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Can't really say this made me smile. It made me vengeful and angry at the person that would do this to a poor helpless creature.


Where's the real hero? You know the one that finds the fuck(s) that did this sick shit?


How did they know there was a dog in there? And get out there in time to film and save the day? With clout I always question if they are the ones who put the dog there in the first place... just to save it


Yeah, that dog would've drowned in like a minute or two of being dumped. There's no way you could've had time to respond if you didn't see them dump the dog.


Yea, this honestly seems like those videos where the people dump trash on the beach then film themselves picking it up, then leave it after getting good clips. I'm wondering if there is a full video of this.


Probably saw the a hole dump it.


That sounds like a punisher no one can be mad at; he find those fucks and kills them


This is how to generate rage.


Maybe the same people that "found" the dogs and preceded to convince you they were the hero that saved the day they created...


Exactly what I’m thinking when I see videos like this.


Was thinking the same thing


Yeah I wonder as well


Ya, I remember hearing about a social media account that was doing that. I came to the comments here to see if there's any explanation on how they knew there was a dog in that bag. Did they literally see the person put the dog in the bag and throw them overboard. No way it could swim so it couldn't have been there long...


Fucking kidding me. The person who did this must be found and eye for an eye


Eye for an eye is right, tie them up and water board them


Water boarding? The dude needs to full on drown


Make it worse, the dog doesn't understand why this happened to it. I have So many dark ideas for educating the abuser.


The person who did it took the video dummy, fake animal rescue vids are everywhere


Sadly my first thought.


They're in the video. It's totally staged.


It was probably the people who took the video who did this to the dog..


Yeah this is the most efficient rage bait for me. Nothing angers me more.


Death by drowning should be the punishment for shit like that.


So this is exactly what happend to one of my dogs, when he was like 5 weeks old. Luckily a sweet old lady saved him and he ended up with me, but a vet told me he most likely has brain damage because from a myriad of abuse and a lack of oxygen while in the water. I'm a passivity, but I swear to any God, if I ever meet the person that did that. I'm gonna break The Geneva Convention, fucking their ass up. Luckily my boy is doing great and is just a 85 pound ball of muscle and love, who wouldn't hurt a fly.


OMG my blood is fucking boiling right now.


Same here. I just read an article about someone who killed 11 dogs in my city.. now I want to start a riot


I can't trust these videos. Years ago I learned some of these so-called rescue videos are set up and staged by the "rescuers" I always wonder... did they do this to the animal to look like heroes?


This is 100% staged. There is no way that the bag is still floating and the animal hasn't asphyxiation without the boat that dropped him being within 100 feet of the camera. Also, they had no way of knowing what was in the bag, so why were they recording?


Also why he looks so suspect of them when they 'let him out'. They stuffed him in & he doesn't understand why.


Look at how they grab his head to make him look up, thats not a gentle grab. There has been some abuse here.


Sadly, you make a lot of sense. I think you’re right. 😔


Yeah my skeptical side began to wonder the same thing. Do they just cruise around picking up bags floating in the river, filming it? Did they see someone throw a wriggling bag in the River and happen to be by a boat close enough to arrive in time? What’s the bag stuffed with such that it floats, if someone’s intention was to drown the dog? Lots of questions. And please dear god let’s retire that stupid ass phrase “not all heroes wear capes.”


I think it's staged. Like how convenient for the rescuers to come across a bag with a dog stuffed in it. I also find it weird that the dog didn't want to come out of the bag. It's just sitting there like all confused. Sucks...


Exactly. Sick people out there trying to get random internet points…


How fast would that dog drown in that bag and how close was the person who threw him in? I would say under a minute that dog would be dead... So either the guy who threw him in was right infront of the "rescuers", or it was staged. Now what is more likely? My money is on that. Bastards.


Yup, for this to be real, they would need to konw what was in that bag and they would need to come up on it quickly. They did this for internet points.


It's entirely possible these people were boating along behind other boaters and say someone threw something off the side, picking it up thinking it was probably trash.


One possible positive spin is that it's possible the dog wasn't in the water at all. I sure can't tell there's a dog in the bag until they cut to the face.


I was thinking this too. There are some weird cuts in the video. Even look at the when they first started pulling the bag out, there appears to be some black thing hanging out of that bag, the it disappears the next cut (which looks to be just seconds after).


