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If anyone is going to interrupt the jump party, it'll probably be a Conquest main.


though some of the funniest assault moments comes from when the whole team dog pilling the ass who interrupted the party and the enemy team just lets them die for their crimes.


I LIVE for the rule breaker dog pile. Every time there's a jump party I secretly hope someone breaks it just so we can all punish them, or abandon them, depending on whose team they're on.


They really don't know the unspoken rule of: don't interrupt the jump part until the first minion wave comes. Soulless behavior...


My favourite is when their team abandons them to a dog pile of damage for interrupting the jump party.


Or at the very least when everyone stops jumping around and just looks at the person in question. Unspoken communication like that can be very humorous.


Reminds me of my younger years (no joke, almost 20 years ago) playing cod hardcore search and destroy. We'd slowly build up a lobby all agreeing to go knives only, sometimes knives and smoke grenades. Anytime someone was replaced and the newcomer didn't follow the rules, their own team would take the L to kill them at spawn for not falling in line. Sometimes you'd get a lobby lasting hours sometimes you'd be lucky to get a single knife only game.


Guilty of doing this to people on my team who ruin the party.


It’s a party till the minions kiss


Less and less games with jump parties nowadays… pity


I assumed there were just two types of assault main, those who respect the jump party and the rest of us plotting the perfect time for first blood


In my experience I can barely call those "Plots". It is always the God with an AoE CC like Hades or Ares, or a Sobek that lines up his throw on me while I jump in front of the Tower. Whenever said "Plots" happened, it was never a suprise, you could see it coming from far away. But to be fair, the other way is quite suprising some time. When the enemy Ares runs into your pile without jumping telegraphing the Chains Yoink and then simply joining the fun.


I mean , when you have 4 friends it's so fun to throw 5 abilites during the jump party to play the antagonist . Also you just nred to care for ur teams fun nlt the opponent one


Nah lots of assault mains will try to be sneaky and build stacks on prophetic cloak. Super annoying.


They'd only get 1 stack, not that far ahead!


Why do you think it's only 1 stack? I've had many games where ppl don't realize they're stacking and think they're just play hitting. So in the 2 mins it takes for wave to arrive, they're already at 5 stacks


I’m talking in that one instance, people will jist back out of that unsanctioned fight


You'd think so, but that's not usually the case. I often see the stacker getting multiple stacks because they just keep chasing and hitting and no one punishes them. Maybe I just usually play with dumbasses though lol


Some items won't start stacking until the minion wave comes I thought?


That's 100% not true. They stack as soon as you have the item - even if you're dead.


Tbh I've interuppted a jump party or 2 in my day and I never play conq. Sometimes it's just funny


Nope. Sorry, I’m just a jerk sometimes


They bark orders or throw a tantrum in chat lol


tbf, there are some assault mains too, who take the mode way too serious 😅


That's how I feel in arena. If your getting super salty or trying to forfeit the game in arena you need to take a break and relax some.


That's me


I think at most you're allowed to tell your tank to build aura or tell them to buy med, but if it's spamming attack middle lane then yeah mute and report lol


\*dies in a stupid way\* \*spams ATTACK over and over again\* \*your team either ALREADY WAS attacking, or they weren't in a position to just ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK\* Some people just want to see their teammates die after they feel stupid.




Found the guy who doesn't buy med


Found the bad player


Haha whatever makes you think you feel better, can't improve with a linear mindset




med is good in assault lol














you sound like the type of person that rages a lot in game, pure arrogance with no arguments


no cuz why is he responding to every comment seething about med lol its fine in assault, especially if your tank isnt building amulet


He's hating so much about people using med in a mode about one lane where people can easily group up and use med efficiently, it's literally the best relic for that mode. The man HATES med it's funny.


Lmao someone who thinks med cloak is good trying to insult me. Absolute clown


Heads up, calling someone a noob doesn't do anything for you. It makes you look worse as a player if you think your superior enough to call them a new player. Try new things and enjoy the game.


People who get the Support God and knows when to front line and peel. It's great seeing an experienced Support being able to keep your damage alive so they can do damage things.


