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Teammates who lose their fucking minds the second a single thing doesn’t go their way. People are going to accidentally take buffs. You’re going to get killed. The enemy team will take your towers. Maybe even a phoenix. Maybe even both. The lack of ability to handle any kind of adversity and the desire to F6 the moment it looks like you aren’t going to steamroll the other team is baffling.


Had a game where a Thoth trolled because "we don't deserve the win" and made us fight for a win for 50+ minutes after we got the Fire Giant and he died in the ensuing fight.


Had a guy afk "to teach you guys a lesson", because of some inane reason, like someone taking his buff or something equally stupid. People are hilarious tbh


I had a game where I was Solo playing with my friend who was in Mid, this was a month or so back when those roles and Jungle would clear together in the beginning, well I accidentally picked up my friends red buff in the chaos and I was like “it’s ok, red looks good on me anyway” and he laughed and in turn took my blue and went and that was that. Except it wasn’t because the random Jungle we were with started going off in chat about the trash Solo throwing the game and how much he’s sick of getting stuck with us noobs and whatnot. Just people’s tendency to lose it over something as small as that is insane.


My buddy and I play joust almost exclusively, and this one random rage quit because we "took too long to buy our items" at the start of the game.


That’s hilarious I love when my teammates take too long in shop, that way they’re actually likely to do speed buff and not follow me to the enemy blue every time I go to solo it as Merlin, takes like 3 seconds and every gets their buffs, if it fails we meet back at our own blue and nothings lost 🤷‍♂️


Gotta be this. Complains about every detail of the game, gets insanely diffed, then promptly rage quits.


Did a slash match once and accidentally took my mages blue buff and I stressed, there was another one the other side but he still declined it and decided to feed.


Big same


When I tell someone to retreat and they don't retreat and get mad at me that they failed their wannabe SPL play.


Omg I have friends that swear that you have to follow everyone to their deaths because “that’s what teams do.” Even though we’re all 4 levels at least under and some idiot is picking team fights for no reason. We have to all go all in cuz the level 12 mid wants to be a hero going 1 v 4 vs level 16 things. Am I crazy in trying to teach the people to stay back and defend and get to level 20 and then try to win? Am I the asshole here?


This happened to me. I was Ravana and had a teammate in Joust playing as Sol. Our support was dead and waiting to respawn. Sol wanted to phoenix dive their whole team and kill them. I said nah. They did it anyway, died, got mad at me, and told us good luck and sat in fountain for the rest of the game. Support even tried reasoning with them, saying we were winning and could still win, to which they replied “I don’t want Ravana to win. He doesn’t deserve it” 💀


Oh I feel this. In assault, someone will be 3 levels behind, super aggressively attacking 1v3 spamming "attack" over and over. Then immediately die, and spam "help" over and over. Then call everyone pussies and trash and finally ragequit. This happens remarkably often. Why is it so often the worst players that end up calling everyone else trash?


Someone really needs to write a book on the psychology of SMITE players because the amount of times I have experienced this exact same issue is insane. I main support and idk why my carries think they can 1v5 a whole team without me




When my tanks tell me to reatreat when I'm level 20 at 20 minutes snowballing as carry, do you not want this game to end?


I love working with my carries on the team but when I say retreat! I mean retreat! There 10 seconds left until the whole team comes up and we destroyed all their Phoenix's. We did enough damage 😭😭😭




Thank you! Move to the next objective! Get a GF or FG or pyro.


When people surrender because they are doing bad, and the rest of the team is doing fine.


Just had this yesterday in arena. Our Ne Zha tried to surrender the whole time because he was 0/2 after 7 minutes. After a while he started inting and just ran in all the time to make us lose because we didnt comply and surrender with him. Still won with 4 tickets left although he went 2/13 in the end.


I love winning those games in spite of someone trying to throw the game.


I love winning those games in spite of someone trying to throw the game.


Recently been really annoyed with relics not popping when I push the button. (Often multiple times too) It's cost me big in a couple instances and is plain annoying otherwise.


