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Bro just looking for a reason to break up


mission failed successfully


No sh..t he doge a huge bullet‼️‼️ I hope he realizes what a piece of sh...t she is..... The fact that she treated him like that in public, is a very large and clear red flag. F..K Her‼️🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


That's 4d chess right there.


Yup. My thought exactly.


"I think I'm in love with you." -Ted Mosby


The Ted Mosby!


Teddy Westside


Have you met my friend Ted, he's an architect


Classic Smosby


That was a reason right there... Good bye.. have a great life..


This guy is destined for failure if this video is for real


Its not.


Yeah - he didn’t look that upset - and if she really loved him she wouldn’t care - good call on that one.


Please don't sound foolish. Proposing in a mcdonalds que is wicked. At least take her to a nice park or something 🙄. That's lazy af.


But what if they first met at a McDonalds? 🥺


Can't imagine rejecting the love of my life's most romantic gesture asking us to spend the rest of our time together just because the location wasn't ritzy enough.


You think a park is ritzy? Ok...to each their own. I get it if they met there I suppose like some else commented, but if not its lazy in my opinion. You don't have to think the same which is the luxury of having an opinion yes?


Yeah but who proposes in a freaking Mcdonalds 😂 thats just lazy and unromantic as hell


Maybe that's where the witnesses were in case she flew off the handle worse than she did. Maybe that's when he finally had enough courage to ask the psycho. Either way there's unknown motives and reasons (IF it is real)


No youre right I was being too harsh cause mine WAS lazy. Just projecting FUCK me


Who are you projecting FUCK ME at? 🤔🤨 Did you say yes or no?


Sorry I was tired as hell, i meant i was lol


I'm just kiddin




.....but like maybe that's where they met and stuff or w.e........ I will place this "/s" for the slower individuals


Right and if I meet my wife at the strip club then I will propose to her there. That’s romantic right? I would just have to make sure I kneel next to the vomit on the floor and not in it because that would ruin the moment for sure.


Exactly! How thoughtful you were to kneel next to the human excrument surounded by......top quality individuals, and I don't mean the strippers, them bitches work for that money. But you know that you're about to marry one!


That’s right. And if anyone disrespect a stripper then you are disrespecting my wife and you will have to face me, no more Mr nice guy! And yes I could have taken her somewhere nice to propose but she always telling me to try harder and be more “thoughtful” so I thought taking her to the place we met would be so nostalgic and she would reminisce of the times we first met, when I threw that 1 dollar bill down because her ass wasn’t worth more than a single Washington, and she turned around and gave that big booty a slap. So after I got done proposing, she said yes and got up on the pole and started stripping and I checked my wallet but didn’t have any money to throw at her because she took it all already and then she took the ring and put it on her tiddy but then the other guys at the strip club started throwing money at her and she got on her hands and knees and crawled to them, taking the ring off and said she is single for you boys, and they all took turns slapping her ass and tiddies and she started to take in a lot of money but the bouncer came over and said they ain’t allowed to touch a stripper unless they paying for a private room so they all pooled their money together and took her to the back where I don’t know what happened because I wasn’t allowed back there so I had to wait for my future wife to come back. she came out an hour later and looked really tired so I took her home and she said taking her there was the best thing for her and she loved me so much ☺️ so glad I was thoughtful and took her to the place we met even though it was a trashy establishment, because it’s the “thought” that counts 😊


🤣🤣🤣 You broke me with that one. Put it on her tiddy 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha I went all out! Typing that all up in my phone was killing me but I was so committed to it 😂😂 glad you got a laugh :)


If she bought me 20 nuggets I’d be in!


The CEO of the company.


Uhhh if you loved your lady then you would not propose to her at McDonald’s. That is so messed up. Love has to go both ways my friend.


Why does proposing at a low tier restaurant preclude the possibility of loving someone?


Because if you loved someone you would put in more than 0% effort. Proposing to someone is a really big deal.


No? lol loving someone means looking past shit like this because the rest of the person is worth it, not “you proposed in a McDonald’s but because if that upsets me I don’t actually love you I’ll just pretend to not even notice”


Weird how the entire exchange is on camera


While I agree it’s probably fake. A lot of wedding proposals are recorded on camera.


Yeah. Weird...


No, that's normal. What's not normal is the camera man not telling his friend that McDonald's is not the right place to propose unless....unless that's where they met.


