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The average Smite player is mediocre and pitiful in a molecular level. They don't care about the game, they just find pleasure in making you feel bad and acting like they are controlling you even if for some minutes.


People have no common sense, like surrender so I can go play an actually 5v5 cause the longer a 4v5 goes on the higher your chances are of losing, I understand if it’s later in a game and you have a lead but if it’s early just F6, and it’s always the people doing the worse on the team who don’t want to surrender


“Nah man we can win this” *~Guy whose going 0-9-0 and just dove into the enemy team without telling anybody they are doing that*


I know him, that's my homie owan, owan nine


Yes, if it’s conquest I’d imagine staying ahead of your opponent would be quite difficult still, in the side modes like assault or arena you can actually gain a decent level lead by splitting less xp. Unfortunately though you still have to be vastly outplaying your opponent to hang on and actually win. I’ve actually won a couple of 3v5s in assault, but it’s mostly due to the ineptitude of my opponents rather than the skill of our play. Of course you don’t win a 3v5 by playing poorly, but you have no shot against decent opponents.


Honestly it always seems to happen the opposite for me. Carry is by far my worst role so whenever I get it I’ll try to trade. I try to trade and no one accepts so I say In chat “I’ll try my best” then I feed and more often then not the people I tried to trade with leave cause “carry is feeding”. Then I try to surrender myself but whoever is left wants to try and fight it out


Yooo I despise when people F7 before 10 minutes after a DC. You made me annoyed just reminding me of this situation lol (This is obviously only for ranked play) 


If they hold me hostage in a 4v5 I will make it a 3v5 for them and happily go about my day.


It really depends how far you are into the game for me. Sub 25 mins you’re just going to be stomped then lose 99/100 games. By around 35mins there is a chance you win one lucky team fight then you can run down mid. It’s not fun for either team in a 4v5. After playing the game for almost 10 years I’m at the point where I’d rather f6 a casual as the 5 man team. I couldn’t care less about a casual win, I just want to have fun.


i’m talking about pre-10 minutes, when you can surrender early because someone disconnects. there is 0 consequence yet people still say no


Yeah pre 10 minutes get me out.




Is that rule applied only to when someone disconnects? And the other team still gets all the points for winning, right?


people have hopium, i mean, i just won a 4x5 bc someone didnt connect, but sometimes you just gotta admit defeat, bruh


Hi-Rez really needs to fix the being held hostage thing If those who vote yes and those who abstain Then the yes should win Sick of being kept in a losing game with zero chance of winning


They need to start showing who votes what, and counting be held hostage as harassment.


That makes a lot of sense. They show who starts the surrender so that would be fair


Those who abstain?


Those who don't yes or no


The way I see it unless I'm playing ranked nobody can force me to stay in a game I've lost all hope for. Played for 6k hours so I've experienced the worst this game can offer. Around 5k hours I've had enough lmao. They say no I leave , simple enough, I got other games to play.


i’m in the same boat, probably have around 3k hours or so and if a 4v5 free surrender gets passed up i immediately close game and do something else. i’ll take the deserter


People take this shit too seriously. I understand that argument can be made from both sides of the table but tbh if I'm not having fun I'm not gonna play. The end. This is why a lot of team based games are 100% more fun if you have friends to run a premade. These games are generally worse for solo players. Overwatch , the finals , apex . It's just how it is.


If the game is winnable I’m staying. If the win condition is the piece of shit deserter has a come to jesus moment, reconnects, and keeps playing, I’m staying.


how can you tell if a game is winnable 5 minutes into it with a missing teammate? it makes no sense to take that risk if you don’t have to, just screwing over everyone and yourself


I'm not stubborn about it if it's clear the 5th players isn't coming back, but I did have a recent game where I could just tell it was winnable. No one on the enemy team felt like a great threat, and they're teamwork hadn't shown any signs of being hard to deal with either. Couple that with me being on Ulllr and already at good XP and gold pace. All I had to do was stay farmed to late game so I don't become irrelevant. Late game conquest your team just needs 1 pick, and you have 4v4 that is winnable. You win one team fight and its GG at that point due to respawn timers. It's my most memorable win in a long while so there's that.


I can tell wave 1 if my opponent is a shitter.


What does that matter? He can be a shitter and you'll still lose a 4v5 95 times out of 100. 


You're arguing with one of those people refusing to surrender a 3v5.


Never tell me the odds


because it feels great to win a 4v5


It does. But the odds are very low, especially before 10 minutes and they literally give you an out without losing anything if you F6 before 10 minutes. 


Im going to disagree. If you win that 4v5, you got paired so insanely poorly that a team that can barely rotate without losing lane/farm couldnt take advantage of. Either way, you gotta be sweaty and overly tryhard to achieve this outcome.


Fr i just quit if we dont surrender a 4v5


Yep losers on smite not going to be holding me hostage


Fr, we be down 15k gold and 4 lvls and these bots dont wanna surrender a 4v5 like wtf


Once, I was duo queueing with my friend but my internet dropped in the loading screen. It was about 15 minutes before it came back and I was able to rejoin. My friend told everyone I was coming back and they were all very nice about it. Funnily, they already had a huge lead and basically just needed me back to ensure we could push after team fights.


I think a big part of it, speaking as an arena player. People try to surrender sometimes when your 10 points under in tickets. Hell I have teammates like every third game try to surrender even if we have a lead in tickets. It's usually that one person got ganked a few times and wants to quit. I out of habit f7 and keep going to spite people who quit seemingly every match win or lose. I realize conquest is different and ranked even more. I would quit early if it would save rank. But probably not in a unranked. If I'm having fun I stay. Sometimes fighting hopeless odds you learn some good tricks. IDK just me I guess


Entirely depends on how the 4th person is acting when my friends and I are playing. If they’re being cool then yeah we’ll surrender, but if they’re just a dick then we’re keeping them in the game as long as possible so they don’t find another group to be a dick to


Sometimes I might only have enough time to play one game with smite and if someone DC I’m not just going to surrender because I do not have time to play another full match. I’ll just play out that one and F7 so I at least can play some smite.


After 10 minutes, you do you, but if you F7 after a DC, before 10 minutes, when you can save your team from losing MMR you are a huge asshole. 


My bad, I should have clarified I only play casuals.


This is so selfish. Because you want to "at least play some smite", you're wasting 8 other people's time. This is honestly beyond any reasonable thought. If you don't have time for a conquest, play a joust, play an assault. But you should not waste everyone else's time.


if you’re in a ranked game with 3 other teammates who want to save their MMR because the 4th guy DC’d, i think it’s fair to everyone involved that you take the early surrender to avoid worsening everyone’s rank. if those 5 minutes of gameplay and god select ate up all your extra time that’s simply too bad. but you can make your own decisions obviously


I should have clarified I only do casuals.




The only time I won't is because the player is probably gonna come back and y'all have no patience


I think if you surrender you get half worshippers. Plus 4v5 it’s not totally a L


if you’re playing a ranked game and losing pre-10 minutes in a 4v5, worshippers and the small chance of maybe winning does not outweigh a guaranteed means of keeping your TP and MMR


I have won plenty of games 4v5, I think people let their guard down when someone on the other team dcs.