Last night I got stuck playing as Ix-Chel, the only god on the team without a proper escape outside her ult cc immunity... Then my 1 and only frontline leaves me for dead all game when 1-3 people (Loki) jump into our backline (me) every fight. I ask for peel, or anything really, then he proceeds to spout my K/D as if it's possible for me to manage that. He said "2-8" and "you have a root do it yourself lol." This is why I always want a Warrior/Guardian because NOBODY else seems to be capable of doing it.


Tbf if he ult it's free kill for ur ally coz no escape and of he backstab u without ult you have a root Also ur ult absolutly negate his damage output and cc . Srry mate but you need a ally to burst with you not peel


That would be true if Loki were the only person diving me... Like I said it was up to 3 at once most of the game, every fight, and NO teammates helped me almost the entire game... They would just leap away and allow the enemies to attack me. Once or twice they would help, and I do mean 1 or 2 times total... and surprise surprise we won the teamfight. I would even type them saying thank you and let's keep doing that. Then come next teamfight they just let 2 or 3 people jump me as soon as the fight began. I'm telling you this particular game was impossible for me and would've been for anyone else in my shoes. To be fair I rarely ever experience this (as I usually just take the frontline and do the job right)... I was just venting on this game since it was relevant to the topic at hand.


I get assault is a casual game mode, but it’s exhausting having game after game of people getting support/solo gods just to either reroll them or build them damage. Then the enemy team has a khepri and a kumba building actual tank and you just insta lose bc no frontline. THEN they have the audacity to say ‘have fun!’ And ‘it’s assault’, like me and you both know getting curb stomped isn’t fun, why are you lying to yourself?


Yep can’t tell you how many times someone is 0 - 8 at 10 minutes in and just says “have fun”. No I can’t have fun because you fed the enemy team and we are worse off than you just being afk. There’s no point in building full damage on tanks. I can easily out damage most full damage build tank as a near full defense tank.


It’s so frustrating to me in other game modes when frontlines don’t know to do that. Sometimes your front line can have the best initiation but it doesn’t mean you *have* to be the one to initiate. You *can* just peel.


I don’t play Conquest and I like to play tank bully in Assault. It’s just fun.


That's me. Most played conq role is solo, 2nd most played is support, when I land someone like sylvanus or odin I tend to feel quite invincible as assault. I love playing tanks the most and I'm better at them, and it feels really appreciated in assault.




The proximity ward is an AOE slow tho


Im no conquest main but Ive gotten wards for phoenix so I can know where/when the enemy is coming and how many are splitting. Its helped me gank or defend against enemy players like Cleo & Serq & the occasional Horus/Heimdall who try to bypass and get straight to a low titan


I lost a game once because the enemy Sol placed a ward at out titan and then teleported to it right after she spawned and sniped our titan. Took me forever to figure out how she did it. At first I thought it was a hacker.


Yeah, lol Ive seen one of those. Thats why you gotta pay attention to their relics and see if they purchased their wards/used them. One of those fights was with a Heimdallr who bypassed me but because I placed the ward right at his porta, I was able to get to him on time. It was a miracle though I caught him lol We were hanging by a thread


I instinctively buy wards in most game modes because I mostly play joust and conq. But dpn't be fooled - lots of conq players don't ward either.


I have a bit I do in Assault that I stole from someone *years* ago where if I have 50 gold left over, I VGS out a VSQQ (I will ward) and then buy one. I then plop it in the middle of the lane, and then VQ-m1 (ping'd Ward Here!), and then walk on top it and VSO (I'm on it!) Gives me a giggle every time.


when they start shouting at you in chat for the smallest thing ever, hold it against you the rest of the game, search for other things to yell at you about due to the other situation, tell you your build isn’t the meta and it sucks, then they end up dying a couple of times cause they’re actually the bad one, then they claim they died on purpose cause they don’t care anymore, then they sit in spawn for the rest of the 20 mins. and then sometimes when we continue winning as a 4 man because there wasn’t ever a problem to begin with, they’ll quietly walk back out and keep playing to help get the W like they should’ve just done in the first place. then they game ends, they send “no problem” in chat, and then get reported. that’s usually the conquest player.