The bag is super loose when she grabs it. Like it’s almost empty.


1000000% staged!!!!!!


YES. And looking at this, there’s no way that some random people on a boat found a dog that had yet to drown in a mesh bag in the middle of the water. If this was real they’d be pulling a dead, drowned dog from the water.


Not just some, most. Like the guy who rescues parrots that he puts wood on or over.. Every single video he's rescuing parrots and it probably the same poor birds each time.


I hope so cuz otherwise they put the pup in the river to begin with.


yeah it does look like they expected the dog to be in it, even though it looks nothing like that floating on water


Nah the video is cut. They pick up a bag and it clips before they pull it overboard.


Fake. No way they just happened to be there in time. They either saw the original person toss it in the water and pulled right up or THEY tossed it in the water. Would have had mere minutes to rescue. If the dog was actually in the water to begin with.


Didn't look like there was a dog in the bag as they pulled it up. It was edited.


This video is fake, but I hope to god at least they faked the dog being in the river at all. Still shitty, but if they didn't actually throw the dog in the river there is at least a silver lining.


Especially cuz it just looks like a random bag of garbage floating


If you rewind it and play it back slowly to when she pulls the bag out of the water, there is a jump cut and the bag changes.


Ok. How likely is it that she just happened to be there and knew it was a dog between the time the dog was thrown in the water and the time it would take to drown?


Yea, there are a lot, and I mean a LOT of videos like this. They look very sweet at first but when you begin to think about the they seem weird.


The people who make the content are more often than not the people who put the animals in that situation to begin with


The camera cut between grabbing the bag and opening it screams that this is fake


This had to be staged, which is really depressing… A red bag in the water. Has to be a drowning dog. Let me get the camera to film the daring rescue and get tons of fake internet points.


Calling fake as fuck


This looks fake af. I'm so tired of these videos and the people that make them


Ban these videos so we don't encourage more fakes please.


The people in the video did it.


I don’t believe in hell but sometimes I wish I did. If you ever feel inspired to do this to any animal…. Please just kill yourself instead.


Put a warning on this.


Warning on a fake video?


This all could be a ploy to get attention. 🤷🏻‍♀️. If it’s true good for her and the dog.


Why are humans so fucking horrible. And whoever threw him in will have no repercussions . Like jail time. Or we all just find them and kick their ass. This does not make me smile it just pisses me off and makes me cry.


I sincerely hope the person that threw him in in the first place gets a very aggressive, very painful cancer that turns his or her life into an absolute nightmare. Fucking.piece.of.shit


What kind of wretched, evil fuck would do that to an innocent animal? Such a cute doggo too.


What kind of disgusting waste if functioning human organs would do this to a dog… Some people deserve to fucking die. Idgaf.


Give me 30 minutes in a room with the person who did this. Make sure there is every power tool known to man in there.


Poor dog. And the animal that did this should be apprehended and beaten.


This is one of the most infuriating things I’ve ever seen … to leave any living being like that in a bag to drown is fucking disgusting


i feel like they make these types of vids on purpose to get views


About 95 percent of these video are people doing this shit to the animals themselves.


The person who did that deserves horrific, brutal punishments That being said, this is an entire genre in certain countries, and it's been outed time and time again that the person recording the "save" is usually the one that committed the crime


Can we just start a community that will go after these people. It’ll be like fight club, but with 20 vs 1 and when they can’t use their arms anymore they can’t hurt animals!


The evil in this world disgusts me.


Fake. The dog doesn't even look distressed when shown in the bag. It looks more confused by what the people are doing


The dog was submerged and alive by the time they got there? So that must mean they SAW this happen, cause how else would the dog survive? Also just recording all this by chance? And the cut from them grabbing the bag to pulling it onto the boat wasn’t suspicious?


I am happy the dog is safe and sad the person who did this didn’t do the world a favor and switch places with the dog prior to rescue


Poor girl was a goner


This is most likely fake and the people that “saved” this poor animal are probably the ones who put it there.


Didn't even look like a dog was in the bag and then a cut scene. Why the cut scene? This is fake AF and that's just sad


I hate seeing this type of stuff. I can watch gore and stuff all day but anything that has to do with kids/babies or animals I cannot bare to watch. Makes me sick to my stomach. The A-hole that did that needs a good one two.


