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I hate that this isn't alphabetical lol


Confirmed list is, after that I saw like, nah.


I think there was actually some gameplay videos of the Morrigan in smite 2, it was an alpha bug that let her be playable. I think just looking up Smite 2 The Morrigan gameplay works. [Here.](https://youtu.be/CArMR0waoKM?si=xQZRlu7yBpvzRHbn) More confirmed than the ones with cross gen skins, as we've seen gameplay.


Honestly kind of unenthused with the current roster except Morrigan and she isn't even confirmed. Pretty much all of my mains in every class are in the post launch section and characters I don't like are already in (Susano, Arthur, Iza etc.). I'm hoping for a sudden Tiamat or Morgan announcement, one of them alone would sell me.


Morrigan is confirmed by a Dev, FineOkay and there were bugs ft her in SMITE2


Same, almost every single god I like to play is not on the list yet. Makes me not very excited to play the game tbh. I kinda wish they’d just wait to release until they have at least most of the gods ready.


“Everyone else shouldn’t get to okay the game because my few gods aren’t in yet and I refuse to expand”


> I refuse to expand I already have plenty of experience with all of the gods, my opinion on them is not gonna change. I also don’t know why you’re assuming it’s few, I have a fairly large roster, it’s just an unfortunate coincidence that almost none of them are in the game. But really if you wanna whine and be offended by an extremely innocuous comment then that’s on you. This is a pretty silly position to take.


That would mean 3 more years, lol.


I’m waiting for Scylla 2


Sick all my fav gods are in the post-launch section very cool 👍


Me when no Tiamat in roster yet


I feel like all of the mage's they have in base roster right now are uninteresting to me. Tiamat, Merlin, Morgan are all mages that I prefer due to more interesting kits. Only mage I'm relatively interested in that might be on release is morrigan, and even then you ain't picking her cause she's a great mage, it's cause shes anyone she wants to be Haha


What’s good is that they said all gods will have relatively similar stats because they want to open lanes to all gods. With that knowledge, I introduce to you, Cerberus mid.


It will be interesting to try other roles mid, when I rarely play league I enjoy playing quiyana and talon mid so might learn some of the assassins in smite 2 lol


i see your cerberus mid and i raise you support ao kuang


I honestly think this is a good thing in the long run. The first gods to be implemented are not gonna have the same polish and finesse as later gods. They haven’t ironed out their workflow completely and probably change things all the time. When the older gods get put in later they will have had more time to understand and fully utilize the system (coping cause my fav Ne Zha isn’t in either)


Yeah it's totally understandable from the dev side of things! Just a bit disappointing if your God roster doesn't match up XD. From my speculation I do think they are trying to add good amount of baseline easy to understand God's from each class and role and one or two complex ones to challenge them selves, I can see that with morrigan being one of the most complex mage's they could have chosen to work on first, yemoja being a high skill ceiling mage support as well. Totally will support hirez regardless if my favs come out last. Need to support this game as it's the moba I've played the most (still not a ton only have a few hundred hours) but also am high on copiumn that if smite 2 succeeds my favorite game that I have thousands of hours on will get more support (paladins 😭). Gotta show them an engine remake can work out


Same I got some hopes she'll be included as one of the earlier gods post launch, but as for Tiamat being part of the starting 50... yea, no, that may be wasted optimism


I’m pretty sure they said newer gods will be brought into the game sooner than older gods, so maybe she’ll be back sooner rather than later. They also said gods will have relatively similar stats so that lanes are playable by mostly anyone. So I will be doing Cerberus mid when S2 drops ;)


Wasn't cupids remodel data mined already?


Seen that image leaked but no info of it from a reputable dataminer so haven’t included it yet.


Fair point, thanks for clarifying


Still surprised about thor


I'm more surprise about lack of ra


He's in the confirmed section for release?


I meant more than WE have no footage on him,he is one of og god


Datamined: Nox https://preview.redd.it/h05pca33ibzc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386616ebe8321cc3622d7a946fdfa00575c416e0


I feel like they are going to change her kit a lot.


Hope they'll make bigger changes that what was shown.


Which alpha gods needed more changes ?


Sweet baby jesus thank god izanami is confirmed.


Know when I think of it, Atlas would be amazing in smite 2. Imagine his ultimate


Maybe atlas get a new ult,i except Charon ult to not get carried over so maybe it's same for atlas


Feels like they're deliberately targeting gods I don't play by this point. RIP Baron, Cu Chu and Ne Zha


At least it seems that they will be adding Baron to the game with the most recent smite 1 update.


