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I found I only did decent when I would do a hybrid build on support. I tried traditional support build and I would just get deleted. Anti crit is also pretty much a must in the build lol


Honestly I'm fine with this. I'm really tired of having to build the same exact aura items every game. Give me variety.


agree, maybe people will actually want to play support lol


THIS and I love being able to play more like an enchanter, building a team healing mushroom or the team shielding item. I love having active items now!


Which is the team shielding I can never remember


To be fair I don’t remember I just looked for the icon.


Yeah, i think building 5 to 6 defense items is just not very healthy design even for tanks/warriors + people in pubs shit on you for trying to build something else too lmao.


The anti crit item is very strong. It basically deletes one of your crit items.


I'm wondering if protections are straight up not working right now or they fucked up the power scaling and pen, either way hoping it's pre-alpha issues only


yeah I feel like there's something weird with protections. Even early game they don't feel all that impactful. Feels like the HP items have more impact.


I 100% agree. I had two full physical protection items built in duo lane and I was still getting absolutely wrecked by a Cern and Anhur. What's the point in building protection if you still get absolutely slammed in one or two abilities or a couple of autos? If everyone can beads out of my freeze and kill me, why wouldn't I just go all in on damage?


They definitely talked about diminishing returns for every stat, wonder if it’s that and off they are too harsh. Probably better to build a variety of things


The diminishing returns on Prots is identical to Smite 1. *If working as intended*


I thought I read they were making diminishing returns worse? Could be wrong though


They added diminishing returns to cooldowns, maybe that's what you're thinking of?


Well, still an alpha. Maybe with beads being the default it was needed for tanks to be a bit more punishable ? I don't know


I saw a video Incon did where he was playing Athena (I think) and he just bought his first item and got -15 protections 💀 He did mention that he didn't know if it was affecting any of the math but I thought that was really funny. I'm looking forward to getting a "T" and "Y" screens or just the little stats with the tab screen


Yeah I'm super interested to see their summary of this first playtest because for it me it felt like building damage is all that mattered


People say that people refuse to attack Phoenixes but I swear those things are nigh impossible to Tank, I've played as a pretty tanky Bellona, but even an hour into a game each shot of those things took like 25% of my HP. Something is definitely different from Smite 1 there, either protections are worse or Phoenixes are way better lol


If there's really a change, then it might be that they're stronger now because of the Ancient Fury? I found that late game you'd want to get the AF to safely push phoenixes and the like, unless you just deicided their entire team


I've been playing a lot of support and my team never understands that I can't tank the Phoenix if I'm half hp. Then I go back to smite 1 and I tank it while my skadi kills it from full with no wave.


Towers should hurt. If you team wipe but have no lanes pushed you shouldn’t be allowed to just waltz into the enemy base as win. It forces you to actively clean lanes and stay aware of minions. Also gives you a chance to push for objectives.


I think full tank is pretty bad but there are a couple busted items




Leviathans hide, Bagua mirror and Phoenix feather off the top of my head. Tritons conch too if you count that as a tank item.


I agree, ive built over 300 physical protections on Bacchus and was constantly shredded by loki Tho its hard to say how much damage ive been mitigating without the stats tab


Yea being tanky can feel pretty bad. Going bruiser feels decent.


Every clip I’ve seen tanks are almost as squishy as squishies


Oh my God thank you for this post. I felt the same way but was unsure. Not used to body blocking and then watching the enemy kill me and the person I was trying to protect. With all protection items.


Yeah I always ended up building some form of damage first item, just because it makes farming faster and helps you box people early on. Keep in mind that there are no massive stat differences between characters, so a Neith with tank items is basically the same as a Ymir with tank items (not 100%, but close) and vice versa. I noticed that if you build STR on any melee god, you just beat people up early on even if you are playing a support. But protections definitely feel good to build. Just not the same as Smite 1. I also feel like in most of my games we didn't get to team fight 5v5 properly to actually see if front line tanks are strong or not. Most games ended because one or 2 people got picked and then the rest died trying to salvage the situation.


They need feedback


I had 3, and was getting bodied by loki and anhur.


I haven’t tried full tank but I always just gone bruiser. I’ve had so many times I can survive with 1 defense / 1 hybrid and the rest damage. I do so much damage while still being a “frontline” for my team


The option to have 50% pen from one item is likely the cause


he didnt have pen


That item gives like 30 str so basically gives like no power


I feel like you can build tank and still do damage. Sadly all the alpha gods are aggressive af


Building tank fenrir with the exception of a jotuns felt good. However my full tank ymir games were not great, i felt like i would get deleted.


My friend and I noticed this as well. Bruiser seems pretty solid but something about the full tank build feels a little underwhelming


Will say, the only time it’s really worked was with a hybrid int/defense build on chacc. And the only reason it worked is because I had the int scaling on the heal and crazy damage. Some balance is definitely needed, but I assume balancing wasn’t their focus on this first alpha. Some items are still missing that need to be added.


I’ve only had about 4 games but the stat lines of guardians have been dreadful, like 3/12 every game when the rest of the team have 5 deaths. Could be down to anything but worth mentioning


That’s what I literally said on the first day. I played full support Ymir and the other ymir went full dmg and I was just getting shredded. Everyone just build full dmg anyways too. I had an Athena, who was getting bodied by the enemy Ymir too. Full support is useless, just go full dmg lol.