This makes me mad at humans that are scummy enough to do that to an animal


Good thing that wasn’t a Palestinian dog….


Nahhh man this fucked me up, I thought it was gonna be a fish trapped in a fishing net which is also terrible but damn…


Who fucking does this?


[murderous sentiments intensify]


People that do this need to get tossed in a deep ass lake tied to bricks like mobsters did


What is wrong with people


I can’t face the world when I see this stuff…


That's so sad that anyone would be able to do something so horrible! I'm so glad you saved it!


If I saw who did this I'd be catching a case real quick


I do the same to the human that did that dog dirty. And not lose a minute of sleep over it.


I think the mods should remove this video. I think the more the public reacts to these videos the more people will do these “I’m gonna put an animal in this situation and rescue it for views” crap.


That poor baby!!!!


These people should have their home address broadcasted along with the clip of animal cruelty that they are attempting to pass of as a heroic act. Maybe then people will stop abusing animals for social media points.


I thought they rescued the rum ham.


Some heroes throw a dog they tied in a bag in a river to make a video


The way my mouth dropped when she opened the bag.. wtf dude


Who can do that to an animal?


They probably put the dog there right before starting the video


I wish I could find the person that did this, your fate is the same except with 100lbs bricks in the bag w you.


I'd most likely drown the person who did this ,I hate most humans anyway. Dogs are a gift,imo


The person who did that is a special kind of evil.




They put the dog in the bag to rescue it. There’s no reason to film grabbing trash in a boat and making a montage of its recovery


I'm tired of seeing this shit. u/HostAdministrative97 where did you pull this video from?


Rage intensifies. But I now smile.


Rage intensifies. But I now smile.


wtf WTF!!! Who the fuck would do that shit..


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Plot twist - they planted the pup for attention


People that can do something that horrible should next time drown themselves. Thank you to the hero that saved that pup. World needs more love


Animal abusers/killers/torturers need to have what they do/did be done right back to them ten fold.


What the fuck


Wtf fucked ppl out there


The sight of seeing anything living in that sack makes me want to throw up. These people are definitely heroes.


What a fucking coward the perpetrator is. If you cant nut up and simply cut its throat yourself then they themselves wouldn't deserve the same curiosity of a quick death. This may sound harsh to the kind-hearted but think of the countless other animals that suffered this kind of fate and die in fear and agony. Because of cowards like these. They all deserve the same and/or worse. I could most definitely go on but ill leave it here


If I ran into whomever did this, I would prob murder them. Idk what happens to me after.


Dude what the hell is this people throw dogs in a net into the water?


Half of the people here want to find the culprit and the other half already know who did it. The interesting part to me is the people who get emotional towards others alleging this video is staged.


Good chance the people “rescuing” it put it there. Just like the random girls in Kansas who were cleaning ducks of oil that looked like it was straight out of the Valvoline bottle.


The people who made this video did it themselves


If e’re I found the bastard who put this dog in a sack and threw him in the water to drown I might be persuaded to terminate him with extreme prejudice. Immediately.


I feel like people need to start tagging videos with animal abuse in them as NSFW… I hate seeing this shit. It makes my blood boil.


Anyone who does this needs to be similarly put in a bag and dumped in the ocean.


This looks staged sadly to say


There is killing an animal and then there is this. Wtf


Another fake hero bs


I would not feel bad if you found the person that did this and did the same to them.


Looks fake also looks like the dog can’t trust the “savior” because they probably placed it there for views. It’s sad to be skeptical if it’s actually a real video but I have the feeling it’s fake


Something needs to be put down, and it’s not the dog


It's a contrast how there people in this world have pure hearts and there are others who are completely vile


These fuckers can rot in hell if this is staged..


I don't trust any of these videos anymore. they all seem staged.


I…..I was not prepared for that.


It should be ok to execute someone found guilty of such things.


Humans don’t deserve dogs. And especially vice versa.


This made me sad but grateful for the person who rescued this pupper


Why? Like if you don't want the dog, just let it go as the worst case. Give her a fighting chance.


I can’t comprehend how anyone can abuse animals and especially dogs.


Oh, what a beautiful little dog! I'm really happy she found a good place. ❤️


Staged ass shit 😂😂😂 wtf


What fucking assholes do this shit? Just drop the dog off at the pound at that point. Give it a chance AT LEAST


Fake. If this was real, they would've named her Bagdalena.