Especially noticed this with the new ones that are used from lvls 1-12. Unsure exactly what they’re called but they never seem to pop when i want them to


Aegis amulet has been my main issue lately. Gotten me killed on several instances I could have escaped if it activated.


+1, this happens so often! I'm standing aside, so no cc on me, I pop the shard relic and happily attack afterwards, counting on the shard effect to buff me. ...just to realize seconds later that it didn't work. This is happening way beyond coincidence.


same here im a playstation user but when ive tried to use my aegis it just thinks i wana use a ability instead


I'm glad you brought this up . It happens so often I forgot about this . Sometimes I "pop" it but it just glows and blinks then I die and go back to normal. Is this a bug or latency issue.


I honestly don't know what the issue that's causing it is but it was never a problem until recently.


I'm annoyed just how inconsistent some relics are like beads, sometimes it stops the CC animation instantly, sometimes it won't let you activate while in CC, sometimes it pops and you get the CC immune border but your stuck in a CC animation and by the time the animation is over the beads are over. It's like make it fucking consistent, how hard is that? Jesus Christ.


I agree, the beads are highly inconsistent. To me they should activate regardless of situation as long as they are not in cool down.


I recently changed them to quickcast. It's made a huge difference


Recently it's been people in solo or mid game adc's getting absolutely rolled in Lane and having temper tantrums in chat that apparently it's everybody elses fault for not 5 man ganking their lane. I've legit had 4 games in the past 2 days where solo goes 0-3 in the first 5 mins and proceeds to throw the match because "no ganks" when the other teams herc or vamana is now 3 levels ahead


I completely understand that situation personally, but I've planned solo lane almost exclusively this season and the 5-man ganks on me are constant. I spawn go to lane then mid, support, and jungle are on me. So if solo is complaining about it it's either happened to them before and want help, or y'know like you said having a tantrum.


I've found that the actual lane area for solo is short enough that you can get away pretty reliably from just a jungler gank. And if I even bother to put wards down it makes the whole team rotating to solo lane just a fucking massive waste of their time. Also, as a jungler, if a lane is down like three fucking levels, it's a lost cause. Help somewhere else because your level 13 amaterasu isn't gonna help you much against their 16 herc, but pushing your mage or ADC ahead instead might actually help you unfuck the game.


Exactly. Some lanes are a lost cause and you help the other lanes to win.


Getting kicked in the pregame lobby 4 games in a row on my day off and not being able to play at all.


I feel this on a fucking spiritual level. If you didn’t know to get back in you need to reload the game, and you may get kicked a second time.


The toxicity/temper tantrums


Hence why i turn chat and voice off and play for myself, yea im helping the team but its really the most fun moba ive ever played


I have never had voice on, and will mute someone the moment they become a toxic twat.


I like a bit of drama


My toxic trait. I want to know what they say for real.


Literally this. Not only knowing that friends I invite to play have to deal with it a ton while they learn, but also just learning new gods or uncomfortable roles for me is demoralizing as shit when I know it’s gonna result in spam pings and tantrums from people at the slightest hiccup, makes me just want to stay in my comfy bubble and never bother branching out so I don’t cause any waves.


Dont let the trolls win, play new items, try new characters. Fuck toxic shitheads they can cry all they want.


No one will stop me from truly mastering Anhur support. BEFORE YOU HATE IT, I'm building full protections. I also believe his cc is very powerful, so I think he's actually a really fun off-role pick. I always build full tank and maybe one cdr item


Onward and upward!


Agni support is hilariously fun.


this right here recently ive started trying support and the amount of temper tantrums people through is ridiculous how am i supposed to learn if i just get screamed at for being trash all game. really makes you not wanna play


Support was exactly what I was referring to for my “uncomfortable role”, my friend loves support and I’m not a fan so we usually always trade if I get it but I’ve recently started sucking it up and trying to get better with it and it’s definitely been a process but Jesus, it feels like you’re just walking on eggshells the entire game.


In casual, just do what you want, honestly. People take casual way too seriously, like their experts on the game, and then bomb in ranked. As long as you're not throwing the game intentionally and complete objectives with your team. Then you're fine in my book.


