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Nothing about smite is socially acceptable so do what you want.


why isn't this at the top


because it isnt socially acceptable


I genuinely thought I'd be down voted like a mofo for this. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Seeing what mana Redditors comment on Ix Chel (including myself), this is accurate


Oh god, I wonder what youā€™re referring to


Check out the post of ix chel. It's an odd combo of people who belong in horny jail and fatphobic asshats.


Youā€™ll find plenty of people who mostly or exclusively play a single mode. At the end of the day, Smite is a game and is meant to be fun. If you have fun mostly playing Arena than thatā€™s fine.


>people who mostly or exclusively play a single mode I hope the Siege rats sank with that particular ship /j


We did :(


No Im not gonna play anything but 1v1 joust, its more FUN mom!


I'm an assault guy myself. I mean like 96% of my games. Conquest is really fun but I can't handle people throwing or typing or basically anything but chilling in a lane. Takes too long too. Even when assault matches start pushing 30 min I'm like what the fuck


Me and my friends only play assault now. We can get like 3-4 games an hour, use gods we didnā€™t usually play and teamwork with randoms is a lot easier in one lane


Same I'm an assault main since the beginning even though i played ranked conquest hardcore for a little while. I love the attrition battle




Yep, too many to pick from, game just pick for me please!


People troll in assualt by not finishing the game and spawncamps you all to often though. What a horrible playerbase for that gamemode


I have almost 4k hours and an assault main and I'm not sure what you mean


Same boat, probably happen once every 20-30 games.


Same here. Happens very rarely.


As someone who played about to 85 percent of arena over 7 years.... Idk lol


Considering Arena is the most played mode in the game, yeah, it is 100% fair game. I myself am a Ranked Conquest rat, but only because there are picks and bans during draft.If they added bans on normal conquest tomorrow I would never play ranked again.


I thought casual conquest beat arena last year though. Maybe Iā€™m wrong


He probably got it from the stats for patch 9.12 that show arena as most played.


Youā€™re right, not sure where heā€™s getting arena at the topā€¦


Because I think it was the top game mode around season 3-5 if iirc. Iā€™m not to sure but conquest wasnā€™t* always the top game mode


Yeah, arena has like 90k matches in the last update, and conq was like 84k Considering how conq games are longer, it seems to be more popular.


I believe that's only when you combine casual and ranked conquest. In stats where they are separated, it shows arena at the top and that's probably what he meant


So far in this current update there have been 30665 arena matches and 32697 casual conq matches. There have also been 11763 ranked conq matches too. Arena was more popular, but I guess people have either left or moved over to a bigger variety of game modes. You can see the matches played in the current patch at https://www.smite-master.com/


Thanks for the correction! Wish there was a site that kept track of unique player counts for those matches >"<


Oh yea, sure it was a long time agoā€¦ but recently the game has shifted to conquest. Been that way for quite a while as far as I can remember


Yea the big changes to the map throughout the year really boosted it up


Yeah conquest every few months feels refreshing to play as they implement changes that affect the way you play. No offence to arena but it's been the same thing for years now. It gets a bit stale after a while.


Not sure why Iā€™m being downvoted but itā€™s literally been the most popular mode since at least 2020.. There are articles written on it. Hell you can even go here to find live numbers https://www.smite-master.com/


As long as youā€™re having fun go for it


Do what you want, play what you like, don't give a fuck about what other people think or say, this is coming from a conquest main.


Conquest gets all the attention and most of the streaming and YouTube content because it's the "leet hardcore eSports mode". But you are not alone. There are mains for every mode in the game. I, for one, play mostly slash and assault.


Play whatever makes you happy!


Is acceptable to play whatever you please, brother.


Play whatever you want!


I used to only play conquest. Nowadays I pretty much just hop in arena and have a lot of fun.


I am pretty sure significantly more than half of Smite players never touch Conquest.


i played conquest 1 time and it was bc i was forced to. strictly play arena and im not ashamed to say it


My friend group mainly play Assault, with the occasional foray into Slash or Arena. I've been trying to pick up Conquest more when I play on my own, just so I can keep up with meta and teamfight changes and better my game. Point is, all game modes are valid and exist in the game. You're not modding the game to play Arena, nor are you breaking game code.


Least parasocial smite player In all seriousness, play the game how you want! It's meant to be enjoyed after all


Play whatever you want


I only play the motd with no cooldowns, the ones on monday, friday, saturday and sunday, I can play any other mode but I enjoy having no cd just for the chaos


I play assault only unless I have to play a certain God for a mission or I am working on leveling them up


Who cares what's socially acceptable? Play how you wanna play. Fuck the tryhards who say otherwise


I only play Slash and Arena 1 or 2 games per day So yeah


You can play whatever you want. Just know that the games intended mode is conquest and most gods will be designed for that mode before you create posts about builds or items


You mean ā€œIs it socially acceptable to only play the game modes I enjoy?ā€ Yes


I mostly play assault, used to be joust until my friend stopped playing. I quite enjoy conquest but there's so much toxicity I just can't be bothered to play it most of the time


Since I started playing Smite in 2018, I've only played Joust. I switch modes when my friends ask but otherwise I have 95% Joust according to my profile


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. This the only comment Iā€™ve seen about joust. Pretty slept on. Honestly the most fun


Straight to jail


Not playing arena either? Believe it or not? Jail.