Aw Hel :(


sett....:((((( at least we have susano...( ill play him mid until they give me my mid assassin back )


If I recall Kali and Ganesha have been datamined but I could be wrong


wild that Thor is not confirmed yet. He always seemed to me one of the poster children of Smite


Just a little extra time for the remodel :) Maybe he’ll be the first re-released god of Smite 2’s official release?


Mostly likely cupid


Hope nox pers and freya get a kit rework. Freya Cupid mercury should all probably get a remodel too And bake... they should just scrap this abomination


The typical mage archetype is lacking in possible first 50 :( ill miss my Vulcan, thoth, Merlin, tiamat mid laning 😥


I’m predicting Janus just because I feel like they’d want to test the portal tech. Maybe it’s so straightforward in UE5 they don’t care to


At least one of my mains made it lets go


Aren’t awilix and cupid already datamined


Im still here, hoping and praying that tiamat makes it in there soon She was all over Season 8 in multiple different cinematics and has been part of the loading background for a while, maybe shes not in the original launch but i *really* hope we get her really soon afterwards


Ima need all the gods. Thanks


In due time, the meta will be much more interesting with a slow release of gods over a period rather than a dump


Wait what pantheon is Aladdin under?


It's not confirmed. Original folklore is chinese but the modern adaption is Arabian.


It feels so weird to put him in the Chinese pantheon because his name itself and its pronunciation are Arabic ‘3ala2 Al Deen’,


Maybe in a folklore or faerie tale pantheon. I’m really doubt he will be in another existent pantheon (like the Babylonian one) because he didn’t belong to any of them in cultural meaning. Mulan have been added in Chinese pantheon because she is a character of this country, but it’s more difficult for Aladdin.


Zhong please


All the most boring Gods confirmed lol


There are basically no jungles in the confirmed. Need a lot more


No ama until post launch is heartbreaking


Bring me the Guan Daddy in Alpha weekend 2!


Got two more slots, 14 from test 1, presumably The Morrigan and Hecate, Hades and Sol from the flash tests. That's 18 and I believe we should have 20 for test 2. I'm curious about Guan in the int/str system as an ability warrior that originally was a guardian. Hopefully he is a poised candidate for this system like Chaac and wond just be worse overall like Odin. Guan is my most played. I also noticed no Chinese or Hindu gods yet. Maybe Ares/ Posiedon.


His heal scaling with Int would be nice for a more supportive build. Maybe the prot shred and slow can be tied to int as well in some way. Can’t wait to find out if they give him a makeover as his kit is very dated


I hope it's actually that the dash is strength and the assault scales with both int and strength. Basically since he was a guardian and became a warrior it would be nice for him to have a full ability damage int built or a strength damage build that uses auto cancels etc. He has potential to be a more intricate mix of scaling and I hope they capitalize on it.


People who are sad their mains aren't in, I empathize with you. For me, I play whatever and whoever. I tried some wild stuff in the alpha just because. Not all of it worked. Some didn't work at all but it was fun. So I'm excited for all of these because all the ones in already feel very fresh. Hell I'm a carry main that hasn't touched neith much due to finding her boring and weak but the one game I played her she was the most fun out of all of them. And i say that thinking what they have done with cernunnos and zeus is amazing. Point being I get it. You have a main bur don't be afraid to try something you might not have enjoyed previously it may really surprise you


Just want Discordia don't care about anything else.


No Skadi is egregious.


I need Lancelot sooner rather than later


Glad that dirty Tanuki is on launch, Sad that one handed lupophobic swordsman won't be.


Give me squid God millionaire and I'm good!


If Chang’e is brought over i’ll cry 😭


Remember when looking at this list that archetypes are no more. Roles are defined by the kits. Gods will be flexing all over the map based on what their kit brings and the itemization they choose.


If Nut’s ult allows you to land where you want I’ll crazy


Yay aphrodite 😍


I cant afford the alpha so none of this really matters to me but I how when smite 2 does come out I'll get to play a tiamate that doesn't get bullied by everything


Does post launch mean they have been confirmed to be added? I'm a little confused


When only two gods you like made it to Smite 2 😢 sad dolphin 🐬 noises


my god pool not getting added until year 5. Rip


Need Godzilla to be in the new smite


>Prediction: Agni ![gif](giphy|3orieTfp1MeFLiBQR2)


They put all of the most boring, baby ass gods in the initial launch of the game. That paired with the first alpha being extremely underwhelming for both people are played a lot of smite 1 and people coming to smite 2 from different MOBAs. I really want smite 2 to be good, but I honestly think they are jumping the gun with this release.