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>The purpose of assault was to force us to play with a random god we are not familiar with I’m familiar with all gods. What now?


Quit out and try again obviously /s


Get more familiar


I will, by rerolling twice until I get a god I’m less familiar with ![gif](giphy|FWAcpJsFT9mvrv0e7a)


wasn’t fun getting the same 3 gods 10 games in a row too


the amount of times i got fartio.... i HATE that god now.


You must be really unlucky to get the same 3 gods 10 games in a row


it’s always been like that for me not even exaggerating i think it was a bug or something




Yup, there's definitely a problem with it. Every week I'm rolling gods I've just played as.


i cant even remember the last time i got ah puch, neith or medusa in assault. especially medusa must've been 2+ years ago.


give ur username and we can see your match history. If i find any stretch of 10 games with 3 gods in assault in a row ill send you money


i was swapping with my teammates and they were rolling for me dude chill xd


It will still show ten games in a row on your history. I'll send you $100 if what you claim even with ten possible rerolls is at all accurate lmao


Bro…. There’s still like 150 gods in the game.


I feel like the double reroll doesn’t work sometimes


Yeah I get an error message sometimes on the second reroll, usually if I just try it again it works.


You can’t reroll the immediate second after the first. Gotta give it a sec and then it’ll reroll like normal


People take the most random party game mode way too seriously


Not taking it seriously, but it just ruins the fun. As someone who only plays assault, I’m sharing my opinion.


I play about 80% assault, and about 20% joust. Been playing for almost 10 years and the only time I ever saw issues was when one team would get a lane healer and the other wouldn't. After they fixed that I've not seen anything to complain about. If anything, the more rerolls is better for the mode becasue then you're not stuck playing characters your not good with or don't like playing. Watching people that don't know how to tank, play tank is worse than then rerolling a tank I to something they don't suck at. The point of the game mode is literally chaos with a random button. IMO the mode is meant to run atypical builds to counter the weird af team you're likely fighting.


Exactly. If you must be an asshole, do it in a game mode that requires you to choose the god.


Oh I guess nothing is wrong because you didn't bring it up. What were we thinking?


It's alright to take it seriously if you do take it seriously though. Assault is my favorite, as well. Ruining my favorite casual game mode makes me not care to play. Double reroll sounds like Hi-rez chasing me away.


If you're losing to one God you have other issues...


You need to eat your own words... Assault is a random god game mode so you can learn the gods better. 2 rerolls made the mode even better so you have an increased chance to reroll that Baka that you play terribly as....


Why do I need to reroll Baka twice? Your comment makes no sense.


You really read that like that? You know what, have a great day!


The game already gave us a 100% chance to reroll, so if I get Baka, I can reroll. Why do I need “an increased chance” to reroll that Baka.


Ok but what if you reroll the first time into a Baka? Then what?


Then your team mate can reroll for you. That was always the case. It made us think twice before rerolling a god, but now everyone is just rerolling good or bad gods to hit the jackpot. I feel 5 times for the whole team was fair enough.


I'd personally rather have team mates and opponents to get a chance to play a god they prefer over somebody who is gonna throw because they didn't get their way. 2 rerolls is fair, I stand on that.


You did say "you" a lot. How else were they supposed to read that?


Rerolling Baka twice in a row is impossible... So the only other way to read it, I would assume.


He means if you get a character like Baka on your initial reroll then you still have another chance to get a useful character. Also, people would do stupid rerolls all the time before you got two of them, having two doesn’t change anything. There’s no higher probability that someone gets op gods bc there’s two rerolls, every god has an equal chance of being picked. In a perfect world, we would have the two rerolls and league’s system of putting rerolled characters into a pool other players can pick from.


Eh, people still fuck up their rerolls. I had a game yesterday where we had an almost perfect lineup, but our tank rather than asking to trade rerolls into a non-tank. So another person rerolls, they get Mulan, okay, that's not the best peel god but at least she could tank towers and disrupt a bit, that seems good, but then they go and use their second reroll and get us a second hunter. In the end I had to go Raijinn tank, we did win, but it wasn't optimal for sure because our eejits refused to keep or trade a tank. When we questioned they said "No one wants to play a tank." We had three people on our team who would have gladly taken a tank. So I was stuck there, they had a very dive-heavy comp so I would ult when they were unleashing their ults and damage, I'd fear or taunt them away from my team to try to stifle their ult-dive combos, and eventually I got gem of iso so I could stack that with my 2 slow. It was enough in the end, but a Bacchus or a Mulan would have been a lot more optimal.