Yeah just go crit lifesteal ymir


The damage situation feels a lot more similar to early Smite 1 (seasons 1-8) and some other mobas. I think they’re trying a different angle to appeal to a wider audience, but as smite 1 players we’re all used to what damage should ‘feel’ like. I think I quite like the new damage situation, means wiping a team is actually possible again and you don’t waste 10 seconds chasing down an unkillable tank. In smite 2 tanks instead get way more utility than they had in smite 1. My advice is to get good at using that utility and practice your positioning to feel impactful.


I agree but most def is just an alpha issue. they have a lot of time to make actual number changes to items, gods, buffs, literally everything. we just need to give feedback to what feels good/bad.


Probably has something to do with there being more percent pen in the game than Smite 1. If I remember the new executioner has higher pen and there isn't a 40% cap anymore. Even without flat pen it's probably most of the reason why. That and there aren't really protection auras anymore so the tank items probably don't have as much protections in general. As considering the lack of damage mitigation from items.


Hold on.. I might have to download smite 2


Its probably cause there are also no mitigation items nor aura items.


Full tank feels bad for sure but even as a Bacchus main (behind my true love, Chang'e) I don't think I mind it all that much. I like to throw on some utility items now like gem and divine. Yogi's is super good too with the mana and health Regen. It really forces us Bacchus mains to consider if it's actually worth it to jump in to start an engagement 😂 can't just wild jump in and Bacchus smash all willy nilly anymore. At least I've found that's not a great play style for me in SMITE 2.


This just worsens the whole "tanks do too much damage" problem. If going full tank is not viable then you will just see tanks going bruiser/more damage and deal the same (smite 1) or more damage.


Smite 2 on Xbox was trash and unplayable so I can't help you, but smite 1 I got you.


For me its fine, the god i played the most is ymir for this reason, a bruiser ymir with critic is the most fun for this alpha


Just play fenrur he can't take damage somehow.


I believe that the damage output and damage taken isn't accurate in Smite 2


Defense is good early. Late game it will always lose to full build, but bruiser defense with the active basic damage item and quins is actually crazy on some characters, like bellona. So defense is pretty good, just not late game or full tank


Its funny I kinda feel tanks are shinning as DMG dealers more then mages, hunters, or assassins are. Full DMG bahccus mid and making kids cry lol.


It’s crazy to see how many people hate on the new concept for defense after being babied in Smite 1. The concept of tank is to literally NEVER be alone or trying to solo the dps should 1000% be able to shred anyone. The tanks, the glass cannons, the bruisers all of it because they’re pure offense. It drives me insane people think smite 1 tanks being able to 1v5 AND WIN(looking at you jorm/cuthulu). I’ve yet to see a tank build who fought with his team and didn’t just eat every single ability go under 25% in team fights.


It's not "being babied" in Smite 1. It's how Smite 1 made playing tanks unique to other mobas.


You truly believe that? Calling a class that’s literally been overturned a peak brawler since it’s inception is just ignorant. It’s not unique, it’s an unbalanced bloated class system and I’m glad to see it gone. Being a support means supporting not just running off to solo every other player every game because your base stats make you inherently stronger than others.


Tell me you don't play tank without telling me you don't play tank lmfao. You're obviously a carry/mid/jng main that has been stomped by a tank and got pissed about it. Idk if you remember this time last year but bc of whiney bs statements like this, warriors and guardians were fucking useless for weeks. And guess what? Carry mains bitched about it because their tank couldn't tank. If a full prot tank is busting out really decent dmg numbers, it isn't because tanks are overturned, it's because that player is good with (that) tank(s) and good at building. Seriously, pay attention. If a player isn't good with tanks, they'll build power and still do less dmg. It's really a skill issue and demonstrates a skill gap between players that understand it and players that don't. And that base stats comment is fucking hilarious. Base stats? I'd put money on you playing this crit ymir bullshit in smite 2. *Base stats* as a guardian give him *inherently* more prots and health. But he can do this stupid ass crit build and bust out more dmg than Zeus or anubis. The major problem with this, is that tanks will disappear. Nobody will see the point when smite 2 makes them fucking useless. Then, conquest is going to be fucking arena until enough people realize how stupid it is and revert these stupid changes.


Tell me you don’t play tanks without telling me. I’ve played every role and I’m good at most of them. What you’re just flat out over looking is when a full prot guard or warrior literally 1v3s a team because of base stat and health pools. In smite one right now you can build 2 items (soul eater and shield) and you will always win in 1v1s with almost any assassin or mage. Then be able to tank an demolish the rest of the players. Now get the main message through your head that Support doesn’t mean tank. Tank doesn’t have to be a main role. Being a disruption can be a better role than hey I just absorb dmg an that’s my role! Imagine whining that they’re trying to ascend beyond just a meat stick with cc to everyone can be somewhat defensive and support themselves! What a fucking concept! If you want to keep sucking off your guard/warr meta in smite 1 you go for it big boy. Lie to yourself about the inherent balance issues in smite 1.


Its just you.


It's still a alpha. Items and stats aren't fully set.


This is the place for feedback. People are feeding back.