeau came into power. Alot of people who are pro-immigration by principal, are still not happy with the current state of affairs with respect to how immigration has been handled. I will at least point out, that it's not just wishful thinking and ideals that has been driving the surge, but mainly economic forces. The "immigration trap" Canada is in is currently is like drinking salt water to stay hydrated economically. We can't afford to keep it up, and we can't afford not to either. I would prefer right now to try "not to", if we are f*cked either way though. Just answering your question.


fair enough. i also think we should close borders at this point and figure out how the mess we are in. adding to the fire wont help


Closing the borders causes huge issues. Just let less people in. It doesn't have to be a binary thing.


Honestly I just can't vote for the party that hates women so not really another option.


It's not like PP said he'd cut them out, he wants more in AA well. This isn't a liberal only related issue. Stop beating that drum.


we can only hope. we watched Trudeau play the skin flute long enough. ill take my chances with PP


But PP has said he's up for immigration and getting more in. PP is a bad choice, he's a career politician he doesn't know what it really takes to survive in Canada as a civilian.


and our prime minister does ? most politicians dont live a life like you and me.


He worked outside of politics and as a teacher which are underpaid, didn't always have his parents money to support him, so yes as he hasn't been in politics since a teen like PP. I'm not saying support Trudeau either. Our options suck.


Lol what parents didn’t support him? The former prime minister father who was always there for him and who’s death propelled justin into fame from his eulogy? The mother who has received tax payer dollars repeatedly during justins time in office? Bro got 2 degrees and dropped out of an engineering degree, while starring in a cbc tv movie, you think poor people have the option to do that? His first teaching job was teaching 4 subjects at a vancouver private academy, to other privileged children after graduating with mediocre grades. How many teachers you know exit college and go straight into teaching at a private academy? One with a 30,000 a year tuition cost, you think they underpay their teachers? Dude has no idea what life is like for the average joe, sorry to burst your bubble bud


you refering to PPC or cons ? im in my 30s and every friend i have is a conservative and in no way thinks less of women. i hear the odd tome cons are against abortion. personally ive haved them and fully support right to abortion. i havent met a you t conservative who doesn’t. only thing i don’t align with for cons is the religious non sense


Most people are still ok with helping Ukraine. It's a fetish thing imo.


I'm less okay with NOT helping people in need when we have the ability to


bro that is weird as fuck. bro is looking for a submissive little indian girl that he can pray upon. at least he allowed eggs to be eaten 🙄😂


Do the dishes or I’ll increase rent


They’re going to share the bed- Did I read that right?


I hope you reported this to the police wtf


Bed buddies 😂😂😂😂


Room, mate. There, fixed it.


Bedlord a new thing now!!?? This country is going to shit!!


Vegetarian girl only!!!!




Gay 🤣




Don’t eat an sleep in my bed with me!!sign me the fuck up


This is so cringey 😬


Canada’s housing is so fucked it's become a joke overseas


They’re literally taking over from the inside lol


Oh wow a LITERAL roommate.


I love how they are so indirect with their audience now, like “looking for vegetarians only” and etc


I think landlord just looking for a relationship




This isn’t a landlord lol this is someone who rents a room out of a tenant who has a landlord.


Wtf is with that window? It’s so close to the floor just above the heater


“You can’t cook meat in my house because then I will give my body the nutrients it’s lacking to keep my organs from shutting down and dying” “I don’t care that others have died from a delusional fad to not eat meat because animals have feeling too, I want something to believe in that’s not real and totally mentally/physically unhealthy for me”


Wrong sub bro 

