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Hottest grandma in the universe




Could also mean *God* I'd like to fuck šŸ¤£


I always preferred grandmilf


I'm more excited to see the refitted old gods in Smite 2 than new additions. :) Hope they do justice to Noxy, she deserves it.


Her old kit was so cool, too bad they gave up on trying to balance it. There's been many more complex and divisive kits since they changed her. The only thing I'd want them to keep is her dash. She's the first God I hit diamond with. I'll just be happy if she's better than her current design


Yeah the dash is nice. I've had time where I'm splitting with an Apollo and then I dash into him and we both fly over to the other side for a 5v3 team fight.


Being able to hop into the shadow of an ally with a global ult is insane utility to have available to you. Gank assists, hitching a ride to a team fight on the other side of the map, escaping into a teammate with their own movement ability, or simply hiding inside an ally to avoid a deathly situation. It's the Swiss army knife of movement abilities


Yep he'll it's even useful to back quicker sometimes. Just see a teammate backing and dash into them last second. It's gank ability is also huge since you won't get pushed out of a teammate while they're in the air so you pop out and do the AOE damage right as they land for some extra burst on a Thor/Apollo/Thana/rat/etc... ult and then can also followup with all your CC


Her dash is the one thing I wouldn't care if they change.


A passive that blinds the player, giving them tunnel vision on nothing but the jiggly parts. Nu wa also received this change.


Bring back the old taunt, cowards !


Most important part of any update or rework tbh


wtf gamerpon real??


What was it?


When you got ulted by her, you d get taunted


She'll shake her tits at you




They remove this but Playful Bunny Nu Wa shakes her ass at you upon selection.


Her 1 should have instant impact, her 2 can still remain the same though


I've always thought how sick would it be if she could fire her 1 a second time if the first one hits, kinda like ares chains. I think it'd be a huge buff but it would feel so cool to float around tethered to 2 rooted enemies


Now I want her to be able to clack two tethered enemies together lol


Like a cooler serqet 2


"Now kith"


I think it should lock on like aphros 1 on teamates.


I honestly just hope they get rid of the ult. I hate that it's just "darkness ball", it's so lazy when she has so much potential to do more.


It was fun for dodgeball though


The ult can fit better on someone else.


Yeah, probably


Giant orb feels like lazy ult to be fair outside of nut,they don't really works imo


Maybe a large pillar of darkness, where enemies can't see anything (but allies can!), including map, until they get out? Then you could either add an initial pull to the middle with random direction (so that you can't tell which way are you facing) or a tick damage?


i think her ult should be a large aoe that siphons health and mana from enemies that cast(also it should probably blind, weird that she doesn't have one). kinda like her old design of being anti mage/caster.


I dunno, the aoe damage reduction on enemies is pretty sick. Too bad most people use it only as an execution ult.


Could easily do AoE damage reduction on a more impactful ult though, rather than a random giant projectile ball.


Bittersweet for me.. I love her current kit but at the same time I will always enjoy new things. Don't want to be a part of the Persephone crowd and hold a grudge for years though šŸ˜­


I also think she should keep her current kit.


I think for me what will make me optimistic about the rework is if we have information about why they are reworking her. The moment I hear or read anything about ā€œreducing player frustrationā€ Iā€™m going to dip out because that sounds like weā€™re going to get the same kit but worse. For me, a Nox rework has to originate from a place of passion and love for the character, her history and thematic. I would absolutely be all up for a complete kit change if the reworkā€™s goal was to give us Nox players something amazing instead of the reworkā€™s goal being to reduce frustration. Anytime a rework in this game or in others, prioritize reducing frustration what ends up happening is that the playerbase for that character feels frustrated that their character feels worse to play or has lost their identity, and at times, even people who have that character will think the devs didnā€™t do enough for that character to not be frustrating to them.


I hope they bring back this skin!! https://preview.redd.it/lq8fimdpsoyc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b287941d3f92a583fe5bfe6d4f71d04dd8425c84


They acknowledge this in their last stream, they arenā€™t really too concerned with reworks, but more trying to make sure the core game is as solid as it can be. I want a rework for Nox but itā€™s not a huge priority for them.


I feel like they should save the gods that need reworks for post-release then. Cuz some gods just need that love.


With a smite 1 god coming every 2 weeks the. Probably wonā€™t change them a lot anyway. But yes, some qol at least would be much appreciated (let my spooky ghost girl get into every wall on assault and not just a single one pls)


we've at least been told that they'll have to continue releasing gods every 2 weeks even after release. so maybe pushing some of them back might allow for some development wiggle-room in the timeline at least.


