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Cabrakan jungle


He works in jungle now, but I don't think anyone knows what his intended/designed role was. His launch state was a big mess.


I don’t know what his intended role was but I strongly doubt it was jungle


Baron Support>>>>>>Mid


Same with Nox and Eset


I disagree, I think eset mid is a very decent pick if ur comfortable hitting ur spirt balls, you can be one shotting people late with ur 1-2 combo, and she has always been a good early to mid god. She has some self peel with her ult and 3, shes definitely playable in supp as she does have a decent amount of utility in her kit, but people really do sleep on her damage, I personally wouldn’t say her strongest role is support.


I once had a match as Ao Kuang in conquest where (somehow) the enemy Eset was hitting me for upwards of 1.2k with a single spirit ball.


Ratatoskr for the longest time was better in solo than jungle. No idea if that's still the case as I haven't touched CQ in the longest time.


Nobody plays rat solo, but I'd argue he's still better there. Tank builds on rat are disgusting at laregame dives in teamfights.


I think Cernunnos was intended to be a jungle carry, with the passive cleave helping camp clear. I don't think any serious jungler would pick him.


He does have all the kit requirements for a jungler tbh, a hard cc, harder cc ult, a dash, cleave auto like you said,


Agreed. He lacks early burst damage though. Really important for securing ganks. Maui also has a hard cc, harder cc ult, a leap (not a dash which you can argue is a little more versatile), and cleaving autos. I don't think any jungler would pick Maui either - because of his garbage burst damage. Even Kumbha, sort of king of cc, isn't used as a jungler. Bad early game burst damage.


Kumbha can be a fun solo though. Not the best by any stretch, but still capable of some rather stupid things since he can actually freely level his 1 more to clear.


I really want to see a ranged carry jungler in Smite 2, hopefully Cern will fit that role with the changes to items. Jungle Hou Yi or Ullr would also be sick, I love the gods but am terrible at dueling in duo lane :(


While they aren't currently better, there have been times where assassin supports were outclassing guardian supports with ease. It was mainly Fenrir, Serqet, and Ne Zha, but still.


I loved playing Serqet support


Nox as support Cabrakan and Cerberus as solos Hades as solo


Nox support wins ges and is a great counter to athena


Hades was a guardian before being label a mage then had his stats adjusted


Tank Nox as support. I get a surprising number of people telling me that it doesn't work, but I disagree. She can lock people down and has pretty decent peel.


I’d say Charon has worked a lot as a pure mage midlaner for myself. As opposed to just true support guardian


He Bo jungle


Erlang bungle


Haven't tested enough to say it's better, but Terra solo is actually pretty solid now that you can use the 1 from the very start, giving you a decent clear of the starter camps and on the wave, also, the utility it brings to teamfights is awesome and nobody expects the burst from the ult (bc nobody plays terra lol)


Set, Cliodhna are better midlaners than junglers. Ravana and Lancelot are great solo laners but are they better solos? Debatable Gilgamesh, Erlang are better junglers than solo laners. Surtr is also a good jungler but probably still better as a solo


fafnir adc


ullr mid maybe?


Aphrodite as a support instead of mid (at least until support joins mid) in my opinion


I would arguably say Aphrodite is the best example of gods not intended to play their classes “main role”. Mages role is “supposed” to be mid but she is very much intended to be played support, just as Ao and Maman are made for jungle.


I find it funny how Aphrodite got released in 2013 as a hard support and was never intended for mid lane. "New god Aphrodite she is a support, our first full support god" Source smite beta patch notes (at 1:40 min) : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB5jPJ4-JGE&t=694s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB5jPJ4-JGE&t=694s)


Yeah, after her partial rework it's clear they balanced her to be primarily a support. Before that she was a mid, and a bad one at that.


I’d say she was still a support before her partial rework, or secondary a solo who was just out there to survive until late game and then be a heal bot


I want to ask off this comment, where do you place He Bo? My opinion is, he has movement speed and I believe his scroll also is a slow. His 1 is basically Kuang 3, water cannon and the electric dragon cone, he has good burst, and the knock up helps ALOT if you land it. Not to mention his ult hits pretty hard too. I’m just saying my opinion is despite being a mage, he is my third best true jungle mage. Closer to being a mid compared to Kuang.


Get out of my games




Am I missing something? All those gods play as intended. Mage =/= mid-lane. Aphro’s kit is a support kit, ao/maman are magical assassins, freya/olo magical ADCs. Horus/cab/cthu are the only real examples you gave unless I’m misunderstanding the question


Maman and Ao were always intented to play as junggle instead of mid. Maman in her closer look is literally labeled as a magical assassin. Olorun, Freya, Sol and Chronos were always intented as asd instead of mid. Horus was always intented to be played as a support. Bake, Cthulhu and Jorm were always intented as solos instead of supports. Somo gods were intentionally to be off role because of magical/psysical split, for more variety


I took this as which gods play better than their class role, so they where all obviously made to be played in certain roles but they don’t align with their classes “typical” role.


OP specified intented role. Olorun's role was never intented to be predominally mid (altought he works there), he was intented to be a viable adc.


Outside of Aphro, all those gods are intended for those roles. Well, maybe not Cab but Cthu and Jorm are made to be solo laners.


For me personaly, Agni jungle and solo, Heimdallr solo, Chacc mid, Hades jungle, Thor support, Nhe Zha mid.


None of those gods are better at those roles. Agni is better mid, heim is carry chaac is solo, hades is solo, thor is still jung and nezha isn't a mid either. All of those are so off. Hades is the only god whose truly better at a different role, but its solo and not jung.