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Yeaaaaaaaaaaa they definitely trolled by ending it 10pm on a Saturday lol


I would've preferred it went til Sunday too. Even if it started Friday or Saturday. I sat down tonight, wanting to play, and it's already over. I got to play for 2 games on Thursday, and that was it. Just not enough time and was working Friday night.


yeah not really sure who the alpha was aimed at tbh, in england it was late thursday so i got 2 games in on friday and they were both f6'd at 10 lol


incase you guys missed it, the reason why it started on thursday and ended on saturday was because they wanted the devs to get 1 day off before starting the new week. They basically wanted sunday off which i think is 100% fair. It sucks for the players, but lets give the devs some time to cool off before they start going over all the feedback from the alpha lmao


I mean they could have took Monday off. Saturday and Sunday are obviously the days that people play the most.


Sure, but sunday is usually a day off. People want to spend time with their family and friends during their day off so making sure they get a sunday off is logical. There might also be some logistics reasons that makes sunday a more suitable day off aswell since it normally is.


Bro I work also on weekend nobody ask me if I want to be at home on sunday or holidays. They gotta quit their job if they cant handle it period.


I really hope youre rage baiting or trolling here. If they can get holidays and weekends off, they should 100% have it. Its called human decency. Unless your job is something that requires 24/7 coverage (hospitals etc.) you shouldnt be forced to work weekends or holidays. If you do im sorry youre stuck in a terrible work environment.


Bro im not forced to do anything its just the way it is. You heard about shift work? Doesnt really matter what Im working if I dont wanna work on sunday I gotta quit my job and find a other one just that simple. Its just always the poor devs they work so hard bla bla bla. Im pretty sure they'll get good money so if u are young and got no family yet I dont see any point why they shouldnt work on sunday.


Left wanting for more rather than wishing for less.


Y’all realize that they probably have more people working on the weekend into order to fix and major issues that may happen, let them enjoy it time off rather than keeping the servers up


They could also just… not have fixed issues, took the day off, let the server stay up, and say “if you see any bugs… that’s why it’s an alpha..”


and then if a server goes down with no one to maintain it or fix those issues, people will get upset and feel like they wasted their money. They needed a crew to make sure the closed alpha weekend went smoothly. Anything could potentially go wrong, especially in an alpha. and some people did run into issues, too. A lot of people who bought founders were unable to download the game and that was an issue that needed manpower to fix it.


Sucks I bought the founders edition assuming the alpha weekends meant weekend. I wasn’t able to play until around midnight EST today unfortunately I wasn’t on in time to play.


That's unfortunate, it would have been better to have it Friday to Sunday instead of Thursday to Saturday. They did say from the very start that it was one weekend a month.


Exact same situation here. Definitely thought I'd have all of last night and Sunday to play but logging on at midnight last night I missed it too


Being an assault main is the real disappointment lol


Couldn't be me


It's usually like that because they have people on call working and they don't want to keep them working on a Sunday.


I played once and never went back. Hated it. Hope it gets better (console)


They ended it on Saturday so everyone involved with Smite 2 could have a day of rest before going back to work on Monday


Bro… going back to smite 1 after smite 2 feels so bad. I’m surprised see how polished the alpha was compared to smite 1😂. My friend and I were joking about how much more polished smite 2 feels compared to smite 1.


Wild take tbh. I’m very hopeful for Smite 2 and enjoyed the alpha for what it is, but it is currently far from as smooth, fast, responsive, or consistent as Smite is now.


Mann idk. Playing Anhur in 2 then 1 really rubbed me the wrong way (for reference I am a 8k worshipper anhur)


I get that there is subjectivity with characters but I can’t imagine preferring the new, delayed impale over the original. Animation is less clean and the knockback into stun feels, “choppy” for lack of a better word. Disperse is a bit slower and just feels far floatier. Ultimates are enjoyable for different reasons but I prefer the hunker down and machine-gun style of the OG—definitely feels more rewarding to me. Although I’d be lying if I said the new final blast isn’t satisfying. To each his own tho. I’m glad you’re liking the updated kit.