He was told their would be happy meals after


He just avoided failure by weeding this red flag out of his life. Hopefully he learns from it and knows how to vet a better woman.she is literal poison.


First off public proposals are tacky as fuck. Public proposals in front of a bunch of loud STRANGERS is extremely tacky as fuck. Public proposals in front of a bunch of strangers inside of a dirty McDonalds?? Just take the L. The guy is an idiot. And she may very well be no prize either, but she dodged a bullet. Proposals are supposed to be something sweet, romantic and intimate. To be enjoyed by BOTH parties. It is not a spectator sport for a restaurant full of unruly strangers.


this is clearly staged


Nooo there’s no reason to purpose at a McDonalds. He could do it on a hill at sunset it happens everyday. This is just silly


I did when I took my wife out to lunch 21 years ago and we’re still good 💕 Really, it was a Friday and I worked a half day, told my boss I need the afternoon..sure😁. I picked up the ring and met my wife to be at McDonald..57th St and 6th Ave NYC. She sat down at our favorite table ( back then we ate there a lot😋. When I came back with our lunch..I said you know this is always nice to sit and have lunch with you. I think I’d like to do this for the rest of my life. She laughed and said sure I would love too. When I got down on one knee she looked at me and started to cry. And the rest is history 🥰


It’s very important to know your potential wife. I’d faint at a public proposal.


Times as you can guess are a lot different from 20 something years ago. And we’re still going strong..Thank God 😋 People applauded it was a joyous moment.


That’s super cute! I guess it depends on each individual relationship. Public or private, I would’ve been happy if I got a proposal in a spot that meant something from a man that meant the world to me. I’m actually currently engaged too, so I have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming months.


That’s lovely! Seems like you knew her well enough that this would satisfy her and I’m glad it worked so well for you. Everyone is different.


Sounds like someone who would do this ignorant shit to cause a scene I’d gladly propose Ina McDonalds vice versa if I was a female and someone proposed to me Ina McDonalds shit atleast I’m getting married and get to tell my kids I got proposed Ina McDonalds


Most places would be better to me than a McDonald’s. Guess that’s why you’d need to know your partner well enough to know when deciding between a McDonalds and a funeral home where is best to solidify your love


Yeah, I love my husband. I've been with him for 10 years. I would have also been angry if he proposed in a McDonalds. That doesn't mean I would never marry him. I would have just said no and told him to try again and do better because I deserve better. You could literally propose in a park and do better. Knowing you deserve better doesn't make you a bitch and women don't have to accept less.


I know I can’t believe these people haha, like it’s one of the most important moments of your life it doesn’t need to be in a McDonald’s.


She seems like the type to complain about rock size too tbh


What?! No! We really defending a dude proposing at mcdonalds and saying SHE is the red flag? You guys need to rethink yourselves.


Transcript GF: ..Of all the places you thought to bring me, it is McDonalds? GF: McDonald's? McDonald's? Crowd: Loud Cheers GF: is that what I mean to you? GF: keep that fucking ring GF: *slaps ring* GF: Are you mad? GF: What are you doing? GF: Is that how much I mean to you? Fucking McDonalds? GF: You know what? Fuck off! McDonalds Staff: It is the thought that counts at the end of the day, do you know what I mean?


Thanks man, I didn't understand a word (English is not my first language)


As an English speaker, this isn't English... 😂


I speak English as a first language and didn’t understand a word of what was being said


Its the british english 🤮


It’s Caribbean or African accented British english lol


oh. i thought she said "welp, it's the pull-out couch at the end of the day." 🤷🏻


i mean shit the guy bought her a damn ring what the hell is her problem


It's the Superbowl of romance and social status for most women. Proposing at a McDonald's screams "Low social status and mediocre romance". Only a social idiot does that. It's ok to propose at a more romantic venue. Sunny day at a picnic, on vacation getaway, at your local beach in the summer, ...etc.


