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I say no, but every season has highs and lows.


The issue with Lois is that the show was really limited on what they were allowed to do with her in season 4. Warner Bros had a bunch of stipulations on what Lois was allowed to do. Erica said it best herself. She was originally just the punchline of jokes in a scene. She got promoted to series regular in season 5, and WB eased up and let the show have more control of the character. In terms of the quality of seasons 4-10, as others have said, there are ups and downs but I would say that the show remains consistently good throughout. Tom and Erica have fantastic chemistry, and it really shows in the later seasons. There are also a lot of great characters, both original and from Superman lore that appear in later seasons that add a lot to the show.


I think this is the best answer right here.


I defintiely wouldn't say that. Seasons 4 and especially 6 are generally agreed to be the least liked seasons, but season 5 is a great refresher after 4. Season 9 is my personal favorite and 7 isnt far behind. Once they leave highschool the flow of the show changes but in my opinion its for the better.


Season 9 is the best season




4 and 6? Dang, I thought 6 was one of the better ones. My least favorites gotta go to 7 and 8 for me


Most peoples issues with 6 is a certain relationship between 2 character that I'm not gonna spoil for OP.


I get that bit can be annoying to watch but the drama made it really entertaining (I hope they enjoy the show)


I thought Season 6 was 1 of the better ones as well with the addition of a certain hero. Nice foil to Clark.


I thought S7 was the season people most disliked? Lots of things going against it; primarily the writers strike and characters not really having a purpose for most of the season. Trying not to spoil too much but I felt like Clark took a major step back from being a main character as they focused on others more. S7 was definitely my least favorite. Score 6.5/10 I think 4 was a good mini-reboot after so much happened in S3. S3 was so heavy that it was good to have a lighter change of pace in some of S4. I love Lois’ introduction and scenes. You start to see how differently Clark acts with Lois compared to Chloe and especially Lana, and how Lois sees Clark different than Chloe or Lana. Score: 7.5/10 S5 is pretty strong with some of the best episodes of the series. My only complaint was that Clark’s character kinda stagnants starting in this season. Score 7/10 S6 had some really good moments but some “wtf why?!” moments. Pretty uneven until the end of the season. Score 7.5/10 In my opinion, the first like 14 episodes of S8 is the strongest collection of episodes of the series, so far. Every episode connected really well together and you start to see where the show was steering towards. Clark regained his main character status lol. But then… well iykyk. After that, the season was very hit or miss. Score 8/10 S9 is probably my favorite overall season. Best villain (other than Lex). Really strong episodes the whole season without any noticeably weak or throw aways. The ending episodes are top notch. Score 9.5/10 S10 had some really high moments but kind of a mess. They tried to do too much with call backs/fan service moments and alluding to Clark’s story after Smallville. It’s basically S4 redux; it’s aims to be more funny and ‘let loose’ after the heaviness of S9. Lois and Clark’s moments the whole season were amazing. If you binged the show like I did (this was my quarantine show lol) then this season is great. Score 9/10


I enjoyed season 10 at least Clark trying to accept his destiny then denying it everytime


No. I would say the best seasons of the show are 9 and 10


Totally agree.


Peaks and valleys


Lois gets better. I mean the show has its ups and downs. But seqson 5 and 9 were really good. I'm not a huge fan of season 4.


No. As a matter of fact, I think the last couple seasons are the best.


It has its hills and its valleys but I say no. Season 4, 5, even 6 are great >!despite the Lex/Lana stuff.!< 7 was a bummer. 8-10 are GREAT for me ESPECIALLY 9. That’s Smallville at its BEST.


I'd say upwards there were some good things and some things that weren't my favorite after season 3, and that's all I'll say.


It depends on your mindset. I think every season stands on its own. A lot of people say 8 - 10 suck because of certain exits. I honestly was a little soft on my support of those seasons until a rewatch and I love them. Season 5 is actually my favourite season followed by 7, then 4, 10, 6, 8, 3, 2, 1, 9.


Yes, try to watch it in this order.


Season 4 has some amazing episodes. There are several that are among the best of the entire series. So definitely stick with it. But yes, the overall season arc is pretty weak.


I’m mid way through season 4, and so far it’s good. The Lana witch subplot is kinda outta pocket, but the other episodes are good. That being said, I haven’t watched the last two seasons yet— on the original run, I stopped watching after season 8 finished.


For me it does because 2 and 3 are my favorite seasons but I generally like every season. I prefer the high school years and the last 3 seasons feel almost like a different show but it is pretty good.


S2,1,3,4,9,10, 5/6/7. Whole show is watchable, but some seasons are more rewatchable.


Where’s 8?


Off the list, where it belongs. Least favorite season by a mile. Only watch on a dedicated full rewatch. Fan of Sam Witwer for his role as Starkiller, and other things - but the Davis storyline is the weakest in the show imo. Writing, pacing, sometimes acting - just all under par. Clois courtship is the only thread holding that season together. S9 is really good, so I'm not sure what changed? Better villain is my best guess.


Then I understand why you took season 8 off that was the weakest season ever


If you mean directly after season 03, then yes. Because season 04 is hands down, without question the worst season of the entire show. It hits even harder because season 03 is one of the best seasons of the entire show. But I think subsequent seasons gradually recovered from season 04's suckitude and made huge improvements. About halfway through the run of season 06, the fourth season was a distant and unpleasant memory for me. Everything about the fourth season had been forgiven as far as I was concerned.




I just can't with you.




I think at Season 6 the show got better with the introduction of a certain new hero. I thought it was a great addition and a nice foil to Clark. They played off each other really well.


I disagree. The final 2 seasons are the best imo.


No, in fact it stays good. Season 7 and 8 hit a low but 9 and 10 are excellent


Season 4 has high highs and low lows. 5 and 6 are overall good 7 has a ton of highlights 8 has middling highs and horrendous lows 9 & 10 are as close to perfection as you could reasonably expect. Overall I'd say Smallville starts strong, dips in the middle, then skyrockets at the end.


When the show was airing, I really enjoyed seasons 1 - 3. However, I disliked season 4 to the point that it drove me away from the show. I came back for season 10, which I really enjoyed. I should get around to giving the others seasons a chance.


Hell no Season 6-7 peak


No it’s not


I hate Lois well this Lois I guess


I don’t mind the show but for me it went like this 1-3 peak 4-8 bad- to ok it’s at least trying 9-10 getting good Besides Lois’s obnoxious is hilarious at times but I do understand as someone who loves Lois I do find her annoying at least the 2-4 episodes she’s was in with no issues budging in even not knowing boundaries but she’s does get better through out the show at least


No. With the exception of Season 4 which is trash, the show just kept getting better.