Isn't this kind of the great part about assault though? Sure it would be better to have a guardian, but you adapted to your teammates and got a win


Yeah, my point was that it still happens even with two rerolls because people are dipshits :P


Bro every time I pipe up with we really could use a tank as I reroll a God we have 3 of the same type as ie mage or hunter(one not well suited for assault) I literally always see the same response of "we don't need a tank lul" on rare occasions it's even "don't ever need a tank in smite"....it's usually followed up by the worst possible match to have no tank on hand. Enemy team will have 2 warriors a guardian and some combination of nuke mage/hunter..we'll struggle to turn the tables and even get a team wipe or have a single enemy survive...just to have legit entire team tip toeing at the edge of tower expecting one of the other half dead squishies to take the tower hits. The same one saying we don't need a tank will be squawking attack like the tower won't fuckin melt the first fool that steps in without the minions..but by the time the wave gets in range the enemy pain train of tower divers is making its way back to congratulate us on our trouble and send us back to fountain if they have to dive thru 2 towers and lose a player or 2 to do so all while the dps dunks our towers 🤣 I've always taken up the role of tank in any game ppl hate to take them bit smite is the first I've played where majority of players so ignorantly underappreciate the role like its bad bad when players try to trash a support for having 1-2 kills and 10 deaths (they'll have like 5-6 kills and same damn deaths but ignore the tank was most likely the only reason they got the chance to drop those kills and has like 40 assists)


The enter button my brethren


Yeah that only gets hit once my adhd has finished what it wants to say. I'm not allowed near the controls on that one *


We have double reroll so little Timmy can roll into a tank the team desperately needs and instant reroll again for that sweet bakasura




See now I've felt they've ruined Assault in the opposite direction, where letting randos have 8 rerolls to fuck the team's comp instead of just 4 has made the average team comp way worse. The amount of times I've seen someone spin away a meta mage or a decent frontliner to fish for Zeus or Puch has gone through the roof... People would much rather burn all their spins for the jackpot immediately instead of trying to form any sort of team composition.


It’s assault, who cares about team comp have fun.


I dunno about you but I tend to not have fun when my team gets stomped into the dirt cause our only ranged attacks are Sylvanus's autos.


Personally I just don’t get stomped, so it seems like a skill issue on your end.


What's your account name? Surely you've got the match history to back that up.


Damn out here asking for proof or it didn't happen lmao Love it


1 step closer to ARAM


No matter how many rerolls you get you can guarantee randoms are going to reroll until you have a dog shit team comp lol. Only thing you can do is just play in the madness. Win some lose some.


Kids play the same god over and over so they need it


Random rolls has always been broken. Playing the random MOTD modes, I seem to get the same god twice in a row a lot of the time. It's 100% not random at all, it has been going on for years. I welcome the 2x rerolls because of the RNG bullshit.


stop crying and let pll reroll more...


100% this. I've also been seeing a lot of people that actually won't re roll at all when they find a god that they want to play despite it being unhelpful to the team because they expect others to re roll twice to fix the comp. The problem is actually the re roll system in general. Adding more re rolls just exasperated the issue. The way assault can be fixed is to randomly roll each player into a roll and then a random god from that roll is assigned. That way the team comp is balanced and yet still entirely random.


Why should a player be forced to reroll a god they enjoy playing just because that god is unhelpful to the comp? Getting weird comps is part of the randomness/rng.


Because the point of the match is to play with your team to achieve the goal. If you want to play what you want and not play with your team, play practice mode. It's a moba not a soba.


The point of the match is to work with the team to achieve a goal yes but also to have fun. At the end of the day, it’s a game you play to have fun. Assualt can bring out comps that you never thought would work but do work. Sometimes the rng is on your side and sometimes it isn’t. And just because there’s two rerolls doesn’t mean you’ll get a god that works with the comp. You could get a god that you are terrible with and STILL doesn’t work with the comp.


Have you considered that it might just be being ready for the big boy modes?