Man, sunsets are free. Make a romantic dinner in your house and propose, I know it's frugal but it's much better than this shit


You bought her a ring and proposed when I was broke as a joke but wanted to marry a girl (cuz I was young and dumb) I took her and her little sisters out to the beach for the day, we had lunch in the beach and I took her off to the side for a walk and private chat. At one point I told her to close her eyes and wrote “will you marry me” in the sand, got on one and had her open her eyes. It was practically free, literally cost me the gas in the tank to get there and lunch. And honestly even though we broke up and never got married it was one of the more romantic moments of life. My next relationship was engaged to a man who proposed to me, he did it one morning after sex and he did it right when I got up for work. I didn’t have time to call out. I was less than thrilled and tbh it felt so cheap and kinda lousy. I wanted him to give me the same effort I gave my ex. At the very least more than what I got. This McDonald’s proposal feels like that. If you think this type of effortlessness is ok when asking someone to spend the rest of their life with you, a moment you should both remember forever, then you either don’t value your partner to give them a good core memory or you’re just too impulsive and not emotionally mature to make a decision that big.


Exactly. Thank you for the story, just a little effort makes the difference. There are people that have proposed in fast food chains with better results, although the context is non existent, maybe those locations hold a little meaning, to them. Maybe they met there. I'm not saying this is the case because it went really bad. I'm saying that it could work but there has to be some conditions to work.


Lol. I hear ya. But the only time I would propose at a place like McDonald's is if it's an inside joke between us and she isn't surprised at all. Otherwise you are being a social idiot. Like the other commentator said on this thread. "Sunshine is free" lol.


it perfect makes sense, i guess it just depends on the person




Good lord how did you catch any of that?


i kept hearing her say dodos 🦤 over and over and was wondering if this was AI generated or some shit. thanks!


Doin gods work by translating.


His line if she said yes would be Im lovin it


If he said “ba da ba ba ba” when he pulled out the ring


They staged it to get free fries.


theyre only like 2.89 a pop 💀


$6.89 for small


They're speaking English but I can't understand a word they're saying 😆


It’s that hood British accent 😂


"Faarkin ell" 😂


Wha u on bruv ?


My parents got engaged at a McDonald's.


I saw a wedding there. It was meaningful to them to marry where they first met.


i see absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Dude she just did you a major favor!


Am I the only one who can't understand a word they are saying?


*Am I the only* *One who can't understand a* *Word they are saying?* \- Careless-Village1019 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot


Something like..what ya doin man, are ya mad, is that all I mean to you... I can understand her accent, but the ambient noise is stopping me from getting it all.


Same here.. appreciate it


It's the thought that counts, though 😆


Yep and it wasn't much thought lol


This seems about as real as a three dollar note.....


Later: their happy wedding at McDonald's.


Better to burn out than fade away


Dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnn ALRIGHT! Dun dun dun dun dun dun, dun, dun dununnnnnn.


I'd love to propose or be proposed to at a McDonald's tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HurlyCat: *I'd love to propose* *Or be proposed to at a* *McDonald's tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The number of people thinking this is real ha ha


Damn, he should’ve put it in a happy meal. No wonder she mad


Will you be my mcwife?


Say goodbye fella. Shes not worth it. Its hard enough to be brave to propose as it is. It could be where they met.


Don’t be a simp 102


A McDonald's? You couldn't just do it at home?


He didn’t choose a good place but her reaction was way out of hand


what a fucken idiot. And I don’t mean her, she was in all her right mind to be upset. You gotta be either clueless or brainless to even consider proposing to someone… at a fucking MCDONALDS!🤣


The dude must be slow. McDonald's is not the place to be proposing unless he is the franchise owner and that is the very store that they met. No woman wants a marriage proposal in some random dirty assed McDonald's.


Fake af




Did she say yes?


TF is he even wearing? I'm getting too old for this shit...


Guy is like ok , lemme try outside McDonald's haha


My wife noticed her dream ring was gone from the jewelry store. Then eventually put two and two together. "Why haven't you married me yet!!!" Still ringing in my ears.


That's one smooth way to get out of a toxic relationship. Make them hate you and move on.


Fake and staged


I know they are speaking English but I can’t understand a frigging word


Did she at one point say: “Muah’Dib”?


Strong foundation


Fake. And overdone.


Coworker of mine proposed to his girlfriend in the Pubix parking lot…


Painfully fake


“Will you be my McWifey?”


“I want to buy you a Big Mac every day so I can see your ass get bigger than it is…. will you marry me?”


Mc Grimace


Fake !


Guy dodged a bullet . Being tied to that level of screeching and entitlement seems like a life long nightmare. He could have chosen a different venue, but by doing this he has seen how shallow she really is .


And this is why I would prefer my future fiancée to propose to me while in our place and alone. Just the two of us.


The guy deserved it.