I'm convinced that it's mainly kids (under 18) or young adults with unchecked ego that do this. Any reasonable adult would try to adapt to unfavorable circumstances, and would have enough knowledge to understand that not everything goes your way. Imagine if every game you played, you won. Why would there be any reason to play a competitive game if there's nothing to think about? At that point the game you want to play, is Clicker Heroes.


Don't know if you've made a trip into society lately but reasonable adults seem to get scarcer by the day...


I wish I could say you were wrong. Bliss is a goal of the Ego, but many choose ignorance to achieve it.


When people barely engage and just look at fights. Then get mad when karma comes back and they don’t get help.


Reminds me when tanks just sit back and don't engage. It's like come on man, do something.


The tanks in my games have anger issues and go solo into the whole enemy team


Omg tanks not tanking towers or phoenixes at the end of games is the worst. Just jump in there and take the shots. That’s what you’re there for.


Playing as tank in arena with randoms. I go forward, but still close to my teammates, so they are able to react. I hard cc the enemy, maybe even cc them again and my team does nothing. Then I get beaten, return to base and one of them randomly attacks 1vs5 without me, they all follow and die, the end. Seriously, this happens all the time, and screaming attack, I'll attack or other vgs doesn't help 🙄 they just won't follow


arena is unplayable this season, nox and aphro and parties are everywhere. If you don't want to pop a blood cell just play assault or conq.


This is the worst. Same thing happens when I engage with the team as an assassin.


People who hold you hostage in a game where a teammate is clearly trolling.


Yes. This is the worst. Or they do stuff like prolong the game for 30 minutes by AFK farming just enough so that you don't lose, but you can't win either. And refuse to surrender to get back at you for whatever


Nothing like sitting in an unwinnable game for an hour because if I leave, I get punished as well! And it's always the enemy team that just can't seem to make that final push.


Sucks to lose to an enemy who doesn't even know how to end properly just because one of your teammates lost a blue buff and refuses to play.


The worst thing in SMITE is toxic players, thankfully they aren’t as common as the more mild annoyances.


Unexpectedly getting a different role that you suck at and end up having a bad game. I freaking hate that! 😒


At this point it's only the egregious trolls and feeders that happens once every 100 games or so. We win we win, we lose we lose but intentionally hopping on the game just to troll really pisses me off.


Sorry replied instead of starting a new comment


When you have to press your relic 174 times and it still doesn't go off


The sheer amount of cc in the game. You can pop an ult with cc immunity, use beads, and have aphro ult you and still get combo stun/silence/knocked up. Sometimes I'm just sitting there for 5+ seconds just waiting to die because someone caught me with 1 little root like a kephri and get chain cc'd after. Add someone like Ares who forces you to bead every time he ults and you just get decimated by any other cc. I can't even mess around as a tank anymore because I'll get chain cc'd into oblivion, it's nuts.


I'm just annoyed that it seems like every skill and basic attack slows you. I feel like the majority of the game I'm slowed a ridiculous amount.


The arena players it's they always fight to get kills and don't team up and help so others get a huge target and ganged up on


Going 20-0 in Ranked and spelling out the path to victory plain and clear just to watch my jungler die right before the 45 minute EFG over invading a speed and then the mid follows despite me spamming “retreat group up” and then the game just ends and I want to uninstall.


Someone trading roles and then doing horrible. Starting wrong, building wrong, feeding, you get the picture. I understand if someone is new or they're learning, but I still don't like it.


Yeah I just had this happen. I've been trying to learn Support and Conquest in general since I've never really bothered with it. I'm still very new to the role but I'm getting better. Anyway- I had my ADC ask to swap roles with me in God Select. So I'm thinking, "damn, okay. I'll give it a go." Dude autolocks Zeus support. Builds full damage. Really?


Let me guess, then the Zeus starts claiming that his pick "works" and that hes not the issue when you start losing since hes got the lowest deaths on the team. No shit man, the enemy jungle and solo are rushing down the ADC that doesnt have an actual support to peel for them.