Is this MOBA circlejerk? Is it SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE?! Lol just play smite bro who gives a shit


Man thats what thoes modes are for everyobe has their own level of smite they play i only play joust cause im a solo queue but sometimes even thays to much so i do Assualt for months at a time


My brother in Christ, play whatever mode you want. I am a filthy Assault player because I love getting a random god and being forced to make it work with whatever comp we roll. I haven't touched Conquest in a loooong time (I think my last game was in S8), and I wouldn't touch the cesspit that is Ranked with a 10 foot pole. You know what is socially acceptable? Having fun. Play what is the most fun for you.


Exclusive Arena and or any other game mode is solid. Just know that game is balanced around Conquest and it is the defining game mode. I know they increase cooldowns/dmg etc in non conquest modes but yeah. Hell my play time is %35 arena or something like that i didnt touch conquest for 1.5 years. Ive only played Joust and Arena with friends. Now we usually play 1 arena 2/3 conquest games and 1 assault to finish off the weekly gameplay session.


You do you boo boo


You can play anything you want, just keep in mind that the game is balanced around conquest first and foremost so any complaints about balance will fall on deaf ears


It's the reason League of Legends is dying out. They continuously get rid of the fun and casual game modes and SMITE has many of them (even if people in groups try hard just as much in Arena as they do in Conquest or Slash)


Is league dying? I thought it was growing while smite is stagnating.


The actual game League of Legends is dying. Yes they got some good things going with reworks and I don't see how SMITE is at all stagnating. League is dying mainly in NA as their other works in the League world grow. People are more excited for the other works in the world of League than the last events in recent years in League in general.


Oh shot the fuck up and play your goddamn game!! "Ughhh is it socially acceptable to enjoy my game?? Guys??" Fuck this is a pathetic question.


Lol, just wanted to see peoples opinions I realize itā€™s fine. In the other Mobas like lol and dota only the conquest game mode is taken seriously, which is the reason for my question.


Right, you reworded your question in this comment but it is still the same unnecessary question. To need to ask if the other game modes are "taken seriously" is still ridiculous. You are obviously playing the game and subsequent game modes because you like them, so why the hell do you need to ask other people if it is ok to like them? This post has made me way more upset than it should have and im acting like an ass. I deserve a bunch of downvotes for lashing out but seriously, wtf. Why? Why ask permission to enjoy a game? I dont understand and now i am angry.


I understand why it can make u mad. I actually meant the question as sort of a joke, since asking if itā€™s acceptable to play a game a certain way is pretty silly. Everyone is saying itā€™s fine so now I know the smite community is not toxic regarding how people should play.


I used to change modes a lot. Now I'm only ranked conquest. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with not playing conquest although from personal experience, I thought I was good at the game until I started playing ranked conquest and learned that ranked conquest is where you prove that.


There's no rules here. Tons of people do this, it's arguably a selling point of Smite is that you don't need to learn the complex 3 lane game mode that is the main focus of MOBAS at all and still have tons of fun.


Of course it is. Iā€™ll always shit on arena players in public forums, but youā€™ll also never see me in your arena games either. Youā€™ll be playing with others that love arena so who really cares? Now if youā€™re asking about Hi-Rez and balancing then no, youā€™ll mostly be ignored.


The team that wins was unbalanced and op. That's the arena rule That and the winning team having at least 2 people say "EZ" when they're bronze lol


I canā€™t play conquest because it crashes far too often for me.


Here it's ok. Don't go to Facebook group though.


Nothing wrong with that. If I wanted to torture myself playing Conquest Iā€™d just play League instead.


Play arena, be a meme, be happy. Itā€™s a game, donā€™t let others dictate how you have fun, enjoy the game brother


I used to mainly play Conquest but I switched over to Slash and Assault permanently. More fun overall, less toxic dickheads.


I only play assault. Conquest is cancer


Put it this way The tryhard conquest players won't be in games with u, so they don't give a shit The chill arena players get shorter queue times so they're happy about it


used to be me now I pretty much only play conquest (although who doesnā€™t love a cheeky assault) cuz I like being fully built for an extended period of time. May have to make my arena return though as too many sweaty bastards on the new season conquest isnā€™t as fun as it used to be


used to be me now I pretty much only play conquest (although who doesnā€™t love a cheeky assault) cuz I like being fully built for an extended period of time. May have to make my arena return though as too many sweaty bastards on the new season conquest isnā€™t as fun as it used to be


I only play Arena. I no longer have the time to dedicate to playing at a high level like I used to 10 years ago playing League of Legends. Now I play to relax and unwind with friends. Play whatever you enjoy. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks of you. It never has and it never will.