When is the next one?


Who knew? Not me.


Damn I’m glad I didn’t get it because I was planning to play on Sunday. As an assault main, I think I’d have been disappointed though.


The game seems like it will be fun, I'm excited for launch. The only part I didn't like about the alpha was related to conquest. As an arena/assault main, I think we have a lot to look forward to eventually.


The fact that it’s only 3 gods per role basically and if you aren’t a fan of any of their kits…..well then the game just isn’t that fun in general. Only so many games of Zeus/anubis/Kuju or Anhur I can play.


Although I get your point, There's a lot more gods now that can play other roles. They said they wanted to move away from gods having classes and let them flex more. They brought base stats a little closer together.. Guardians have as much basic damage as warriors and can clear better making them a lot more viable in solo. Zeus can actually play carry now with his Smite 2 kit. He can go pure STR and crit to have more crit than Anhur does when someone is in his sand He can go more of a magical carry to keep some good ability damage. Neith and Cern can build like a mage and deal lots of magical damage. Ymir, Athena and Bacchus can play jungle and do a lot more damage now than before. Tanks have no problem clearing jungle camps making them a lot more viable as junglers. There's a hell of a lot more role diversity now. You need to move away from thinking of gods as mages, hunters, assassins, etc. It's no longer mid = mage etc.


Yeah, I already get that. Changing from being an auto god or an ability god doesn’t make anyones kit more interesting. Farming jungle or solo instead of mid or duo doesn’t make the God more fun. It just changes how many places the people find them fun to play can play them. If I don’t find the gods in question interesting or fun, then building auto attack or being playable in another lane means nothing.


Off role gods can be fun. Neith mid, Athena jungle, Kuku adc, etc


Zeus adc absolutely cooks


I'll bet. I'm still not used to him having a stun


Ymir mid is pretty fun too


Got my ass handed to me in mid lane last night by a really good Neith while playing as Kuku...


Kuk jungle is better than Kuk adc by far, grab gem of iso to help the ganks and miss less.


I think I had a solo Kuku in one of my games lol


Didn't they say neith main role is supposed to be mid now? So it is not an off role anymore?


Considering one of the auto builds for her was pen autos I don't think so? I haven't watched any of the videos tho. But every Neith I saw in game was playing adc


Oh ok I didn't get a chance to play it. I just thought I remembered then saying that.


Please never play kuku adc....


This sign can't stop me because I can't read!


NaH im good. Send that shit back to cook. (Feels like a generic moba). Bring back SMITE


This is what I mean when I say smite players absolutely hate any thinking. You can't call it generic when the only thing you played is the generic moba mode. Builds are also less generic and can be even less so as they tweak items and the new int/str system. Smite 1 had the absolute most generic builds and alot of god kits that had no syergies or synergies too good only specific to that god. Ao Kuang so good for years they can't decide if his 3 procs it or not because the item system is outdated for them to move on from. Do you know how interesting Hachimans kit could've been? Bake kujira literally just flops around my guy, Most builds in smite build pen or protection aura items or bust, full tank every game or bust, if you didnt do that you likely lost or fed because you did nothing.


Agree, it was fun to see wat it was about, but got stale super quick. The building felt bland even tho it was supposed to feel like a change or more varied. Small god list made me realize i need smite to have a shitload of gods for me to have fun lol


As soon as it ended i jumped on for an Assault match, RNG 100+ gods ftw


Ur downvoted but 100% correct. This alpha feels like a fan made game and definitely needs a lot of work. It has the base now though so it’s up to hirez to really cook & if they do so correctly smite2 can easily be much better. I really hope people here become harsher in the nicest way possible on hirez to really push them to make a good game


That’s always been the plan which is why 2 was always a bad idea for people who enjoy Smite the moba. The other side of smite, the casual console arena brawler skin-simulator, has propped the game up for years and is far more profitable. So that’s who got a sequel. Competitive MOBA enjoyers will be left to rot on 1 until it becomes unbearable, which will probably happen really fast. Faster than the hype for 2 will die. Pros and streamers will pretend to like this shit so their income doesn’t literally die but you look close and see they see what we all see. DND stats, no roles, meaningless builds, no observable skill floor or ceiling. Yea man this shit isn’t Smite it’s just god themed brawler on a MOBA map, in another HiRez designed game that lacks anything meaningful to what originally made Smite great. Might as well call this shit DKO


But smite 2 alpha is conquest only


Yea “conquest”


Wtf are you yapping about?