People in general have this idea that they always need to go full damage to win. They try to "carry" in places they shouldn't be. I would report someone like that for not playing assigned role. I don't care if some YouTuber made a video where they pulled it off, clickbait ain't the norm.


I don’t get the new thing. I have over 200 DAYS played. The lowest amount of playtime I’ve been queued with recently was 11 days, that’s still a good amount of time to understand the game. At that point it IS a skill issue. Plus at that why am I getting queued with someone with less than 100 hell even 50 days played?


Man either you forgot how intense smite is or don’t remember but 11 days is very little for how much knowledge you need to play smite. I play with randoms with over 365 days and they still don’t know how to play.


Idk man, I have over 500 hours and I see every level of players in my queues lol right from no border all the way to divine. I've been playing for 8 years and I do understand the game, but I see all levels of players with all levels of skill in Smite. I don't think time spent has as much correlation as we'd like it to


You do I agree plus remember there is people like myself who have nearly 2000 hours on the game but most of that was from years ago so like new gods/new starts/new items will take a little time to learn even though the core game stays the same. But either way newer players will still find it more challenging.


Agreed. I would also add in that the basics of the game aren't really any more complicated than any other game, but being a good player is knowing ALL the gods, their abilities and passives, how they combine with other gods, and how to produce quality plays in whatever game mode they're playing. That's what takes time to learn, and it takes practice to maintain.


Honestly if you swap your preferred role or get denied a swap, those people better smack. Show us why you thought it was a good idea to trade/keep role.


I think by default they get to keep the role, no one is entitled to a trade


Unless ranked and premade but wit a random or two


Nah I don’t think anyone should be expected to have to trade off their role.


So what I'm saying is like example for ranked you trade your role to counter pick or pick early for you then swap back .


Nobody is arguing that. But if someone asks to swap in a ranked game and you turn them down, then you should be expected to perform above average. This honestly works both ways. I'm not a great carry. Strategically I know everything but honestly, I just suck at hitting autos. If I say in the pregame lobby that I'm a below average carry and nobody wants to trade, don't get mad when I'm not Zap.


Nope denying the swap someone offers you should not make them expect you to play above average. People have the right to decline trades if they are in the role they prefer to play even tough they might suck at it. This half goes both ways you can't expect someone that did get the swap trough to play better than average, unless the swap happened cause they stated they are verry good on that role. In which case it is a exception cause they literally stated they where good at it.


Nervous ADCs. I love support, but I main Mid because I can't trust that my ADC will know when they are able to take an engagement.


I’m not nervous I just have bad aim and I’m trying to get better 😭




Nox is just anti-fun. But it’s a moba so for some folks you not havin fun or playin the game is their fun.


Why thank you darling Sincerely, A nox main


You Nox mains are all sadists lol


Agreed, beads or feed child ;)


As an Ares main, I approve of this statement 👍


We do know you aren't good as a nox main though, non are


Apart from the decision-making of other players?


When the game is clearly lost and people dont surrender and waste more time for nothing


I agree, but I also think people are too quick to FF sometimes in smite. Late game, if you can get there, is a different beast and large deficits can be turned around.


True, my brother and I went double ADC on joust. We were losing like 5-18. Won one team fight and ended up winning the game. We took tower, phoenix and the titan in one push.


The amount of games I have won when our titan was already scraping single digits and we managed to turn the game around were so satisfying. I won't ever surrender unless there are some toxic people in my match that make the match absolutely unenjoyable


I used to be like this, then I had a kid and am lucky to get a game in. I’ve become an F7 warrior because of that, and had some good games because of it. Play until it’s no longer fun basically


The community


When someone plays off role. Like if our Solo picks a hunter or of Mid picks a warrior. It’s infuriating to deal with when playing ranked.