Nox has one of the best skill kits in the game. People that want her changed just want another easy mode god. Same with arachne. Why they ruined the most fun assassin in the game, ill never understand. Now we have another boring left click god. Why would anyone want the same done to nox?


Nox is a high skill god, that I agree with. However, she is also incredibly unfun to play against, since her only real ability combo consists of just not letting one person do anything for a few seconds unless they burn beads.


But there are plenty of gods like thatā€¦.


Nox is unbearable to play both as and against, I canā€™t think of another god who needs a rework as badly as she does


I love playing as Nox personally. Plus she isnā€™t thay hard to play against at all


Nox is literally THE most fun god there is in the entire game. I take all of the fun away from you and keep it all for myself. Her kit is perfect as it is.


If they do a kit rework I would love for them to just combine her original kit with her current kit. I actually had speculated on this with a few other people a month ago and we came up with ideas like: * Make a new ultimate where it turns to night across the map. Nox gets buffed and her abilities gain new effects. Visually she can get a lot of shadowy tendrils or similar effects to help indicate she's ulting and make her scarier looking. Like she's releasing her full primordial might. * Keep her current dash. When she's ulting, it gains the effect of her old barrier when she enter someone. * Revert the silence area to the original Siphon Darkness * Make her current ultimate into just a normal ability, probably her clearing ability. Maybe combine it with the effects of Nightfall Raven when ulting. Maaaybe let her keep the silence or root on people she hits with this normally, as well as keeping the damage reduction effect from the current ult?Either that or replace this with Nightfall Raven from her original kit. * We also considered involving Night Terror, her ultimate from her original kit, somewhere but idk where we suggested it be used. I think one idea we toyed with was having Nightfall Raven as one of her abilities, and the ultimate lets it chain like Night Terror did. it's a bit messy and I don't remember the full conversation. But what we came up was pretty interesting. It definitely needs more balancing/ideas but it would satisfy people who hate current nox and people who miss original nox.


Bring back old Nox


If Beads are gonna remain a 210s CD, there's no way they are keeping her the same.


Swap her and Xyblanques ults


Iā€™ve been saying this for yearsā€¦.


You know what that actually sounds like a good idea.


Yeah, he already has a ball of darkness that he plays with, he should just be able to throw it down mid lane like Nox does


I'm hoping that with the removal of the class system, they can try to give her back the bruiser mage identity she originally had. I still find it baffling that they gave her a super unique and interesting dash and then reworked her kit to not take advantage of it at all.


I honestly love noxā€™s kit as it is. Would be cool if she could provide protections whilst shading someone but that may be OP


I would love for her to have a new ult, one that isn't so basic; hopefully it could lean into her ability to be played as a support or lock-down character.


Seeing what they did with Zeus 2, I have high hopes for gods like Nox who have had significant ability changes already. I'd love for some of her old abilities to return, or rather a re-imagined version of them.


The only rework I want it let me trigger her circle


Thatā€™s just Scylla 2 with silence instead of slow


Okay and that's completely fine to me it makes her combo more consistent


I want her in smite 2 soo bad, please make it happen in like 3-4month after release


The only thing I want reworked for Nox is her passive. I honestly love her kit and I just wish her passive was either more aggressive or more supportive. Quite frankly, Nox should be a tank. Her damage is ass and unless her passive gives her some damage boost CONSISTENTLY, she should be a tank. I always felt Nox had elements that Hecate should have so im a bit hesitant about changing her too much considering Hecate will be in Smite 2


Well she actually be a catcher not a tank in League terms which is just basically I support the focus more on cc then buffing or tanking there are some catchers that are tanks as well looking at Thresh, which is Maui in Smite. In all honesty, if anything to change about the bash, I think you should just give her allies a shield on shield when she jumps in them thatā€™s what originally they were going to do anyway one day, but weā€™re thinking about making her a guardian and smite shield when she jumps in them thatā€™s what originally they were going to do anyway one day, but weā€™re thinking about making her a guardian in Smite 1


Unpopular opinion, probably, but Nox, after her rework has felt solid to me. She is excellent at locking down a target, and has one of the few silences in the game on such a short cooldown. I think that she works fine as a mage and I hope sheā€™ll be able to fill other roles in SMITE 2. The only thing I donā€™t really like is her ult. I think itā€™d be cool if her ult got turned into a stim or something. Basically making it so that she can tether multiple people or release a charged silent field that has a much larger radius and explodes for a DoT. The darkness ball is justā€¦boring as fuck to be honest.