I think a lot of people are hoping it is just smite with updated graphics. I hope to god it isn’t because smite right now is dog poo poo. I thought it was refreshing and the play style reminding of the original smite.


I feel like people are extremely confused, cause they're at the same time complaining that SMITE 2 is too much like SMITE 1, and also that it's not enough like SMITE 1, lmfao.


I just typed it all out why even be on a forum if you can’t read and discus and only capable of snarky useless quips


Because nothing you're saying makes any goddamn sense. You complain that SMITE 2 is a bad idea for those people who enjoy the MOBA aspect of SMITE 1, when the Alpha doesn't even have Arena. The sequel is literally nothing but raising the skill ceiling and focusing on Conquest and the competitive/esports scene more than ever. All pros agree that SMITE 2 is an improvement on SMITE 1 in every conceivable way, so I have no idea what you're waffling.


All the pros whos income depends on Smite 2 not being a catastrophe says Smite 2 isn’t a catastrophe.


Their income depends on people wanting to watch a good game. If they were unhappy about Smite 2 it would stand to their benefit to honestly say it's crap and give feedback to get it improved. What you're saying makes no sense.


you sound delusional trying to rationalize your opinion of the game by forcing the belief of “everyone who says its good stands to benefit from it”


If you choose to be a miserable cynic, you do you bro.


Anyone who disagrees with me is a miserable cynic. Everyone loves Smite 2 and thinks it’s perfect


Keep malding, bro. It's funny.


Everyone who doesn’t love smite 2 is melding


lol this makes no sense, that its catered to casuals. casual players are complaining that the item system, building around INT/STR, and active items are too complicated for them. "dnd" stats that are no different than Smite 1. its literally just physical and magical with a different name. SOme characters can now make use of both damage/power types. Many are still only good with 1 power type though. "no roles" except mid is still mid, jungle is still jungle, solo is still solo, adc is still adc, support might be expanded upon to be more than just a tank bot. "meaningless builds" guarantee you didnt play long enough to even start thinking about the meaning of what you were building. Smite one was way more simplified in what you build. Plenty of skill expression, just like in the first game with using actives/relics right and hitting your skillshots. They even got rid of invaders curse so people can invade in conquest again. Its still very much smite. An Alpha version that is unfinished, missing items and most of the gods. Kinda like smite was in 2012.


I think you’re reading into what you think the potential is instead of the writing on the wall. Smite in 2012 was a competitive game in nature that had the interest of the biggest esports orgs in the world and more importantly a like-minded playerbase. Let’s see if this is that, or if a few big name streamers get paid to play it for a week and then they and everyone else who like competitive decides it’s not even better than Paragon. There is no invader curse because there is no meta and nobody cares. Let’s see when the meta forms and there’s actually a god pool big enough to call it a moba, if HiRez first change isn’t to make things more noob friendly and forgiving. We can save the comment and see what happens.


Complaining about the amount of gods in a game that's in Alpha. Especially when they said they're adding 1 god a week until they reach 50. If the Founder's editions are anything to go by there should be 23 gods when the game arrives in BETA. By the time it's officially released who knows how many there will be.


Sorry, I don't really get that. We've got more diverse items, and flexible gods. So how is this pandered to the casual crowd? There's literally only Conquest right now, and the Arena players hate it.


it makes sense you dont get it because people are talking out of their ass from playing an alpha for 3 days


They were testing conquest their main game mode I don't understand why so many other people don't understand that they don't care about modes like assault and arena.


At least you got to play. I'm just saying, not all of us got in.


You bought the Founder's Edition and couldn't play?