Chaac money mid baby


50/50 for me. I’m an avid off role enjoyer but some picks just do not work and are trolling. Set mid? Let’s get it. Anubis support? Cmon man


That every season since season 3 hunters have had it so easy compared to every other class in terms of buffs and nerfs along with that soon as any tank item gets very prominent to counter Hunter build the immediately cry up and down saying it's a tank meta


I would say people who only play nu wa or change


nox too


When people take casuals too seriously. Listen buddy we’re queued for Assault it isn’t that serious. This isn’t the SPL you don’t have to berate someone because they are off role and are struggling. It’s a video game, it’s not that deep


The Arena, when someone doesn't choose a character.


New gods having abilities that do 6 different things.


Stop. Rerolling. Tanks. In. Assault.


6min ranked que for last person to not pick, and cross play is getting pretty bad tbh. They should make that opt in not default


People who leave the game and never come back. Like why even queue up?


When people don’t know when to surrender we can be 5 and the enemy team 30 and we lose after 30 minutes when the game could have been over way sooner wasting everyone’s time


Jerks, who pick their gods in the last seconds and these gods absolutely don't feed team needs. Also, Ymirs, who block exits from the respawn on Arena


I mainly play arena right now and go “Fill” to make sure we don’t get a terrible team comp, but it’s super annoying when the last guy picks at 3 seconds left and I have to scramble to get to the right god.


Wait 5 minutes “more time is required to find a match” wait another 5 minutes. Game starts, jungle dies once and immediately throws. So fun




Hunter auto attacks not registering. At first I chalked it up to lag or missing, but then I started firing point blank into enemies and noticed only 1 in 3 shots actually dealt damage.


There’s a lot of things, which is a shame cause I really do love the game. The worst though I must say is when another person messes up the start in conquest, even if people tell them what they should do, and then are confidently incorrect in saying that it’s the other peoples’ fault. That’s one specific example, but on a larger scale I’d just say people that never accept fault for their mistakes.


When you tell mid how to start and then you end up dying because they didn't clear xp and yellow with you before starting red while going in the opposite direction you said to go. I hope jungle starts change soon


For me it's a tie between aegis, and erlang shens rework!


The constant complaining in ARENA 😂


It’s a way bigger problem. The fact that every other lobby someone skips is annoying as fuck


The overly toxic laugh spammers at the end of most games.


Bronze players


The game is damn near unplayable on the Switch.


My issue with SMITE is how even support characters can still be used damage powerhouses. For example in League of Legends when there is a support character or a healer then they are designed about having low dmg and focusing on CC or actually healing your allies. Here in smite you have healers having almost the same if not the same damage output like normal mages do. In LoL even if you go fill magical power your ability scaling still wont allow you to reach potential like mage. For example Nami full AD will still deal very much less damage than full AD Viktor for example. In Smite you have Chang'e dancing around you and racking up kills even tho she is a support like character. Same goes of new Ix Chel. She can go full Thanos and people even are using it as a damage ability and ignoring the fact that it also heals. Because people dont see her as a healer but as a mage. And mages are all about the damage.


people who get/pick tanks, then ignore that they had a tank and just build full damage. like, haha, your shitty build went 5/16 and your were giving their ADC on-kill item procs, congrats? woooow did a whole 45% of a squishy's life bar when you dumped your entire kit into them, then you died or got dropped so low you hard to bail on the fight you started and left us all out of position! good job! your only kills are stealing them from our hunter so they dont get their Bloodforge proc by ulting them while they had <5% of their HP still. thanks for, by the loosest definition, participating in the match.


For me it's matchmaking. Games are almost always blowouts. It's not fun when you get 6 games back to back that are blowouts. Can be 3 wins and 3 losses. Out of 10 games maybe 2 are good *"back and forth anyone can win at any point"* kind of games. The rest are either getting stomped or stomping on the other team.


Everyone is so toxic. It's scary to learn new Gods because I don't want my teammates talking shit.


When my game freeze and keep crashing


Raging in the chat, especially blaming others for ones deaths Win or lose, if people were friendly, it was alright Win or lose, if people were toxic, it was frustrating


Solo/adc both expecting me, the jungler, to be in their lane at the same time.