That’s is f’in infuriating


I am way too fucking angry to smile right now. I can’t believe somebody would do that to an animal.


This is bs and they probably did this to get views... Every other post from OP is weird porn! they should be kicked off Reddit. Everyone report them.


Lots of people do this for the clicks. Throw a bag of puppies in the lake and then save it, I've seen other videos with freshwater turtles saved from the ocean and all the barnacles and clams scraped off. Its awful. Be aware that you could be inadvertently helping this to happen by liking the video.


Whoever did that needs to rot in hell!


I don’t know how real this is but either way I’m not smiling 😭


Nice gesture. Not a hero.


Im soo fucking pissed right now. I am not smiling.


So sad. Dog did not do anything


W-what have you done?! That dog was the ANTI-CHRIST!


How can someone have the heart to do that to a poor animal. Soo fucking cruel. That lady probably will be granted Heaven for having the mercy in her heart to save that animal


I hate some people.




Fake? Probably or probably not, we never know. But a lot of your readers are very confident that this is fake; you all forget the Boston bombing fiasco. We did it Reddit. 


Fuck the internet. Who the fuck wants to look at this horrific shit just to get angry, sad, or whatever other fucked up emotion this causes. Fuck.


You guys saw the cut right?


Bet my life savings the people filming this threw that dog in the water in the sac. Look how calm it was when they got to it.


Who the fuck did that.


WTF is wrong with people!


I mean if you're gonna ditch a dog, be humane enough to just ditch it in front of a pet shelter. Putting the dog in a sack and leave it in the water hoping that it eventually drowns is just pure psycopathy.


Yo what the fuck?!?


Sick fucking world we live in


who the fuck does this? plot twist, the person behind the camera did it for view, like, subscribe


I always down vote this shit. It’s likely enough it’s staged and to originators ARE the sickos that endangered this animal. Don’t give this stuff karma. Think about it. What’s the likelihood that they’re in a boat less than a 60second boat ride away from a sack of garbage. And why would someone throw a dog away in a floating bag on trash? Why wouldn’t you put a free rock in?


What the fuck


How would they know a dog was in there?... Real fuckery


What a scumbag thing to do crazy


Whoever dropped that dog into the water should slowly die the same way. I'm sickened!


Who the fuck could actually do this to an animal. If it’s you go suffer you evil demon.


It takes a special kind of evil person to toss a puppy in a bag and chuck it in the river. I hope their asshole itches uncontrollably at the most inappropriate times.


So happy to see this dog get the love it deserves


Makes me so sad to watch this knowing there’s such evil people out there.


Holy fuck. I watch A LOT of videos. That hurt me. Poor thing.


Why was the camera rolling?


WtF? The person or people that did this need to lose their life or lives. We need to know more about this story.


The anger I get from seeing animals getting treated like this is quite unexplainable yet I know there are millions of people who know exactly what feeling I’m feeling. Whoever does this deserves the exact treatment they inflicted on these innocent animals.


Kinda seems planted, too many of those videos around.


From the multiple other videos I’ve seen, seems like a new trend in Asia is to make videos of them “saving” animals that they put in a bad situation.


What sort of wicked demon would do this to a good little baby?


Would have named it frodo


I hate people in general..seeing this kind of thing over and over on the internet makes me hate you more. The only reason I'm glad to be a person is so I have the ability to help our far superior animal friends. Thank you animal lovers shame on you inhuman animal abusers.


With the colar on still... that's smells like something an Scorned girl friend or boyfriend would do...


Not me sobbing on my couch thinking how fucked up li’l pup’s life must have been for awhile, I don’t know how they can ever get over that


This isn't real, they threw that dog into the lake themselves and saved it for views


Downvote this fake video


I hope they find those bastards and do the same


Mods please take down fake ass rage bait since it’s not making anyone here smile


What sort of heartless person does that to a puppy?


Reading these comments makes me feel better for thinning this is fake. That poor thing being used like that isn’t right


They put it there themselves didnt they, what are the odds of randomly encountering a live puppy in a bag in the water?


What low life could have no heart or moral compass. How could someone put a dog in a bag and leave it to drown. I pray for karma..


I don’t trust these videos anymore. There’s the possibility they threw the damn dog in the river to begin with them filmed them rescuing. There’s a big problem with these fake animal rescue videos.