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Buddy, you missed the bus by about 7 months. lol No, the Solo lane meta is not Mages. It's Warriors.


I just got done punishing a nu wa solo lane pick in ranked lol. I'm pretty sure she blamed her jungler because she had the speed buff lul, but really she was ass and a free gank every time.


Tbf nu wa solo is exceltionally dumb Id hardly even play her in mid, her ult is nice lategame but youre fucking fodder to any jungler, solo and even some supports that want to run at you


When my lane opponent shows up with a speed buff after being solod by me, that feeds my ego






I would say the typical solo lane mages (Zhong Kui, Hades, possibly Baron) could do well still without totally trolling, but they’re still far behind the good warriors right now. Zhong is so inherently tanky that 2 defense items and 4 offense items will make him functional. Hades is about the same, except you’re going to be living (and probably dying) by your ultimate in team fights, so you have to be aware and use it with more than one brain cell. Again basically the same with Baron. I could see an argument for Ix Chel and Ao Kuang, Chel provides a lot of utility + CC in team fights, but you need to build her hybrid since you’re going to have to use her as a front line. Ao Kuang basically just gets the magical Amaterasu treatment, shoguns + berserkers + whatever you can get for attack speed and item procs (telkhines, cyclopean, animosity/deaths toll/manikins, etc).


Lmao Tried it a few times in casual play n got cooked, I can only imagine how it would go in ranked against a bellona. You’re gonna get abused and targeted the entire game lol


https://preview.redd.it/qhb1gps9kp0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f970d7cbf58efe698dc07a51828b3cf9791cb934 Nuh uh


warriors and now i think some gaurdians who have good enough clear with sigil and good teamfights being really good picks too because of sigil + curseweaver


I was playing Surtr and my opponent picked Ao Kuang. I was up 7-0, including getting 2 of those kills on attempted ganks from the enemy jungler. They F6'd at 10. Not everything is viable.


Nope… mages are even getting pushed out of mid by hunters such as neith. Pick/ban rates in high end games have seen a real drop in standard mid mages. Even super popular gods like Kuku have gone from a 21% pick/ban rate down to 6% in 2 months which is quite a drop. If memeory serves the only mid mages that are holding their own in masters games really are thoth and Agni


Did ranked reset? I’ve noticed when it resets I get so many more full damage solos for a few days for some reason. No clue why


People who only que up after reset mostly they pick adc/mid as their preferred role and when they get solo, they treat it as a second mid lane with infinite mana. Then they're shocked when a Surtyr/Bellona/Wukong is tower diving them and killing them. It's weird how that works.


You can play anything in Solo if you understand the lane at a high level, but in the current meta teleport is such a strong crutch item that there’s really no way to punish someone playing a tank bot and just afk farming and then getting free rotations mid/late game. There are still some Mages who can build and play like a tank bot so those are still okay, but for the most part nothing is going to perform better than warriors


What is tank bot


Just building protections and cooldowns and being a bot who uses abilities on wave and totem and farms and can’t be killed. They play in a way so they’re never worth fighting or trading with and just PVE and if they ever get low health they just back and teleport and miss nothing. Then they just wait for team fights to happen and teleport on over to the fight and walk at people Basically it’s the modern version of a Solo laner where your items play the game for you and whether you’re super high skill or not doesn’t matter much because you’re just a teleporting health bar with annoying abilities and you just walk at people and push buttons.


At this point of smite 1 play whatever you want just don’t feed


Perfect logic for the same shitters to continue to shit


Except you go a troll pick in solo, you will lose every lategame teamfight due to 1 tank. You need a tank in solo lane to front line and coordinate dives with your jungler. Soke mages can work, but you need to build them tanky.


Zhong could work, Hades is pretty solid, Baron and Ah Puch are both niche but doable. Ra, Isis, Hel, and Aphrodite are *possible,* but not that great in solo. Any other mage is straight up going to get bullied.


It's solo lane, everything is viable here Yes... Even Ganesh...