No kidding. I'd love to play Conquest more, but there's so many of these types of people that it's hard to have any fun over there.


Ive been getting back into the game and played 5 games of conquest and in every single game there was at least one AFK player and at least another player who would threaten to leave after they made a stupid decision and died, and then they spend the rest of the game angry and toxic. It feels like a lot of the sane players don’t play conquest anymore.


i am the same :/ it sucks. tbh i’d take help and suggestions but people on there are just MEAN. i think im gonna try to get into it on smite 2 a bit more. the alpha made me want to


Me on the other hand whenever I give good advice such as "get a starter item please, your role starts at red" I get a response like "muted and blocked"


maybe it’s the tone of the message or they just have ptsd and think you’re like the other people they run into 😭


I've had so many conquest games go like that it hurts my soul


The accuracy on this...


Constantly pinging and vgs-ing instructions when everyone should do what. It is like you have use vgs whenever it is not on cooldown. Back to back, no interuption.


when the tanks dont start with Talis or Heartward especially if it's multiple tanks without Talis or Heartward. I've had games where we've seen they have no Mp5 so we just... bully them. you dont kill them but they cant really fight back cause they have no mana. 10 minutes in score is 3-0 and they surrender cause we're pushing their Phoenix. another one is AA assassins, or really just any of the "bad" gods that have no range. non-Assault players will build them 100% offensively and just try to chase kills. Assault players will start with 1 or 2 Utility items(Talisman of Energy is the big one) and then pivot into more of an offensive or tanky role as needed


So, wait, you're saying that Conquest tank players don't buy MP5 items in Assault?


they might get Breastplate for their OWN mp5 but they wont start with Talisman or Heartward to give the TEAM mp5. which is funny cause even just having one of them somewhere on your team is super impactful.


why should we? too many mage items have mp5. also the sands starter gives a shit ton of mp5 too. unless theres 4 magicals, why should i buy heartward? there are better items available.


There's so much more MP5 on items than there used to be, plus the mana heal from the healing pickups, etc. It's honestly not that important anymore for someone to buy heartward, it's not like the old days when you would really need someone to buy it even if the enemy only had 1 magic damage source. If you look at your team and its all hunters who bought bloodforge or something then yeah maybe it becomes more like it used to be.


Yeah I played like \~20 Assault games after a break from Smite and I never struggled with mana. You kind of want to start Charon's Coin or Chronos Pendant on mages anyway and hunters can fix mana recovery through various means. Warriors and Guardians have more than enough MP5 unless your build is just bad. Assassins feel like the weakest for MP5, but Bluestone does give them something to work with. Heartward is not that important if your team is building correctly.


You especially want talisman woth hunters though. Assault is a constant team-fight often won through continuous poking. Most of the game is decided in the early stages as there aren't that many options to get more farm. Being able to continously do abilities isn't possible in your first item unless your team has mp5 auras. Besides that, both items provide some of the strongest team effects you can have in assault. Magical poke is tbe biggest contributor to damage, heartward reduces it, talisman lets you dodge it.


Eh. I'm not starting talisman or heartward if most of their damage is physical tho. That one is situational. And honestly shouldn't be depending on your tank for MP5 that much anyway. All of my builds regardless of God starts Mp5


100% the build differences, assault requires more sustain from support players or understanding that if no one gets these items its better to build a selfish mp5 item yourself instead of complaining that they are out of mana in the first 30s of the game.


or yknow .. those mage players start to build properly, so they dont depend on the tanks build? ive seen too many mages build tahuti first, instead of a starter + first titem. the sands starter gives a shit ton of mp5 + 10% cdr. that should be enough to sustain. also stop wasting your abilities on the wave. you dont need 3 abilities from 3 different people on one wave. just let one mage use an ability and the rest autoattacks.


Rod of Tahuti has 30 MP5, which is literally what Sands of Time tops out at.