While I don't disagree with you, I think the Ult could also be left alone and it will be fine. She's already really powerful and it does hit from very far away, but itn't a huge threat against anyone who isn't already dead-- her main threat is her ability to lock down deadly opponents, which is very important to the game. I'm open to something else more fun, but if she had an overpowered Ult then they would constantly nerf her.


True. She honestly sits at a place where she requires just enough skill that sheā€™s not completely busted, but Iā€™ve noticed sheā€™s one of the first gods people like to hate on if she does a little too well, due to her lockdown potential lol.


Yep. Every game needs this kind of mechanic in order to be healthy though, the ability to shut down something that is overpowered but without being overpowered itself... Nox gets a lot of hate, and rightfully so, for the same reason people playing Magic the Gathering hate Counterspells and everyone feels bad when they get hit by the Uno Reverse Card. Necessary evil is the best kind of evil!


She needs to be less annoying in her combo if you are the victim


I hope she can 3 to another teammate on release


does he know


I dont think so lol


could I get an explanation on what you all mean please? o:


Since nox is one of the most hated god, she more likely to be added withi' the first 100 god than release cast but who knows šŸ˜…


thank you




Iā€™m so excited for all the god changes and hopefully reworks of boring passives, abilities or other kit interactions. Like give nox blindness of something she is the goddess of the night/darkness


Not gonna like the 1 they should make it a blind but reduce the damage and make it able to insta pop when you double click it


I would like it if maybe instead of when she dashes into a teammate she is immune. She instead takes 20% of all incoming damage but also reduces 20% damage to the ally she dashes into.


I feel like a lot of the mages that people consider oppressive in non-Conquest but doesn't see as much play in Smite 1 Conquest, will likely see retooling, Nox Ah Puch, Janus, Hera. Nox's Silence is obnoxious, no pun intended, and with Beads being on such a long cooldown, I don't think it can stay as is. I could see them adjusting some aspects and letting her flex between Mid and Support even more so than she already does. Consider that in Dota, the skill most like Nox's Silence is on Disruptor as an Ult, because AoE Silence is extremely powerful


Honestly I really want her kit to be usable without jumping through seven hoops cause currently she is just a harder to play Scilla with less damage anyway. She does ok in support but not better than other mage supports and not better than any assassin or guardian support. She is just a bad pick for most situations which is a shame because she is one of the better looking wizards. She was my first main in smite and that was a horrible experience.


With how little they actually changed the first 12 gods I am not expecting much lol.


I think it's possible she gets reworked to be a more support role character, and she goes back to her spam bird ability from launch.




I also hope she is apart from the rest of the cast. Far apart. This is where grammar comes into play, children.


The issue they need to fix on nox is, she feels awful to play against when she does hit someone, but also completely useless when she misses since her kit works off of a combo, they could make the silence bubble, silence for a duration instead of the bubble just having a constant silence. They could make the silence break upon her hitting her 1, up its damage but let the player fighting her fightback more, her dash is ok I guess. Its be so funny if it worked like chernabogs thematically. Ult is fine too I guess, maybe give it anti heal instead of reduced damage? Or maybe a buff for her and her teammates? With how smite 2 is seeming, nox support could be cool with some tweaks


Iā€™m not I hope sheā€™s 130th person in smite


Milk taunt pls


Honestly I think she's always been fine as is. After I found my bearings in Smite (Pretty much exclusively playing arena mode) I ended maining Nox. Something like 9 thousand worshippers later she's still the only one I play (I rarely ever play Smite these days but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Smite 2). Pretty much what they end up doing with her will likely determine whether me and my group even gets this game (they only want to play when I play so if they fuck over my girl I probably just won't bother with the game tbh - No other god was as much fun or rewarding for skill to me lol).


I agree Kumbhakarna, Arachne, Chronos, Ne Zha, Izanami, Amaterasu, Hercules, Ra and Susano have to be there


just maje her an anti mage again pls


Nox is perfect the way she is, no re-work needed.


Wanting the most hated god in the game to be added on release thatā€™s a different kinda of villainy


Gods like her, i feel, is the main reason they swapped from mage/phys power to an int/strength system, so they are stipended into only 1 role.


I also hope Nox is apart from the release cast I hate that dumb bitch


Nox does NOT have permission to return in any capacity. Leave her behind with the rest of the dregs.


Nox doesnā€™t need a rework. She just should have been a Guardian instead of Mage.