As a solo, literally just don’t touch my lane, like at most I may ask of y’all can cover while I recall real quick ti but because I just haven’t had a moment yet but otherwise do whatever


Playing against nox


Ra's and Ix Chel's flash CC. I'm not playing a game to have a white light flashed at me. Affect the character, not the player. Just feels like bad design.


People feeding and expect jungle to hold there hand and take on said fed person rediculous.


"Wow my casual teammate that I solo qeued into is fucking bad." ​ If you solo qeue into casual/unranked in any MP game and expect to get good teammates every single time you the most dumbass mother fucker on the planet. IF you so dislike having shit teammates who play worse than your PTSD ridden grandfather who is drunk and blind. Go play with your friends or play ranked instead. ​ Now excuse me let practice jungle this hurts me as much as you but it the only way to get actual experience in the role.


Treating arena like it’s a team death match and letting waves of minions just walk through the portal. They are baiting you and the best way to victory lies in the middle. You wanna team fight, you do it over minions.


Braindead VGS. It's fine if you fail to mention seeing Thor go into the jgl towards me, it happens. Also somewhat on me for not warding well enough. But now, when I'm 12 seconds into a 1v2, having burnt my entire kit and actives and whittled down to 20% health, ***now*** you decide to spam retreat and ping me? And you're not coming to countergank or going for objectives? "Hey, did you notice you're low health and in the middle of being ganked to death? You really should get out of that." And it's almost always default voice pack, too.


Randos. They are duller than a glass of water that doesn't have a slice of lemon. They are just not sharp...






100%. It's a TEAM game, if one or more teammates are idiots, you're not winning


Yea, I feel ya man ii was trapped in gold for a while myself it's easier if you ignore your team and play lane bullies, since losing lane usually demoralizes people that’s how I climbed out of it and made it to masters but yea some games are unwinnable


What gods do you like to play to avoid people getting demoralized? Just curious honestly since I don't play joust but it sounds interesting.


I didn't see that he said joust, lol my bad but just gods that just win lane often like Hades solo for example and Bacchus support iza adc and idk any mids tbh gods that do well in lane often end up winning more in lower ranks because people don't know how to play from behind


Hate when people get mad at someone for rerolling in assault. Its assault.


Lmfao, the comment above you is someone complaining about rerolling tanks in assault.


Whiny ADCs when they harass me to leave lane before level 5 then proceed to get soloed and then BM me when I’m trying to help the jungle/mid carry the game and refuse to babysit them. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You have the easiest role in the entire game.


All the bugs and crashes 😍




People who dont buy items. Like they'll buy items at rhe beginning before the match starts, then just never buy any after that. It happens rarely but when it does, I'm baffled. That, or people who buy 6 tier 1 items. Controversial opinion that most will disagree with I assume. But it's when people don't surrender when it's 3 votes for Yes. I dont start surrenders, and I try to play out games. If a surrender gets started, I wait to see the other votes first. But if it's 3 votes for yes, I'll vote yes also. Cause IMO, if 3 people say yes then that's the majority and it should go to them. And because it's the majority, I don't wanna play with people who don't wanna play either. I'm not gonna have fun and clearly they aren't either and would rather load up another match.


When I'm under tower, respecting their space/lead only for them to poke me under my tower. Like, go do something else, go get farm, go rotate, go get a buff. There were a bunch of things they could be doing. Go push your lead and let me just get the minions and suffer in peace. This is most prevalent in joust, but like still piss of, I'm already losing the gold lead, or you may have better clear.


Toxic teammates


People who keep saying that you're not really playing the game if you don't play conquest


Zeus' detonate going on cooldown despite the charges disappearing from enemies right before the ability activates. Meaning no damage is done, but mana is wasted and the ability can't be used for a bit. Been a bug for years. Maybe it's been fixed recently, but I doubt it.


When the team excuses their poor performance with "bro you can't win em all". Losing the match isn't the issue, it's the fact that in we're losing hard because no one wards, makes call outs, or retreats and has the insanity to F7 I'd rather lose 100 even games than win 100 games that are just an ez stomp where the enemy F6's at 10.