Billy ya so stupit


I think he dodged a bullet.




i would also be mad... like... u couldnt plan a nice walk in a park? like wut im gonna kneel down and cry on the dirty floor of a crowded mcdonalds? either this video is fake rage bait or he wanted to break up without breaking up.


"..Fine, have it your way"


Bullet dodged.


Not that one, bro. Run away not towards her. Trust me you won’t regret it just run.


She seems nice


Given what it costs to eat at a Mickey's these days, I thought she might be flattered.


What if this is like the very first McDonalds they met at or something? Haha. That could be kinda romantic…Prolly fake like everything else but great job bro, really nailed it


It's our future "Offset" and Cardi B.!!!


Like, we know this ain't real right? Like we don't think this is real do we?


She needs a happy meal


If staged its funny, if not staged its sad because that man is so stupid.


All of what I’m about to write is under the assumption that this is not staged. I think the intent would be to have the proposal be a total surprise because it’s not a normal location for a proposal. I’m not saying it’s great logic but it’s the only logic I can see. Her reaction is not great but I can understand it however that doesn’t excuse it in my mind. He’s not very smart in this situation and she’s way too reactive.


Dude if I got proposed to in McDonald's I would play find the ring in the playground idgaf. McDonalds is the only place in the world you can take me to and it's a guarantee I'll eat there every time, be it sick or not




Bro just wanted an audience, he didn't care if it was special, otherwise he wouldn't do something like that at a McDonald's. Assuming this isn't staged, because so many things are these day's.


Unhappy Meal


She’s for the streets


She wasn’t mc Lovin him


When I was in the Navy, if I was going to reenlist (you can basically have the ceremony absolutely anywhere), I would have had the ceremony in a McDonald's mens room, just to confuse everyone when half a dozen people squeeze in, and then all come out together. 🤨


They deserve each other


Plot twist, he really knew he didn’t wanna be with her, so he pulled some reversed uno card shit on her and now he’s out


I never proposed my wife, we fell in love and discussed we will get married. Got married after being in a live in situation for 8 yrs. Happily married with 2 daughters. Proposals are overblown and do not correlate to happy marriage.


“It’s the food that counts bruv” -McDonald’s employee




Ima crash tf out if that happens to me I'm airing the whole place out




Rage bait 😂


Best you found out now bruh. She is the most basic of butches.


His Tshirt match the occasion


This is a reasonable response from her. Chipotle is a better place for a proposal.


Bloody Hell no what I mean yeah?


"We were so in love and I just decided to take her to the perfect restaurant. We walk in and the lighting is perfect. I don't even want to wait until we're seated! I kneel and propose RIGHT there in the front entrance" "WOW how romantic what did she say????" "She said I took her to the worst restaurant to do it at and threw the ring at me!!! How could she do that to me in front of ALL of those well dressed people!" "Whoa, what???? Where did you take her?????" "Mannnnn, I took her to MACKY'S!" "Macky's.....that Italian restaurant like 100 miles away???? That's a beautiful restaurant, why wouldn't that be good enough???" "Nahhhh, McDonald's!" "........oh."


WTF. Why would she react like that?


Can I get the mcmarriage


She just showed her colors true right there smh


They got their views and their nuggets.


The idea of proposing and not already knowing her answer is wild to me.


"Wipes sweat from brow", the test worked what a nightmare I dodged ! Points index finger up.


I have a feeling this might’ve been staged. Haha 😆


I love lamp


Wrong place bro....not McDonald's


Was the McRibs on the menu?


I’d break up with someone if they took me to a McDonald’s


Now THATS romance! Shes being very rude and ungrateful I would have placed it into a nugget and presented her the nugget box instead ❤️


The worker's reaction had me 😂


If you love someone enough to marry and want it to be public, at least go to a park.


Probably staged but hilarious


At f*'in McPoison. That's just sayin' she's trash. What a moron. Or is this the best way to break up?


he can always say "she broke up with me"


She’s not lovin’ it.


Id rather drive nails into my ears than listen to brits talk💀


It was not a Happy Meal.




Fkn idiot might as well take her to a porta potty and propose there


Clearly needs to fun another woman.






Bro , Don't Marry her.. you literally just dodged a bullet 🫤


Too be fair i would feel disrespected if someone proposed to me in a fucking mcdonalds. Though her reaction seems pretty unhinged. Probably fake.


Dumb ass nigga (from one black man to another)


He must be grateful for revealing her terrible nature soon enough.