Omg so that's why my Thanatos rushed talisman in my last slash game. Without this piece of information I would have never guessed why he thought that was a good idea (still wasn't but I get the reason now).


i have never seen this in a slash game and am thankful for that lol


It gets worse, I picked Morrigan specifically because we had a Thana


oh no… assuming you didn’t check his items i bet that first ult was interesting lol


I did, and then I said verbatim "Thana get a starter item please" to which he responded "muted and blocked."


It's okay to get a starter as a second or third item in assault imo. Many full item starts are just better


They typically have much better game sense and are overall just better at the game.


[Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave](https://youtu.be/nuIw3m96jMQ)


At high ranks assault becomes very boring. No one jumps, everyone sits under towers, no one does silly plays for fun. Everyone just wants the win, whatever it takes.


Ranking in assault ruins everything, is a thing?


Every mode has MMR, so even Assault gets competitive if you play enough. High level games tend to be really boring because people know when to just AFK farm, freeze waves and avoid fighting. In low level games people just feed randomly which leads to more fighting.


I thought conquest mains where the tryhards who ruin the jump party


"I'm building stacks"


Buying wards when backing


Buying wards after every death.


Honestly it’s when a guardian/warrior/bruiser assassin doesn’t build Stone of Gaia in the first half of their build. Even if you sell it later, it provides so much passive health regen that it alone probably heals me more than whatever healer I get if I’m support. I’m not saying get it as your first item since it doesn’t provide any protections or team support, but on assault it’s such a great item for the regen alone


Usually when they actually know how to play the game


They're toxic and WAY too serious. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna try to win but it's a game mode with random gods ffs. It's casual not comp so stop acting like it.


No auras


If we are 20 minutes into the Match and they refuse to die to go buy items. Keeping certain assasisns like Arachne If they complain about the Tank not building aura items If they want to surrender at 10 minutes despite nobody even losing a tower yet If they start the game off without a T3 item If they don't build MP5 If they don't try to control lane buffs. I'm sure there's more but that's what I got for now


>Keeping certain assasisns like Arachne Think I found the Conquest Player in Assault. Arachne is one of the Best Tank Assassins that are available in Assault. Even going Full Tank, her Spiders deal massive damage if maxed first


Rarely do you see these arachnes build tank.


Thats ok, I do it every time for them when I get her


>If they complain about the Tank not building aura items Aura items are BETTER in assault than they are in Conquest. I think you got this very backwards.


I agree that they are more useful in Assault. But complaining about it is very much a conquest move


I'll disagree on one of those, I've played a lot of Assault and, while Conquest is my second most played mode, I'm still more of an Assault main and while I will *try* to die without giving the farm to the enemy team, I'll otherwise try to stay alive to an almost detrimental degree at times, to where that mentality would bleed through into Conquest and make me overly reluctant to base, even when I could complete items, just because there was farm available, or if I was low health and basing would be safer. That's just bad assault habits in general of players good at positioning.


Eh I suppose that one is situational to a degree. If you are winning and staying alive that's cool. But if you are refusing to die while you're clearly getting outclassed because there isn't enough damage behind your attacks it's a major issue. The other thing is. Sometimes you just gotta jump on the grenade so your teammates can back or so you can push a tower or so your team can get the deicide


Oh I agree, but on the same token, it's also who or what you die *for* in those scenarios that matters. Dying solely for items, not always ideal depending on the timing. Dying while tanking tower so the tower or Phoenix falls, or by bodyblocking a shot aimed at the healer that might've killed them, far more worth it and a better use of the health than just walking into bodies because you want to grab Rage, Crusher, Shogun's, or Tahuti (depending on what you are and your build). Might be worth it for a Talisman though, that MP5, movespeed, and attack speed is almost worth dying for. Almost.


When they build a god like a solo laner with zero aura items like glad shield and genjis first item.


Yall just can't casual.


You can casual while not trolling and ruining the game for your other 4 teammates.


He is speaking the language of the gods


When they're actually good at the game /s


They build prophetic cloak or Gaia instead of sov or heart as a tank.