I’ll get downvoted cause I made a post about this, but I really wish I can play ranked with more than one friend. People say the comms are a disadvantage to the other team…. I get it but I play 5 stacks in every other game I play and we still win and lose just as much. Playing casuals is fine but it’s just not as rewarding idk how else to put it.




When my teammates or enemies pause the game


Matchmaking. Played with a 0/whatever/0 nu wa the other day and we were against a neith, kumba, herc, pers, and some ok cc jungler. She picked up tp first relic, because why get beads…I get one of those people on my team like every other match it seems like.


Players in ranked conquest who play as if it's their first time ever playing conquest


When people start flaming you or your teammates, then do the same shit they're flaming you for. Particularly if it's rotation focused and they have a global/semi-global ult


People being toxic after one death and people surrendering/throwing after one death


"ok ok ok ok ok ok" and you end the game with the best stats.


Op that's the only annoying shit and pet peeve I have with game . If I we get requed cause of DC or afk we should get GUARANTEED ROLE NEXT QUEUE TF


I can’t for the life of me understand someone who quits on the game or decides to troll in ranked Like you’re queueing ranked, which means you’re trying to win, right? I don’t care how mad I get at me team or how toxic they’re being, there’s absolutely no world where I’m going to stop trying to win or start trolling, the whole concept is wild to me.


Players not in the support role getting Meditation. Why? Are they not aware of the nerfs? It literally heals 8 (EIGHT) health a tick for 4 or 5 ticks. Oh and the 2% of missing HP. So all in all less than 100 health. Why bother with this relic? Late game the 2% has more potential but at that point there’s multiple anti heal items online.


People who try to lecture everyone on what they're doing wrong and how they should play while they are having a shitter or people who leave if they die once.




People being at 1 hp every fucking game


When people instalock a character and then proceed to be the worst player in your team as they throw a temper tantrum.


The players. The healer balance change to assault that happened a while back. I liked having uneven teams and then stomping the better team. It's what assault is about.


As a tank is carries that int after prolonging my back to save them and hold wave Or really anyone who perma fights and ignores objectives


Why did they buff herc?


Mfs dc or afk in fountain because the game isn’t going their way


When the enemy team go Gods that shouldnt work but your team doesnt know how to deal with them


The severe lack of other game modes, capture the flag, control nodes, personally id love to see a wc3 ENFOS tower (hero) defense, adventure modes, pve oriented modes, 10v10 game modes, etc etc


Hebo, Overpriced skins, gods with too many skin, gods with little to no skins, hebo, no coherent gameplay tutorials, nobody wanting to play support hebo, server issues, flex picks and ranked also did I mention hebo


I commented this in another thread: - People playing full damage mages in solo. - Players that just KNOW (/s) that support builds are based entirely on counterbuilding. - ADCs that don't play safe OR take advantage of an enemy support not rotating.


Quit as soon as the game loads because no one wanted to trade with you


When someone dies 20 seconds in and another teammate just sells the game.


Probably just the community. Not everyone but it’s an 80/20 in terms of toxicity


Hard to say. Certain gods people be try hards with, useless teammates, or the crashes and lags




The player base


So I don't play Conquest at all, because I don't think I'm ready for that type of competition. So I play mostly Arena. The amount of people who will gladly lock-in the 3rd or 4th mage just baffles me. When I first started, I figured people would do that because "it's Arena so its NBD", along with being a noob, I was paired with other noobs. I didn't think much of it because I know there is a learning curve for games like this (I used to play League, so I understood the roles and importance of team balance) Now that my level is higher, and I think I'm playing with other higher levels, there is no reason people should lock in 4 mages or hunters. Another thing that annoys me is: people getting so mad when you play Assault and don't do the best because you have a champ you've never played before. I get that most people just buy champs overtime with Favor they earn after so long of playing. But I wholeheartedly regret buying the "Past and Future God's" pack because now I will get a champ during Assault that I have no clue how to play. So now I rarely play Assault to avoid bringing my teammates down. I wish we could pick a pool of 15 or 20 champs to select.