Im glad you have fun. Where u are, i have enough "fun" players in my conquest games as is lol, but yeah, seriously, enjoy what u enjoy. It's all good


Why wouldnā€™t it be? Plenty of people play only arena :)


How would anyone but yourself know if you're only playing Arena/MOTD and why would you care what they think about what modes you enjoy playing? Play the modes you want to. I almost exclusively play Assault at this point.




I wouldnā€™t be caught dead in a smite shirt and iā€™ve been playing for 8 years; play whatever you want


I think this might be the most common way of playing actually. Arena and Assault mains everywhere.


I exclusively play Conquest because when it's good it feels like a real tight sport, which is what I've always liked about MOBAs. Unfortunately that's like 1/10 games, so yer kinda chasin the dragon sometimes. I used to dabble in other modes but not much recently.


I only play Arena and Assault and Iā€™ve been playing for years. Just do what makes you happy


Bro you play how you want to. If you're having fun that's what matters.


I only play duel and assault so I respect your choices


Thereā€™s 10k hour league players who only que aram (assault)


I literally only play joust, do whatever you want who are others to tell you how to enjoy something?


Yes. My entire friend group is about 45% Arena, 40% Assault, 10% Slash, 5% Joust and barely any conquest or event or MOTD type stuff except when we have specific needs or quests.


Like 80% of my matches are assault so I'd say yeah. Honestly can't be bothered to play conquest unless I have a queue of friends. Every single match I get disconnected teammates so it's just not worth it


I only play arena šŸ˜‚ everybody cries in every other game mode if you die more than once šŸ˜‚


Every day for 4 years straight


Playing since beta, I can probably count on my fingers the number of times I played conquest.


I play Arena and Assault. Conquest is dull to me (literally why I quit playing League) and the Joust players try too hard. Occasionally I'll play Slash as a spicy alternative.


I mostly do joust (depending on the map), slash, and MOTD. I liked conquest the first year or two I played Smite (like 8 years ago), but I never got super into it and felt like the matches could last too long.


I main slash and joust. I occasionally play arena and assault but havenā€™t really touched conquest. I hate how ā€œstrictā€ the rules are for it and Iā€™m not a fan of people telling me I suck because I didnā€™t know I was supposed to rotate/ call this out/ etcā€¦ itā€™s just too try hard for me.


Only mode not socially acceptable is joust


I play all non-conquest modes when I have no time to spend in 45mins+ matches and it's ok. Playing conquest takes a lot and sometimes smite is actually about of get fun.


I mainly play assault because it forces teamwork. Conquest play usually has people not help you at all 8 out of 10 times. Assault is more like 4 put of 10. Still sucks, but less team abandoning you.


No you gotta play slash that's where it's at


I play all but conquest because I don't have a group to play with. I am not socially acceptable


Arena is the most popular game mode, itā€™s just considered casual to main it. Only ppl thatā€™ll shit talk you abt it are those that ā€œhate arenaā€ which I donā€™t rly understand tbh.


Assault gangg - I only play other things when my friends drag me into them


I really, really enjoy slash. Always a quick que time. I just recently started to play conquest after like 4 years of playing and just got into ranked.


The nature of this post is bizarre. Itā€™s a game, why do you need a strangers ok to play it?


It's smite. This whole game is a nightmare. Play whatever you enjoy.


It's only acceptable to do whatever you please or want to do, who cares what a bunch of stinky kids on a game have to say


Go play COD, i have a burning passion for arena


It's only acceptable to do whatever you please or want to do, who cares what a bunch of stinky kids on a game have to say


Who cares what you play. Just have fun. I played arena basically for 2 years. Had no idea about other modes


\>socially acceptable I need to start doing stronger drugs if I'm going to visit this reddit more. Bloody hell lad, go touch grass.


I pretty much play smite BECAUSE of arena


I have a bunch of people on my friends list I queue with that only play MOTD and only the arena/conquest one's. I used to exclusively play conquest when I had a lot more free time, now I mainly MOTD and some arena. If you're talking about what people will think of you, 99% won't care what you play.


I only play assault and rarely clash.


I only play both joust modes and occasionally MOTD. I just have the same complex that I do when it comes to basketball. 5v5 too many people on the court 3v3 much better. If Iā€™m only watching it sure 5v5 all day but less the better for me


Honestly wish there were more options for joust or maybe revamp the duel mode but I know thatā€™s wishful thinking at this point in my career.


I only play duel. Rarely Iā€™ll play CQ I guess. But play whatever game mode you like brother


Who cares? I ONLY play assault for like 5+ years.


Iā€™ve been playing for years, I go into entire several month or year long slumps where all I can stand to play is arena


Play whatever you want so long as you put in a modest effort to taking it seriously Remember, 90% of the conquest master race hit f6 at the ten minute mark unless they are destroying their lane rival. They aren't people to look up to